Watch the video: Fever: 1793 - Philadelphia: The Great ...

Watch the video: Fever: 1793 - Philadelphia: The Great Experiment (Episode 2)

Research: Possible Information for you.

Learning Activity:

You job is to research “Fever 1793” and create a brochure, PowerPoint, or Web Page that will inform others about this terrible epidemic.

10 Points for Each

1. Title Page and Your Name

2. Describe Philadelphia before the fever.

3. What is Yellow Fever? How did people in Philadelphia become infected?

4. What were the symptoms? How did the Fever finally end in Philadelphia?

5. How many people died in 1793 Philadelphia?

6. Did it spread outside of Philadelphia?

7. How did people who were not affected by the fever feel about people who had the fever or had family who had the fever?

8. Can we get Yellow Fever today? Why or Why not?

Grading Policy:

1. I will be looking for correct spelling.

2. Did you copy and paste? (Plagiarize)

3. Did you completely answer all questions?

4. Did you include the questions with your answers?

5. Did you capitalize all proper nouns?

6. Did you write complete sentences?

7. is your information accurate?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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