Engineering Education, Testing Material

Engineering Education, Testing Material. MSM Classes

Box 105 Fldr 1. Class of 1931 Placement Scores & Term Grades 1927-1928.

2. Class of 1932 Scores on Drawing Aptitude & Placement Prediction of Scholastic Achievement 1932.

3. Class of 1933 Scores on Placement & Prediction of Scholastic Achievement 1929-1930, 1932.

4. Class of 1934 Scores on Circular Spotting Test, Drawing Placement. 1930. Prediction of Scholastic Achievement 1932.

5. Class of 1934 Gen. Eng. Drawing, Course 213, Schedule of Work Computations of Standard Measures for all plates and tests Fall 1930. Work by Baron, Power, Herzog, CVM Folder 1 of 2.

6. Class of 1934 Same as Folder 5 Folder 2 of 2.

7. Class of 1934 ½ Raw Scores on GED-A Placement Exam Jan. 1931.

8. Class of 1935 Scholastic Index, Sectioning Scores GPA’s Prediction of Scholastic Achievement 1932.

9. Class of 1935 Scores on Drawing Placement Exam & Tests 1931.

10. Class of 1935 ½. Scores on GED-A Placement Exams Jan 1932.

11. Class of 1936 Scores on Drawing Placement Exams & Tests 1932-33.

12. Class of 1936 ½. Test No. 213001 Placement in General Eng. Drawing Jan. 24, 1933.

13. Class of 1937 Statistical Record Master Copy. 1934.

14. Class of 1938 Scores on Drawing Placement Exams & Tests 1934.

15. Class of 1939 Scores on Plates, Quizzes & Tests Courses 213, 218, 219 1935-36.

16. Class of 1940 Scores on Plates, Quizzes & Tests. Eng. Drawing I Fall 1936.

17. Class of 1945 Personal Sketches May 1942.

18. Class of 1946 Personal Data Cards 1942.

Eng. Education, Tests, Class Rolls

19. Dept. of Eng. Drawing, Class Rolls, CVM Sections A-C-L 1931.

20. “ ” “ ” “ ” & R.F. Stevens Spring 1932.

21. “ ” “ ” “ ” Fall 1932.

22. “ ” “ ” “ ” Spring 1933.

23. “ ” “ ” “ R.F. Stevens Fall 1933.

Engineering Education, Testing Material. MSM Classes

Eng. Education, Tests, Class Rolls

Box 105 Fldr 24. “ ” “ ” “ CVM Spring 1934.

25. “ ” “ ” “ ” Fall 1934.

26. “ ” “ ” “ ” Spring 1935.

27. “ ” “ ” “ ” Course 218-219. Spring 1936.

28. “ ” “ ” “ ” Fall 1940.

29. “ ” “ ” “ ” Spring 1941.

30. “ ” “ ” “ ” & Prof. Black. Fall 1941.

31. “ ” “ ” “ ” Spring 1943.

32. “ ” “ ” “ ” Fall 1944.

33. “ ” “ ” “ ” Spring 1945.

34. “ ” “ ” “ ” Fall 1945.

35. Dept. of Eng. Drawing, Class Rolls, CVM Spring 1946.

36. Precentage Tables, CVM.

37. Material for Study, 1930s.

38. Grades on GED, Descriptive Geometry & Placement 1930-1931.

39. Study of Five Tests of “Spatial Ability” Stanley G. Estes 1942.

40. Descriptive Geometry Tests. Study by CVM State U. of Iowa 1928 Part I of II.

41. Descriptive Geometry Tests. Study by CVM State U. of Iowa 1928 Part II of II.

Eng. Education, Tests, Grade Books

Box 106 Fldr 1. Grade Books No. 1-8 Dept. of Eng. Drawing 1917-1920.

2. “ ” “ 9-11 “ ” “ 1920-1921.

3. “ ” “ 12-14 “ ” “ 1921-1922.

4. “ ” “ 15-16 “ ” “ 1922-1923.

5. “ ” “ 17-18 “ ” “ 1923-1924.

6. “ ” “ 19-20 “ ” “ 1924-1925.

7. “ ” “ 21-22 “ ” “ 1925-1926.

Box 107 Fldr 1. Grade Books No. 23-24 Dept. of Eng. Drawing 1926-1927.

2. “ ” “ 25-26 “ ” “ 1927-1928.

3. “ ” “ 27-28 “ ” “ 1928-1929.

Eng. Education, Tests, Grade Books

Box 107 Fldr 4. “ ” “ 29 “ ” “ Fall 1929.

5. “ ” “ 30 “ ” “ Spring 1930.

6. “ ” “ 31 “ ” “ Fall 1930.

7. “ ” “ 32 “ ” “ Spring 1931.

8. “ ” “ 33 “ ” “ Fall 1931.

9. “ ” “ 34 “ ” “ Spring 1932.

Eng. Education, Tests, Grade Books

Box 108 Fldr 1. Grade Books No. 35. Dept. of Eng. Drawing Fall 1932

2. Grade Books No. 35. Dept. of Eng. Drawing Spring 1933

Eng. Education, Tests- Grade Sheets

3. Grade Sheets, Dept of Eng. Drawing, School Year 1933-1934

4. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ 1934-1935

5. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ 1935-1936

6. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ 1936-1937

7. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ 1939-1940

8. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ 1940-1941

9. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ 1941-1942

10. Grades, Dept. of Eng. Drawing, Various Courses 1925, 1928, 1931-38, 1940, 1946.

11. Personnel Ratings, Students Dpt. of Eng. Drawing 1930s, 1945-46.

12. Grades, Plates Nos. 2 & 10 Course 213 1940's (filed Box 31).

13. Scores on Tests Course 213, Gen. Eng. Drawing 1929-1934.

14. Scores on Tests Course 214, Descriptive Geometry 1928-1930.

15. “ ” “ Course 218, Descriptive Geometry Spring 1934, 1936- 1937.

16. “ ” “ Courses 218 & 219 Descriptive Geometry 1935-1938. Distribution Sheet, 1932.

17. “ ” “ Course 219, Descriptive Geometry 1934, 1937, 1938. (filed Box 145).

Scores on Individual Tests No. 211140-218011

Box 108 Fldr 18. Scores, Test No. 211140 Ruling Pen & India Ink Test 1943.

19. Scores, Test No. 213000 Drawing Aptitude Test.

20. “ Test No. 213001 Gen. Eng. Drawing Placement 1927-1928, 1930, 1932, 1935, 1945.

21. “ ” “ 313301 Basic Principles of Engineers’ Scales 1931, 1937, 1942.

22. “ ” “ 213121 Standard Scaling Test 1937, 1940-1944 Distribution Sheet.1931-1933, 1935-1938

23. “ ” “ 213122 Scaling Test for Laying off Distances 1940-43 Distribution Sheet, 1937-1938.

24. “ ” “ 213122 Scaling Test for Laying off Distances 1940.

25. “ ” “ 213122 Scaling Test for Laying off Distances 1942, 43.

26. Scores Test No. 213140 Ruling Pen Test 1932-1935, 1938, 1940-1943 Distribution Sheet 1932, 1934-1936, 1938.

27. “ ” “ 213140 Ruling Pen Test Oct. 1932-1934.

28. “ ” “ 213140 Ruling Pen Test 1935-1936.

29. “ ” “ 213140 Ruling Pen Test Nov. 1938.

30. “ ” “ 213140 Ruling Pen Test Nov. 1940.

31. “ ” “ 213140 Ruling Pen Test Nov. 1941.

32. “ ” “ 213140 Ruling Pen Test 1942.

Box 109 Fldr 1. Scores, Test No. 213140 Ruling Pen Test. 1943 Not Scored.

2. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ 1944. Not Scored.

3. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ 1945. Not Scored.

4. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ 1946. Not Scored.

5. “ Test No. 213141 Bow-Pen Test.1932-34, 1938, 1940-1941, 1943.

Distribution Sheet 1935-1938.

6. “ ” “ ” Bow-Pen Test 1932-1934.

7. “ ” “ ” Bow-Pen Test 1935-1936.

8. “ ” “ ” Bow-Pen Test 1938.

9. “ ” “ ” Bow-Pen Test 1939.

10. “ ” “ ” Bow-Pen Test 1940.

11. “ ” “ ” Bow-Pen Test 1941.

12. “ ” “ ” Bow-Pen Test.Summer 1942, Scored Nov. 1942. Not Scored.

Scores on Individual Tests No. 211140-218011

Box 109 Fldr 13. Scores, Bow-Pen Test 1943 Not Scored.

14. “ ” “ ” Bow-Pen Test 1944- 1945 Not Scored.

15. “ ” “ ” Bow-Pen Test 1946 Not Scored.

16. “ Test No. 213142 Lines Drawn at 15Ε Intervals Classes of 1936- 1937 Fall 1932-1933.

17. “ Test No. 213142. 15Ε Lines in Ink Test Oct. 1937 Distribution Sheet Filed with Test 213905.

18. “ Test No. 213142. 15Ε Lines in Ink Test Nov. 1938.

19. “ Test No. 213142. 15Ε Lines in Ink Test Oct. 1940.

Box 110 Fldr 1. Scores, Test No. 213142. 15Ε Lines in Ink Test Nov. 1941.

2. Scores, Test No. 213142. 15Ε Lines in Ink Test Summer 1941 Scored Nov. 1942 Not Scored

3. Scores, Test No. 213142. 15Ε Lines in Ink Test 1943-45 Not Scored Nov. 1944, Scored.

4. “ ” “ 213143 Ruling Pen Test Nov. 1938 Scored Distribution Sheet, Scores 1938.

5. “ ” “ 213143 Ruling Pen Test 1939

6. “ ” “ 213143 Ruling Pen Test 1940

7. “ ” “ 213143 Ruling Pen Test 1941 Not Scored.

8. “ ” “ 213143 Ruling Pen Test 1942-43 Not Scored 1944-45 Scored.

9. “ ” “ 213145 Rivets Pen Test Nov. 1940.

10. “ ” “ 213145 Rivets Pen Test. Nov 1941, Not Scored Apr. 1945, Scored.

11. “ ” “ 213146 Form A. Contour Pen Test Nov. 1938

12. “ ” “ ” Form B Contour Pen Test 1938

13. “ ” “ ” Form A Contour Pen Test Nov. 1939

14. “ ” “ ” Form B Contour Pen Test 1939

15. “ ” “ ” Forms A & B Contour Pen & India Ink Test 1940-43

16. “ ” “ ” Form A Contour Pen Test Oct. 1940

Box 111 Fldr 1. Scores, Test No. 213146, Form A Contour Pen Test Nov. 1941

2. “ ” “ ” Form B “ ” “ Nov. 1942

Eng. Education, Tests, Scores

Scores on Individual Tests No. 211140-218011

Box 111 Fldr 3. Scores, Test No. 213160, Directed Lines Test Oct. 1937, 1941-42. Distribution Sheet 1934-1935, 1937

4. “ ” “ 213170, Orthographic Project 1943-45 Distribution Sheet,1940-44

5. “ ” “ 213171, Forms A & B. Eng.Drawing Test. 1943,1945. Distribution Sheet. 1940-44

6. “ ” “ 213170-213175, Orthographic Completion Exercises. 1945.

7. Scores Test No. 213172, Forms A & B. Orthographic Projection Test. 1943-46. Distribution Sheet. 1940-1943.

8. “ ” “ 213173, Orthographic Projection Test. 1943,1945. Distribution Sheet, Dec. 1943.

9. “ ” “ 213174, Forms A & B. Orthographic Projection Test. 1943,1945-46. Distribution Sheet, 1943.

10. “ ” “ 213175, Orthographic Projection Test. 1945-1946.

11. “ ” “ 213176, Forms B, C & D. Orthographic Projection Test. 1945.

12. “ ” “ 213301, Theory of Gen. Eng. Drawing. 1935-1936.

13. “ ” “ 213506-07, 213510-11. Drawing Tests. Sections A-1, Oct. 1930.

14. “ ” “ 213506-07, 213510-11. Drawing Tests. Sections A-2, Oct. 1930.

15. “ ” “ 213506-07, 213510-11. Drawing Tests. Sections A-3, Oct. 1930.

16. “ ” “ 213506-07, 213510-11. Drawing Tests. Sections B-1, Sep-Oct. 1930.

17. “ ” “ 213506-07, 213510-11. Drawing Tests. Sections B-2, Oct. 1930.

18. “ ” “ 213506-07, 213510-11. Drawing Tests. Sections B-3, Oct. 1930.

19. “ ” “ 213506-07, 213510-11. Drawing Tests. Sections C-1, Oct. 1930.

20. “ ” “ 213506-07, 213510-11. Drawing Tests. Sections C-2, Oct. 1930.

Scores on Individual Tests No. 211140-218011

Box 111 Fldr 21. Scores, Test No. 213506-07, 213509-11 Drawing Tests Distribution Sheet 1930.

22. “ ” “ 213509, Hexagonal Skill Speed Test 1932-1933.

23. “ ” “ 213511, Circular Spiral Speed Test 1932-1933 Class of 1939.

Box 112 Fldr 1. Scores, Test No. 213512 Rectangular Spotting Test Sep. 1930 Class of 1934.

2. “ ” “ ” Rectangular Spotting Test 1931-1933 Classes of 1935-1937.

3. “ ” “ ” Rectangular Spotting Test 1934 Class 1938.

4. “ ” “ ” Rectangular Spotting Test 1935 Class 1939.

5. “ ” “ 213513 Circular Spotting Test 1933 Class of 1937.

6. “ ” “ 213905 Training Test, Reading of Eng. Drawings 1930. Class of 1934 A-C Folder 1 of 5.

7. “ ” “ 213905 Training Test, Reading of Eng. Drawings 1930 Class of 1934 D-G Folder 2 of 5.

8. “ ” “ 213905 Training Test, Reading of Eng. Drawings 1930 Class of 1934 H-K Folder 3 of 5.

9. “ ” “ 213905.Training Test, Reading of Eng. Drawings 1930 Class of 1934 L-R Folder 4 of 5.

10. “ ” “ 213905 Training Test, Reading of Eng. Drawings 1930 Class of 1934 S-Z Folder 5 of 5.

11. “ ” “ 213905 Training Test, Reading of Eng. Drawings Course 213 All Sections 1930-1931.

12. “ ” “ 213905 Steam Engine Test Group 1-3 Summer 1943.

13. “ ” “ 213905 Steam Engine Test Group 4.Part I of II. Summer 1943.

14. Table of Norms Test No. 213905 Steam Engine Test Aug. 1943 Distribution Sheet 1930-1943.

15. Scores Test No. 213910 Theory of Gen. Eng. Drawing 1935-1938, 1942 Distribution Sheet, 1936-1938, 1942.

16. Scores Test No. 213911Theory of Projection in Eng. Drawing Distribution Sheet, 1937.

17. Scores Test No. 213912-13 Theory Tests 1941-1943 Filed Box 116.

Scores on Individual Tests No. 211140-218011

Box 112 Fldr 18. Scores Test No. 213912 Theory of Dimensioning 1936-1938, 1942-44 Distribution Sheet, 1936-1937.

19. Scores, Test No. 213913 Theory of Fasteners 1938, 1942-1945 Distribution Sheet, 1938, 1942-1944.

20. Scores, Test No. 213932 Theory of Scales & Measures 1940-1945 Distribution Sheet, 1940-1944.

21. Scores, Test No. 213933 Theory of Projection 1941-1943 Distribution Sheet, 1941-1943.

22. “ Test No. 213999.2 Course 213 Final Exam in Gen. Eng. Drawing. 1929-1930 Distribution Sheet.

23. “ ” “ 213999.21 Course 213 Perception of Letter Forms Classes of 1935-1936 Fall 1932.

24. “ ” “ 214000 Part 3 Geometric Shapes Distribution Sheet, 1928-1934, 1936-1938.

25. “ ” “ 214001 Descriptive Geometry Distribution Sheet,

1931- 1934, 1938

26. “ ” “ 214002 Descriptive Geometry Distribution Sheet, Plotted Points 1930-1931, 1934-1938.

27. “ ” “ 214003 Descriptive Geometry Distribution Sheet, Layouts, 1930-1938

28. “ ” “ 214004 Descriptive Geometry Distribution Sheet Space Relations 1929-1934, 1937-1938.

29. “ Distribution Sheet Test No. 214005 Descriptive Geometry Space Relations To Lines 1929-1930, 1932, 1934, 1936, 1938.

30. “ ” “ Test No. 214006 Power To Visualize

31. “ Norms, Test No. 214008 Revised Mutilated Cube Test of Power to Visualize 1937-1938 Distribution Sheet 1937,1940.

32. “ Distribution Sheet, Test No. 214010 Piercing Point Test 1930-36, 1938.

33. “ ” “ Test No. 214057 Objective Eng. Education Test 1930-1931.

34. “ Test No. 214101 Space Points Test 1941-1943 Distribution Sheet 1941-1944.

35. “ Test No. 214102 Space Points Test 1941-1944 Distribution Sheet 1941-1943.

Scores on Individual Tests No. 211140-218011

Box 112 Fldr 36. Scores, Test No. 214105 Point Problems in Descriptive Geometr. 1931.

37. “ ” “ 214151-54 1941-43 Filed Box 116.

38. “ ” “ 214151 Space Lines Test. 1941-43 Distribution Sheet 1941-1943.

39. “ ” “ 214152 Planes of Projection Test 1941-1943 Distribution Sheet 1941-1943.

40. “ ” “ 214153 Space Position Test 1941-1943 Distribution Sheet 1941-1943.

41. “ ” “ 214154 Planes Test 1941, 1943 Distribution Sheet 1941, 1943.

42. “ ” “ 214402 Piercing Point Test 1941.

43. “ Distribution Sheet, Test No. 214901 Folder Test 1932-33, 1936- 1938.

44. “ Test No. 214907 Dynamic Cube Test 1931-1937.

45. “ Distribution Sheet, Test No. 214908 McCauley Tetrahedron Test Various Universities 1931-1932, 1937-1939.

46. “ Test No. 214908 McCauley Tetrahedron Test Columbia Univ., 1932-1933 Class of 1936.

47. “ Test No. 214908 McCauley Tetrahedron Test Iowa State Univ., 1932-1933 Class of 1936.

Box 113 Fldr 1. Scores, Test No. 214908 McCauley Tetrahedron Test MSM 1931-33 Class of 1935-1936.

2. “ ” “ 214908 McCauley Tetrahedron Test U. of Arizona 1931-1933 Class of 1935-36.

3. “ ” “ 214908 McCauley Tetrahedron Test Yale U. 1932-33 Class of 1936.

4. “ ” “ 214999 Final Descriptive Geometry 1943.

5. “ Distribution Sheet, Test No. 216001 Perception of Letter Forms 1932-1937.

6. Scores, Test No. 216101. Lettering in Reinhardt Alphabet. 1937, 1940-44, Distribution Sheet. 1933-1943.

7. Scores, Test No. 216102 Stroke Sequence Test 1940-1942 Distribution Sheet, 1932-1938.

8. “ ” “ 216103 Stroke Sequence Test 1942-1944 Distribution

Scores on Individual Tests No. 211140-218011

Box 113 Fldr 8. (continued) Sheet 1942-1943.

9. “ ” “ 216104 Standard Arrow Test 1932-1936, 1938, 1940-43. Distribution Sheet 1933-1938, 1940-43.

10. “ ” “ 216104 Standard Arrow Test Oct. 1938.

11. “ ” “ 216104 Standard Arrow Test Nov. 1941

12. “ ” “ 216104 Standard Arrow Test Nov. 1942 Scored May 1944 Not Scored.

13. “ ” “ 216931.Theory of Eng. Lettering 1941, 1943-1945. Distribution Sheet 1941, 1943-1944.

14. “ Distribution Sheet Test no. 218003 Points of Mariner’s Compass 1933-1934.

15. “ Test No. 218011 Piercing Point Test 1940-1943 Distribution Sheet 1934-1935, 1938.

16. “ ” “ 700001 Stenquist Mechanical Aptitude Test Classes of 1927, 1929, 1932, 1935-1936, 1938 Distribution Sheet 1932-1935.

17. “ Distribution Sheet Blue Printing Theory 1938-1939.

18. “ Color Blind Test, Ishihara 1934, 1937, 1940-1943.

19. “ Distribution Percent Tables Dept. of Eng. Drawing MSM


20. “ Distribution Sheet Drafting Instruments 1931-1933.

21. “ Eng. Aptitude Test May 1930 Filed Box 31.

22. “ Eng. Drawing State U. of Iowa 1928-1929.

23. “ Eng. Lettering, Appreciation of Quality 1930-1932.

24. “ Distribution, Lettering Grades MSM Jan 1928.

25. “ Eng. Lettering, Inclined Style Sept. 1933.

26. “ Eng. Lettering, Stroke Sequence Classes of 1935-1937 1931-32.

27. “ Distribution, Freshmen MSM Sep. 1927 Aug. 1943.

28. “ Distribution Sheet Gen. Eng. Drawing, Final Exams Course 213 1936-38 Term Grades, Fall 1927.

29. Scores Distribution Sheet Gen. Eng. Drawing, Placement Exam 1927-38.

30. “ Hand Measurements Mann Family 1934.

31. “ Iowa English Training Test

32. “ Iowa High School Content Tests Joplin High School Seniors 1937.

Scores on Individual Tests No. 211140-218011

Box 113 Fldr 33. “ Iowa High School Content Tests MSM Freshmen, 1930s, 1943, 1945-46 Norms for Classes, 1935-1936.

34. “ Iowa High School Content & Strong’s Interest Tests Flat River Junior College First & Second Year 1931?

35. “ Distribution Sheets & Range of Scores Iowa high School Content Exams Various high Schools 1937-1938.

36. “ Johnson -O’Connor Wiggly Black Test 1933-1934.

37. “ Kwalwasser Music Test 1939,1941.

38. “ Distribution Sheet Life Insurance Salesman Scale.

39. “ Lowel Visual Acuity Test.

40. “ Math & Chemistry Aptitude.

41. “ Memory Sketch, Sections A-C.1 Oct. 1931.

42. “ Needle Treating & Trying Test Sept. 1934.

43. “ Observation Test Claridge-Mann Point Arrangement Contrast Test 1936 Class of 1939.

44. “ Paper Cutting Test Feb. 1936.

Engineering Education, Tests - Scores, Tests, Alphabetically Listed

Box 114 Fldr 1. Scores, Placement Examinations, MSM.

2. “ Power To Visualize Test, 1931.

3. “ Rivet Pen & India Ink Test 1933.

4. “ Scholarship Tests MSM Curators Scholarships 1934.

5. “ Spatial Relations Test, Yale U. 1932.

6. “ Stanford - Zyve Test of Scientific Aptitude Class of 1936-1938.

7. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ Class of 1935, 1939.

8. “ Statistics Test, Objective New York Univ. 1936.

9. Scores, Strong Vocational Interest Test Distribution Sheet Joplin, Lamar & Rolla High Schools Joplin Jr. College Good For Study Part I of III.

10. “ Strong Vocational Interest Test Distribution Sheet Springfield, University City, Webster Groves & West Plains High Schools Good for Study Part II of III.

11. “ Strong Vocational Interest Test Distribution Sheet Missouri High Schools Good For Study Part III of III.

Scores on Individual Tests No. 211140-218011

Box 114 Fldr 12. “ Strong Vocational Interest Test Methodist Ministers Cathage, MO. Conference.

13. “ Strong Vocational Interest Test Individual Report Blanks Alfred U., New York Dec. 1938.

14. “ Strong Vocational Interest Test Individual Report Blanks High School Joplin, MO. May 1937 Adams, G. - Zimmerman, R.

15. “ Strong Vocational Interest Test Individual Report Blanks High School Joplin, MO. May 1937 Agan, J. - Zimmerman, D.

16. “ Strong Vocational Interest Test Individual Report Blanks High School, Lamar, MO. Oct. 1938.

17. “ Strong Vocational Interest Test Individual Report Blanks Joplin Jr. College, Joplin, MO. Sept. 1938.

18. “ Strong Vocational Interest Test MSM 1932-33 Interestograph Classes 1934-1936 Filed Box 30.

19. “ Strong Vocational Interest Test Group #2, MSM Part I of II.

20. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” Part II of II.

Miscellaneous, Group # 3, 1933.

Box 115 Fldr 1. Scores, Vigintiles, Strong Vocational Interest Test MSM 1933-34.

2. “ Strong Vocational Interest Test Personographs Class of 1938 MSM 1934.

3. “ Strong Vocational Interest Test. Individual Report Blanks MSM 1935.

4. “ Strong Vocational Interest Test Individual Report Blanks Class of 1940 MSM 1936 Scored, Summer 1938.

5. Scores, Strong Vocational Interest Test Individual Report Blanks Class of 1941 MSM 1937.

6. “ Strong Vocational Interest Test. Individual Report Blanks Class of 1942 MSM 1938.

7. “ Strong Vocational Interest Test Individual Report Blanks Misc. Group to Feb. 1939.

8. “ Strong Vocational Interest Test. Engineers, Washington U., MO. 1933.

9. “ Student Tests, Various.

Miscellaneous Group #3, 1933

Box 115 Fldr 10. “ Test Results. Mann tests No. 211140-218011 1940s.

11. “ Test Results. Mann tests No. 213101-216103 1940s.

12. Student Opinions on Series No. 211000 & 213140-46 1943.

13. “ ” “ ” “ 213170 Nov. 1945.

14. “ ” “ Orthographic Projection.

15. “ ” “ Quiz No. 1, MSM, Columbia U., Iowa State Univ. 1928.

Eng. Education, Dept. of Eng. Drawing & Tests - Flat Box

Box 116 Fldr 1. Eng. Education, Dept. of Eng. Drawing- Instruction Work by Students Topographic Surveying 1930s - 1950s.

2. “ “ Tests - Scores, Test Nos. 213912-13, 214151-54 1941- 1943.

3. “ ” Tests - Scores, Strong Voc. Interest Test Interestograph Class of 1934-1936 Various.

4. “ ” Tests- Correlation, GED Courses 213 & 214.

5. “ ” Tests- Sample Work Mann Test No. 213702 Working Drawing, Blake Stone Crusher 1942.

6. “ ” Tests - Sample Work. Eng. Insight Test. Working Drawing, Bench Drawing 1933-1934.

Eng. Education, Tests- Test Results and Scores

Eng. Education, Tests - Irregular Box

Box 117 Fldr 1. Basic Data, Class of 1935.

2. Grades, Plate No. 2, Course 213 1940s.

3. “ ” “ 10, Course 213 1940s.

Eng. Education, Tests - Shoe Box 3x5

4. Scores, Eng. Aptitude Test May 1930.

Engineer Education, Tests – Shoe Box 3 x 5

Box 117 Fldr 5. Test Results, Scores Nos. 1-132.

6. Test Results, Scores Nos. 133-264.

7. Test Results, Scores Nos. 265-400.

Eng. Education, Tests - Testform 200501, Results - Shoe Box 3x5

Box 118 Fldr 1. Mannform 200501, Test Results, Testforms, A-4.

2. Mannform 200501, Test Results, Testforms, B-4.

3. Testform 200501, Results A-Z. May 1942.

4. “ ” “ Sep. 2, 1942.

5. “ ” “ A-Z Jan. 25, 1943.

6. “ ” “ Jan 1943.

7. Testform 200501/1830 June 1943.

8. Testform 200501/1842, June 1943.

9. “ ” /1854, June 1943.

10. “ ” July 1943.

11. “ ” A-Z Sept. 8, 1943.

12. “ ” B-Z Jan. 1944.

13. “ ” June 1944.

14. Testform 200501/1842, Sept. 1944.

15. “ ” “ Jan. 1945.

16. Bland High School March 21, 1939.

17. Flat River Senior High School.

18. Joplin High School May 1937.

19. Lamar High School Fall 1938.

20. Licking High School March 16, 1939.

21. Maplewood High School.

22. Newburg High School 1939.

23. Rolla High School 1933

24. Rolla High School Spring 1940.

25. Springfield Senior High School, Jr. Class April 13, 1939.

26. Springfield Senior High School, Sr. Class April 13, 1939.

27. St. Clair High School May 1940.

28. St. James High School Feb. 1939.

29. Sullivan High School.

Eng. Education, Tests - Testform 200501, Results - Shoe Box 3x5

Box 118 Fldr 30. University City High School.

31. Washington High School.

32. Webster Groves High School.

33. West Plains High School Fall 1939.

34. Wentworth Military Academy.

35. Alfred University, Ceramic Engineers.

36. University of Missouri, 1933.

37. Strong Vocational Interest Test Records.

38. Professors & Teachers.

39. Engineering Students.

40. MSM Group.

41. MSM - Fall 1933 Class of 1937.

42. MSM - Fall 1934 Class of 1938.

43. MSM - Fall 1935 Class of 1939.

44. MSM - Fall 1936 Class of 1940.

Eng. Education, Tests -Strong Interest Test, Results - Shoe Box 3x5

Box 119 Fldr 1. MSM- Fall 1936 Class of 1940 cont’d.

2. MSM- Fall 1937 Class of 1941.

3. MSM- Fall 1938 Class of 1942.

4. MSM- Fall 1939 Class of 1943.

5. Rolla Summer Session, High School Group.

6. Rolla Summer Session.

7. Specials & Transfers, Fall 1940.

8. MSM Freshmen Class. Sept. 1940.

9. MSM - Fall 1941.

10. MSM - Fall 1942.

11. MSM - Jan. 1943.

12. MSM - June 1943.

13. Washington Univ. Oct. 1933.

14. Westminster College, Fulton.

15. Ministerial Group.

16. Miscellaneous Group Not MSM Connected.

17. Added Group After Recording Completed.

Eng. Education, Tests- Strong Interest Test Results – Shoe Box 3 x 5

Box 119 Fldr 18. Teachers College Groups.

19. Central Missouri State Teachers College.

20. Jefferson City Junior College.

21. Joplin Junior College, Fall 1938.

22. Flat River Junior College.

23. Lindenwood College.

24. Southwest Baptist College, Bolivar, MO.

Eng. Education, Tests-“Strong Test” Ratings & Undated Tests- Shoe Box 4x6

25. No Date.

26. 1938 with photos.

27. 1939 with photos.

28. 1939 Alphabetically.

29. 1940 (Sep. 4, 1940) with photos.

30. 1941 (Sep. 3, 1941) with photos.

31. June 1942 with photos.

32. 1942 (Sep. 2, 1942) with photos.

33. Jan. 1943 with photos.

34. Jan. 1943, No Entries, No Photos.

35. 1943 (June 7, 1943) with Photos.

36. 1943 Army Specialized Training Program (July - Group 1) 139 men.

Eng. Education, Tests- “Strong Test” Ratings & Undated Tests- Shoe Box 4x6

Box 120 Fldr 1. 1943 Army Specialized Training Program (July-Group 3) 39 men.

2. “ ” “ ” “ (July -Group 4) 111 men.

3. “ ” “ ” “ Group 5-6, Some Aug. 8, 1943.

4. 1943 (Sep 10, 1943) with photos.

5. 1943 Army Specialized Training Program, Nov. 3-5, 1943.

6. Jan 1944.

7. June 1944.

8. 1945 (Jan. 29, 1945) with photos.

9. 1945 (June 4, 1945) without photos.

10. 1945 (Sep. 9, 1945) without photos.

Eng. Education, Tests- Test Results and Scores

Personongraphs, Placement Exams, Psychographs & Scholastographs- Shoe Box 5x8

Box 120 Fldr 11. Alfred University, New York Ceramic Engineering Students Personographs, Fall1938.

12. Joplin High School Personographs, May 1937 Highest 117(8/20).

13. Lamar High School, Juniors & Seniors Personographs, Oct. 12, 1938 (Scored by WPA Workers).

14. Joplin Junior College Personographs. Sep. 9, 1938.

15. Interestographs, Misc. All Prior to Sep. 1935.

16. Personographs, Misc.

17. Placement Exams Misc.

18. Psychographs, Misc.

19. Psychograms, Misc.

20. Placements & Scholastographs MSM CLASS of 1931.

21. Personograph, Missouri Conference, Methodist Ministers

22. Psychograph, Missouri Conference, Methodist Ministers.

23. Scholastograph MSM Class of 1931.

24. Placement & Scholastographs MSM Class of 1932.

25. Placement & Scholastographs MSM Class of 1933.

26. Placement & Scholastographs MSM Class of 1934.

27. Placements & Scholastographs. MSM Class of 1935.

28. Placements & Scholastographs MSM Class of 1936.

29. Placements with Interestograph Markings Class of 1936.

30. Scholastographs, MSM Class of 1936.

31. “ Duplicates No. 36001-36093 MSM Class of 1936.

32. Placements & Scholastographs MSM Class of 1937.

33. Placements & Scholastographs MSM Class of 1938.

34. Personographs, Polar MSM Class of 1938 (Fall 1934).

35. Personographs, Polar MSM Class of 1938 (Fall 1934)

36. Placements & Scholastographs MSM Class of 1939.

37. Interestograph MSM Class of 1939 Students of Different Departments.

Eng. Education, Tests- Test Results and Scores and Test Tools

Personongraphs, Placement Exams, Psychographs & Scholastographs- Shoe Box 5x8

Box 120 Fldr 38. Personographs MSM Class of 1939 (Sep. 1935).

39. Personographs MSM Class of 1940.

40. Scholastographs MSM Class of 1940 (Sep. 1936).

Personongraphs, Placement Exams, Psychographs & Scholastographs- Shoe Box 5x8

Box 121 Fldr 1. Personographs MSM Class of 1941 (Sep. 1937).

2. Scholastographs MSM Class of 1941 (1937).

3. Personographs MSM Class of 1942 .

4. Scholastographs Undated.

Test Tools- Shoe Box 4x6

5. McCauley Test Blocks No. 1-43.

Test Tools- Shoe Box 5x8

6. McCauley Test Blocks Nos. 44 (incomplete), 45-50, 52-65 (2x)-79, 81-84 (2x) - 93, 95-101,140.

Test Tools- Shoe Box 4x6

Box 122 Fldr 1. Test Blocks.

Test Tools- Shoe Box 4x5

2. Punching Awl and Scissors.

Test Tools- Irregular Box

Box 122 Fldr 3. Spools of Thread for Needle Test. Sets Numbered: 1-9, 11- 17, 19, 21-29, 31-34.

4. Two Sets not Labeled. One Broken Set.

Eng. Education, Tests - Mann tests, Listed Alphabetically 1/3 cu. ft. Box

Box 122 Fldr 5. Psychology, General Questions & Notes 1928. MSM Text by Perrin & Kelin.

6. Reading Instruments & Scientific Apparatus Test.

7. Rotating Disc Test of Visualizing Ability 1931-1933 Manuscript.

8. Scholastograph, Mental & Placement Tests 1933.

9. Shape, Perception Tests Originals included.

10. Sketching Exams Manuscript included.

11. Skill in Arm & Hand Movement Tests 9-8-30.

12. Speech Parts of Test.

13. Speed of Reading Test 1930 Duplicated Paragraph of Lettering to Test Speed of Reading.

14. Stereognosis Test, in Development.

15. Study of Hands MSM Students 1930s.

16. Township Test, Subdivison Serial No. 213---- R8W, T37N.

Eng. Education, Tests- Listed Numerically

CVM, Tests (Listed Numerically)

Box 123 Fldr 1. Reclassification of Tests in Descriptive Geometry, Feb. 16, 1941.

2. Serial No. 000001; Universal True/False Answer Blank.

3. Serial No. 000002; Universal Right / Wrong Answer Blank, Tracing incl.

4. Serial No. 000003; Universal Checkgrid Answer Blank, Tracing incl.

5. Serial No. 000011; Special S-het for Meier-Seashore Art Test, Key incl.

6. Serial No. 123001; Test of Aptitude for C.e., Subdiv.: Structural Engineering Key included.

7. Serial No. 1939-11-16; Personongraph 1939.

8. Serial No. 1941-1, Form B Checkgrid Answer Blank for 5-Response Multiple Choice Objective Tests.

Eng. Education, Tests- Listed Numerically

CVM, Tests (Listed Numerically)

Box 123 Fldr 9. Serial No. 200001; Universal True/False Answer Blank.

10. Serial No. 200001; Computation Sheet for Determining Standard Deviation & Arithmetic Mean Tracing included

11. Serial No. 200002; Form A. Checkgrid Answer Sheet for 5-Response Objective Tests Tracing included.

12. Serial No. 200006; Mathematics Training, Series MT-1, Revised, B. Placement Exams 1934.

13. “ ” 200007; Physics Aptitude, Series PA-1, Revised, B. Iowa Placement Exams 1934.

14. “ ” 200008; Physics Aptitude, Series PT-1, Revised, B. Iowa Placement Exams 1934.

15. “ ” 200501; Wallboard Progress Chart, Original included.

16. “ ” 211140; Form A Technique Test in Use of Ruling Pen & India Ink Original included.

17. “ ” 211141; Form A Technique Test in Ruling Ink Lines at 15Ε Intervals Original included.

18. “ ” 211142; Form A Technique Test in Ruling and Centering Heavy India Ink Lines Original included.

19. “ ” 211143; Form A Technique Test In Ruling Theory Outline of Hexagon with India Ink Original included.

20. “ ” 211145; Form A Technique Test In Ruling Invisible Outline with Ruling Pen and Ink Original included.

21. Serial No. 211151; Form A Technique Test in Inking Visible Object lines with Bow Pen Original included.

22. “ ” 211152; Form A Technique Test in Inking Broken Circular Arcs with Bow Pen Original included.

23. “ ” 211153; Form A Technique Test in Inking Center Lines and Broken Arcs with Bow Pen Original included.

24. “ ” 211155; Form A Technique Test: Ruling Arcs with 6" Compass and India Ink Original included.

25. “ ” 211160; Form A Technique Test in Ruling Visible Outline “Rounds” with Bow Pen Original included.

26. “ ” 211161; Form A. Technique Test in Ruling Visible Outline

Eng. Education, Tests- Listed Numerically

Box 123 Fldr 26 Continued - “Fillets” with Bow Pen Original included.

27. “ ” 213000; Test of Knowledge of Classification of Letters in Reinhardt Alphabet.

28. “ ” 213001; Placement Examination in General Engineering Drawing Originals & Key included.

29. Test in General Eng. Drawing, G.E.D -A Machine Part Drawing. 1930 Tracing included.

30. Training Test in General Eng. Drawing, G.E.D. -T2, rev. ed. Jan. 1, 1930.

31. Serial No. 213051; Form A Proficiency test in Use of Civil and Mech Eng. Scales First Ed. Sep.1, 1930.Tracing included.

32. “ ” 213058; Lettering Test.

33. “ ” 213059; Lettering Test Sep. 28, 1930.

34. “ ” 213061; Lettering Test Oct. 4, 1930.

35. “ ” 213063; Unit No. G.E.D -A Drawing of Profile View of a Machine Part Tracing & Key included.

36. “ ” 213064; Unit No. G.E.D -A Drawing of Front View of a Machine Part 1930.Tracing & Key included.

37. “ ” 213069; Daily Class Test in Machine Parts Tracing included.

38. “ ” 213101; Form A Checkgrid Test of Kowledge of Basic Principles of Engineer’s Scales 9-28-1931 Tracing & Key incl.

39. “ ” 213102; Form A Checkgrid Test of Knowledge of Drafting Instruments 9-28-1931 Key included.

40. “ ” 213103; Lettering Test New Work Rev. Original included.

41. “ ” 213120; G.E.D T-2 Use of Architect’s Scale 1930 Oldest Scaling Test Tracing & Key included.

42. “ ” 213121; Proficiency Test in Use of Civil & Mech. Eng. Scales. 9-1-1930.

43. “ ” 213121; Form A & Form A Rev. Standard Scaling Test. 1930 Tracing & Key included.

44. “ ” 213121; Form B Standard Scaling Test 8-26-1930 Tracing & Key included.

45. “ ” 213121; Form C. Proficiency in Measuring with Civil & Mech. Eng. Scales 1941-42 Key included.

Eng. Education, Tests- Listed Numerically

Box 123 Fldr 46. “ ” 213122; Form A Standard Scaling Test 9-20-1937 Key incl.

47. “ ” 213123; Form A Checkgrid Test of Knowledge of Basic Principles of Eng. Scales 9-28-1931 Tracing included.

48. “ ” 213124; Scaling Test Tracings & Key included.

49. “ ” 213130; Plotting of Points 1934 Tracings & Key included.

50. Serial No. 213140, Forms A & B Proficiency Test in Use of Ruling Pen 51. “ ” 213141, Forms A & B Proficiency Test in Use of Bow Pen & India Ink 10-10-1937.

52. “ ” 213142, Forms A & B Proficiency Test in Ruling India Ink Lines at 15Ε Intervals Key included 10-10-1937.

53. “ ” 213143, Form A Ruling Pen Test on Corners, Centering, Line Width, Start-Stop 10-10-1937.

54. “ ” 213144, Manual Skill in Manipulating Case Drawing Instruments 10-6-1931.

55. “ ” 213145, Form A.Proficiency Test in Use of Rivet Pen & India Ink 10-10-1937.

56. “ ” 213146, Form A Proficiency Test in Use of Contour Pen & India Ink 10-20-1934.

57. “ ” 213146, Form B & 3 Proficiency Test in Use of Contour Pen & India Ink 10-20-1934.

58. “ ” 213147, Form A Bow Pen Proficiency Test in Drawing Inked Arcs of Varying Radii 10-23-1934 (Also incl. Serial No. 213252).

59. “ ” 213150, Form A Three -Quarter Circles with Bow Pen & India Ink 2-4-1943.

60. “ ” 213151, Bow Pen Test of Skill with Drawing Instruments 9-24- 1932 Tracings included.

61. “ ” 213160, Form A Determining True Bearings of Directed Lines 10-10-1937 (Also Serial No. 218004).

62. “ ” 213161, Test of Knowledge of Points of Mariner’s Compass 1-24-1934 (Also old Serial No. 218003).

63. “ ” 213170-213175, Forms A-F Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 1939-44 Specimen Set.

64. “ ” 213170-213179, Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 1940's Originals & Tracings included.

65. “ ” 213170, Completion test in Orthographic Projection 11-24-

Eng. Education, Tests- Listed Numerically

Box 123 Fldr 65 Continued - 1939 Tracings & Key included.

66. Serial No. 213171 & Form B Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 11-24-39 Tracing & key included.

67. “ ” 213172 & Form B & C Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 1939-1945 Tracing & key included.

68. “ ” 213173, Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 11-19-1942 Original, Tracing & Key Included.

69. “ ” 213174, Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 11-19-1942 Originals & Keys included.

70. “ ” 213174, & B Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 1945 Originals, Tracings & Keys Included.

71. “ ” 213175, Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 12-7-1944 Original & Tracing included.

72. “ ” 213175, Form A Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 12-6-1944 Original, Tracing & Key included.

73. “ ” 213175, Form B Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 12-6-1944 Original, Tracing & Key included.

74. “ ” 213175, Form C Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 12-6-1944 Original, Tracing & Key included.

75. “ ” 213175, Form D Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 12-6-1944 Original, Tracing & Key included.

76. “ ” 213175, Form E Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 12-6-1944 Original, Tracing & Key included.

77. “ “ 213175, Form F Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 12-6-1944. Original, Tracing & Key included.

78. “ ” 213175, Form G Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 12-6-1944 Original & Tracing included.

79. “ ” 213175, Form H Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 12-7-1944 Original, Tracing & Key included.

80. “ ” 213175, Form I Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 12-26-1944 Original included.

81. “ ” 213175, Form J Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 1-4-1945 Original included.

82. “ ” 213175, Form K Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 9-29-1945 Original included.

Eng. Education, Tests- Listed Numerically

Box 123 Fldr 83. Serial No. 213175, Form L Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 12-31-1944 Original included.

84. “ ” 213176, Completion Test in Orthographic Projection 12-7-1944 Tracing included.

85. “ ” 213176, Form A Completion Test in Auxiliary Views 12-7-1944 Original & Tracing included.

86. “ ” 213176, Form B Completion Test in Auxiliary Views 12-7-1944 Original, Tracing & Key included.

87. “ ” 213176, Form C Completion Test in Auxiliary Views 12-7-1944 Original, Tracing & Key included.

88. “ ” 213176, Form D Completion Test in Auxiliary Views 10-20-1945 Original, Tracing & Key included.

89. “ ” 213177, Form A Completion of Views in Orthographic Projection 10-24-1945 Original, Tracing & Key included.

90. “ ” 213177, Form B Completion of Views in Orthographic Projection 10-20-1945 Original, Tracing & Key included.

91. “ ” 213177, Form C Completion of Views in Orthographic Projection 10-20-1945 Original, Tracing & Key included.

92. “ ” 213177, Form D Completion of Views in Orthographic Projection 10-20-1945 Original, Tracing & Key included.

93. “ ” 213177, Form E Completion of Views in Orthographic Projection Original included.

94. “ ” 213178, Form A Sectional Views & Turn Outs in Orthographic Projection 10-20-1945 Original, tracing & Key incl.

95. “ ” 213221, Test of Speed & Quality Work Original included.

96. “ ” 213252, (Old) Proficiency Test in Use of Bow Pen with Circles of Varying Radii 10-20-1934.

97. “ ” 213301, Form A True/False Questions Covering Eng. Drawing Theory Obsolete.

98. “ ” 213501-213504 Collection of Tests on Quality of Vision and Manual Dexterity 1930.

99. “ ” 213501, Skill Test. 9-13-1930 Tracing included.

100. “ ” 213502, “ ” “ ” “

101. “ ” 213503, “ ” “ ” “

Eng. Education, Tests- Mann Tests Listed Numerically

Box 123 Fldr 102. Serial No. 213504, Skill Test. 9-13-1930 Tracing included.

103. “ ” 213505, “ ” “ ” “

104. “ ” 213506, “ ” “ ” “

105. “ ” 213507, “ ” “ ” “

106. “ ” 213508, “ ” “ ” “

107. “ ” 213509, “ ” “ ” “

108. “ ” 213510, “ ” “ ” “

109. “ ” 213511, “ ” “ ” “

110. “ ” 213512, Rectangular Spotting Test 1930.

111. “ ” 213513, Circular Spotting Test 1930.

112. “ ” 213514, Rectangular Spotting Test 1930.

113. “ ” 213515, Circular Spotting Test 1930.

114. “ ” 213601, Form A True/False Questions on Theory & Practice of Dimensioning of Eng. Drawing 11-26-1936.

115. “ ” 213701, (Old Serial No. 213905) Steam Engine Test. 4-11-1911 Plans included.

116. “ ” 213905, Parts 1, 2 & 3 Reading of Eng. Drawing 1930 Original & Key included.

117. “ ” 213905, Form A Part 2 & 3 Reading of Eng. Drawing 1930 Key included.

118. “ ” 213905, Part B & C Mechanical Insight 1930. Key included.

119. “ ” 213910, Form A Eng. Drawing Theory 10-1-1936 Original & Key included.

120. “ ” 213911, Form A Proficiency in Eng. Drawing 1936 Key incl.

121. “ ” 213912, Form A Theory of Dimensioning 10-1-1936 Key included.

122. “ ” 213913, Form A Proficiency in Eng. Drawing 10-1-1936 Key included.

123. “ ” 213932, Form A Theory of Eng. Scales & Linear Measures 9-1-1941 Original & Key included.

124. “ ” 213933, Form A Theory of Projection 9-1-1941 Original & Key included.

125. “ ” 213941, Blue Print Test. 1931 Original, Tracing & Key incl.

126. “ ” 213999-T. Training Test in Eng. Drawing 1928.

Eng. Education, Tests- Mann Tests Listed Numerically

Box 124 Fldr 1. Serial No. 213999-T2, Form A Gen. Eng. Drawing 1930. Originals & Key included.

2. “ ” 214000, Line Relationship Test Key included.

3. “ ” 214000-3, Geometric Shapes 1928 Tracing & Key included.

4. “ ” 214001, Descriptive Geometry 1929 Tracing & Key included.

5. “ ” 214002, Descriptive Geometry 1930 Tracing & Key included.

6. “ ” 214003, Descriptive Geometry 1929 Tracing & Key included.

7. “ ” 214004, Descriptive Geometry 1929 Tracing & Key included.

8. “ ” 214005, Descriptive Geometry 1929 Tracing & Key included.

9. “ ” 214006, Descriptive Geometry 1930 Tracing & Key included.

10. “ ” 214006, Form A Composite Cube Test of Power to Visualize 6-12-1931 Tracing & Key included.

11. “ ” 214006, Form C Staticube Test of Power to Visualize. 2-20- 1937 Original & Key included.

12. “ ” 214007, Form A Composite Cube test of Power to Visualize 6-12-1931 Key included.

13. “ ” 214008, Form A Matched Orthographic Pictorial View Test of Power to Visualize 9-12-1931 Tracing included.

14. “ ” 214008, Forms A & B Rev. Mutilated Cube Test of Power to Visualize 1936-37 Original, Tracing & Key included.

15. “ ” 214010 & S, Descriptive Geometry 1930, 1935 Tracings & Key included.

16. “ ” 214011, Forms A & B Standard Piercing Point Test 1934 Original & Key included.

17. “ ” 214014, Descriptive Geometry 1930 Key included.

18. “ ” 214015, Descriptive Geometry 1930 Key included.

19. “ ” 214016, Descriptive Geometry 1930 Tracing included.

20. “ ” 214057, Descriptive Geometry 2/20/1930 Tracing included.

21. “ ” 214100, Lines of Type 1930 Tracing included.

22. “ ” 214101, Form B 20 Space Points Plotted in 3-D 1941 Original & Key included.

23. “ ” 214102, Form B. 30 Space Points on 3-D Axes 2/16/1941 Key included.

Eng. Education, Tests- Mann Tests Listed Numerically

Box 124 Fldr 24. Serial No. 214103, Form A Descriptive Geometry 4/1/1933 Tracing incl.

25. “ ” 214103, Form B 3-D Space Points 2/16/1941

26. “ ” 214105, Point Problems in Descriptive Geometry 4/1/1933 Key included.

27. “ ” 214148, Form A Ruling Lines & Corners, “Skyscraper” Type Tracing included.

28. “ ” 214151, Form A Notation & Plotting of Space Lines 3/8/1941 Key included.

29. “ ” 214151, Form B Descriptive Geometry 1929 Tracings & Key included.

30. “ ” 214152, Form B Identification of Space Relationships 2-22-1941, Key included.

31. “ ” 214153, Form B (ex. 214003) Determining Space Position of a Series 2-27-1941 Original & Key included.

32. “ ” 214154, Form B (ex. 214005) Describing True Angle, Direction & Position of Type Lines, 2-26-1941, Key included.

33. “ ” 214200, 1929.

34. “ ” 214201, Form A Test on Notation, Plotting & Relationships of & Typical Space Planes, 3-8-1941 Key included.

35. “ ” 214203, Descriptive Geometry 1930 Tracing included.

36. “ ” 214207, Form B. Type Planes, 10-14-1930 Tracing & Key included.

37. “ ” 214401, Form B. Study of & Typical Space Lines & Planes, 2-16-1941 Key included.

38. “ ” 214402, Form B (Old 214020) Standard Piercing Point Test, 2-27-1941, Key included.

39. “ ” 214901, Descriptive Geometry, 1928, Original & Key included.

40. “ ” 214906, Form A Composite Cube Test of Power To Visualize, 6-12-1931.

41. “ ” 214907, Form A, Dynamic Cube Test of Power to Visualize, 1931, Tracing & Key included.

42. “ ” 213907, Form A & B. Dynamic Cube Test. 1937, Keys incl.

43. “ ” 214908, True/False Questions, Eng. Drawing, 1931.

Eng. Education, Tests- Mann Tests Listed Numerically

Box 124 Fldr 44. Serial No. 214908, Form A Orthographic Pictorial test of Power to Visualize, 9-21-1931, Key included.

45. “ ” 214908, McCauley Tetrahedron Test of Power To Visualize, TAZ, 1932.

46. “ ” 214910, Form A McCauley Tetrahedron Test 1931-1932, 1937 Original, Tracing & Key included.

47. “ ” 214999, Training test in Descriptive Geometry 1928 Key incl.

48. “ ” 216000, Instructional Material in Drawing 2-5-1935 Tracing included.

49. “ ” 216001, Form A Perception of Letter Forms, 11-21-1929 Tracing & Key included.

50. “ ” 216002, Rectangular Spotting Test, 1930 Tracing & Key incl.

51. “ ” 216003, Circular Spotting Test 1930, Tracing & Key included.

52. “ ” 216010, Form A Aptitude in Perception of Letter Forms 1930 Original included.

53. “ ” 216013, Card for Lettering 1940.

54. “ ” 216100, Proficiency Test in Engr. Lettering, Original included.

55. “ ” 216101, Form A Classification of Lettering in Reinhardt Alphabet 9-18-1933 Tracing & Key included.

56. “ ” 216102, Form A Stroke Sequence in Reinhardt Engr. Lettering 9-27-1931 Original, Tracing & Key included.

57. “ ” 216103, Form A Stroke Sequence in Engr. Lettering 6-13- 1942 Keys included.

58. “ ” 216104, Form A Arrows for Dimension Lines 10-10-1937 (also Serial No. 213101) Tracing included.

59. “ ” 216201, Form Va, Strokes of Vertical Letters 2-4-1942 Originals included.

60. “ ” 216201, Forms A, B & C; Good Lettering Aids & Quick Reading Tracings included.

61. “ ” 216931, Form A Theory of Eng. Lettering 9-1-1941 Originals & Keys included.

62. “ ” 218000, Plotting Rectangular Co-ordinates in “X” and “Y”. 1934.

Eng. Education, Tests- Mann Tests Listed Numerically

Box 124 Fldr 63. Serial No. 218001, Plotting Missing Traces of a Plane 4-11-1935 Original & Keys included.

64. “ ” 218002, Relationship of Planes to Coordinate Planes and axes 3-14-1933 Tracing & Key included.

65. “ ” 218003, Points of the Mariner’s Compass 1933-1934 Tracing & Key included.

66. “ ” 218004, True Bearings of Directed Lines 1-24-1934 Tracings & Keys included.

67. “ ” 218005, Determining Strike, Dip, Direction of Dip 3-23-1933 Tracing included.

68. “ ” 218005-B, Planes for Study of Strike, Dip and Angles 4-5-1934 Tracing included.

69. “ ” 218005-C, Determining Strike & Dips 5-23-1933 Tracings & Keys included.

70. “ ” 218007-A, Given Points in A Given Plane 4-1-1933 Original, Tracings & Key included.

71. “ ” 218011, Form A Standard Piercing Point Test 1934.

72. “ ” 218011, Form B Answer Blank for Standard Piercing Point Test. 1934 Tracing included.

73. “ ” 700001, Form Stenquist Mechanical Aptitude Test. 11-17- 1932 Key included.

Mann Tests, Alphabetically Listed

74. Bent Wire Test, Mann’s.

75. Biology Test.

76. Blue Printing Test Theory of Duplication of Drawings 2-21-1935.

77. Cartesian Coordinates System Test.

78. Chemistry Aptitude, based on Iowa Placement Exams Series CA 1, Revised B, 1925 Constructed 8-27-1934 Copyright 1934.

79. Circle Test.

80. Color Blind Test Answer Sheets.

81. Descriptive Geometry Training Test, abridged Part I, Form A & B 1-15- 1928 Original included.

82. Draftsman Test.

Eng. Education, Tests- Mann Tests Listed Alphabetically

Box 124 Fldr 83. Engineering Aptitude Test 4-12-1930.

84. English Test 1933.

85. G.E.D. Grids for Mech. Layout of Eng. Drawing Letters.

86. G.E.D. Tests Classification of Sub-Divisions Course 213 To Be Used For Numbering of New Tests.

87. Kinaesthetic Tests, Dexterity and Motor Co-ordination 1935 Originals included.

88. Map Test.

89. Reading Drawings Test.

90. Music Manntest, Serial No. MSS-MSM-I. 1939 Same Different Answer Blank as for Kwalwasser-Dykema Music Test.

91. Nail-Driving Test 3-2-1935

92. Observation Test.

93. Observation Test Point Arrangement Contrast Test Claridge-Mann Key included.

94. Observation, Power of Test.

95. Ocular Discrimination Tests Original included.

96. Olfactory Test.

97. Paper Cutting Test 3-11-1935 Tracing included.

98. Personograph, Polar and Rectangular 1933, 1937.

99. Power To Visualize Test July 1928.

Eng. Education, Tests- Mann Tests Listed Alphabetically

Strong Vocational Interest Test

Box 125 Fldr 1. Strong Voc. Interest Test, Missouri Answer Blanks 1933 Tracing incl.

2. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933. A-J.

3. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys. 1933 L-Y.

4. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys Original 1933 Not Used.

5. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks. Keys 1933 Set No. 1 A-C.

6. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933. Set No. 1, D-Y.

Eng. Education, Tests- Mann Tests Listed Alphabetically

Strong Vocational Interest Test

Box 125 Fldr 7. Strong Voc. Interest Test, Missouri Answer Blanks Keys. 1933 Set No. 2, A-M.

8. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933 Set No. 2, P-Y.

9. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933 Set No. 3, A-D.

10. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933 Set No. 3, E-M.

Box 126 Fldr 1. Strong Voc. Interest Test, Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933. Set No. 3, M-Y.

2. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933. Set No. 4, A-E.

3. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933. Set No. 4, J-M.

4. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933. Set No. 4, M-Y.

5. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933. Set No. 5, A-E.

6. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933. Set No. 5, F-M.

7. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933. Set No. 5, M-Y.

8. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933. Set No. 6, A-D.

9. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933. Set No. 6, E-M.

Box 127 Fldr 1. Strong Voc. Interest Test, Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933. Set No. 6, M-Y.

2. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933. Set No. 7, A-E.

3. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933. Set No. 7, F-M.

Eng. Education, Tests- Mann Tests Listed Alphabetically & General

Strong Vocational Interest Test

Box 127 Fldr 4. Strong Voc. Interest Test, Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933 Set No. 7, P-Y.

5. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933 Set L.H., A-F

6. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933 Set L.H., J-Y.

7. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933 Set J.D.P.

8. “ ” “ ” Missouri Answer Blanks Keys 1933.

Manntests General.

Box 128 Fldr 1. Mann Tests, Copyrights 1928-1931, 1938, 1942.

2. “ Correlation Book General Tables of Correlations Part I of II.

3. “ Correlation Book General Tables of Correlations Part II of II.

4. “ Correlation Iowa Placement Exams MSM 1926-1927.

5. “ & Mannforms Description Sheet.

6. “ Filing Systems 1932-1933.

7. “ Material for Discrimination Tests 1930s.

8. “ Newsclippings 1934,1937.

9. “ Prices 1944-1945.

10. “ Sample Set Box A.

11 “ ” “ ” B.

12 “ ” “ ” C.

13 “ ” “ ” D.

14 “ ” “ ” E.

15 “ ” “ ” F.

16 “ ” “ ” G.

17 “ ” “ Completion Test Sheets, 24.

18 “ ” “ Eng. Education Eng. Drawing & Descriptive Geometry 1929-30 Nos. 1-20 Part I of II.

19 “ Sample Set Eng. Education Eng. Drawing & Descriptive Geometry 1929-30 Nos. 21-43 Part II of II.

20 “ Sample Set Eng. Education Eng. Drawing 1940s.

21 “ Sample Set High School Students.

Eng. Education, Tests- Mann Tests & General and Sample Tests Listed Alphabetically

Manntests, General

Box 128 Fldr 22. Mann Tests, Sample Set Placement Exams & Scholarship.

23. “ ” “ T-1 to T-2, T-4 to T-5.

24. “ ” “ Tests Developed by Aid of Eng. Foundation 1930s Part I of II.

25. “ ” “ Tests Developed by Aid of Eng. Foundation 1930s Part II of II.

26. “ ” “ Tests for which Coefficients of Reliability are Wanted 1930s.

27. “ ” Work Mann Test No. 213702 & Eng. Insight Test 1933-34, 1942 Filed Box 116.

28. “ Study Critical & Evaluation of Project.

29. “ Test Scoring Machines 1929.

Sample Tests, Listed Alphabetically

30. A.B. Degree Examinations History & Literature, 1929-1930 History, Government & Economics, 1930-1931.

31. Achievement Test, Stanford Primary & Advanced Exams, Forms A & B 1927 Manual & Key included.

32. American History, Gregory Tests for High Schools Tests I - III Forms A &B. Keys included 1927.

33. Aptitude. Manhattan College Eng. Aptitude Test. Test VI, Form B 1937.

34. “ Stanford Scientific Aptitude Test by D.L. Zyve 1929-1930 Key included.

35. “ Stenquist Mechanical Aptitude Test. Test I & II Manual & Key included. Record Sheet & Answer Blank by CVM.

36. “ Yale Spatial Relations Test. Series I, Form F Keys included.

37. Art Appreciation Test by E.O. Christensen & Th. Karwoski 1926.

38. Art. Freehand Drawing Test. Educ. Dept. Fed. Schools.

39. Art Judgement Test, Meir-Seashore 1929. Manual & Key included.

40. Character Traits Downey Group Will -Temperament Test by June E. Downey 1926. Manual included.

41. “ ” Downey Individual Will- Temperament Test by June E. Downey 1925 Manual included.

Eng. Education, Tests- Mann Tests & General and Sample Tests Listed Alphabetically

Sample Tests, Listed Alphabetically

Box 128 Fldr 42. Character Traits Edison’s Questions Designed to Test Character.

43. “ ” Lindbergh’s Character Factors Self-Rating Blanks for Personal Qualities.

44. “ ” Morris Trait Index by E.H. Morris Manual & Key incl.

45. “ ” Neymann-Kohlstedt Diagnostic Test for Introversion- Extroversion.

46. “ ” Self-Rating Plan for Christian Leaders 1931.

47. Chemistry Class Test.

48. “ Test by K. Kershner MSM.

49. “ Persing Laboratory Chemistry Test Forms A & B.

50. “ Powers General Chemistry Test Forms A & B. 1924 Manual & Key included.

51. “ Test, Rolla High School.

Box 129 Fldr 1. Civics Brown - Woody Civics Test Forms A 7 B 1926 Manual & Keys included.

2. Civil Eng. Class Tests, Hydraulics, Water Supply MSM 1920-1921.

3. Clerical Work Blackstone Stenographic Proficiency Tests Forms A-E 1923 Manual included.

4. “ ” Tests by L.L. Thurstone 1922 Form A, Directions & Key included.

5. “ ” Typing Exams by L.L. Thurstone Form A 1922 Directions & Keys included.

6. Drawing, Achievement Test in Mech. Drawing by H.M. Wright 1930 Manual included.

7. Educational Measurement, Standard Achievement Test by C.W. Odell Manual & Key included.

8. Electrical Engineering Examination Questions. Harold W. Bibber June 1939.

9. Engineering Examination “A” for Engineers.

10. English Cagg Test in English MSM 1930.

11. “ Columbia Research Bureau English Test By H.R. Steeves, A. Abbott & B.D. Wood Form A & B. 1925 Manual & Keys incl.

Eng. Education, Tests- Sample Tests Listed Alphabetically

Box 129 Fldr 12. “ Cooperative English Test, Form B 1931.

13. English Cross English Test Forms A, B & C. 1923 Manual & Keys incl.

14. “ Diagnostic & Placement Tests in English & Reading of English Presented 1934 At Ithaca Session of SPEE by Dr. Trayer, Ohio State U.

15. “ Wilson Language Error Test 1923 Manual & Key included.

16. Geology Cooperative Tests by G. Marshall Kay, Columbia University 1933-34.

17. Handwriting Ayres’ Measuring Scale for Handwriting 1917-1926.

18. “ Curtis Standard Practice Tests in Handwriting 1925.

19. “ Thorndike’s Handwriting Scale 1910-1912.

20. Health Medical & Physical Examination, State U. of Iowa Record Form.

21. “ Questionnaire Ohio State U. 1934 Presented 1934 at Ithaca Session of SPEE by Dr. Trayer, Ohio State U.

22. Home Economics King - Clark Foods Test Form A 1926 Manual & Kay included.

23. Intelligence Detroit First Grade Intelligence Test by A.M. Engel 1921 Form A & Manual included.

24. “ Detroit Kindergarten Test by H.J. Baker & H.J. Kaufman 1922, 1925 Form A & Manual included.

25. “ Haggarty Intelligence Examination, Delta 2. 1920 Key incl.

26. “ Henmon-Nelson Tests of Mental Ability, Form A 1929.

27. “ Kuhlmann Anderson Intelligence Test Grades I - IX 1929 Manual & Keys included.

28. “ Miller Mental Ability Test, Form A & B 1921-1922 Manual & Key included.

29. “ National Tests Scale A&B. Forms 1 & 2 1920 Manual & Keys included.

30. “ Otis Arithmetic Reasoning Test 1922 Form A, Manual & Key included.

31. “ Otis Classification Test Form A & B 1922 Manual & Key included.

32. “ Otis General Intelligence Examination 1920 Keys included.

33. “ Otis Group Intelligence Scale. Primary & Advanced Exams Forms A&B 1919-1920 Manual & Key included.

Eng. Education, Tests- Sample Tests Listed Alphabetically

Box 129 Fldr 34. Intelligence Otis Self-Administering Test of Mental Ability, Form A 1922, 1928, rev. Manual & Key included.

35. “ Otis Tests, Correlation Chart & Percentile Graph 1922-24.

36. “ Printer-Cunningham Primary Mental Test, Form A 1923 Manual & Key included.

37. “ Scott Mental Alertness Tests Serial No. 37096.

38. “ Terman Group Tests of Mental Ability Forms A & B 1926 Manual & Key included.

39. “ Thurstone Mental Abilities Test 1934.

40. Iowa Achievement Exams in College Physics, Series A 1-8. 1927. Keys Incl. Series B 1-8. 1927. Keys incl.

41. Iowa Comprehension Tests, Series D 1-2 1923 Manual included.

42. Iowa Every-Pupil High School Tests Sample Set 1937 Key included.

43. Iowa High School Content Examination, Form A & B 1924, rev. 1928 Manual & Keys included.

44. Iowa Placement Examinations. Manual, Series 1, Forms A&B. Rev. Apr. 9,1928. New Series, Forms X&Y.

45. Iowa Placement Examinations Chemistry Aptitude Series CA I. Rev. 1925 1930 Keys included. Chemistry Training. Series CT-1 1925,1930.Keys included.

46. Iowa Placement Examinations Series EA-I. English Aptitude 1925 Key included Rev. 1926 Key included Series ET- 1, Eng. Training 1925 Keys included Form X 1930 Keys included.

47. Iowa Placement Examinations Series FA-1, rev., Foreign Languages Aptitude 1925 Key included.

48. Iowa Placement Examinations, Series FT-1, rev., French Training Key included 1925.

49. Iowa Placement Examinations, Series MA-1, Mathematics Aptitude Rev. B 1925 Key include Series MT-1, Mathematics Training Rev. 1925 Key included Rev. B, 1925 Key included.

50. Iowa Placement Examinations, Series PA-1, Physics Aptitude 1925 Rev. B 1925 Key incl. Series PT-1 Physics Training 1925 Key and Manual incl.

51. Language, French. American Council Alpha French Test Part I - II, Form A-B 1927 Manual & Key included.

Eng. Education, Tests- Sample Tests Listed Alphabetically

Box 129 Fldr 52. Language, French American Council Beta French Test Form A & B 1927 Manual & Key included.

53. “ ” Columbia Research Bureau Test 1926 Form A, Manual & Key included.

54. “ ” Cooperative French Test 1931 Key included.

55. “ ” Handschin Test Form A & B 1920-1921.

56. “ ” Henmon French Tests Test 1-4. 1921 Manual & Key included.

57. Language, German American Council Alpha German Test Part I & II Form A & B 1927 Manual & Key included.

58. “ ” Columbia Research Bureau German Test Form A 1926 Manual & Key included.

59. Language, Latin Godsey Latin Composition Test Form A & B 1926 Manual & Key included.

60. “ ” Henmon Latin Tests Tests 1-4 1921 Manual included.

61. “ ” Orleans-Solomon Latin Prognosis Test Form A 1926 Manual & Key included.

62. “ ” White Latin Test Form A &B 1924 Manual & Key incl.

63. Language, Spanish American Council Beta Spanish Test Form A&B 1927 Manual & Key included.

64. “ ” Columbia Research Bureau Spanish Test Form A, 1926 Manual & Key included.

65. “ ” Handschin Spanish Test 1920 Key included.

66. Languages, Ancient & Modern Harvard Test 1929-1930.

67. “ Modern Wilkins Prognosis Test in Modern Languages 1925 Manual included.

68. Mathematics Columbia Research Bureau Algebra Test 1927 Manual & Keys included.

69. “ Courtis Standard Practice Tests in Arithmetic Rev. 1920 Manual included.

70. “ Geometry Test.

71. “ Geometry, Descriptive Final Exam Columbia U., 1935.

Eng. Education, Tests- Sample Tests Listed Alphabetically

Box 129 Fldr 72. Mathematics Plane Geometry Columbia Research Bureau Plane Geometry Test Form A &B 1926 Manual & Key included.

73. “ Plane Geometry, Practice Exercises W.M. Yeingst, 1929.

74. Maturity Test A.E. Wiggan.

75. Mechanics Objective Test in Mechanics by R.S. Swinton.

76. Mineralogy Qualification Test by O.R. Grawe, MSM 1931.

77. Mining Test by Loesche, Denison & Christner.

78. Music, Hillbrand Sight -Singing Test Form A 192. Manual included.

79. Music Kwalwasser-Dykema Music Test 1930 Manual & key included.

80. Physics Columbia Research Bureau Tests H.W. Farwell & Ben Wood 1926 Manual & Key included.

81. Physics Willson Placement Examination in General Physics MSM 1933 Key included.

82. Psychology, Education Psychology College Test.

83. “ Educational.Standardized Test. Part I-III Manual included.

Box 130 Fldr 1. Psychology, Ohio State U. Psychological Test Answer Pad & Stylus included Norms & Reports, upto 1934.

2. Public Schools Achievement Tests T.L. Torgerson Forms 3 & 4 1930-31 Keys included.

3. Public Schools Butterworth School - Building Score Card 1921.

4. Public School Cooperative Achievement Test Program 1932.

5. Public School Cooperative Achievement Test Program 1931, 1934.

6. “ ” Detroit Free Hand Lettering Scale 1930.

7. “ ” Giles Recitation Score Card 1925 Manual included.

8. “ ” High School Tests by Chas. W. Odell 1927.

9. “ ” High School Tests by L.L.Thrustone 1922 Manual & Keys included.

10. “ ” New York Rating Scale for School Habits 1927 Manual included.

11. “ ” Ninth Nation-Wide Testing Program.

12. Reading Detroit Reading Test by C.M. Parker & E.A. Waterbury.

13. “ Detroit Word Recognition Test by E.F. Oglesby Form A&B 1925 Manual included.

Eng. Education, Tests- Sample Tests Listed Alphabetically and Articles on Tests Sample Tests Listed Alphabetically

Box 130 Fldr 14. Reading Haggerty Reading Examination Sigma 1 & 3, Form A & B 1926 Manual & Keys included.

15. “ Tests for “The Meaning in Reading” 1951.

16. Safety Education, National Tests by H.J. Stack 1929.

17. Science, General.Ruch-Cossman Biology Test, Form A & B 1924 Manual & Keys included.

18. Science, General. Ruch-Popenoe General Science Test Form A&B 1923, 1926 Manual & Keys included.

19. Sight-Sensory Johnson-O’Connor Wiggly Black Test.

20. “ ” Lowell Visual Acuity Test.

21. Social Prestige of 20 Professions 1936.

22. Social Science Test by T.F. Lentz 1935 Manual included.

23. Surveying Carlton-Butler Surveying Test 1935.

24. Test on Teachers Carrigan Score Card for Rating Teaching & the Teacher. 1930 Manual included.

25. “ ” “ Schutte Scale for Rating Teachers 1923.

26. Vocational Interest Inventory for Men & Women by G.U. Cleeton Form A 1937 Manual included.

27. Vocational Interest Tests for Men by Edw. K. Strong 1928-1930 Keys.

28. Vocational Interest Tests for Men by Edw. K. Strong 1930 Manual incl.

29. Vocational Interest Tests for Women by Edw. K. Strong 1936 Manual included.

30. Vocational Interest Test Units Industrial Educ. Magazine.1930-1931.

Articles on Tests

31. “Can Success or Failure in Eng. Colleges be Predicted in Advance” by H.H. Armsby, MSM 1931 Iowa Placement Tests at MSM.

32. “A Ten-Year Study of Iowa Placement Tests” by H.H. Armsby 1937.

33. “The Spatial Threshold of Touch in Blind and in Seeing Children” by M. Bown & G.M. Stratton 1925.

34. “Educational Tests” by Stephen S. Colvin Dept. of Interior, Bulletin No. 57, 1923.

Eng. Education, Tests- Sample Tests Listed Alphabetically and Articles on Tests

Articles on Tests

Box 130 Fldr 35. “The Use of Iowa Placement Examinations in Colleges of Engineering” Ext. Service, U. of Iowa Prepared By D.D. Feder.

36. “Tactile Perception of Form” by M. Foucault.

37. “A Personnel Survey of 10,000 Iowa High School Students” by J.R. Gerberich & G.D. Stoddard 1929.

38. “Testing Practices of High School Teachers” by J. Murray Lee and David Segel Dept. of Interior, Bulleting No. 9, 1936.

39. “Examinations Old and New: Their Uses and Abuses” by Max McConn The Educational Record, Am. Council on Education Oct. 1935.

40. “The Psychology of Musical Talent” by C.E. Seashore Excerpts.

41. “Tests in the Social Studies” by David Segel Dept. of Interior Circular No. 71, Jan. 1933.

42. “Criteria of Individualized Education” by Ben. D. Wood Occupations, May 1936 National Occupational Conference.

43. “The Major Strategy of Guidance” by Ben. D. Wood The Educ. Record, Oct. 1934 American Council on Education.

Reports on Tests

44. Fourteenth Annual Conference on Educ. Measurements, Indiana U. April 15-16, 1927.

45. Fourth Annual Nationwide Testing Survey Project No. 1&2 1927-1928.

46. Biennial Report of Univ. Testing Bureau 1932-1934.

47. “The College Sophomore Testing Program” 1932, 1935, 1936 Report by Comm. On College Testing American Council of Education.

48. Report on Supervised Correspondence Study Teachers College, Columbia U. Aug. 8-10, 1934.

49. Missouri College Aptitude Testing Program, in charge of Dr. W.J. Saupe, U. of MO, Columbia 1934-1935.

50. “The 1934-1935 College Physics Testing Program” Report, American Physics Teacher, Vol. 3, No. 3, Supplement Sep. 1935.

Eng. Education, Tests- Sample Tests Listed Alphabetically and Articles on Tests

Box 130 Fldr 51. Summary Report of Results for 1936 Iowa Every-Pupil High School Testing Program State U. of Iowa.

52. Digest of Test Uses American Council on Education Apr. 1936.

General Tests

Box 130 Fldr 53. Bibliography of Educational & Psychological Tests and Mesurements. Dept. of Interior, Bulletin No. 55, 1923.

54. Catalogues of Educational & Test Material 1930s

55. Psychological & Physiological Apparatus & Supplies 1930.

56. Test Scoring Machine, International.

Engineering Education

57. Addresses, Professors Teaching Descriptive Geometry & Heads, Eng. Drawing Departments 1930s.

58. Committee on College Guidance 1937.

59. Committee on Graduate Study U. of Iowa. 1928-1929 CVM, Member.

60. Committee on Guidance, High School Curriculum Revision 1938.

61. Committee on Student Selection & Guidance 1933,1936.

62. Correspondence, “A”.

63. Correspondence, “B”.

64. Correspondence, J.W. Barker, Columbia U., New York 1931-1934.

65. Correspondence, Paul S. Burnham, Yale U., New Haven, CN. 1930-1933.

66. Correspondence, “C”.

67. Correspondence, A.B Crawford, Yale U., New Haven, CN. 1928, 1930-33

68. Correspondence, “D”.

Box 131 Fldr 1. Correspondence, J. James Devine, Rhode Island State College, Kingston, R.I. 1935-1936.

2. Correspondence, “E”.

3. Correspondence, “F”.

4. Correspondence, D.D. Feder, State U. of Iowa, Iowa City 1933-1938.

Engineering Education

Box 131 Fldr 5. “ Alfred D. Flinn, Eng. Foundation, New York 1930-1936.

6. “ Frederick Printing Co., St. Louis, MO. 1927-1938.

7. “ Frederick Printing Co., St. Louis, MO. 1939-1945.

8. “ Charles H. Fulton, Director, MSM 1930-1931, 1933-37.

9. “ ”G”

10. Correspondence, William W Graves, St. Louis U., St. Louis, MO. 1930, 1934.

11. “ ”H”.

12. “ F.G. Higbee, State U. of Iowa, Iowa City 1924, 1929-1933, 1936-1938, 1963, 1965.

13. “ ”I”.

14. “ ”J”.

15. “ ”K”.

16. “ ”L”.

17. “ A.S. Langsdorf, Washington U., St. Louis, MO. 1931-1935, 1968.

18. “ Line Gauges by CVM. 1937-1944, 1948.

19. “ ”M”.

20. “ W.J. McCauley, Tuscon, AR. 1932-1933, 1935, 1938-1939

21. “ H.M. McCully, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, PA. 1930-1934, 1938-1939, 1945.

22. “ Missouri Educational Test Co., St. Louis, MO. Agent: Frederick Printing & Stationary Co. 1930, 1937-1945.

23. “ ”N”.

24. “ ”O”.

25. “ ”P”.

26. “ ”R”.

27. “ Requesting Testing, MSM Alumni and Students. 1934-1937, 1945.

28. “ Requesting Testing, Various 1934-1938, 1944-1948, 1955

29. “ Justus Rising, Purdue U., West Lafayette, IN. 1932-1949, 1973-1974.

30. “ ”S”.

31. “ C.H. Schumann, Jr., Columbia U., New York 1928-1939.

32. “ C.E. Seashore, State U. of Iowa, Iowa City 1929-1930, 36.

Engineering Education

Box 131 Fldr 33. “ David Segel, Dept. of Interior, Washington, D.C. 1932-1936.

34. Correspondence, H.C. Spencer, A&M College of Texas, College Station 1938-1943, 1945,1969.

35. “ George D. Stoddard, U. of Iowa, Iowa City 1927-1937, 1940 U. of Illinois Urbana, IL. 1950 New York University.

Box 132 Fldr 1. Correspondence, C.H. Stoelting Co., Chicago, IL.1929-1930

2. “ Edward K. Strong, Stanford U., CA. 1933-1934, 1937-1938, 1940.

3. “ Carl Lars Svensen, Texas Techn. College, Lubbock 1931-1933, 1935-1936, 1940.

4. “ John S. Swift Co., Inc., St. Louis, MO. 1933, 1942-1943.

5. “ ”T”.

6. “ W.H. Timbie, MIT, Cambridge, MA. 1935-1938.

7. “ ”U”.

8. “ ”V”.

9. “ ”W”.

10. “ W.E. Wickenden, Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, OH. 1926-1933.

11. “ C.C. Williams, State U. of Iowa, Iowa City and Lehigh U., Bethlehem, PA. 1932-1934, 1936, 1946

12. “ E.G. Williams, U. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. 1934, 1937-1938.

13. “ Ben D. Wood, Columbia U., New York 1930-1936.

14. “ ”Y”.

15. “ ”Z”.

16. Definitions of Engineering.

17. Engineering Curriculum Comprehensive Exams at End of Second Year 1931.

18. “ ” Textbooks Used in First Two Years 1931.

19. “ ” Various Institutions 1920s-1930s.

20. “ ” “ ” & General 1920s

21. Fraternity. Phi Delta Kappa 1928-35, 1943,1964 Resignation, 1966.

22. “ Phi Kappa Phi 1930-40 Journal Secretary, 1938.

Engineering Education

Box 132 Fldr 23. Fraternity Tau Beta Pi 1933-1934.

24. “ Theta Tau at MSM 1916, 1929-1941, 1945-1947.

25. “ ” “ At U. of Arkansas, Fayetteville Establ. 1927-1938

26. “ Triangle, MSM 1933.

27. History of Engineering Education, 1920s.

28. History of Engineering Education, Aborad, 1930s.

29. Journal of Eng. Education Research 1928, 1934-1937, 1943, 1946.

30. Meeting, Hazen Conference on Student Guidance & Counseling Estes Park, CO. 1938, 1940.

31. Professional Organization American Association for Advancement of Science & Associated Studies 1930-1936.

32. “ ” American Association of Engineers, Chicago IL. 1933.

33. “ ” American Council on Education.

34. “ ” American Engineering Council 1921-1925, 1930,1932.

35. “ ” American Society of Civil Engineers 1922-51 CVM Member 1922-1948.

36. “ ” American Society of Civil Engineers Meeting, Hot Springs, AR. April 22-25, 1936.

37. “ ” American Society of Civil Engineers Mid- Missouri Section, Jeff. City 1937-1939, 1948.

38. “ ” American Society of Civil Engineers Proceedings 1936.

39. “ ” American Society of Civil Engineers Publications 1933-1937.

40. “ ” American Society of Civil Engineers Recommendations 1924, 1928-1938, 1943.

41. “ ” American Society of Civil Engineers St. Louis Branch. Correspondence 1930-1937.

42. “ ” American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1932, 1934-1935, 1947-1948.

43. “ ” Engineering Foundation 1925, 1928-1942, 1957.

Engineering Education

Box 133 Fldr 1. Professional Organization Engineering Index Service 1936-1937.

2. “ ” Engineer’s Club of St. Louis, MO. 1935-1937.

3. “ ” Engineer’s Council for Prof. Development 1934-1936, 1940.

4. “ ” Midwestern Psychological Association 1933-1937.

5. “ ” Missouri Academy of Science Chairmanship Committee on College Science Groups 1939-1940.

6. “ ” Missouri Academy of Science Correspondence 1937-1947, 1953.

7. “ ” Missouri Academy of Science Meetings Annual 1934, 1938-1942, 1946-1947, 1953.

8. “ ” Missouri Academy of Science Meetings, Regional 1943, 1945-1946, 1948.

9. “ ” Missouri Academy of Science Student Papers. 1937, 1942-1943, 1946.

10. “ ” Missouri College Personal Association 1939- 1941.

11. “ ” Missouri Society of Professional Engineers Correspondence 1937-1949, 1957-1965, 1968, 1971-1973. 12. “ ” Missouri Society of Professional Engineers Directories 1948-1973.

13. “ ” Missouri State School Administration Assoc. 1935.

14. “ ” Missouri State Teachers Assoc. 1936, 1938.

15. “ ” National Research Council 1922-1925, 1947.

16. “ ” National Society of Professional Engineers No Date.

17. “ ” Society for Promotion of Eng. Education. Board of Investigation 1924-1925.

Engineering Education

Box 133 Fldr 18. Professional Organization S.P.E.E. Committee on Comprehensive Exams 1931-1932, 1936-1937.

Engineering Education

Box 133 Fldr 19. “ ” S.P.E.E. Committee on Comprehensive Exams 1939-1944.

20. “ ” S.P.E.E. Committee of Drawing & Design 1926-1927.

21. “ ” S.P.E.E. Committee on Educational Policy 1926-1927.

22. “ ” S.P.E.E. Committee on Formulation National Tests in Eng. Drawing 1943-1945.

23. “ ” S.P.E.E. Committee on Graphic Talents & Visualizing Aids 1940-1941.

24. “ ” S.P.E.E. Committee on National Drawing Competition 1940-1941.

25. “ ” S.P.E.E. Committee, Nominating 1941,1946.

26. “ ” S.P.E.E. Committee on Personal Methods in Use in Eng. Schools 1929-1931.

27. “ ” S.P.E.E. Committee on Proficiency Tests 1941.

28. “ ” S.P.E.E. Committee on Progress Report 1941.

29. “ ” S.P.E.E. Committee on Research 1929-1930.

30. “ ” S.P.E.E. Committee on Research Info on Teaching Materials & Methods at Various U. 1929.

31. “ ” S.P.E.E. Correspondence 1924-1925 Copy I.

Box 134 Fldr 1. Professional Organization S.P.E.E. Correspondence, Sep. 1924-Aug. 1925, Copy II.

2. “ ” S.P.E.E. Correspondence, 1925-1926, Copy I.

3. “ ” S.P.E.E. Correspondence, 1925-1926, Copy II.

4. “ ” S.P.E.E. Correspondence, Society Years, 1927- 1929.

5. “ ” S.P.E.E. Correspondence, Society Years 1929- 1934, 1943.

6. Prof. Org., SPEE, Council, 1925-1928.

7. “ ” “ Division of Education Methods, 1944-1946.

8. “ ” “ Division of Eng. Drawing, 1927-1933.

9. “ ” “ Division of Eng. Drawing, Suggestions for Final Exams Engineering Education

Box 134 Fldr 9 (Continued) in Eng. Drawing, 1932..

10. “ ” “ Division of Eng. Drawing, 1938-1948, 1950-1954.

11. “ ” “ Now ASEE, Journal of Eng. Design Graphics, 1970-71.

12. “ ” “ Journal of Eng. Drawing. Correspondence, 1938-1941, 1945-1948.

13. “ ” “ Journal of Eng. Education, College Notes, MSM 1927,1939.

14. “ ” “ Meeting, Annual Union College, New York June 12- 21, 1925.

15. “ ” “ Meeting, 36th Annual U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill June 26-28, 1925.

16. “ ” “ Meeting, 37th Annual Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH June 19-21, 1929.

17. “ ” “ Meeting, 39th Annual Purdue Univ., Lafayette, IN. June 17-19, 1931.

18. “ ” “ Meeting, 40th Annual Oregon State College, Corvallis June 29-July 1, 1932.

19. “ ” “ Meeting, 41st Annual Armour Institute of Techn., Chicago, IL. June 26-30, 1933.

20. “ ” “ Meeting, 44th Annual U. of Wisconsin, Madison. June 23-26, 1936.

21. “ ” “ Meeting, 45th Annual M.I.T Cambridge, MA. June 28- July 2, 1937.

22. “ ” “ Meeting, 46th Annual A&M College College Station Texas June 27-30, 1938.

23. “ ” “ Meeting, 47th Annual PA State College June 19-23, 1939. 24. “ ” “ Meeting, 48th Annual U. of CA, Berkeley June 24-28, 1940.

Engineering Education

Box 134 Fldr 25. Prof. Org., SPEE, Meeting, 49th Annual. U. of MI, Ann Arbour June 23-27, 1941.

26. “ ” “ ” 51st Annual Drake Hotel, Chicago, IL. Engineering Education

Box 134 Fldr 26. (continued) June 18-20, 1943.

27. “ ” “ ” 52nd Annual. U. of Cincinnati, OH. June 22- 25, 1944.

28. “ ” “ Now ASEE Meeting, 55th Annual U. of MN, Minneapolis June 18-21, 1947.

29. “ ” “ Meeting, Annual MO Branch 1931-33, 1936, 1938-40.

30. “ ” “ Meeting, Eng. Drawing Conference 1940-41, 1949.

31. “ ” “ Meeting, Eng. Graphics Division UMR Jan. 1966.

32. “ ” “ Meeting, Executive Committee on Drawing, Chicago, IL. Jan. 29-30, 1938.

Box 135 Fldr 1. Prof. Org., SPEE, Meeting Summer School for Drawing Teachers. Pittsburgh, PA. June 12-21, 1930.

2. “ ” “ ” Summer School for Drawing Teachers; Papers Delivered. Pittsburgh, PA. June 12-21 1930.

3. “ ” “ ” Summer School for Eng. Teachers Pittsburgh, PA, Montreal, Canada & New Haven, CN. June - July 1930. Part I of III.

4. Same as 3 Part II of III.

5. Same as 3 Part III of III.

6. Prof. Org., SPEE, Meeting Summer School for Drawing Teachers. St. Louis, MO. 1945-1946.

7. “ ” “ Name Change to ASEE 1945-1946.

8. “ ” “ Studies in Eng. Education Vol. I 1924-1925.

9. “ ” “ Studies in Eng. Education Vol. I 1924-1925.

10. “ ” “ Studies in Eng. Education Vol. II 1924-1925.

11. “ ” “ Studies in Eng. Education Vol. II 1924-1925.

12. “ ” “ Studies in Eng. Education Vol. III 1924-1925.

13. “ ” “ Studies in Eng. Education Vol. III 1924-1925.

14. “ ” “ Studies in Eng. Education Vol. IV 1924-1925.

Engineering Education

Box 136 Fldr 1. Prof. Org., SPEE, Studies in Eng. Education Vol. V 1925-1926.

2. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” VI 1925-1926.

Engineering Education

Box 136 Fldr 3. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” VII 1925-1926.

4. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” VIII 1925-1926.

5. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” IX 1925-26 Part I of II.

6. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” IX 1925-26 Part II of II.

7. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ Investigation of Eng. Education 1925-1926.

8. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ Power To Visualize Analysis & Evaluation 1930-1931.

9. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ Power to Visualize Manuscript & Tabulations Part I of II.

10. Same as 9 Part II of II.

11. Prof. Org., SPEE, Studies in Eng. Education, Power To Visualize Progress Report June 1938.

12. “ ” “ Studies in Eng. Education Power to Visualize Project 1930's.

13. “ ” “ Studies in Eng. Education Power to Visualize Project Correspondence 1930's-1940's Part I of II.

14. Same as 13 Part II of II.

15. Prof. Org., SPEE, Studies in Eng. Education, Power To Visualize Proposal July 1928.

16. “ ” “ Studies in Eng. Education, Power To Visualize Questionnaire 1931.

17. “ ” “ Studies in Eng. Education, Power To Visualize Questionnaires Answered 1930 Part I of IV.

18. Same as 17 Part II of IV.

19. Same as 17 Part III of IV.

20. Same as 17 Part IV of IV.

Engineering Education

Box 137 Fldr 1. Prof. Org., SPEE, Studies in Eng. Education E.C.P.D. Test Study C.E. Bullinger 1934.

2. “ ” “ Studies in Eng. Education Cooperative Tests Eng. Freshmen 1936 Nos. 1-69 Part I of II.

Engineering Education

Box 137 Fldr 3. Same as 2 Nos. 71-115a Part II of II.

4. Prof. Org., SPEE, Testing in Eng. Education Correspondence 1929-44 Material for Report Part I of II.

5. Same as 4 Part II of II.

6. Prof. Org., SPEE, Testing in Eng. Education “He Gave Us Tests” Correspondence, 1942-43 Part I of II.

7. Same as 6 Part II of II.

Engineering Education, Publications

8. Articles and Papers on Eng. Education 1925-1926.

9. Articles, Various 1934, 1964.

10. Publications Mentioning CVM 1920s-1940s.

11. Published Material About CVM Eng. Foundation Reports 25 Years of Service 1914-39.

12. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education May 1929.

13. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Mar. 1929.

14. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Jan. 1930.

15. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Nov. 1930.

16. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Dec. 1930 Yearbook.

17. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Oct. 1931.

18. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Nov. 1931.

19. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Dec. 1931 Yearbook.

20. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Jan. 1932.

21. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Mar. 1932.

22. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Jan. 1933.

23. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Jan. 1934


24. Published Material about CVM Journal of Eng. Education Jan. 1936


25. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Jun. 1936.

26. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Dec. 1936.

27. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Feb. 1937.

Engineering Education

Box 137 Fldr 27. (continued) Yearbook.

28. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Mar. 1937.

29. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Nov. 1937.

30. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Feb. 1939


31. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Feb. 1940


32. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Feb. 1941


33. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Mar. 1941.

34. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Feb. 1942.

Box 138 Fldr 1. Published Material About CVM Journal of Eng. Education Feb. 1943


2. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education. Mar. 1943.

3. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education. May 1943.

4. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education. Sep. 1943.

5. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education. Feb. 1944


6. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Jun. 1944.

7. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Oct. 1944.

8. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Feb. 1945


9. “ ” “ ” Journal of Eng. Education Feb. 1946.


10. Publications, Reviews 1940s.

11. Research Measuring Dexterity by Sample Test 1935, 1940.

12. Research Measuring Instrument for Blue Print Paper Various Firms 1923.

13. “ Measuring Instrument for India Ink Lines Various Firms 1930- 1931.

14. Research Measuring Reaction Time 1929-1930.

15. “ Measuring Student Time on Exercises Various Firms. Correspondence 1934-36.

16. “ Robot Grading Tests 1934.

17. W.P.A. Project Outline of W.P.A. Projects in Phelps Co. 1940.

Engineering Education

Box 138 Fldr 18. “ ” Sponsor’s Statement, W.P.A. Project No. 6664 Jan. 40.

19. “ ” Sponsor’s Statement, W.P.A. Project No. 6664 Jan. 40.

20. “ ” Sponsor’s Statement, W.P.A. Project No. 6664 Jan. 40.

21. “ ” Working Procedures for Proposed W.P.A. Project 1938.


22. “The Idiotic Review” CVM 1967.

23. “Industrial Democracy” Manuscript 1923.

Publications, City Planning & Construction

24. Papers on Water Supply and Municipal Govt. at Boulder, CO. 1910-1918.

25. “Earth Fill Irrigation Dam Has Some Novel Details” Eng. News Record, Vol. 86, No. 24, June 16, 1921 Pp. 1030-32.

26. “Construction Engineer on Apishapa Dam Failure” Eng. News Record, Vol. 91, No. 25, Dec. 20, 1923, pp. 1029-30.

27. “Watercolors for Topographic Maps” Eng. News -Record 1925.

Publications, Education

28. “Academic Freedom & Tenure” Bulletin, AAUP, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, 1938.

29. “The Supreme Goal in Education” Oct. 1957.

Publications, Engineering Education.

30. “What’s in A Name?” Eng. News Record, Vol. 94, No. 17, Apr. 23, 1925. Pp. 701-702.

31. “ Evaluation of Placement Exams” J.E.E.R., Vol. XIX, No. 3, Nov. 1928, pp. 288-300. Am. Convention Eng. Education, June 27, 1928.

32. “A Proposed Program for Improvement of Eng. Teachers” J.E.E.R., Vol.

Publications, Engineering Education XIX, No. 8, Apr. 1929, pp. 852-858.

33. “Objective Type Tests in Eng. Drawing and Descriptive Geometry” Publications, Engineering Education

Box 138 Fldr 33. (continued) J.E.E.R., Vol. XIX, No. 10, June 1929.

34. “The Construction & Use of Objective Type Tests in Eng. Education” Manuscript Vol. I, First Edition 1930.

35. “Objective Type Tests in Eng. Education” Galley Proofs 1930 Rev.

36. “Objective Type Tests in Eng. Education” 1930.

Publications, Eng. Education.

Box 139 Fldr 1. “Fundamental Principles of Descriptive Geometry” 1930 Manuscript, Notes Folder I of II.

2. Same as 1 Folder II of II.

3. “Fundamental Principles of Descriptive Geometry” Original Manuscript 1930.

4. “Fundamental Principles of Descriptive Geometry” 1930. Chapter I-IV.

5. “Fundamental Principles of Descriptive Geometry” 1930. Chapter I-IV.

6. “As The Author Sees It” Phi Delta Kappan Vol. XIII, No. 4, Dec. 1039, pp. 114.

7. “Aptitudes for Engineering. The Power To Visualize.” J.E.E.R., 1931.

8. “Symposium of Opinion Relative to “The Value to the Eng. of Power to Visualize” CVM Dec. 1931 To Be Published J.E.E.R., Vol. 1, No. 3, Sept. 1934.

9. “The Opinion of 400 Prominent Engineers & Eng. Teachers Relative to Value to “The Eng. of Visualizing Ability” J.E.E.R., Vol. 1, No. 1, July 1932.

10. “Measuring the Eng. Student” J.E.E.R., Dec. 12, 1933 Third Annual Meeting, MO Branch SPEE, Nov. 3, 1933.

11. “Measuring the Eng. Students” J.E.E.R., Vol. 1, No. 1, Dec. 1933.

12. Same as 11 Extra Copies.

13. J.E.E.R. Articles, CVM 1934-37.

14. “Experimentation to Discover Measurable Aptitudes for Engineering” J.E.E.R., Vol. 1, No.2, June 12, 1934.

Publications, Engineering Education.

Box 139 Fldr 15. “The Value to the Engineer of Power To Visualize” J.E.E.R., Vol. 1, Publications, Engineering Education

Box 139 Fldr 15. (continued) No. 3, Sep. 1934.

16. “The Problem of Accurate Determination, Measurement and Interpretation of Prof. Abilities, Interests and Special Aptitudes of High School Students and College Freshmen” Mo Academy of Science, Vol. I, 1934-35 Dec. 8, 1934.

17. “Report of Committee on Orientation of Freshmen” CVM et. Al., J.E.E.R., Vol. 26, No. 2, Oct. 1935.

18. “Systematic Selection and Guidance of Eng. Students” J.E.E.R., Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1936. Papers, ASCE, 4-23-26. 44th Annual Meeting, SPEE June 24, 1936.

19. “Selecting & Guiding Eng. Students” Civil Engineering, Sep. 1936.

20. “Report of SPEE Committee on Tests & Comprehensive Exams” J.E.E.R., Vol. XXVII, No. 7, Mar. 1937, pp. 493-509.

21. “The Nature of Engineering” Civil Engineering, Apr. 1937.

22. “The Value of Objective Mechanical Drawing Tests” Mech. Drawing News, Oct. 1937.

23. Progress Report on “A Project for Measurement of Power to Visualize” J. Eng. Drawing, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1938.

Publications, Eng. Education; Frisco History and Mann Family

Publications, Engineering Education

Box 140 Fldr 1. “The Opportunity to Instill Eng. Spirit in Freshmen as Offered in Teaching Eng. Drawing” J.E.E.R., Vol. XXIC, No. 9, May 1939.

2. “Eng. Aptitudes: Their Definition, Measurement and Use” J.E.E.R., Vol. XXXII, No. 8, Apr. 1942 Paper, 49th Ann. Meeting, SPEE, June 27, 1941.

3. “SNH Survey of Eng. Drawing Conducted by Drawing Div. of SPEE, 1941-42” J.E.E.R., Vol. 33, June 1943.

4. “On Frontiers of Eng. Education” Vol. I, Copy 3 Part I of II.

5. “On Frontiers of Eng. Education” Vol. I, Copy 3 Part II of II.

6. “On Frontiers of Eng. Education” Vol. II, Copy 3 Part I of II.

7. “On Frontiers of Eng. Education” Vol. II, Copy 3 Part II of II.

Publications, Eng. Education; Frisco History and Mann Family

Publications, Engineering Education

Box 140 Fldr 8. “On Frontiers of Eng. Education” Vol. III, Copy 3 Part I of II.

9. “On Frontiers of Eng. Education” Vol. III, Copy 3 Part II of II.

10. “On Frontiers of Eng. Education” Vol. IV, Copy 3 Part I of II.

11. “On Frontiers of Eng. Education” Vol. IV, Copy 3 Part II of II.

12. “On Frontiers of Eng. Education” Tracings of Papers to be Copied.

MSM History, Department of Engineering Drawing

Box 141 Fldr 1. Aims and Purpose of Department, 1932.

2. Books & Equipment of Department, 1924, 1930-1931.

3. Budget Correspondence 1926-1933.

4. Budget Information 1920-1922, 1931-1946.

5. Budget Ledgers 1940-1943, 1945.

6. Budget Requests 1923-1930, 1933-1934, 1937-42.

7. Curriculum Changes 1930-1937.

8. Equipment. Candle Power Study of Drawing Dept.. Rooms Nov. 1937.

9. Equipment Checklists, 1928.

10. Expenditures 1920-1922.

11. Inquiries, Departmental Information 1935, 1944.

12. Inventory, 1945.

13. Invoice, June 1926.

14. Key Assignments 1928.

15. Personnel Applications 1923-1942.

16. Personnel Information 1925-1943.

17. Registrar Information 1924, 1940-1941.

18. Requirements for Engineers in Business 1930.

19. Student Complaints 1924,1931.

20. Student Correspondence 1926-1945.

21. Students, Highest fifth of Freshmen 1927, 1930-1932, 1934-35, 1939.

22. Students, First Missouri Annual High School Competition in Mechanical Drawing March 1938.

23. Students, Material Loaned to 1933-1934.

24. Supplies, Estimate of Drawing Paper Required for 1929-1930.

MSM History, Students and Department of Engineering Drawing

MSM History, Department of Engineering Drawing

Box 141 Fldr 25. Supplies, Requests and Offers. 1922, 1935-1936, 1943-1944.

MSM History, Dept. of Eng. Drawing, Correspondence- Supplies

26. A.S. Aloe Co., St. Louis, MO. 1931

27. American Bridge Co., Gary, IN. 1926

28. Charles Banning, Chicago, IL. 1928.

29. Codex Book Co., New York, 1926-1929

30. Craftint Manufacturing Co., Cleveland, OH. 1939

31. Eugene Dietzgen Co., Chicago, IL. 1927-1940.

32. DuPont Viscoloid Co., Arlington, N.J. 1935, 1938

33. Graham Paper Co., St. Louis, MO. 1935.

34. Keuffel & Esser, Co., St. Louis, MO. 1929-1930, 1934-35, 1937-38,1944

35. Edwin Z. Lesch, Dayton, OH & Hartford, CN. 1936-1939.

36. MS Valley Paper Co., St. Louis, MO. 1930.

37. Ozalid Corp., New York. 1938, 1940.

38. C.F. Pease Co., Chicago, IL. 1924-1940.

39. Frederick Post Co., Chicago,IL. 1924, 1933,1935,1937,1942,1945

40. Ruckert Architects’ Supply Co., St. Louis, MO. 1934,1938.

41. U.S. Blueprint Paper Co., Chicago, IL. 1920-1921,1932.

42. Western Blueprint Co., Kansas City,KS. 1936.

43. WRICO Lettering.

44. Pencils for Drawing Dept. Various Firms. 1924,1928.

Dept. of Eng. Drawing, Corresp., Supplies-Locks

45. Banner Iron Works, St. Louis, MO. 1926-1927

46. Dudley Lock Corp., Chicago, IL. 1930-1932.

47. Junkune Bros., Chicago, IL. 1936-1937.

48. Yale and Towne Mfg. Co., Stanford, CN. 1924

Dept. of Eng. Drawing, Correspondence. Supplies- Machine Parts.

49. Air Reduction Sales Co., St. Louis, MO. 1933.

MSM History, Department of Engineering Drawing, Correspondence

Dept. of Eng. Drawing, Correspondence. Supplies- Machine Parts.

Box 141 Fldr 50. Am. Institute of Steel Construction, Inc., New York 1938.

51. Burns & McDonnell, Kansas City, KS. 1924

52. Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Co., Garden City, N.J. 1929

53. Erie Engine Works, Erie, PA. 1925.

54. Falk Corp., Milwaukww,WI. 1934.

55. Frisco Railroad, Springfield, MO. 1922,1926

56. Goulds Manufacturing Co., Chicago, IL 1923

57. Johnson & Maack, St. Louis. MO. 1932.

58. Missouri State Highway Department, Jeff. City, MO. 1931-1932

59. Russell & Axon, St. Louis, MO. 1932,1934

60. Scullin Steel Co., St. Louis, MO. 1930

61. Steel Castings Development Bureau, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. 1930

62. Tavella Sales Co., New York. 1934-1935

63. Bridge Plans & Specs., Various Firms. 1924.

64. Drawings of Electric Motors. Various Firms. 1921.

65. Drawings of Mining Equipment. Various Firms. 1920,1924,1932-1933

66. Illustrated Lectures. Various Oraganizations. 1925-1926.

67. Movies for Classroom Use. 1936. Various Firms.

68. Steel for Classroom. Various Firms. 1923.

Dept. of Eng. Drawing, Correspondence. Supplies- Office Equipment.

69. Acme Card System Co., Chicago,IL. 1925.

70. S.G. Adams Co., St. Louis, MO.

71. Am. Rubber Stamp Co., St. Louis, MO.

72. Benjamin Electric Mfg. Co., Chicago, 1925.

73. Berger Mfg. Co., Canton, OH. 1930-1931.

74. Ditto, Chicago, IL. 1934-1937.

75. Fletcher Typewriter Co., St. Louis, MO. 1935.

76. Globe-Wernicke Co., St. Louis, MO. 1924.

77. Hobart Cabinet Co., Troy, OH. 1935.

78. Lufkin Rule Co., Lansing, MI. 1935.

79. Marchant Calculating Machine Co., St. Louis, MO. 1929,1931.

MSM History, Department of Engineering Drawing, Correspondence

Dept. of Eng. Drawing, Correspondence. Supplies- Office Equipment

Box 141 Fldr 80. The Missouri Store, Columbia. MO 1930-1931.

81. Monroe Calculating Machine Co., Orange, N.J. 1925, 1929

Dept. of Eng. Drawing, Correspondence. Supplies- Printing

82. Am. Type Founders, St. Louis. Agents: Chandler & Price Co., 1935.

83. Charles Burning Co., Chicago, IL. 1934-1935,1938-1940.

84. Mack Printing Co., Easton, PA. 1938.

85. Multigraph Sales Agency, St. Louis, MO. 1935.

86. Hugh Stephens Printing & Stationary Co., Jeff. City, MO. 1922.

Dept. of Eng. Drawing, Correspondence. Supplies- Textbooks

87. International Textbook Co., Scranton, PA. 1944

88. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. 1929-1930, 1932-1936, 1938,1941

89. D. Van Nostrant Co., New York. 1924, 1932-1933, 1935.

90. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 1923-1925.

Engineering Education, Dept. of Eng. Drawing

Box 142 Fldr 1. Instruction. Course 211, Elementary Drawing. 1922-1923.

2. Instruction. Course 213, Gen. Eng. Drawing I. 1931.

3. Instruction. Course 214, Descriptive Geometry. 1927-1928.

4. Instruction. Course 218, Descriptive Geometry.

5. Instruction. Course 221, Gen. Eng. Drawing II. 1924, 1943-1944.

6. “ Course 253. Advanced Mapping & Topographical Drawing. 1920.

7. “ Course 254. Graphic Charts. 1930s

8. “ Course 255. City Planning. 1930s. Course Material filed box15.

9. “ City Planning Notes.

10. “ City Planning. General Lecture in Architecture. Apr. 16 &21, 1927.

11. “ Course 270. History of Engineering. W. Farrar. 1930

12. “ Course 270. History of Engineering. Background Notes

13. “ Electric Fundamentals.

Page 96:

Engineering Education, Dept. of Eng. Drawing

Box 142 Fldr 14. Instruction. Engineering Lettering. 1935, 1942.

15. Instruction Geodetic Computations. Lecture Notes. 1922.

16. Instruction Hydraulics Assignments 1-4. 1920-1921. Dept. Notes, 1920.

17. Instruction Mechanical Drawing. 1919-1921.

18. Instruction Modern City Government. Bibliography.

19. Instruction MSM Various Eng. Disciplines. (filed Box 145).

20. Instruction Structural Design

21. Instruction Surveying

22. Instruction Topographical Engineering

23. Instruction Demo Drawings. W.C. Zeuch. 1910-11

24. Instruction Workbooks on Lettering.

25. Instruction Workbooks Various.

26. Instruction Work by Students. 1920-1921. (filed Box 145).

27. Instruction Work by Students. Freehand Drawings. (filed Box 145).

28. Instruction Work by Students. Topographic Surveying. 1930s -50s (filed Box 145).

Engineering Education, Dept. of Eng. Drawing- Instruction. MSM. Various Engineering Disciplines. Blue Prints, Maps-Irregular Box

Box 143 Fldr 1. Architectural Engineering. Course 226. Complete Sets of House Plans.

2. Chemical Engineering.

3. Civil Engineering.

4. Electrical Engineering.

5. Mechanical Engineering.

6. Metallurgical Engineering. Designs, Furnaces. Drawn, CVM for Dr. Fulton.

7. Mine Engineering. Mine Survey Maps, CVM. Problems Useful in Descriptive Geometry.

8. Railroad Engineering, Maps used in Course 222.

9. Water Supplies, Dams, Reservoirs & Canals.

Engineering Education, Tests-Grades. Scores on Tests. Course 219, Plates 1,4-6. Descriptive Geometry. Dept. of Eng. Drawing. 1938-Irregular Box

Box 144 Fldr 1. Scores on Tests. Course 219, Plate 1, Descriptive Geometry. 1938.

2. “ ” “ ” “ ” 4, “ ” “

3. “ ” “ ” “ ” 5, “ ” “

4. “ ” “ ” “ ” 6, “ ” “

MSM History, Alumni; Campus; Campus Survey; State Survey; Dept. of Eng. Drawing- Irregular Box

Box 145 Fldr 1. Dept. of Eng. Drawing- Instruction. Demo Drawings, W.C. Zeuch.

2. Dept. of Eng. Drawing- Instruction. Work by Students. 1920-1921.

3. Dept. of Eng. Drawing- Instruction. Course 255. City Planning Course Material.

4. Dept. of Eng. Drawing- Instruction. Work by Students. Freehand Drawings


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