Political Systems - Weebly

Political Systems

|System |Facts |Location |

| |a country is ruled by a monarch (king), who has absolute control. |Europe during the age of |

|Absolute Monarch | |absolutism |

| |A system of government in which the citizens hold the legislative, judicial, and | |

|Democracy |executive power, based on majority rule. |England |

| |Voting | |

| |A system of government in which a country is ruled by a single person with | |

|Dictatorship |absolute power. |China (present) |

| |The justification of monarchy through the word of God | |

|Divine Right | |King Louie XIV |

| |In China, a dynasty would remain in power only as long as it was providing good | |

| |government. | |

| |When a dynasty went into decline, and began to abuse its power, it was said to | |

| |lose the Mandate of Heaven, or the favor of the gods. |China (T’ang, Sung, Yuan Dynasty) |

|Dynastic cycle |A strong leader would usually emerge to claim the Mandate, and establish a new | |

| |dynasty. The dynastic cycle would then begin again. | |

| |A system of government that promotes extreme nationalism, repression, | |

|Fascism |anticommunism, and is ruled by a dictator |Germany (Hitler) |

| |The complete control of a weaker nation’s social, economic, and political life by | |

| |a stronger nation |England (Mother Country) |

|Imperialism |Industrialized countries sought control of other countries for raw materials and |India (Colony) |

| |new markets | |

| |Government controls all aspects of life | |

|Totalitarianism |Total control |Soviet Union |

| | |(Stalin) |

| |A political system in which a country is ruled by law, has representative |United States |

|Republic |government, and is democratic in nature |Rome |

| |Officials are chosen by the people | |

| |A political system where the means of production are controlled by the workers and| |

| |all things are shared evenly. | |

|Socialism |Socialist policies provide for government funding of many basic needs such as |Sweden |

| |food, shelter, and medical care. | |

| | | |

|Economic Systems |

|System |Facts |Locations |

|Traditional |Based on agriculture |Early River Valley Civilizations |

| |Limited barter trade |Neolithic Civilizations |

|Market |Based upon Supply and Demand | |

| |Usually focus on consumer goods | |

| |Little government control | |

|Command |Controlled by strong, centralized government |Soviet Union |

| |Usually focuses on industrial goods | |

| |Little attention paid to agriculture and consumer goods | |

|Mixed |Combination of Market and Command economic systems | |

| |Market forces control most consumer goods | |

| |Government directs industry in need areas. | |

|Other |

|Communism |create a classless society |Soviet Union |

| |the means of production would be controlled by the working class |China (Mao) |

| |a fair distribution of wealth would exist |Cuba |

Regents Questions

1. Economic development in Japan after World War II and in Communist China since the 1980’s is similar in that both nations have sought to

1. end foreign investment

2. develop their vast natural resources to achieve economic growth

3. utilize the concepts of capitalism to improve their economies

4. nationalize most major industries and restrict competition

2. Which statement best describes how a command economy functioned in the Soviet Union?

1. The laws of supply and demand controlled the economy.

2. Trade policies mandated that imports exceed exports.

3. The success of the agricultural sector controlled the price of manufactured goods.

4. A central authority determined the type and quantity of goods to be produced.

3. Which generalization about democracy is most valid?

1. democratic political systems require a highly industrialized society

2. democratic governments first evolved in North America

3. democratic governments prevent their citizens from traveling abroad

4. democratic governments protect basic civil liberties

4. “Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

--Lord Acton, British historian

Based on this quotation, why type of government would Lord Acton most likely support?

1. dictatorship

2. absolute monarchy

3. totalitarian state

4. representative democracy

5. What did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels believe would be the result when communism finally emerged as the dominant political and economic system?

1. Only two classes would exist in society.

2. All the evils of industrial society would disappear.

3. The Soviet Union would become the world’s only superpower.

4. Citizens would own their individual homes and farms.

6. In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin governed by means of secret police, censorship, and purges. This type of government is called

1. democracy

2. totalitarian

3. limited monarchy

4. theocracy


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