Handler Pool Report Program

Handler Pool Report Program

(Version 3.00 Updates - March 1, 2006)

List of Changes:

• Add New Record Button

• Add New Record To Current Pg-Sc Button

• Calculator Button

• Comments Field

• Drop-down Menu Button

• Exit Button – (Missing Unit or Butterfat Test Warning)

• Exit Button – (Un-Initialed Report Warning)

• Import Comments Button

• Import Plant Button

• Plant History Button

• Pool Report Button – (Preview or Print)

[pic] Figure 1:

[Add New Record]

This option allows the user to add a new record. There are two tabs in this window, Receipts (as illustrated in figure 2) and Utilizations (as illustrated in figure 3). On the left side of the screen, you have the list of categories and on the right side their respective options. Each option represents a field in the database and the data is posted automatically. Both tabs work the same way.

[pic] Figure 2:

• Receipts example: Select the “Receipts” tab and click on “Bulk Milk or Cream” category on the left side. On the right side, the program will ask if this is a diversion or a transfer. If it is a diversion, it will then ask if it is a farm or scale weights. If it’s a transfer, the program knows it’s a scale weights. It also asks for the class, which plant it came from, the product name and comments.

[pic] Figure 3:

• Utilizations example: Select the “Utilizations” tab and click on “Packaged Milk” category on the left side. On the right side, the program will ask whether it is within or outside the marketing area. If it’s within, the program needs to know what class. If it’s outside, is it to a plant, other order or unregulated area? If it’s to a plant, the program needs to know the plant information. If it’s other order, the program needs to know what order number. The program also asks for product name and comments.

[Add New Record to Current Pg-Sc]

This button allows the user to add a new record without asking any questions. This procedure takes the current page and section information and adds a new record with the same information.


In the previous versions, the user can right click on a record and a calculator will pop up. See figure 4. The calculator button does the same thing. The calculator allows the user to add several entries and post the total(s) to the corresponding record.

Note: Right clicking on the record still works.

[pic] Figure 4:


Based on the record type, the comments field may be visible or not visible in the grid. See figures 5 and 6. The comments field under the grid represents the comments for the respective record that the user is on. Comments can be entered in either place.

[pic] Figure 5:

[pic] Figure 6:

[Drop-Down Menu]

This button is strictly navigational. It allows the user to move from one record to another quickly. For example, if the user selects “Class 1 Utilizations”, the program will display the first class 1 utilization record.

[pic] Figure 7:

[Exit - Missing Units or Butterfat Test Warning]

This warning is ONLY for plants with route sales. The program checks each route sales record for unit and Butterfat test entries. If it finds at least one record without either one, the warning message will pop up. See figure 8 for illustration.

[pic] Figure 8:

[Exit - Un-Initialed Report Warning]

When the user exits a report that has not been initialed, a warning message will pop up as illustrated in figure 9. This message does not mean the user has to sign the report every time they exit. The program allows the user to exit without signing the report. This message is just a reminder that the report MUST be signed before it is sent to the Federal Milk Market Administrator’s office.

[pic] Figure 9:

[Import Comments]

The “Import” button is available to all records. The program looks at the plant that your record is currently on and gets all the records from the plant history with their comments. It is important to understand that the plant MUST have comments in the plant history. As illustrated in figure 10, this window sets a filter to the specific plant and its comments.

[pic] Figure 10:

[Import Plant]

You can import plant information to an added record. Instead of typing all the information, this is an easy and safe way to enter plant information into an added record. It is important to note that, unlike the “Import Comments” button, this button is ONLY available to ADDED records.

[pic] Figure 11:

[Plant History]

”Plant History” is a list of plants that the handler have done business with. This list is automatically created and updated based on pre-coded reports. The first time the user access a report, the plant history file gets created. Entry to subsequent reports will add new plants to the list automatically. The plant history is specific to a plant. Therefore, if the user works on more than one report, there will be more than one plant history file.

The “Plant History” button brings up a window that shows the plant list as illustrated in figure 12. In this window, the user can make a copy of an existing plant, remove a plant from the list and enter comments.

[pic] Figure 12:

• Why make a copy? Let’s say you have a handler with three items. When the plant history is created, the program only adds one record for each plant thus only one comments area. At this point, you can enter the comments for one of the item and not the rest. But, if you make two copies of that plant, you can enter comments for the other two items as well. See figure 12 for an illustration.

• Why remove a plant from the list? You have a plant that you don’t do business with any more or if they went out of business.

[Pool Report - Preview or Print]

Printing of reports has been updated in this version as well. In the previous versions, the user was able to preview the pool report and print to the default printer only.

[pic] Figure 13:

In version 3.00, the user can choose which printer they want to print to. They can also select what pages to print if it has multiple pages. As illustrated in figure 14, the default is “All” pages. The user can select the “Pages” option and enter a starting page and ending page.

Note: The default ending page is 65,534. This number is arbitrary. It doesn’t mean there are 65,534 pages for this report. It means the last page of the report.

[pic] Figure 14:


Comments field is not visible.

Blue background means no comments were entered for this record.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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