Immigration - Salisbury University

Immigration Lecture Outline

Immigration Group Discussion Issues for you to consider:

1. Where do immigrants in recent decades mainly come from (regions of world), and How has that changed over time, and where do they locate here in US (Schaefer, ch 4)

2. What are Xenophobia and Nativism, and how are they related to immigration – any examples? (Schaefer, ch 4)

3. What happened to immigration between 1920s and 1965? Why? Who did 1965 immigration law changes favor? (Schaefer, ch 4)

4. How many illegal immigrants are there in US and what roles do they play in US economy? (Schaefer, ch 4) Think about WORK section, what is labor demand / PULL for illegal immigrants? (Schlosser and Bao rdgs)

5. What is economic impact of immigrants, positive and negative, what is tax impact? How is globalization related to immigration? (Schaefer, ch 4)

6. What are some factors that PUSH immigrants from Mexico to the US? (Meyerson web rdg)

7. How does immigration enforcement on the border essentially backfire? (Massey short web rdg.)

8. What are the 3 ways that Second Generation Black Immigrants in NYC construct their identity? How is this ID construction process affected by immigrants’: class background, contact with whites, contact with African Americans, and the lived experience here (opportunities, discrimination, etc.) (Waters reading)

9. Melting Pot & Assimilation – (Steinberg rdg. #40) How have immigrants tended to assimilate to U.S. – in terms of Language, Inter-Marriage rates, upward (SES) mobility

How European immigrants fit this model in previous century, and do Asian and Hispanic immigrants today?

How African Americans have been excluded from assimilation – but also from Melting pot?

Lecture and Group Discussion Points:

Showed Video “Immigration on Main Street” – illustrating some of conflicts over immigration, and different ways community respond to and adapt to immigration.

Push & Pull Conditions key in immigration (Schaefer ch. 4)

Much elaboration on Push conditions in sending countries, esp. in Mexico & Central America (source of 75% of undocumented immigrants in US), esp. on role of NAFTA (Meyerson web rdg.), & role Globalization & of US foreign policy (including wars / militatry intervention, in Vietnam, Korea, Central America) and corporations in creating or adding to push conditions.

Much elaboration on Pull conditions in US drawing immigrants here – refer back to work readings, esp. on demand for low-wage workers in US economy, secondary labor market,, e.g., in meeat packing (Schlosser web rdg on Work) and in garment industry (Bao rdg. on work in Gallagher)

Importance of remittances – BNs $ sent to home countries by immigrant workers in US.

Mixed Status Households (Schaefer ch. 4) – relationships between unauthorized / illegal immigrants and legal resident immigrants and US citizen family members.

The 3 ways that Second Generation Black Immigrants in NYC construct their identity?

& How is this ID construction process affected by immigrants’ class background, contact with whites, contact with African Americans, and the lived experience here (opportunities, discrimination, etc.) Social Distance vs. Assimilation… (Waters #43reading)

Impact of immigration (esp. unauthorized) on US wages, very uneven, but some impact (Schaefer ch. 4)

Effects of increasing US-Mexico border enforcement on illegal immigration by Mexicans to US. Not what was intended …. (Massey short web rdg., linked to Meyerson)

Melting Pot & Assimilation – (Steinberg rdg. #40) my critique of his use of those terms as inter-changeable (I say they mean different things)

Assimilation – in terms of Language [3-generation cycle], Inter-Marriage rates, upward (SES) mobility

How European immigrants fit this model in previous century, as do Asian and Hispanic immigrants today

How African Americans have been excluded from assimilation – but also from Melting pot? (He & I differ on that, b./c I have different definition of Melting pot, as not same thing as assimilation)

Not Discussed much or at all in class but should know:

What are Xenophobia and Nativism, and how are they related to immigration – any examples? (Schaefer, ch 4)

What is economic impact of immigrants, positive and negative, what is tax impact? (Schaefer, ch 4)

Overview of US Immigrant population today comapred with earlier hist. periods—Size, origin (

Where are immigrants concentrated now in US. (Schaefer ch. 4)

Chinese Exclusion Act & labor competition (Schaefer ch. 4)

When labor demand drops and competition increased, then immigration restrictions or deportations… a general pattern in US immgn. History (Schaefer ch. 4)


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