BIG HISTORICAL SHIFTS : THE PILL, FEMINISM, MASCULISM Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ lot of people have probably noticed how feministed movies have become over the pasts few years, with frail 20 year old females single handedly wiping out whole gangs of males, with women’s jujitsu and muscle power. This farce can be explained in terms of market forces, namely that the majority of movie goers are now female, so that the producers of movies have to cater to their female audiences, so have to appeal to the whims of women, i.e. their desire to be feel powerful, to be able to conquer men, even if the laws of physics have to be broken, by pretending that men do NOT have three times greater strength across the chest than women.It took half a century for feminism to move from the “Intellectuals crying in the wilderness” stage, in the late sixties, to the “main stream” stage of today, i.e. so influential with the general female public, that it features in today’s movies. In other words, feminism has had a profound influence on women, and therefore on society as a whole. One wonders how long it will take for masculism to achieve a similar level of success? Will it also take half a century as feminism did, i.e. from the time I was a young man in his twenties, participating in the first major feminist demo in London in the early 70s, to watching now, feminist movies for the masses?Masculism is now where feminism was in the late 60s, i.e. in the “Intellectuals crying in the wilderness” phase, so we.ay be years, or even decades, away from seeing masculism become main stream, so one can ask, “Just how influential will masculism become in the coming years?”I think masculism will become incredibly powerful in the coming decade, having as much an impact, if not more on society, than has feminism. The 2020s will be the decade of masculism. It will be men’s turn to dominate gender politics, after women have been dominating this field for half a century. This flyer/video has as its major aim, to convince you of this.I see the rise of feminism as a natural consequence of the male invention of the pill, i.e. the contraceptive pill, which effectively liberated women from undesired pregnancy. Women could reliably control the number of kids they wanted, and since it costs about $250,000 to raise a kid in the US today, women have been choosing to have zero, one or two kids, in most cases.It was men who liberated women (from household drudgery) by giving women the pill, household gadgets (i.e. the electrical revolution), modern medicine, female life expectancies well into the 80s, higher education, etc., so that in practice, even for those women who have their two kids, they still have a half century career window, which is the primary reason for the meteoric rise of modern feminism.In the 60s, women were housewives, living the traditional female role of being the child raiser, the hausfrau, the cook, the house cleaner, the household shopper, etc. With two small kids, this was a full time job, but once the kids were off to kindergarten, or to school, these university educated, upper middle class housewives got bored. They felt their lives were in limbo, purposeless, depressing, so they rebelled, and advocated that women take up careers, like men, preaching to women that “anything a man can do, a woman can do” and “women are the equal of men, so should be given equal rights with men, equal opportunities with men, the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, half the positions of power in politics and in the boardroom, running countries and companies, i.e. real female power.”Thus, one can say that the male invention of the pill (together with the non-negligible contributions from the other things listed above) was the enabling factor that got feminism off the ground. In my view, the contraceptive pill is the greatest social revolution of all time. It has had a profound impact on women’s lives, allowing them to transform themselves away from being full time baby factories and child raisers, often having a dozen kids, half of whom died young, to becoming female careerists, like men, earning real money, like men, taking positions of influence and power, like men, and acquiring real status, like men.The rise of feminism, I see as one of the most significant social changes in history, a big historical shift, as in the title of this flyer, that the historians will be writing about forever, as one of the major social changes that occurred in the second half of the 20th century, and beyond.But what about masculism? Why do I think that masculism will also be of comparable social influence? What impact will masculism have on society, and why do I think that that impact will be so strong, that future historians will write about it as being as significant as feminism, if not more so?There is a reason for the above title of this flyer. I see the pill as the main cause of feminism, and I see feminism as the main cause of masculism. The pill ENABLED feminism, and as I see it, feminism ENABLED masculism, in the sense that, as masculists say, “Now that women can work, they must work! Anything else is manslavery, and manslavery will eventually get women killed!”Traditionally, men paid a very heavy price to get regular sex from a woman, i.e. to be her manslave, to work for her, so that she could stay at home, raising the next generation, i.e. usually a whole brood of kids, which rising health standards and more effective, science based, medicine, kept alive, with greater frequency.My own mother had 11 other siblings. She was born only a century ago. The traditional gender roles, of the father of the nuclear family being the bread winner, and the mother being the baby factory and child raiser, made sense a century or more ago, because being a housewife and child raiser was a full time job, before there were household gadgets and the pill. It was simply not practical for most women to be full time careerists, the way men were, and to be full time mothers at the same time. If the mother was out the door for half the day, pursuing a career, and so was the husband, then who looked after the kids while the mother was working outside the house? It just wasn’t practical, so after the industrial revolution, and the factory system was set up, the traditional gender roles became firmly intrenched. They simply made sense. They were practical.But with the male invention of the contraceptive pill in the 60s, that changed everything. Women could reliably decide on how many kids they wanted, and they chose to have far fewer. That meant a lot more free time for women during their lifetimes. I remember when I was postdocing and researching in Japan in the 90s, that the Jap husbands overworked as salarymen, and the Jap wives played tennis, having a great time, with their female friends, while their manslaved husbands died from karoshi (i.e. death from overwork).Then the feminists, once they had become politically powerful, took over the divorce courts, and with their new female gender roles given to them by the feminist intellectuals (sages), they streamed into the work force, and gained financial independence in large numbers. However, this was before the rise of masculism, so these freshly minted feminists knew nothing about masculist ideas, so by default, kept their traditional female expectations of men, i.e. seeing men as “existing on this earth, to pay for women to have babies.”Millions of women saw other women become FIPs (financially independent persons) who were able to divorce their husbands and still survive financially, due to their own female careers and incomes.The feminists took over the divorce courts, and pushed the politicians to give them what the feminists wanted, i.e. to give women the right to divorce, on demand, and not for the traditional “guilty party” type divorce, but simply because these women felt that their marriages had failed and wanted to get out of them, but millions of these women had not bothered to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs by bothering to get a career competent education, so that they could become effective FIPs as adults, the way the masculists wanted women to become.So, when millions of non FIP (i.e. fluffie) women, influenced by feminist ideas, divorced, they were still poor, incapable of earning good money, because they had not bothered to become FIPs.Fortunately for them, the feminists had taken over the divorce courts, and since these feminists were what the masculists called “monoconscious” i.e. only knew feminist ideas, and knew nothing about masculist ideas, these feminists continued to view men as “cash machines, placed on this earth to pay for women to have babies.”Divorce courts then became slaughter houses for men. They would lose custody of their kids with a probability of about 90%, i.e. a near certainty. Marriages failed at a rate of about one in two, and in about half of those divorce cases, the ex-wife turned into a vindictive feminazi bitch, out to financially destroy her ex husband by committing the following massive gender crimes against him. She would have his kids ripped away from him with a 90% probability. She would take his house, so that she could raise HER kids in it. She would take half his possessions. She would be given child support from him, and only allow him to visit his kids twice a month on weekends, and often, if the ex-wife was a real fluffie (i.e. a traditional woman, who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man, who did not bother to FIP up at high school and college by getting a career competent education, to become a FIP as an adult) she could force him to pay her alimony for the rest of her life, with no legal nor moral obligation on her to get off her fat parasitic arse and FIP up.Of course, these divorced fathers started screaming out against the massive gender injustices committed against them, created by the fluffie feminists who took over the divorce courts, with all the fluffie feminist hypocrisy that that implied.A men’s movement was born, i.e. the masculists, and the MGTOWs (men going their own way, who saw marriage as so toxic for men, that they preferred not to marry, not to have kids, and spent their money on themselves.) The masculists were a lot more aggressive than the politically passive MGTOWs, who simply walked away, passively, from marriage and paternity, whereas masculists FIGHT. Masculists are verbally and intellectually aggressive, who attack fluffies for their manslavery and fluffie feminists for their hypocrisy, who want equal rights for women in the parliaments, but reject equal obligations for women, by not sharing the burden of earning the living with men, by not bothering to FIP up. These hated fluffie feminist hypocrites want their cake and to eat it too.The masculists point out that the greatest sexual discrimination that exists, is not committed against women, but against men, in the form of the lack of the Parer (paternity rejection right), whereas women have the Marer (maternity rejection right), so that a woman can reject an unwanted pregnancy, but a man cant, so that a woman can lie to her boyfriend/husband about taking the pill, get pregnant, and then force him to pay for a kid he does not want, thus manslaving him for decades. (End of part 1.)Masculists lash out at women, saying that women oppress men far worse that vice versa, since women’s oppression of men is continuous and lasts decades. Another such major gender crime committed by woman is paternity fraud, in which the husband is not the father, which is the case in about 5% of pregnancies.Masculists are men, and hence are nearly all FIPs. Men are socialized to be FIPs. Men even evolved to be FIPs, so men are in a position to FORCE women to FIP up, or be severely punished by men by being forced to be manless. A fluffie can only be a fluffie if she can get her financial claws into some gullible manslave, but the masculists and MGTOWs are causing the supply of such gullible manslaves to dry up, as men become masculisted and refuse to be parasited on by the hated fluffies.The quality men, the alphas, due to their superior intelligence, are the first to go masculist, to be influenced by the masculist ideas coming from the masculist sages (intellectuals). The alphas are the type of men that women really want to mate with, to obtain the superior DNA from superior men, for their kids, a female instinct, called “hypergamy.”Men have a monopoly over their sperm, so are in a position, to deprive women of their sperm until the gender laws are menfaired, for example, by menfairing the divorce courts, so that alimony is scrapped, custody of kids is made joint, by default, no splitting of assets after the divorce, legally respecting pre-nuptial agreements, etc. The Parer needs to be legislated, etc.Masculist theorists are pushing men to push women to vote for the menfairing of the gender laws, otherwise, quality men will continue to refuse to give women their sperm, so that increasingly now, young women are panicking, as they observe in boyfriend after boyfriend, that the quality young men they want to mate with, refuse to give them their sperm.These young men are becoming increasingly alarmed at the toxicity of the divorce courts, taken over by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, so they become masculists and MGTOWs, eschewing marriage and paternity like the plague.The masculists are telling young women, that they should vote with men for the menfairing of the gender laws, otherwise they will be punished by men by not getting one, and more importantly for women, by not being given men’s sperm, thus making them babyless.Masculists tell young women, that young women would prefer to give up their privileges in the divorce courts, than be forced to be babyless, due to the boycott of men against giving women their sperm.Thanks to the internet, with its empowerment of the individual, hundreds of masculist and MGTOW theorists are now putting up videos on the internet lashing out at women for the massive gender crimes that women commit against men, and threaten women with manlessness unless they become biconscious (i.e. have both their feminist and their masculist consciousnesses raised) and vote with men to menfair the gender laws.Masculists have no qualms lashing out with real venom and hatred at fluffie parasites and fluffie feminist hypocrites, whom masculists see as manslavers, and hence as slavers, committing a massive injustice will eventually get such women killed, in a sex war, since no culture that crucifies a quarter of its fathers in the hated fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, can survive. Men will snap, pick up arms, and go into the streets and kill the misandrists, by assassinating the gender politicians, who created these deeply misandrist gender laws in the first place, will murder hundreds of feminazi divorce lawyers and judges, and if things really heat up, will go out into the streets and slaughter millions of feminazis, who see men as cash machines to be robbed and abused.Women will soon be confronted, on a mass scale, by very angry, hateful masculists, to the point that any feminist stupid enough to make derogatory remarks about men in a mixed audience, will risk having her fucking head bitten off by very angry masculists in the audience, who will not tolerate her hypocrisy, knowing, as masculists, that women oppress men far worse than vice versa, given that women’s oppression against men is continuous and lasts decades. Masculists see fluffies and fluffie feminists as vermin, as parasites, as manslavers, to be wiped out, by not being given any sperm. Masculists see masculism in the 21st century as the abolitionists in the US saw negro slavery in the 19th century. Masculists see manslavery as slavery, but on a far larger scale than that of negro slavery. Slavery rouses passions. Slavery was a war issue. Look at the passions behind the US civil war, that was largely over negro slavery. Masculists demand that women, that society, that the law, have its masculist consciousness raised, so that it equates manslavery with slavery, so that tremendous moral pressure be put on women, especially young women at age 16, to choose not to be fluffie crappers, studying fluffie crap majors, so that they become career competent, and not expect to sexploit some gullible, stupid, ignorant, manslave, and have him work for her, so she can sit on her fat parasitic fluffie arse, raising HER kids, in a middle class house, that HE pays for, then divorces him, destroying his life, for all the reasons given above, making such women truly hated, to be severely punished, by being wiped out, having their fluffie parasite genes removed from the gene pool.Masculists push for the formation of masculist groups in every high school and college, so that young men can put real moral pressure on women not to be fluffie crappers, to study career competent majors, so that they can become real FIPs as adults, and pull their financial weight, not expecting to be fluffies as adults.There is real exponential growth in the number of masculist videos on the internet now. Millions of men are being influenced by masculist ideas, and are seeing the world differently. So are some women. There are a growing number of female masculists, who agree with the masculists that the gender laws need to be made menfair, otherwise, male anger and hatred at women will boil over into a sex war, and women will be killed in large numbers. With the current gender laws, men are facing a far greater casualty rate than in a major war. As more millions of men wake up to this reality, they will become murderously angry, and will take up arms, in a sex war.Men are smarter than women, with men’s 10% larger brains, 4 IQ point superior average IQ than women’s, having 10% larger IQ variance than women, so that the morons and the genii are men, so that men win 99% of the science Nobel prizes. Men also have 10 times larger testosterone levels than women, so are much more aggressive and ambitious. When men become collectively angry at women, which is now very much the trend, then god help women.The ultimate back up of the law, including the gender laws, is male brute force, i.e. by male cops. When these male cops, themselves become masculists, then women are fucked. They will face the same anger at them by male cops as by males in general.As masculist anger and masculist ideas spread throughout the culture, a major historical shift will take place. Women will be forced by men to become biconscious, the gender laws will be changed, the Parer will be legislated, women will be forced to FIP up or rot on the shelf, spat at by men, and by female masculists. Traditional monoconscious feminazis will be hatred by both sexes, since young women will agree with the masculists, that the root cause of their babylessness, is the toxicity for men in the divorce courts, created by the hated monoconscious fluffie feminist hypocrites.Pretty soon, monoconscious feminism will die out, as feminists of that type learn how frightening it is and how painful it is to be verbally abused and harangued by both sexes, i.e. masculists and female masculists, if they come out with misandrist statements in mixed audiences. They will risk having their fucking heads bitten off by masculist hatred towards them. Increasingly, manslavery will be seen as slavery, and hence a moral abomination, a war issue, and the fluffies and fluffie feminists will be wiped out.As masculism spreads through the culture, a historical shift will occur that is as significant for social change as was feminism. Masculism will profoundly change men’s lives, and women’s lives as well. Men in their millions will reject the traditional manslave role of the male, and will chose to become masculists and MGTOWs, thus forcing the birth rate to crash, forcing the politicians to menfair the gender laws. Parents will socialize their daughters to FIP up, and threaten them with babylessness and utter social rejection if they don’t. Everyone, a few years from now, as masculist ideas spread, will know that gender oppression is NOT a one way street. Both sexes will be as familiar with masculist arguments as feminist arguments and will utterly reject the idea that gender oppression is a one way street.I believe it is only a question of time, before the collective rage of the masculists will have become so high, that we will see the arsoning of family courts, the assassination of gender politicians, a steep increase in the murder rate of feminazi divorce lawyers and judges, and a large increase in the appearance of very angry masculist op-eds in newspapers and magazine, lashing out at feminazi monoconsciousness, in all its gender political ignorance and callousness towards men.In a gender biconscious world, after the gender political dust has settled, the world will be a completely different place. Women will be FIPs, men will have been given menfair gender laws, so that they are prepared to be fathers again, but since this may take a generation or two, the drastic fall in the birthrate, due to men’s boycott of giving women their sperm, will play an important role in the solving of the global warming problem, since with a tenth of the current world population, there will be far fewer greenhouse gas emissions, less melting of the polar ice caps, so less sea level rise, and less drowning of the coastal cities.But the birth rate, sooner or later, must rise over the replacement rate of 2.1 children per women, or we wipe ourselves out. When whole populations are threatened with their very extinction, they go to war. They pick up arms, and they go on a mass killing. If the feminazis don’t stop their massive gender crimes against men in the divorce courts, their tooth and nail resistance against the legislation of the Parer, etc., then there will be a sex war. Millions of feminazis will be murdered by murderously angry masculist soldiers at the massive injustices committed against them by the feminazis and feminazi biased gender laws.Either way, i.e. either a sex war, or the menfairing of the gender laws, future historians will claim that the rise of masculism was one of the major historical events of the 21st century. Whole chapters devoted to its rise will find their place in the history books, along with the importance of the rise of feminism, that so profoundly changed women’s lives, transforming them from being predominately baby factories and child raisers, to being careerists, freeing men from manslavery, to allow men to get the sex they need from women without paying the horrible price of being a manslave to a fluffie parasite for most of his life. In the post masculist era, men will be much more able to do with their lives what THEY want to do, and not what some sexploitative fluffie parasite or some wage slaving employer wants him to do. In a post masculist era, men will finally be free.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ of the book “MASCULISM : Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 380+ Masculist Flyers for Men’s Studies Courses” freely downloadable in MS Word format, from my website. ................

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