
Who Is The Boss?


Who is the Boss?

My Mom says, “Timmy your brain is your body’s boss. Your brain tells your body what to do every moment of the day; a brain is like my boss at work.”


Whether I am asleep or awake, my medulla oblongata which is at the lower portion of my brainstem, tells my “heart to beat”, and my “lungs to breathe."


The medulla oblongata never rests; it works all the time.

Chapter 1

Mom says that my cerebellum is in great shape, which is located at the base of my brain (right left sides).

Because I love to run and play this part of the brain controls “movement”.

I dance, I run, I jump.


My motor cortex located in the top of my brain is in the center, tells my body whether I should move to the right or left side.

When I’m dancing it tells me which foot to move.


Chapter 2

Mom says her boss at work gets mad, happy and sometimes scared.

When I get scared or cry my amygdala, located deep in the center of my brain, is working. The amygdala is both large and just beneath the surface of the front, medial part of the temporal lobe.



When a loud noise frightens me, my amygdala is working fine.

Chapter 3

Just like when my Mom is at work and her boss tells her to go to lunch…

The brain part that tells me I am hungry, thirsty, sleepy, or too hot or cold is my hypothalamus.


It is found below the thalamus gland in the bottom center of the brain.


Chapter 4

My mom says that they have a “receptionist” at work. This person sends all the messages, calls, letters, and information to whoever it should go to.


I have a relay station in my brain that works like a receptionist. It tells me what I see, hear, feel, and it’s called the thalamus, which is two gray pieces of matter in the center of my cerebrum.


This relay station works really hard because I see and touch and hear many things each day.

Chapter 5

Mom says her boss thinks he has a large frontal lobe. This part of the brain, which is right behind your forehead controls judgment, planning, and making choices.



Mom says my teenage brother doesn’t have his frontal lobe fully developed yet since he makes bad decisions such as driving fast and not studying in school.

Chapter 6

My Mom says her boss at work remembers everything. Who did good work, and who made even the smallest mistake.

I remember every Christmas. I remember every toy I got as a present, and all of the holiday fun.

The hippocampus is what Mom says helps me remember things that happened a long time ago.


This part of the brain is below the amygdale in the bottom of the temporal lobe.


Mom says Grandpa’s hippocampus is not working because he has Alzheimer’s disease and this hurts his hippocampus. Sometimes he doesn’t remember who Mom and me are.

Chapter 7

Mom says her boss makes speeches to the workers and sometimes the workers don’t understand what he says. At school we call that “babbling”.

Sometimes we know what we want to say but we can’t find the words or phrases to actually say them.


This could mean our Broca’s Area isn’t working like it should. The Broca’s Area is at the back left of the frontal lobe.

Chapter 8

Mom’s boss at work wants all the machines turned off, so the workers will hear and understand him.

Mom wants me to turn down my c.d. player so I hear her instructions correctly. Last night my Mom said “turn that garbage down” so I took out the trash. But my mom only wanted me to turn down the music,


The Wernicke’s area of the brain located in the left temporal lobe, helps in understanding language.


Chapter 9

My Mom’s boss has to speak to some workers in English and some in Spanish. When there are large members of workers to speak with, he must speak loudly, and if only a few are in need of direction, he can speak softly. He also must choose a language a majority will understand.


The temporal lobe helps him remember what language to use and how loud he should speak. The temporal lobe is on the side of the brain under the frontal and parietal lobes


The other day I had to recite a poem in school, the temporal lobe helped me remember the words, and how loud to speak in front of the class.

Chapter 10

Mom's boss is always asking “where’s my lunch” and “how much do we pay you?” He knows what every worker is paid, and the fact that his lunch is late.


People who love to read and are good at arithmetic and can identify foods by smell have a well developed parietal lobe which is just behind the frontal lobe and above the temporal lobe of the brain


Chapter 11

My Mom’s boss is continually exchanging ideas and information from workers and his boss. Keeping his management and workers coordinated is a tough job.


The Corpus Callous lets the left and right sides of the brain share information and work together. Like in the game of baseball, it is like an umpire between the different sides of the brain.


When the Corpus Callous works correctly I can focus and concentrate.

This part of the brain is located between the two hemispheres of the brain in the center.

Chapter 12

"I’m eyeballing you,

I’m making sure you stay on task."

These are phrases my Mom’s boss uses everyday.


If our eyes are the camera, the occipital lobe processes the film and shows us the pictures.


The lobe which controls our vision is on the back of our head just above our neck covered by the occipital bone in the skull.

Chapter 13

Good bosses give you warnings about what is helpful or hurtful.

Mom tells me I would be a good boss in a job where danger exists because my somatosensory cortex lets me feel heat, cold, and sense danger before many of my friends realize we are in trouble.


The somatosensory cortex keeps the brain aware and alert.


Chapter 14

Just like Mom’s boss controls every thing at her work, my brain controls everything I feel, smell, touch, see, my health, my emotions, whether I learn, and how fast.

My brain is my boss and just like Mom is nice to her boss, I have to take care of my brain.

I must eat healthy foods and take precautions. I should always wear a helmet to protect my head from unwanted shock when I ride a bike or ski.


A good boss and a good brain make life easier.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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