Secondary One - historypage



Chapter Two: Establishing Peace

Enquiry Question:Were the hopes of the world in prevent another world war fulfilled by the 1920s?

Key Questions:

1.What were the intentions behind the Treaty of Versailles?

2.What were the reactions behind the Treaty of Versailles?

3. How effective was the role of the LON in the 1920s in promoting world peace?

4. What was the role played by the USA in disarmament.

5. How successful were the efforts in disarmament in the 1920s.

6. How effective was the aid given to German in the 1920s?

|Previous O Level Questions |

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|Was the tough peace imposed on Germany in 1919 necessary? (2008) |

|The following are important reasons why Germany hated the Treaty of Versailles: limitations on its armed forces; reparations; loss |

|of land. Do you agree with this statement? (2008) |

|Was there a complete absence of international conflict during the 1920s? Explain your answer. (2010) |

|To what extent did German recover during the 1920s? Explain your answer. (2010) |

|Was the loss of territory the only reason for German hatred of the Treaty of Versailles? (2011) |

|The Allies were completely satisfied with the peace settlement agreed at Versailles. How far do you agree with this statement? |

|(2011) |

*Chapter Four: Nazi Germany

Enquiry Question:Was the rise of Hitler in Germany inevitable and did it bring more harm than good?

Key Questions:

1.What is Fascism & Nazism?

2. Why did Hitler rise to power?

3. How did Hitler consolidate Nazi rule in Germany after becoming chancellor in 1932?

4. How successful was Hitler in solving Germany's problems until 1939?

|Previous O Level Questions |

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|Were economic factors the main reason Hitler rose to power in 1933? (2009) |

|How far was Hitler’s control over Germany achieved because of fear? (2009) |

*Chapter Six: War in Europe

Enquiry Question: Could war in Europe be avoided?

Key Questions:

1. How seriously was peace challenged in the 1930s in Europe?

2. Why did World War Two break out in 1939?

|Previous O Level Questions |

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|Was appeasement policy of the late 1930s justified? (2008) |

|The following were equally important reasons why war broke out in Europe in 1939. Hitler’s aggressive foreign policy, failure of |

|the League of Nations, the Nazi Soviet Pact. Do you agree with this statement? (2008) |

|Was rearmament during the 1930s avoidable? Explain your answer (2010) |

|To what extent did Hitler’s attack on Poland cause World War 2? Explain your answer. (2010) |

|Were the effects of the Great Depression the main reason for the failure of the League of Nations during the 1930s? Explain your |

|answer. (2012) |

|How successful was the British government’s policy of appeasement between 1935 and 1939? Explain your answer. (2012) |

* Chapter Three: Communist Russia

Enquiry Question:Was the rise of communism in Russia inevitable and did it bring more harm than good?

1. Why did Stalin rise to power?

3. What was the impact of Stalin’s dictatorship on the lives of the Russian people?

4. How successful were Stalin's reforms?

|Previous O Level Questions |

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|Was Stalin’s ruthless personality the main reason he came to power in Russia (2009) |

|How far was Stalin’s control over Russia achieved y the use of propaganda? (2009) |

Chapter Five: Rise of Fascist Japan

Enquiry Question: Was the rise of authoritarian regimes inevitable?

1. Why did militarism become popular in Japan in the 1930s? (domestic politics)

|Previous O Level Questions |

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|Were worsening relations with the West after 1919 the main reason for the rise of militarism in Japan? Explain your answer (2012) |

|How successful was militarism in improving the lives of Japanese people? Explain your answer. (2012) |

Chapter Seven:War in the Asia-Pacific

Enquiry Question: Could War in the Asia-Pacific have been avoided?

1. How was peace threatened in the 1930s in the Asia Pacific region?

2. Why did Japan invade Manchuria in 1932?

3. Why did war break out in the Asia-Pacific region?

|Previous O Level Questions |

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|Was the Depression the main reason Japan attacked Manchuria in 1931? (2009) |

|How far was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor caused by its intention to expand its Empire? (2009) |

|Was aggression in China the main aim of Japanese foreign policy during the 1930s? (2011) |

|Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941 because they wanted to destroy US power in the Pacific. How far do you agree with this |

|statement? (2011) |

Chapter Eight: Cold War

Enquiry Question: Was the post WWII era a period of stability?

Key Questions:

1. Who was to be blamed for the Cold War in Europe?

2. How did the Cold War develop between 1945 – 1961 in Europe?

3. What were the effects of the Cold War in Europe?

4. What was the impact of Communist victory in China on the Cold War?

5. Korean War Case study

Why did the Korean War occur?

What was the impact of the Korean War?

6. Cuban Missile Crisis

Why did the Cuban Missile Crisis occur?

What was the impact of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

|Previous O Level Questions |

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|Was the breakdown of the wartime alliance between the USA and USSR inevitable after the war ended in 1945? (2008) |

|To what extent did the Cuban Missile Crisis threaten world stability? Explain your answer. (2010) |

|Was a large scale conflict in Korea inevitable? (2010) |

|Was the Truman Doctrine the main reason for the outbreak of the Cold War in Europe? (2011) |

|The USSR was not to blame for the Korean War. How far do you agree with this statement? (2011) |

|Were worsening relations between USA and Cuba the main reason for the Cuban Missile Crisis? Explain your answer. (2012) |

|How successful were the UN forces during the Korean War? Explain your answer. (2012). |

Chapter Ten: Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe

Enquiry Question: Was the end of the Cold War inevitable?

Key Questions:

1. Why did Gorbachev need to reform the Soviet Union?

2. What was the impact of glasnost & perestroika on the USSR?

3. What was the impact of glasnost and perestroika on Eastern Europe?

4. Why did communism collapse in the Soviet Union?

|Previous O Level Questions |

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|The following were equally important reasons for the collapse of the USSR: the weakness of the Soviet economy; the reforms of |

|Gorbachev; relations with other Eastern European countries. Do you agree with this statement? (2008) |


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