Role Sheets and Role Explanations - Archives

Role Sheets and Role Explanations

Directions: 1. Determine how many students will be participating. 2. Consult the SRE Washington's Cabinet Casting Document to assign roles to each student. 3. Print out this document. a. Print on BOTH SIDES of the paper b. Each player receives a ROLE SHEET and a ROLE EXPLANATION.

President Washington

President of the United States

CHARACTER SHEET - President Washington


The President of the United States is the leader of the Executive branch of the federal government, responsible for carrying out the nation's laws. The President's advisors for a group called the "cabinet."


1. Run the Government. You and your cabinet have a number of decisions to make to decide what the government will do. You must lead this process. In addition, the President must sign or veto any legislation that the Congress passes.

2. Unite the country. The rise of politcal parties threaten to divide the nation and the government, undoing the great achievements of the revolution and the U.S. Constitution. You work hard to be impartial and impress the people that you are everyone's President.

3. Find the next President. Find someone worthy to lead the nation once you have completed your term. The fate of the nation may hang on who leads the country next.


Executive Secretary Lear - Lear is your private secretary who can be trusted to work in your best interests. Lear is best used as a messenger, summoning people into your presence when necessary, and keeping tabs on events in Philadelphia. Secretary Hamilton - You have entrusted the Secretary of the Treasury with developing and implementing a plan that will build the economy of the nation and secure our long-term financial independence. Hamilton is your strongest political ally but may be too convinced that the United States' future lies with an economic alliance with Great Britain. Secretary Jefferson - No American is a bigger advocate for the French than Jefferson, who was the ambassador there prior to becoming your Secretary of State. You are often frustrated by Jefferson's opposition to strengthening the federal government. Jefferson is considered by some to the leader of the "Democratic-Republican" faction. You must not allow political factions to become a permanent institution in American politics. Attorney General Randolph - As a member of your cabinet, Randolph has attempted to be a peacekeeper between Jefferson and Hamilton. Randolph is often very sympathetic to Jefferson's fear of concentrated federal power. Secretary Knox - Knox is a balancing force in a cabinet that is often dominated by strong, divergent opinions. Despite the recent failures in the Northwest Territory, Knox can be completely trusted to handle military matters. He shares your belief in a strong federal government. Vice President Adams - You don't always include the Vice President in your cabinet discussions, but that may change. Adams has often been a valuable link between the cabinet and the Senate. Insist that Adams keep the cabinet up to date on what is going on in the Senate while you have your head down in the cabinet room. Senator Vining - The young Senator from Delaware is an ally, often making speeches in the Senate defending your policies.


Freneau - Freneau is the publisher of The National Gazette, a newspaper that openly condemns you. To make matters worse, this devil is employed by Jefferson in the State Department as a translator! Freneau even has the audacity to deliver multiple copies of his paper to your doorstep with every publication.

President Washington

President of the United States

Role Explanation - President of the United States

The President of the United States is the leader of the executive branch of government and is tasked with executing and enforcing the laws of our nation. The President is the leader of our military forces and has the power to veto legislation that is passed by Congress.

What can you do during this simulation?

1. Make decisions for the federal government.

The President oversees all of the departments of the federal government. The cabinet is made up of the leaders of the three departments of the federal government as well as the Attorney General, who is the nation's lawyer.

Department of State - the nation's relations with other countries Department of the Treasury - the nation's finances and economic policies Department of War - the nation's military forces

The members of your cabinet consult with you and then make decisions as to the actions the government should take. You have the authority to order a cabinet member to select a specific option during a decision.

2. Sign or veto legislation

During this simulation Senators will vote on and pass laws that can change the outcome of the scenario. Upon the passage of a bill, you will be given the option to sign the bill or veto it. If you sign the bill, it becomes law. If you veto the bill, the bill fails (and cannot be revisited during this simulation.) A bill that receives more than 2/3rds approval in the Senate cannot be vetoed.

3. Exert influence on Congress and the legislation it is considering.

Because you have the power to influence the public as well as the power of the veto, you have many social tools to make sure that the legislation that emerges from Congress is in keeping with your administration's policies.

4. Demonstrate leadership by guiding public opinion.

As President, you are best suited to help steer public opinion. Whether it is meeting privately with other leaders in the government or making speeches before Congress, do what you can to

reduce partisan politics unite the nation keep the United States from being drawn into war.

5. Summon others to consult with you.

Should you wish to consult with any member of Congress, a foreign ambassador, an Native American leader, or a newspaper publisher, have Executive Secretary Lear summon those people to meet with you and your cabinet.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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