World History Worksheet: Roman Republic

[Pages:2]World History Worksheet: Roman Republic

Write the word or phrase next to its definition

Patricians Forum Plebeians Romulus Maniples

Republic Hannibal Carthage Remus Legion

Etruscan Fabius Maximus Cannae Alps Centurion

________________________ 1. Rome's greatest enemy from around 164BC until 149BC. ________________________ 2. These were the kings that ruled the Italian peninsula from 600-265BC. ________________________ 3. The smallest unit that the Roman army trained in. ________________________ 4. The largest unit that the roman army trained in. ________________________ 5 Person who, according to legend, Rome is named after. ________________________ 6. Name given to the central market in a Roman city. ________________________ 7. The title given to the leader of the largest military unit in the roman Army. ________________________ 8 Carthaginian general who led an army, including elephants over the Alps. ________________________ 9 Name given the to the Roman aristocracy. ________________________ 10 The type of government established by the Roman Aristocrats.

Define the following words or terms

11. Plebeians _______________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Cannae _________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Alps ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Pyrenees ________________________________________________________________________________________ 15. Punic Wars ______________________________________________________________________________________ 16. Fabius Maximus __________________________________________________________________________________


Short Answer 17. How the Roman Aristocracy come into power? __________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 18. What was Rome military strength during the first Punic war and what was its weakness? _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 19. What is the name of the peninsula that the Roman Empire was centered on? ___________________ 20. How was Rome finally able to defeat Carthage and what did they do to the city? _______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 21. How did Rome's location help them to become the center of a new civilization? ________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

World History Worksheet: Roman Empire

Write the word or phrase next to its definition

Paterfamilius Spartacus Bishops Eucharist

Julius Caesar Senate Cleopatra Pope

Nero Hadrian Augustus Helen

________________________ 1. Rome's first emperor.

________________________ 2. This Roman Emperor was named Octavian. What name did he give himself?

________________________ 3. This Roman Emperor, according to legend, "fiddled while Rome burned."

________________________ 4. The head of the Roman family or family father.

________________________ 5 Title of the Bishop of Rome, Peter's spiritual heir & head of the Catholic Church.

________________________ 6. Title of the overseers of church affairs in most cities.

________________________ 7. The ceremony commemorating the Last Supper, done in memory of Jesus.

________________________ 8 She committed suicide when relations with Augustus and Marc Anthony failed.

________________________ 9 This slave/gladiator led one of the most serious revolts against Rome, in 73BC.

________________________ 10 Senior body of state officials that made decisions and acted as advisors in Rome.

Define the following words or terms

11. Circuses ________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Pax Romana _____________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Aqueducts ______________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Villa ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Short Answer 15. What major architectural achievements were made by the Romans? __________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 16. What events led to the demise of the Roman Republic? ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 17. What did the Emperor Hadrian do to protect the Empire? __________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 18. What was the edict of Milan and what did it do? _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________ 19. What were 4 major problems that the Empire began to have in the 200s? ______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 20. What effects did these problems have on the Empire? _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 21. What Roll did the Huns play in the fall of the Roman Empire? ______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


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