
Directions: Highlight the blanks!!!

The legislative branch is b_______________ which means that it is made up of t_____ houses, the House of R__________________ and the S____________. When Congress is in s________________, they meet in the C______________ B__________________. Both houses have a m____________ leader, a minority leader, and majority and minority w___________.

In order to run for the House of Representatives, one must be at least t______________________ years old, a citizen for s___________ years, and l__________ in the district in which he/she is elected. Representatives serve only t________ years while the Senators serve s________ years. Senators must be at least t__________________ years old, a citizen for n_________ years, and live in the state in which he/she is e_______________.

However, those are not the only differences between the House and the Senate. The number of Representatives for the House from a state is decided by the p__________________ of that state and there are 4_____ in total. Every t____ years, there is a c______________ that redistributes the n_______________ of representatives. On the other hand, each state has only t_________ senators so there is a total of 1_____ senators. Furthermore, the leader in the House is referred to as the S_____________ of the House, and the leader in the Senate is the v________ p____________. When he cannot be there, though, the p___________ p_______ t__________________ will take control of the proceedings.

The House of Representatives is known as the l___________ house because they are c____________ to the people and serve a shorter t________. The House is different from the Senate because it is the duty of the House to introduce r____________ bills, and they also bring i_______________ charges against federal officials.

On the other hand, the Senate must a________________ or reject treaties that the president has made with other countries. They must also approve or r______________ presidential n________________ to the C__________ and the Supreme C___________. Finally, even though it is the House that brings charges against a high ranking government official accused of i________________ behavior, the Senate acts as the j_______ and holds the trial.

Congress has many powers that are explained in Article I. A few of the most important powers are the ability to m__________ laws, declare w______, i__________________ members of the e_____________ and judicial branches, coin m______________, and raise and support an a____________. These are e______________ powers of Congress which means that they are clearly stated in the C__________________.

The f______________ fathers knew that the C_______________ would need to address issues that they could not anticipate, so they included the “n___________________ and proper” clause into the Constitution. This clause is also known as the e________________ clause because it stretches the p___________ of Congress by stating that Congress has the r___________ to make all l_______ necessary to carry out the business of the government. The first example of the use of this power is when Alexander H__________________ proposed the creation of the N_______________ Bank. Since then, Congress has used this i_____________ power to create laws.



|President | |

|Vice President | |

|Secretary of State | |

|Secretary of the Treasury | |

|Secretary of Defense | |

|Attorney General | |


|Speaker of the House | |

|House Majority Leader | |

|House Minority Leader | |

|President Pro Tempore | |

|Senate Majority Leader | |

|Senate Minority Leader | |


|Chief Justice | |


|Senators | |

|Representative in the House | |


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