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8th Grade Language Usage

Sentences 1


Question #1:

What is the complete subject in this sentence?

The studious Mr. Bennet ignores his other daughters.

A. Mr. Bennet ignores

B. The studious Mr. Bennet

C. Mr. Bennet

Question #2:

Write the simple subject in this sentence.

There are five daughters in all.

Question #3:

What is the simple predicate (verb) in this sentence?

Mrs. Bennet, like most of her daughters, talks all the time and irritates Mr. Bennet.

A. irritates Mr. Bennet

B. like, time

C. talks, time

D. talks, irritates

Question #4:

What is the complete predicate in this sentence?

Lydia and Kitty giggle and flirt and embarrass Elizabeth.

A. embarrass Elizabeth

B. giggle and flirt

C. Lydia and Kitty giggle

D. giggle and flirt and embarrass Elizabeth

Question #5:

What is the complete subject in this sentence?

The beautiful Jane befriends the Bingley family.

A. Jane

B. Bingley family

C. Jane befriends

D. The beautiful Jane

Question #6:

Write the simple subject in this sentence.

The sensible Elizabeth trusts only Jane.

Question #7:

Write the simple predicate in this sentence.

Mr. Collins appears as their ridiculous and long-winded cousin.

Question #8:

What is the complete predicate in this sentence? Elizabeth cannot wait for Mr. Collins to go home.

A. cannot wait for Mr. Collins

B. Elizabeth cannot wait

C. Mr. Collins to go home

D. cannot wait for Mr. Collins to go home

Question #9:

What is the complete subject in this sentence?

The wealthy Mr. Darcy interferes with Mrs. Bennet's plans.

A. Mr. Darcy

B. The wealthy Mr. Darcy

C. Mr. Darcy interferes

D. Mrs. Bennet's plans

Question #10:

Write the complete subject in this sentence.

Elizabeth is embarrassed by her mother, too.

Question #11:

Write the simple subject in this sentence.

All of the Bennet girls walk into town for an afternoon visit with their mother.

Question #12:

Write the simple predicate in this sentence.

In the little town of Merryton lives their Aunt Philips.

Question #13:

What is the complete subject in this sentence?

Nobody in the family likes Mr. Darcy very much.

A. Nobody in the family

B. Mr. Darcy

C. Nobody

D. family likes Mr. Darcy

Question #14:

What is the complete predicate in this sentence? Elizabeth does not like Mr. Darcy's family, either.

A. Mr. Darcy's family

B. does not like Mr. Darcy's family, either

C. does not like Mr. Darcy's family

D. Elizabeth does not like

8th Grade Language Usage

Sentences 1


Question #16:

What is the simple predicate (verb) in this sentence? Elizabeth joins her aunt and uncle and travels through the country.

A. joins, through

B. travels, through

C. travels through the country

D. joins, travels

Question #17:

What is the complete subject in this sentence?

Lydia, Elizabeth's youngest sister, proves to be the most foolish daughter.

Elizabeth's youngest sister

marries Mr. Wickham


Lydia, Elizabeth's youngest sister

Question #18:

What part of speech appears in capital letters?

The pond WAS FROZEN.

A. complete predicate

B. complete subject

C. predicate adjective

Question #19:

Write the simple subject in this sentence.

Mr. Darcy's sister seems to be a sincere young lady.

Question #20:

What is the simple predicate (verb) in this sentence?

Mr. Darcy must apologize for his interference and deception.

A. must apologize

B. apologize for his interference and deception

C. apologize

D. Mr. Darcy must apologize

Question #21:

What is the complete subject in this sentence?

Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy teach each other a lesson about pride.

A. Elizabeth

B. Mr. Darcy

C. Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy

D. Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy teach

Question #22:

Write the simple subject in this sentence.

There are many wonderful characters in Pride and Prejudice.

Question #23:

Write the simple predicate in this sentence.

This novel became Jane Austen's masterpiece.

Question #24:

Write the simple subject in this sentence.

Read it and see what you think.

Question #25:

Write the simple subject in this sentence.

It is a wonderful book.

8th Grade Language Usage

Sentences 1

Answer Key

1. C -The studious Mr. Bennet

2. daughters

3. D -talks, irritates

4. D -giggle and flirt and embarrass Elizabeth

5. D -The beautiful Jane

6. Elizabeth

7. appears

8. D -cannot wait for Mr. Collins to go home

9. B -The wealthy Mr. Darcy

10. Poor Elizabeth

11. "All" OR "all"

12. lives

13. A -Nobody in the family

14. B -does not like Mr. Darcy's family, either

16. D -joins, travels

17. D -Lydia, Elizabeth's youngest sister

18. A -complete predicate

19. sister

20. A -must apologize

21. C -Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy

22. characters

23. became

24. "you" OR "You" OR "(You)"

25. "It" OR "it"


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