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One Small ThingIntroduction: We are just beginning our study of environmental science. At some point during this school year, you, like many students before you, might find the content a little overwhelming or discouraging. There are so many environmental problems and they are so big, it feels like one person can’t do anything to change what is happening to earth and all of its living creatures. Despite this feeling, many students leave this course without changing any of their habits. I think this is because change is hard. I decided to create this assignment to encourage you to make one small change. One tiny swap for one product that you use on a regular basis. I believe that if I can get every student to make one change, then we, as a class will have a larger impact on improving our environment. As you complete the assignment keep my request to change one small thing to make our world a better place. Part One: Circle all of the products below you use at least once a week.-Bottled water-Cell phone-Chocolate-Detergent-Instant noodles -Lipstick-Paper napkins -Paper towels(for example ramen)-Plastic ware -Prepackaged: bread, cookies, pizza dough, snacks(forks, knives, spoons)-Shampoo-Soap-Plastic Bags-Packaged ChipsPart Two: Read the following articles (will do in class):: It is said that it takes thirty days to make a new habit. I encourage you to find one product discussed in these articles that you use on a regular basis and swap that out for a more environmentally friendly option. I encourage you to maintain this swap for thirty days and then, if you can keep up your one small thing. 197167585915500Assignment: Write an essay that describes both what you learned by reading these articles and how these articles impacted you. Please include a discussion about the one small thing you are willing to change as a result of reading these articles. How will the environment benefit from your change (cite research sources)? Discuss why this will be an easy thing to do or a challenging thing to do. Explain why you think this change will be easy or challenging. (Note: your essay should be a minimum of two typed pages, size 12 font, double spaced, one inch margins.)Due: ______________________One Small Thing Essay Outline I. Item PickedBackground Info on this item: How much, where purchased, who makes it?Why are you picking this item?How will you change your habit?II. The ChallengeWill this be easy or difficult? Explain.Any drawbacks? How will you mitigate?III. Environment BenefitsHow does the environment benefit from your decision? Describe. IV. ConclusionWhat did you learn from this? ................

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