Membership is

Membership shall be open to a male age 18 years or over who possesses a positive attitude, good character, and a willingness to actively participate in the mission of the Society. There are two (2) classifications of membership: Member and Associate Member. The designation Member shall be given to those who have demonstrated a commitment to the Society and have proven by genealogy to have a Scottish ancestor. The designation Associate Member shall be given to those willing to honor and support the Society and its mission but cannot verify Scottish Ancestry. The Associate Member designation may be given to those working on their Scottish lineage but have not yet proven it. Once confirmed and accepted as valid, his classification will be changed to Member. Membership is a long-term commitment, neither quickly acquired nor lightly relinquished. We are a Scottish organization which through its membership camaraderie expects that all members of the Society will join in promoting a deeper appreciation for Scottish culture. Membership requires honesty and integrity in the pursuit of promoting the Society’s mission. Each person admitted to membership must demonstrate through reference documents and activities a commitment to the Society. Applicants will possess a positive attitude, good character, and a willingness to join the challenge of this commitment. Membership is offered by invitation only. The Membership Committee conducts a careful screening and interview process to find the best men to become members, thereby, being confident both the individual seeking membership and the Society members will form a necessary mutual bond of fellowship. The principal considerations in selecting members are:Written support from applicant’s sponsors – Pages 4 and 5 are for your Sponsor’s recommendations. Please have them fill in the form and email or mail to the Chairman of the Membership Committee. An application letter should explain:Applicant’s desire to become a member of the Society listing specific interests in Scottish culture and membership in other Scottish or Celtic organizations. Information about involvement in other charitable, military, religious, hereditary organizations and/or volunteer organizations that support a commitment to the community.A statement of what he foresees giving to and receiving from the Society in terms of involvement, time and interest.Any other information the applicant feels will be helpful in the review of his application.The Society invests membership upon only those men who deport themselves in an honorable and noble manner, who will be committed to the Society’s values and precepts, and who are proud to be a participant in keeping the Scottish culture alive.The Society is more than just a heritage organization. The California Capitol as well as other areas in the United States were shaped by individuals of Scottish heritage. Daniel W. Carmichael, born1867 in Scotland, came to California in 1885. In 1909, he developed the now unincorporated area known as Carmichael as Carmichael Colonies 1 and 2 with acres of land purchased from Mexican Land Grants. Our Scottish legacy is encouraged through the Society's charitable efforts, cultural activities, tradition, and fellowship. You will be expected to share in these efforts by volunteering your time, donating your services, paying your dues on time and participating in Society events.Membership Process. The first step for you is to submit an application package to the Membership Committee. During the process, the Membership Committee will meet with you to review your application and answer your questions. During the process, you will be invited to selected events to give you an opportunity to get to know other members. Also, your information may be circulated among the membership for comments. When the Membership Committee finds your application package is ready, it will be submitted to the Board of Directors for a vote. Once the Board votes you will receive a results letter from the president.For Consideration of Membership, please completed the Application attached and provide the following:Application for Membership - Personal Information and Sponsorship: Before applying, you are encouraged to attend a Society event and meet current members who may be willing to sponsor you. You may provide sponsors from other such societies or others you know of good character. Please contact us and we will provide further guidance in this matter.Application for Membership - Scottish Lineage: Please provide accurate lineage which indicates that either you were born in Scotland or you are a direct descendant from an ancestor born in Scotland, Scots Irish, or a Scottish diaspora. This will be carefully reviewed by the Membership Committee, which will assist you in correcting any inaccuracies. If you are having difficulty tracking your ancestry, please contact the Membership Committee Chair for guidance.Cover letter: Please include a one-page letter that explains your desire to become a member of the Society, indicates your specific interests in Scottish culture, includes your membership in other organizations, provides a brief summary of your career, and any additional information that you believe will be useful in our assessment. You should emphasize what you foresee giving to and receiving from the Society in terms of involvement, time and interest. Have your two sponsors fill in their recommendations on the attached form. They may provide one recommendation form with both signatures or each may submit their own form. Check to Cover Application Fee: Please make your $50 application check payable to the Saint Andrew's Society of Sacramento. If your application is accepted, this will cover the cost of your first 6 months of membership and the cost of your individual Investiture dinner. You are encouraged to bring family and friends to the "piping in" ceremony at the per person cost of the event. The application fee is nonrefundable. Mail all four (4) items named above to: Membership ChairmanSt. Andrew's Society of Sacramento 5150 Fair Oaks Blvd. # 101-167 Carmichael, CA 95608 For more information email: SASS.Membership@PERSONAL INFORMATIONPlease type or print. This information shall be treated as confidential by the Saint Andrew’s Society of Sacramento and becomes the property of the Society. Therefore, please keep a copy.5876926698500Mark the appropriate application box: Member with Scottish Lineage Associate Member 24479259525000Full name: Street Address:City, State, and ZIP code: Home telephone:Work telephone: Mobile telephone: Email address: Your date of birth:Name of spouse:Your profession or occupation: Your Clan affiliation, if any:On the second page, show your line of descent from your Scottish ancestor. If you are applying for an Associate Membership, ignore the second page. I certify the facts set forth on this page and in my line of descent are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 3830320198119005454653238500Signature of ApplicantDatePlease, DO NOT give your application package to any Member of the Society or your Sponsor(s).For more information email: SASS.Membership@FIRST SPONSOR’S RECOMMENDATIONThe undersigned sponsors the applicant into the Society, believing him to be eligible, and that he will, if elected and invested, be a desirable member. Please refer to the Saint Andrew’s Brochure you received to understand our Mission. The Membership Committee may ask for additional detailed information from the sponsors about the applicant. Thank you for agreeing to be a sponsor. As a sponsor, you may send a letter of support or use this form; whichever is more convenient. And if necessary, you may use additional space on this page or additional pages. SASS Applicant’s Name:Years known Applicant and in what capacity or relationship: RECOMMENDATION:______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ First Sponsor (please print name)Signature of First SponsorDateFirst Sponsors Email Address and Contact Phone Number: __________________________________ Please mail your sponsor recommendation to: Membership ChairSaint Andrew’s Society of Sacramento5150 Fair Oaks Blvd. #101-167Carmichael, CA 95608For more information email: SASS.Membership@SECOND SPONSOR’S RECOMMENDATIONThe undersigned sponsors the applicant into the Society, believing him to be eligible, and that he will, if elected and invested, be a desirable member. Please refer to the Saint Andrew’s Brochure you received to understand our Mission. The Membership Committee may ask for additional detailed information from the sponsors about the applicant. Thank you for agreeing to be a sponsor. As a sponsor, you may send a letter of support or use this form; whichever is more convenient. And if necessary, you may use additional space on this page or additional pages. SASS Applicant’s Name:Years known Applicant and in what capacity or relationship: RECOMMENDATION:______________________________________________________________________________________________ Second Sponsor (please print name)Signature of Second SponsorDateSecond Sponsors Email Address and Contact Phone Number: __________________________________ Please mail your sponsor recommendation to: Membership ChairSaint Andrew’s Society of Sacramento5150 Fair Oaks Blvd. #101-167Carmichael, CA 95608For more information email: SASS.Membership@LINEAGE If you were born in Scotland, enter your name, birthplace, and birth date below. If you have descended directly from an ancestor born in Scotland, Scots-Irish, or a Scottish Diaspora, enter your lineage below, starting with the name, date, and place of birth of the Scottish ancestor. Your name will be entered last. Your documentation must be attached. 149796536195001.Name:Birthplace:Whose son or daughter was:14935205842000Name:Birthplace:Whose son or daughter was:15011408636000Name:Birthplace:Whose son or daughter was:14941558699500Name:Birthplace:Whose son or daughter was:14941558636000Name:Birthplace:Whose son or daughter was:14941558763000Name:Birthplace:Whose son or daughter was:14941557874000Name:Birthplace:Whose son or daughter was:14941558699500Name:Birthplace:Whose son or daughter was:149415510922000Name: Birthplace:Whose son or daughter was:14935207937500Name:Birthplace:Married to: Birthdate:4780280-744855004775835-4191000Married to: Birthdate:4783455-4254500Married to: Birthdate:4775835-4254500Married to: Birthdate:4775835-4254500Married to: Birthdate:4775835-4254500Married to: Birthdate:4775835-4254500Married to: Birthdate:4775835-4254500Married to: Birthdate:4775835-4254500Married to: Birthdate:4775835-4254500Married to: Birthdate(May be continued using another lineage sheet; please attach to Membership Application.) Names of both spouses are not mandatory to prove your line of descendants but, if they are known, should be included. However, all names in your Scottish lineage must be provide on the form. For more information email: SASS.Membership@ ................

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