Soundtrack of Your Life-8

[Pages:2]Soundtrack of Your Life

Personal Narrative

Music has become an integral part of human existence. It motivates us, calms us, inspires us, at times irritates us, and basically becomes the backdrop against which we live our lives. Music can bring vivid memories of persons, places, and events from our own past and serve to document our thoughts, feelings, and emotions at a given time and place.

Assignment Part I:

? Think of significant moments in your life...moments that had a profound effect on you, whether good or bad. A great family vacation, scoring the winning goal in a game, the death

of a loved one, your favorite birthday, etc.

? Come up with six (6) events that you have very little problem recalling the details of.

? Consider any music that you would use to accompany those moments if you were making a

movie or tv show soundtrack of these events. You may come up with more than one song

for each moment, but in the end, you will need to narrow it down to one song per memory.

? Think of the order which which the songs would be played on the soundtrack. You may choose to list the memories/songs in order as they occurred, but when producers create a

soundtrack, they normally put the songs out of order to limit two slow songs being played

back to back, etc.

? When you are done, on a separate piece of paper, list the memory (birthday, death of grandparent, vacation), the song (Happy Birthday), and the artist (various):

1. Vacation to beach


2. Breakup with girlfriend `Goodbye'

The Beach Boys

Hootie and the Blowfish

Assignment Part II:

? Now you will begin sharing the story of your memory and why you chose the songs that you did.

? For each song you will need to reflect on the experiences, places, people, etc. that inspired this selection.

? Your reflection of each memory will be one (1) paragraph long and be as detailed as possible.

? You will also need an introductory paragraph as well as a closing paragraph. Your format for

this paper will be as follows:

-Intro paragraph (1): Use this paragraph to introduce yourself to the reader and give a little background explanation of what this narrative is about.

-Main paragraphs (2-7): Explanation of each song/memory:

-You will write an individual paragraph for EACH MEMORY!

-What is the name of the song/artist?

-Why is the song important to you?

-How does the song connect to the memory?

-Closing paragraph (1): Summarize/wrap up what you shared, do you agree/ disagree with the idea that music can have an influence on memories, and your final thoughts on this piece of writing.

Assignment Part III:

? Time to be creative!

? Create a representation for your soundtrack using one of two methods.

? First: Create a tour poster for your `soundtrack'. If the artists on your album where to go on

tour, how would you promote that? Recall the examples presented in class and on the website.

? Second: Create a CD cover for your `soundtrack'. Using the jewel case provided, design the cover of the case and insert it into the case. Measure the front and back and create your own CD. Examples will be available in class


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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