Chapter 42 Circulatory System AP Biology

Chapter 42 Circulatory System AP Biology

1. Compare the circulatory system of a fish, amphibian, reptile, bird/mammal. How are they similar and how are they different.

2. Why is the mammal heart considered to be more efficient in pumping blood?

3. What is the purpose of the valves in the heart and what makes the lub dup sound?

4. What is the purpose of the SA and AV node in the heart?

5. Explain in essay form how the RBC’s or erythrocytes follow the structure and function theme of “structure fits function.” Refer to p241 of your handout.

6. Explain an example of countercurrent exchange of respiratorygases in aquatic organisms.

7. Below are listed a few structures of the circulatory and respiratory systems. Explain what each does.

Circulatory system:

a. WBC

b. Platelet

c. Systolic pressure vs. diastolic pressure

d. Arteries

e. Veins

f. Capillaries

Respiratory system:

a. larynx

b. pharynx

c. trachea

d. bronchi

e. bronchioles

f. alveoli

8. Explain how the diaphragm works to help in respiration.

9. Explain the 3 important characteristics of all respiratory surfaces.

10. Explain how hemoglobin binds oxygen and why it is important in regulation of respiration.

11. How does the pH of the blood effect the respiration rate? Is CO2 more acidic or basic?


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