Copper Sun - Advanced Readers Activity

Copper Sun - Advanced Readers Activity

Choose TWO of the following. You may ONLY choose one artistic product and said products:

(a) MAY NOT contain stick figures and SHOULD show character emotions. (Make sure clothing is time period appropriate!)

(b) MUST be in color (I have art supplies on my shelves)

(c) MUST show setting (if applicable – i.e. no blank backgrounds! Show where the characters are!)

1. Imagine you are Teenie, and you had time to make a quilt for Tidbit, instead of just giving him the cloth from her mother. ON A SEPARATE PIECE OF PAPER, CREATE a picture of this quilt. What five symbols or pictures would you include (anywhere on your quilt) to represent something about their relationship/family?After DRAWING, LIST the five symbols, TELL ME WHY you chose each symbol, and EXPLAIN what each symbol represents.

2. Dr. Hoskins has just explained to Mr. Derby that he was robbed on the way to the auction and that Amari, Polly, and Tidbit escaped. ON A SEPARATE PIECE OF PAPER, create a “WANTED” posted for the capture of the escapees. Include (1) pictures of each character, (2) descriptions for each of the characters, (3) reward and (4) return information. (5) At the bottom, write a paragraph from Mr. Derby describing why it is so important that these fugitives are apprehended. These details should be straight from the story.

3. Pick one of the two scenarios below and write AT LEAST ONE PAGE describing what the lives of the characters are like if one or the other happened. For instance, if you choose scenario #1 you are going to tell me about what life is like at Fort Mose and what the rest of their journey was like.

SCENARIO #1: Amari, Polly, and Tidbit survive their journey and make it to Ft. Mose. (1) Describe what thee rest of their journey was like and (2) what Ft. Mose is like. (3) Do Amari, Polly, and Tidbit stay together and live as a family or do they part ways pursuing different lives? (4) What is life like for them now that they are free? (5) Does Polly feel comfortable in Ft. Mose or does she leave and go north?

SCENARIO #2: Imagine that Polly, Amari, and Tidbit were found and captured. (1) What happens now? Are they given back to Mr. Derby for a reward? (2) What is life like for them back on the plantation? (3) Is Amari in the rice fields while Polly still serves in the kitchen or even the house? (4) Where is Tidbit and how has his life changed as well as Teenie's?

4. Imagine that you are now “in” chapter 33 of Copper Sun. Write yourself into the story. You are taking a nap and something startles you awake – as you open your eyes, you begin to realize that you are not in your bedroom, but in a forest! You look around and find that Amari, Polly, Tidbit and Hushpuppy are sleeping next to you. Start your story by describing your surroundings using your five senses – what do you (1) see? (2) hear? (3) smell? (4) feel ? (5) taste (if anything)? From there, describe (a) how you feel (emotionally), (b) what do you do to act upon that feeling? (c) what do you say to the characters (and how do they respond) ? (d) Would you help them or leave them? Take me through your decision. This needs to be AT LEAST ONE PAGE long!

5. Character Poem: Write 2 character poems for Tidbit - the first as of chapter 33 and the second for Tidbit ten years down the road. (1) START BY FILLING IN THE GRAPHIC ORGANIZER for Tidbit at age 4. (2) You will need to create a second a second graphic organizer (ON YOUR OWN) for Tidbit at age 14. Make sure that you are taking into consideration what his life may look like (ex: does he remain free? Is he captured? What is he doing with his life? Who is he with?) (3) Then, WRITE your FINAL COPIES on a SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER.

(a) Tidbit

(b) Three Traits that describe this character _______________ __________________ _______________________

(c) Son of _______________

(d) Friend of _______________ __________________ _______________________

(e) Who loves (3 people, places, or things) _______________ __________________ _______________________

(f) Who feels (list 3 emotions) _______________ __________________ _______________________

(g) Who needs (list 3 things) _______________ __________________ _______________________

(h) Who gives (list 3 things) _______________ __________________ _______________________

(i) who fears (list 3 things) _______________ __________________ _______________________

(j) Who dreams of: _______________

6. One of the best things about taking pictures is that you get to see a snapshot of an event and it sparks your memory and brings you back to that day. (1) Take a “snapshot” of 3 key events that have occurred so far in the book. (These can be hand drawn, you can take symbolic photographs or you can find pictures online). (2) Then I want a snapshot of your favorite part so far in the book. (3) Finally, one snapshot of the future, predicting what may happen on their journey to freedom. (4) For each snapshot, please give a paragraph caption below explaining (a) describing what the picture is, (b) where it came up in the story, and (c) why you chose this particular snapshot (why is it important? Why did you choose this particular event over all of the others? What effect does this particular episode have on the plot of the story? Why do you think this prediction will happen - back yourself up with support from the story? Why is this your favorite scene from the story – share your personal connection)

7. Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter with modern day thinking. You believe slavery is wrong and you are writing an article to gain support against slaver. You have recently heard that a group of three slaves have escaped from the Derby plantation. You set out to locate the runaways and interview them. When you catch up with Polly, Amari, and Tidbit they are frightened and filthy. You explain your position and they agree to answer your questions in exchange for good and the promise that you keep their names and journey a secret. (1) Fill out the following graphic organizers for each character (answering as if you WERE that character); (2) CREATE YOUR OWN QUESTION FOR EACH CHARACTER (3) Write up your (a) AT LEAST ONE PAGE article complete with: (1) headline (2) newspaper title (3) date (4) your name as reporter

Questions for Polly:

1. You are white, Why are you running with two black people? What is your relationship to them?


2. Why have you chosen to run south?


3. YOUR OWN QUESTION:_________________________________________________________________

Polly's response: ___________________________________________________________________________

Questions for Amari:

1. Thank you for sharing your story with me. Your English is very good for living in America such a short time. Tell me, where did you find the courage to run away? Do you feel you can trust this white girl, Polly? Why?



2. Do you truly believe there is a place that is free for all people? Describe what that place looks like and what you will do there with you freedom.



3. YOUR OWN QUESTION:_________________________________________________________________

Amari's response: ___________________________________________________________________________

Questions for Tidbit:

1. Amari says she is not your mother. You must miss your mother very much. I'm sure she is very proud of your bravery to seek freedom. If you find freedom, what do you want to be when you grow up?


2. Is this your dog? Why did it come with you? Do you think your dog will be able to help you on your journey or are you worried he will lead people to find you?



3. YOUR OWN QUESTION:_________________________________________________________________

Tidbit's response: ___________________________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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