Residence Hall Association

Residence Hall Association

Monday, November 29, 2004

CUB Cascade Room 123-125

I. Call to Order 7:02

i. Stephenson South, Stephenson East, Scott Coman, Wilmer Davis have no voting rights.

A. Rules of Order

B. Roll Call/Programming Round Table

i. Community 2

ii. Duncan Dunn 2

iii. Gannon Goldsworthy 2

iv. Honors 2

v. McCroskey 2

vi. McEachern 2

vii. Orton 2; yoga program with McEachern, ballroom dancing program, potluck, stress week program, gingerbread man program this week.

viii. Regents 2

ix. Rogers 2

x. Scott-Coman 2; massive Thanksgiving program, it was great.

xi. Stephenson East 2

xii. Stephenson North 2

xiii. Stephenson South 2

xiv. Stevens 2

xv. Stimson 2

xvi. Streit-Perham 2

xvii. Waller 2

xviii. Wilmer-Davis 2

C. Additions/Changes to the Agenda

i. Add Special Presentation—PACURH as IV.

D. Approval of the minutes

i. Waller moves to approve the minutes, McEachern seconds. No discussion. Consent called, motion carries.

E. Media Introductions

F. Guests

i. Residence Life

1. Michael Seraphin, great job this semester!

2. Monique Nadon, wants to say hello.


1. Executives

a. Sweatshirts are still for sale! Will deliver them to the front desks, a discount is available for Residence Hall students. Holiday Lights competition will be this weekend, good luck to you all! Student Recognition will be announced this week, check out the Evergreen for the winners.

i. Programming—Can we get contact info for sweatshirts in case they don’t sell at our front desk?

1. No, we’re having a table in the CUB next week.

2. Senate

II. Public Testimony

A. Andrew Schauer—Monique’s birthday, let’s all sing!

III. On the Ball Award

A. Orton Hall—Because of yoga and basic ballroom dancing programs they put on.

IV. Special Presentation

A. Went to Arcada, CA to Humbolt University. Was an interesting experience, lots of program sessions that delegates were able to attend, we presented one on a mock interview program. Eric was in business meetings that were “very much fun.” Each delegate shared something that they learned or thought was especially meaningful from the conference. Delegates were Andrea Flatley, Marc Weeks, Diana Brandon, Britta Swanson, Esther Gaines, Crystal Philes, Kristin Slaney, Rodney Winkleman.

i. Brandon Brackett—long distance friendships aren’t cool?

1. Well, this guy was crazy (Rodney Winkleman) keeps calling, gave us t-shirts and stuff.

ii. Eric—will hopefully be putting on a program next semester from PACURH, NACURH applications will be out next January.

V. Open Forum

A. Scott Coman—For the future, we would like to see more explanation of President’s Focus, as well as a hard copy reminder sent to REDs and the council members.

B. Honors—would like RHA to look into buying a copier for the office, saves money.

VI. Old Business


i. Jeannie and Kristiné from Alternative Spring Break from Chile. 63% of applicants are from resident halls, want to build leadership for the next year.

1. Finance Committee recommendation: $1630

2. Orton moves to pass $1630, second with Duncan Dunn. Both yield.

a. McEachern—friendly amends to change proposal only if residence hall students go.

b. Honors—Friendly amend to make the money have to go to funding the residence hall students.

c. Roll call vote, Motion carries.

VII. Position/Committee Reports

A. President—We beat the Huskies, go us! Hope you have a great break and that finals go well.

i. Duncan Dunn—When is the first meeting in January?

1. 24th of January

B. EVP—Had second forum today with Dining Services, went really well. Will be a sandwich bar next semester, it’s good. Lasagna will be back sometime before we leave. Will start making grilled cheese sandwiches, but only on Tuesdays, buffalo wings on Thursdays. Jet tea will be offered. Pasta bar will be offered on Sundays as well. Want to congratulate everyone on recycling. Ferdinand’s Ice Cream will maybe come back once a week next semester. Video rental at Hillmart will be axed. You can look into a Hall subscription with NetFlix. Any questions, find me. Happy Finals!

C. DAA—Happy Finals!

D. Finance—We have $77,000! Good for us. Attendance is mandatory at finance committee. Stipend reviews due tomorrow at 2 pm. Next year’s scholarship applications will go out early March.

E. NCC—PACURH and NACURH application information.

F. Programming—Fall Hall week plaques! First place goes to McEachern, second to Community, and third place to Regents. Casino Night winner, Phil Heinricks from Streit Perham. Ginger bread house making at Up All Night on December 11th. RHA Snowball will be January 22nd, not sure where. Programming committee will meet before first meeting. Dodgeball tournement in Smith Gym this Thursday. Food Drive during Dead Week. Applications for her position are out, due January 17th, elections the following week.

G. DSCR—End of finals kits! Need people to help pass them out, 10 am on December 11th. Need people to help pass them out. Moscow-Pullman Daily news will come soon in the readership program. Shirts are here! Pick them up! Will be resigning next semester, applications will be out the first meeting.

H. PR—Rolling Stone’s top 100 songs were a travesty!

I. NRHH—Experience Leadership conference is coming. NRHH will sponsor the first five people who email wsunrhh@ after the meeting.

i. Stephenson North—What is a finals kit?

1. Your parents send them to you with a card wishing you well during finals.

VIII. Advisor’s Moment

A. Way to go this semester, letter bombs are much fun!

IX. Announcements

A. Open Mic is this Tuesday, yoga is Tuesday at 5:30 in the evening.

B. Honors—Winter concert Thursday at 8 pm in Bryan.

C. Brandon—Proposes to Heather and she said YES!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

X. Adjournment


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