BodhiGold version 5 Interface

BodhiGold5 User Guide


Part 1: Getting Started…………………………………………………. 3

1. This link includes

2. Quick Start

1.2.1. Start BodhiGold

3. Mouse Functions

1.4. Software Upgrades

Part2: The BodhiGold Interface:………………………………………. 4

2.1. CatchUp button

2.2. Configure button

2.3. Watch button

2.4. Notice button

2.5. ToolBar Functions

2.5.1. File button

2.5.2. View button

2.5.3. Edit button

2.5.4. Tidy button

2.5.5. Help button

Part 3: How To Section - Data Distribution related………………….. 5

3.1 Add or change the data format Bodhi updates

3.2. Update set groups of stocks

3.3. Change the Default data directory/s

3.4. Change the Drive the Data updates to

3.5 Download into GICs sectors (Global Industry Classification Standard)

3.5.1. With MetaStock format

3.5.2. With other data formats.

Part 4: How To Section – Data Selection related…………………….. 7

4.1. Create a Watch List

4.1.1. Remove symbols form your Watch list

4.1.2. View a Chart in my Watch List

4.2. Change the dates where ‘CatchUp’ starts.

4.3. Select or de-select exchange data

4.3.1. Select Traded Futures contracts

4.3.2. Select Advance/Decline Codes

4.4. Update the Top 0-999 ASX Stocks

Part 5: How to Section – Feature related……………………………… 9

5.1. Backup data

5.2. Create Jobs ie. CatchUp ASX Intra-day without downloading all my data

5.3. Set BodhiGold to update automatically at a particular time each day

5.4. Search on a Company name or its Code.

5.5. Use the Monitor

5.6. Delete Expired symbols

5.6.1. View Expired symbols

5.7. View a Chart in BodhiGold

5.8. Customize data Adjustments

5.9. Create Portfolios

Part 6 Finding the Data in your Charting Software……………... 11

6.1. Data paths for Native formats

6.1.1. MetaStock format programs

6.1.2. Ezy format programs

6.1.3. PCE format programs

6.1.4. BodhiOne format programs

6.1.5. AsciiCsv format programs

6.2. Data paths for Import formats

Part 7: Bodhi History:…………………………………………….. 12

Part 8: Troubleshooting ………………………………………….. 12

8.1. Check BodhiGold has downloaded data

8.2. Check the Directory/s being updated

8.3. De Bug Mode

8.4. View>reports

8.5. Access Denied message

Last Updated: 6-October-2008

Part 1: Getting Started

BodhiGold5 is the most advanced data download and management software available. It is easily configured to manage the data in whatever format /s you have and whatever data directories or groups you want to update. This User Guide covers some of the programs functions. For further detailed instructions please refer to the Help menu in the software.

1. This link includes

( BodhiGold Version 5

1.2. Quick Start Instructions

• Double Click on B5Setup.exe to install. It is quickest to install to the Defaults.

• Once installed double-click the BodhiGold 5 icon on your desktop to complete your setup.

• Answer each setup question by clicking on your choice then closing with the ’X’

• BodhiGold will now load Equity and Indice Lists.

• When Complete re start BodhiGold

• The Registration window appears, Click No to register later or send in the Installation Code to JustData to register now.

• BodhiGold is now setup to download ALL Equites and Indices from your closest exchange and World Indices, from the start of the month. Select any other data exchanges you have subscribed to, (Refer to Point 4.3) then Close BodhiGold.

• Next install Bodhi History. If you don’t have History you are able to download up to six months of data. Refer to Part 4.2.

1.2.1. Start BodhiGold

• Double click on the BodhiGold 5 icon on your desktop.

• Connect to the Internet

• Click on CatchUp

• Set your firewall to allow always, if asked.

• If you get an Access denied message. Refer to Troubleshooting Part 8.5.

• BodhiGold will download the data you have subscribed to and update your charting program/s. Refer Part 6.

3. Mouse Functions

(‘X’ button closes the window you are in and Saves the settings.

( All general functions are a single click of the Mouse.

( Specialized actions are a Right click on the Mouse on the highlighted code.

( Selecting markets to download is a double click of the Mouse.

4. Software Upgrades

Minor upgrades to BodhiGold will happen from time to time. It is easy to keep your BodhiGold5 upgraded to the current version. We suggest clicking on Help>Upgrade>Start from the opening screen of BodhiGold every month.

Part 2: The BodhiGold Interface

2.1. CatchUp button

CatchUp is a two-stage process rolled into one. CatchUp downloads the data and then processes the data into the format/s you have selected. It is a single click. When first installed or re installed BodhiGold will CatchUp data from the beginning of the month.

2.2. Configure button

It is a single click to enter the data management area of the software. In here you can change data directories, drive, add/delete formats, select symbols to Watch, select data to download plus much more. Refer to the “How to” sections.

2.3. Watch button

When first installed the Watch list will be empty. You can add symbols to your Watch List, which will automatically update each time you CatchUp data. Refer - Point. 4.1. Watch: displays the Code, Date, Close Price, Movement from previous days price Dividend Yield and Earnings per Share, displayed as a percent.

2.4. Notice button.

This drop-down box appears when we publish a notice such as the JustData Newsletter. To read a new notice, click on the arrow next to the word: Notices. Once read the notice is automatically filed under View>Journal>EIS and the Notices drop-down box disappears until a new notice is published.

2.5. ToolBar Functions:

2.5.1. File button

a) Receive. Allows you to download data from one particular exchange. You may use this when troubleshooting.

b). Update. Allows you to select a particular exchange and/or market to process already downloaded data into your selected format/s.

c). Search. Search by code or company name to find if BodhiGold offers a particular stock, indice, future etc and the exchange it is available on.

2.5.2. View button

a) Reports. This shows a record of recent downloading activity. It displays the success of the ‘CatchUp’ and includes the date and time CatchUp starts and finishes, exchanges downloaded and data merges. It also displays errors in connecting to the Internet such as FTP and HTP errors.

b). Jobs. Clicking this allows you to set BodhiGold to “CatchUp’ a particular exchange rather than ‘CatchUp’ all exchanges you subscribe to at once. Useful if you have subscribed to a number of exchanges that come in at different times or the Intraday service. Refer to the ‘How to’ section. 3.5

c). Monitor. The monitor displays changes and occurrences that have happened in each market and exchange on a daily basis. Including new and de-listed symbols, adjustments, % change in the close price and various fundamental events. Refer ‘How to’ section 4.7

d). Journal>EIS This is where all notices are filed for future reference.

2.5.3. Edit button

Options: - Clicking on this brings up three tabs.

a) General tab: - Has your location, the Drive and warn days for data backup, warn days for deleting Expired symbols and weather you want to move expired symbols into the ‘Dump’. It also has the De bug file option, which you would select when asked by support

b) Contact tab: - Enter your email address and Outgoing mail server in the boxes provided. This assists in communicating with the help desk.

c) Connect tab: - Where you can configure BodhiGold to make the Internet connection. If you have a proxy server this is where you enter the details. Also where you can set BodhiGold to CatchUp automatically each day at a particular time. More details refer ‘How to’ section. 3.6.

2.5.4. Tidy button

a) Trash>Empty. This deletes all expired symbols from your hard drive. It is a good idea to click on this every few months to ensure you don’t have to search through expired symbols in your charting software. Refer 5.6.

b) Tidy>Bodhi>BackUp. This allows you to Backup your current directory setup. Useful if you want to create the same directory setup on another computer or you want to make changes to your directory/s without loosing the original settings. Refer 5.8

c) Tidy>Bodhi>Restore. This puts Bodhi directory setup back to the original backed up settings. Refer 5.8.

d) Tidy>Data>BackUp. Backs up your database. We recommend backing up your data every month. By default the data will backup to the C:/ drive and warn you every 30 days after your first BackUp. You can change the number of days to warn you and also change the Backup Drive. Refer to Edit button 2.5.3.

e) Tidy>Data>Restore. This restores your Backed Up data up to the date you made the BackUp. You may need to alter the CatchUp dates in BodhiGold to meet up with the last date of your backed up data. Refer 3.1

2.5.5. Help button

a) Email. Opens your email browser to send support an email.

b) About. Includes Registration details and version.

c) Upgrade. This button automatically upgrades the software to the latest version.

d) Manual. Takes you to the Electronic Manual. (not currently available)

e) Contact. Email address and contact numbers.

f) Website. Takes you to .au

g) Tutorials. This takes you to pictorial tutorials on our website that give detailed instructions on the various features available in BodhiGold. There is also a Troubleshooting section.

Part 3. How to section- Data Distribution related:

3.1. Add or change the data format Bodhi updates

BodhiGold can update many data formats at the one time. Formats are divided into “Native” and “Import”. A Native format is one that writes directly to the charting program such as Metastock or EzyChart. An Import format is a text file suitable to be imported into charting programs that do not have or do not publish a native format.

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on ‘Configure’

• Native formats are displayed by default.

• Tick or untick the format/s you wish to update.

• To select an Import format, Click the Import tab.

• Tick or untick the format you wish to update.

3.2. Update a set group of stocks: You can update specific groups such as all stocks that are in the ASX All Ordinaries Index or are in the Top 20, 100, 150 etc.

Groups available to you will depend on the exchanges you subscribe to. Groups are turned on by default for the MetaStock format but you can download groups to the other formats as well. To turn on Groups for other formats, do the following:

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on ‘Configure’

• Right-click over the format that you want to add Groups to (ie. EzyStation). A box will appear.

• Put a tick in the Groups box.

To select the groups you want to download:

• Click on ‘Groups’ button

• Click on File>Refresh

• To display the available groups, select the required Exchange from the drop-down box.

• Tick the box beside the group or groups you want to update. Note: the directory the group will update, for MetaStock format, is displayed in this window. You can change these directories by clicking the Save above settings as default button in the Distribution window.

• Exit [x] the Groups screen.

If you are following the United States exchanges and want to download groups such as the Dow Jones Composite, you must be aware that this index includes symbols from the Amex; Nasdaq & New York Exchange. Therefore, if you only select this group from the Amex drop-down list you will only have the symbols that trade in that index on the Amex in your directory. To ensure you get all the symbols that make up that index (in the one directory) you must tick the same group from all three US drop-down boxes

3.3. Change the Default data directory/s:

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on ‘Configure’

• Click on ‘Custom’

The Directory/s currently being updated are highlighted.

• Click on File>Copy selected Profile

• Enter any Name eg Bruce then OK (this just copies the current distribution, if you change your mind you can always come back in here and re select Default)

From here you can create your own directory/s and filter the data according to your requirements. Select an action from the following:

• Click on Path>Modify to modify a directory you have highlighted in the list.

• Click on Path>Insert to create a new directory in the format you want.

• Click on Path>Delete to delete a highlighted directory.

When you have finished the directory or directories now going to update will be highlighted in blue.

3.4. Change the Drive the Data updates to:

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on ‘Configure’

• Click on ‘Custom’

• Click on File>Copy selected Profile

• Enter any Name eg Bruce then OK (this just copies the current distribution, if you change your mind you can always come back in here and re select Default)

• Click on Path>Drive enter the drive you want then Close.

3.5. Download into GICs sectors

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on ‘Configure’

• Click on ‘Custom’

• Click on File>Copy Selected Profile

• Enter a name eg MyGroup then OK

Next steps will depend on what format you are working with.

3.5.1. With MetaStock format.

• Highlight C:\Data\MetaStock\%Source%\%GICS2%* then

• On the right side of the Window under Status tick Active

This will update GICS directories as well as the default directory. If you only want to update the GICS directory you need to de activate the other directory. Highlight the Directory and under Status remove the tick from Active, then Close.

3.5.2. With other data formats or you want to change the default path name:

• Click on Path>Insert>Select a format

• Enter the new path eg C:\Data\%Source%\%GICS% then OK ( Note: %Source% = exchange eg ASX and %GICS% = the sectors.) Interprets as C:\Data\ASX\Bankingetc

• Click on the Filter Tab

• Double Click on Source

This brings up the filter, select is equal to, Australian Securities Exchange from the drop down box, click Append and Close.

• Right Click on Sector (MSCI)>Sector and Select the GICS level you require

• Close

Part 4: How To Section – Data Selection related

BodhiGold arranges the data under Modules based on their Market or Source. The Finance Module contains the major Stock exchanges, The Funds Module contains un listed Mutual Funds for AMP and MLC, The Commod Module contains World Futures exchanges, The Forex Module contains foreign exchange cross rates and the EDI Module contains other World Stock Exchanges.

4.1. Create a Watch List: Symbols to Watch can be created on any exchange you have subscribed to. We will use the ASX equity market as an example.

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on ‘Configure’

• Click on + Sign next to Australia

• Click on + sign next to Australia Stock Exchange

• Double Click on Equity

• In the symbol list, highlight the code you want to add to your watch list

• Right Click on it and select Watch

• Click OK

• Repeat for any other Code you want to add to your Watch list.

1. Remove symbols form your Watch list.

• Open BodhiGold

• Right Click on the symbol/s you want to remove under the Watch button

• Select Delete

4.1.2. View a Chart

• Open BodhiGold

• Right Click over the symbol select Chart.

3. Sort my Watch List

You are able to sort your Watch List on Price, Movement, Dividend Yield or Earnings per share by clicking on the appropriate heading.

4.2. Change ‘CatchUp’ dates: A maximum of six months of data is available to download from our servers. To avoid gaps download the data at least once every six months and BackUp your data regularly. Refer 5.1.

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on ‘Configure’

• Right Click on the Finance Tab to change the dates on all exchanges subscribed to under this Tab.

• Click Reset>Received. To change the date to when you want to download the data from. ( DO NOT move dates forward)

• Click Reset>Updated. To change the date you want to update the data to your charting software/s. ( DO NOT move dates forward)

4.3. Select or de select exchange data:

If you have added to or changed your data subscription you may need to select or de-select data. To select eg London Stock Exchange

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on ‘Configure’

• Click on the Finance tab

• Click on + Sign next to Great Britain

• Click on + sign next to London Stock Exchange

• Double Click on Equity

• Click on File>Refresh if prompted

• *In the Box headed Bundle select ALL if you want All or leave the dot in None and tick the individual symbols you require.

• Change the Received and Updated dates to meet up with the last date of your History. (you can change dates back a maximum of 6 months)

• Close

To de select a market follow the above instructions for the particular exchange up to*

• In the Box headed Bundle select None then Click on Tick>Clear.

• Close

4.3.1. Select Traded Futures contracts

By default BodhiGold selects just the continuous contracts. To also download the Traded contracts do the following using Chicago Board of trade as an example.

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on ‘Configure’

• Click on the Commod tab

• Click on + Sign next to United States

• Click on + sign next to Chicago Board of Trade

• Double Click on Future

• Click on File>Refresh if prompted

• Click on View>Common (this adds all the Traded contracts)

4.3.2. Select Advance/Decline Codes

BodhiGold creates and updates 6 Advance/Decline codes and 3 Trin Index codes for each Market on each exchange. Using ASX equities as an example.

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on ‘Configure’

• Click on + Sign next to Australia

• Click on + sign next to Australia Stock Exchange

• Double Click on Equity

• Click on View>AdvDec

The Codes will now be displayed at the start of the list. The new codes all begin with !AD. The rest of the code is put together on the market it relates to eg (EQ) = Equity, (IN) = indice then the description (A) = Advances, (D) = Declines, (L) = AdvDec Line, (LT) = log trin, PA = % Advaces, (PD) = % Decline, (R) = Ratio, (T) = trin, (TI) = Inverse trin

• Right Click on any new code and select Detail. The directory/s being updated are marked with a (*)

4.4. Update the Top 0-999 ASX stocks

These instructions are if you want to download just a set number of stocks between 0-999. For example the Top 150. If you want to download all stocks plus the Top ??? Refer to Section 3.2.

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on ‘Configure’

• Click on + Sign next to Australia

• Click on + sign next to Australia Stock Exchange

• Double Click on Equity

• Tick the Top 150

• Then Right Click the Top 150 > New limit. Enter a figure between 0 –999

• Right Click the Top 150 > New Rankings

• Close

Part 5: How to Section – Feature related

5.1. BackUp my data:

Once you have Backed Up your data for the first time, BodhiGold from then on will remind you every 30 days or whatever days you set it to remind you to BackUp. The backup will go to C:\Backup directory with the date of the backup. Refer to Sections 2.5.3 and 2.5.4 d) for more information. Do your first BackUp one month after installing by:-

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on Tidy>Data>BackUp

• Click OK

2. Create Jobs.

If you have subscribed to many different exchanges or the ASX Intraday service you may prefer to setup ‘Jobs’ so when you click on CatchUp you only receive data for the Job selected at the time.

In this example we will create a Job to CatchUp ASX stocks and indicies:

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on View>Jobs

This displays the current ‘Job’, which is Everything you subscribe to. To create a new Job which will just download the ASX stocks and Indicies:

• Click on File>Job>Insert ( this creates a Jobs1 tab)

• Tick FASXEQ Australian Securities Exchange Equities. (and FASXIN for Indice)

To rename ‘Jobs1’ to a more appropriate name:

• Right Click on the ‘Jobs1’ tab>Rename. Enter eg ASX

• Click OK and Close.

On the front screen of BodhiGold you will now see a new button with a drop down box. Your new Job called ASX will be displayed. When you Click on CatchUp the only data that will be downloaded is ASX stocks and Indicies. When you want to download all your data click on the drop down box and select Everything. Alternately you can create another Job. You are able to create any number of Jobs.

5.3. Set BodhiGold to update automatically at a particular time each day

Only suitable if you are always connected to the Internet and don’t need a password to be on the net.

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on Edit>Options>Connect

• Tick the days you want BodhiGold to update.

• Then select the time/s.

• Close

5.4. Search for a Company or Code

The Search facility comes in handy when you want to follow a particular company and do not know the code or you know the code but want to find the company name and the exchange it is traded on.

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on File>Search

• Select the Module to search from the drop down box

• Enter the Code or Company Name beside ‘For’

• Reduce the search criteria further if you know the region or Market

• Click on Search and View results.

5.5. Use the Monitor.

The monitor can be used to view market occurrences or save to the hard disk for further study. BodhiGold automatically handles these changes and updates your charting software. To find -

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on View>Monitor

• Click on the Help tab to learn its functions

5.6. Delete Expired symbols

BodhiGold has a colour coding system for Symbols that have Suspended or Expired.

Suspended Symbols appear in your BodhiGold Market lists in yellow. Suspended symbols do not currently update but will at some future time. Symbols that have expired appear in red. To permanently remove Expired symbols off your hard drive.

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on Tidy>Trash>Empty (also Refer 2.5.4 a)

5.6.1. Manage Expired symbols

In BodhiGold you are able to elect to Move Expired symbols to a ‘Dump’. This means they won’t appear in your charting program/s but are available for further study in a ‘Dump’ directory. To move expired symbols into ‘Dump’

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on Edit>Options>General

Under the heading Empty Trash

• Tick Move into ‘Dump’

• Change the Warn days to suit.

5.7. View Charts

In BodhiGold there are two ways you can view charts on data you have subscribed to.

via your Watch List. Refer 4.1.2

From within the Market List in BodhiGold. Refer 4.3. Selecting data. When in the Equity window Right Click over the Code you want to view a chart and select Chart.

You can do basic manipulation of the charts as follows.

a) Enlarge the chart by clicking on Maximise button.

b) Move the chart by holding the cursor over the chart and hold the right mouse button down and move to left or right.

c) Zoom in by holding the cursor over the chart area you want to zoom in on and hold the left mouse button down until you see a white box which you expand over the area you want to zoom in on then release the mouse button. To zoom out hold the left mouse button down on the far right of the chart and drag the white box to the far left of the chart then release.

8. Customize data Adjustments

BodhiGold by default performs all data adjustments automatically except for Dividend adjustments. You can set it to adjust data for Dividends and turn off other adjustments. You can have data adjustments apply to one directory and not to another.

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on ‘Configure’

• Click on Custom

• Click on File>Copy Selected Profile

• Enter a name eg MyAdjust then OK

• Highlight the directory you want to alter the adjustments for

Under the Events heading you are now able to tick or un tick the adjustments you wish to apply to your data. When finished

• Click the button ‘Save above settings as Default’.

9. Create Portfolios

You are able to create any number of portfolios in BodhiGold. This is a simple portfolio manager that tracks the value of your portfolio/s on a day-by-day basis. It does not do reports or apply tax rules. You can ‘export’ the portfolio/s to a CSV file suitable for manipulation with Excel. Note: The use of Microsoft Excel is at your own discretion and not a program JustData will support. For further details on creating portfolio/s:- Click on Help>Tutorials.

Part 6: Finding the data in your Charting Software

6.1. Data paths for Native formats

BodhiGold creates a directory path for each format and uses a filter wizard, which automatically separates the data according to the filter used. These are %Source% = the exchange ie ASX, %Market% = the market ie Equity, %GICS% = a sector ie Banking and Finance, %Alpha% = divides the codes alphanumeric order ie A codes go to an A0 directory etc.

6.1.1. MetaStock format programs: such as MetaStock, Guppytraders-essentials Charting, Omnitrader, Amibroker etc

If you installed to a single directory the data will update to –


If you installed to an alphanumeric directory the data will update to –


6.1.2. Ezy format programs: such as EzyProfessional, EzyStation and EzyChart.


6.1.3. PCE format programs: such as Market Suite, EzyChart versions under 4.01


6.1.4. BodhiOne format programs: such as Scanvest, Insight trader and Fcharts.


6.1.5. AsciiCsv format programs: Such as Excel


6.2. Data paths for Import formats:

Import formats can update up to six months of Historical data. BodhiGold has Import formats suitable for Maus, Indexia, DowCharts, OptionVue, QuickenSA, OmegaResch and Navigator. Data path for each is C:\My Databases\’Program name’

Also formats for StexChart C:\NetData and MaxiTrader C:\ASXdata

Part 7: Bodhi History

Part 8: Troubleshooting

BodhiGold has many checks you can perform within the software to isolate the problem you are experiencing.

8.1. Check the data has Downloaded

Using Australia Stock Exchange equity as an example.

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on ‘Configure’

• Click on the + sign next to Australia

• Click on the + sign next to Australian Securities Exchange

• Double Click on Equity

• Under the heading ‘Bundle’ make sure you have a dot in ALL

• Right Click over any symbol eg AAC

• Select Values

All data for this symbol will Load into this window under a tab for each format you use. Under each tab, check the first date of your data and then scroll down to check the last date of your data. Also at the bottom of this window is the directory the data is in eg Daily Data in C:\Data\Ezy\ASX. If data is there you just need to point your charting software to the displayed directory. If data is not there do a CatchUp or contact support.

8.2. Check the Directory/s being updated

Using Chicago Board of Trade as an example

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on ‘Configure’

• Click the Commod Tab

• Click on the + sign next to United States

• Click on the + sign next to Chicago Board of Trade

• Double Click on Future

• Right Click over any symbol

• Select Details

There is an * beside the Directory/s being updated. If there are no directory/s being updated you need to either select the data or select a format. Refer ‘How to’ sections.

8.3. De Bug Mode

BodhiGold can be put into De bug mode for various error messages. This creates a file, which is ready to send to support. If you see the following errors:

a) Access Violation error….

b) List Index Out of Bounds

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on Edit>Options

• Tick De Bug

• Close

• Run CatchUp

If the error message does not disappear:-

• Click on Help>Email

• Enter your email address then OK

This sends an email to support.

8.4. BodhiGold will not download

If you are connected to the Internet, have data and a format selected and BodhiGold will not download data then you may have an Internet connection problem. To check

• Open BodhiGold

• Click on View>Reports Refer 2.5.2 a)

• Scroll down to the last date you Clicked on CatchUp and take note of the reports.

If you have an HTP or FTP error message you need to set your firewall to allow downloads from the following servers. and

8.5. Access Denied message

If you have EzyChart and your operating system is Vista you may get an error on ‘Catch Up’. That reads Cannot create file “C:\Windows\system32\EzyCrypt.lic”, access is denied.

To fix.

• Right click the Bodhi5 icon,

• Click Properties

• Select Compatibility

• Select Run As Administrator > click Apply

• Start BodhiGold and click Catch Up


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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