Understanding the Periodic Table of Elements

Understanding the Periodic Table of Elements Name ____________________ Date____ Period ___ ID# ___

Part 1: States of Matter of the Elements


1. In what state of matter do most of the elements of the periodic table exist? _______________

Part 2: Kinds of Elements


2. Where on the periodic table are the metals located? _________________________

3. Where on the periodic table are the nonmetals located? ______________________

4. List the metalloids. ___________________________________________________

Part 3: Families of Elements


The element hydrogen should not be colored. It stands

apart from the rest of the elements because its properties

do no match any other single group. It’s the most

abundant element in the universe and is highly reactive.

5. Rows of the periodic table are called __________________.

6. How many periods are on the table? _______________

7. Columns of the periodic table are called _______________.

Part 4: Periodic Table Groups

Write the numbers (1-18) above the columns of the periodic table.


Part 5: Valence Numbers

Write the numbers (1-20) in the squares for the first twenty elements. Write the numbers (1-18) above the columns of the periodic table. Then, use your worksheet "Charting Oxdiation" to determine the valence # for the first 20 elements.


11. What patterns do you notice? __________________________________________

12. What could you predict about the other elements in each group? ______________________________________________________________________

Part 6: Oxidation Numbers

Write the numbers (1-20) in the squares for the first twenty elements. Write the numbers (1-18) above the columns of the periodic table. Then, use your worksheet "Charting Oxdiation" to determine the oxidation # for the first 20 elements.


11. What patterns do you notice? __________________________________________

12. What could you predict about the other elements in each group? ______________________________________________________________________

Part 7: Periods

Write the numbers (1-7) to the left side of each row of the periodic table and group # (1-18) at top.


13. The ________ of the periodic table are called periods.

14. The periods will tell you how many _____________ ____________ are present in an atom.

15. Helium has _____________ energy level because it is in period _____________.

16. Chlorine has ___________ energy levels because it is in period _____________.

17. What state of matter is Mercury? ______________________________________________

18. What kind/type of element is Silicon? __________________________________________

19. List two of the elements from the Alkali metals. ___________________________________

20. List two of the elements from the Alkaline earth metals. ____________________________

21. List two of the elements from the Halogens? _____________________________________

23. What groups are called the representative elements?______________________________

24. What is the valence number for the Halogens? ___________________________________

25. What is the valence number for the Alkali metals? _________________________________

26. What could you predict might happen between Group 1 and Group 17. Review valence and oxidation number of both groups? _________________________________________________

27. Why is Group 1 so reactive? __________________________________________________

28. Why is Group 17 so reactive? ________________________________________________

29. Why is Group 18 not reactive? ________________________________________________

30. Give the period, group, energy level, valence and oxidation # of the following:

Potassium Calcium Sulfur

Part 7: Atomic Radius

Write the numbers (1-6) to the left side of each row of the periodic table and group # (1-18) at top.

31. Look at period two. What trend do you

see as you go L to R? ____________




32. What do you think causes the trend in atomic radius that was observed in question 31? Think about the following: the number of protons, the number of energy levels and energy needed to keep valence electrons. Explain your answer. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

33. Look at group one. What trend do you notice as you move down a column? ____________________________________________________________________________

34. Which characteristic, (from question 32), best explains a cause for the trend you notice in q. 33?


Part 8: Melting Points

Draw a bracket below the elements to show the period (1-7). Then, color red over the group with negative mPt, the group with highest mPt - yellow, the group with the lowest positive mPt,- blue and the elements Ca through Zn - green.


Use the Periodic Table in your textbook or other resource to shade the boxes in the blank table of elements (red for solids, blue for liquids, and green for gases). Color the key below. Write (1-18) above each column.

Key: State of Matter




Use the Periodic Table in your textbook or other resource to shade the boxes in the blank table of elements (blue for metals, yellow for nonmetals, purple for metalloid line and green for metalloids). Color the key below. Write (1-18) above each column.

Key: Kinds of Elements

[pic] Metals

[pic] Nonmetals

[pic] Metalloids

Use the Periodic Table in your textbook or other resource to shade the boxes in the blank table of elements according to their group. Color the key below from the color code on previous page.

Key: Element Families

[pic] Alkali metals

[pic] Alkaline earth metals

[pic] Transition metals

[pic] Boron family

[pic] Carbon family

[pic] Nitrogen family

[pic] Oxygen family

[pic] Halogens

[pic] Noble gases

[pic] Lanthanides

[pic] Actinides

8. Groups 1, 2, and 13-18 are known as the ____________________ elements. Color them orange.

9. Groups 3-12 are called the _______________________ elements. Color them green.

10. The two rows at the bottom of the chart are called the inner ___________ elements. Color them blue.

Color elements with valence numbers the following:

Valence # of 1 Red

Valence # of 2 Blue

Valence # of 3 Green

Valence # of 4 Orange

Valence # of 5 Brown

Valence # of 6 Yellow

Valence # of 7 Purple

Valence # of 8 Pink

Color elements with oxidation numbers the following:

Oxidation # of 1 Red

Oxidation # of 2 Blue

Oxidation # of 3 Green

Oxidation # of 4 Orange

Oxidation # of-3 Brown

Oxidation # of-2 Yellow

Oxidation # of-1 Purple

Oxidation # of 0 Pink

Color Code for Part 3:

Blue for Alkali metals, Green for Alkaline earth metals, White for Transition metals, Brown for Boron, Purple for Carbon, Black for Nitrogen, Orange for Oxygen, Red for Halogens, Yellow for Noble Gases, Pink for Lanthanides and Gold for Actinides.

Revised Nov 2011

a. Name the element with the highest ability to attract electrons, therefore making it the most reactive nonmetal. ___________________________

b. What period is it in? _______________________

c. What group is it in? _______________________

Color it purple.

d. Name two elements with the greatest need to give away one electron, therefore making them the most reactive metals. ________________________

e. What periods are they in? __________________

f. What group are they in? ____________________

Color them blue.

a. From the diagram, name the element with the largest atomic radius and the most energy levels. _____________

What period is it in? _______________________________

What group is it in? _______________________________

Color it blue.

b. From the diagram, name the element with the smallest radius and the least number of energy levels (excluding the noble gases) ____________________________________

What period is it in? _______________________________

What group is it in? _______________________________

Color it red.

c. From the two elements you named, which one holds its electrons loosely? (Meaning it would be easy to remove its valence electron(s) _______________________________

d. From the two elements you named, which one holds its electrons tightly? (Meaning it would be hard to remove its valence electron(s) _______________________________

35. Elements Ca through Zn are called ___________

36. The elements colored red are called ________________________ __________________.

37. The elements with the highest melting pt. are in group _________________ . What type of elements are they? ___________________________________

38. Give the group name and # for the elements with lowest positive mPt. _________________________

39. What characteristic of elements determines if the melting pt is positive or negative? ________________

40. Excluding the elements in green, which type of elements has the higher melting pts? ___________________________________________


Period 1


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