Chapter 4 Quiz Roll of Thunder

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Name____________________Period_____Date________

Turn in these assignments on a separate sheet of paper

Chapter 1 Comprehension - (ACE any 2)

1. What point of view is used in this novel? Who is the narrator?

2. What is the setting of the novel?

3. Explain why Papa must work on the railroad.

4. What happened to the Berrys?

5. Why do the Logan children have to run from the bus?

6. What is unusual about Jeremy? Why does he have welts (from beatings) on his arms?

7. Describe the books the Logan children are issued. Why do they have the “new” books?

8. Why does Little Man stomp on the book?

9. What is Miss Crocker's response to Little Man's refusal of the "new" book?

10. What did Mama Logan do about the books?

11. What did Mama think about Little Man’s and Cassie's behavior? Do you think they will get in trouble?

12. How does Mama respond to Miss Crocker’s warnings?

13. Explain how the Logans got their land and why it is so important to them.

Chapter 2 Comprehension - (ACE any 2)

1. Compare Mama and Big Ma's physical characteristics.

2. What kind of chores do the children have to do?

3. What do you learn about the Logans’ from the description of their house on pg. 35 (bottom)?

4. Describe Mr. L.T. Morrison. Why is he there? (Be specific)

5. What events supposedly happened which led to the burning of the Berrys?

6. Why does Papa not want the children to go to the Wallace Store?

7. How does the point of view of the story affect what YOU know? For instance, what do you know about why they won’t be shopping at the Wallace store? Explain.

8. How do the children feel about the school bus? Why is it getting worse?

Chapter 3 Comprehension - (ACE any 2)

1. After the major bus incident, why don't the Logan and Avery children speak to Jeremy? What do you think about their behavior? Is it justifiable?

2. Why do you suppose Jeremy doesn’t ride the bus?

3. Describe how the Logan children get revenge on the bus, its passengers, and its driver.

4. What does Mama think about what happened to the bus? Do you think she knows? Why?

5. Why does Mr. Avery come to the Logan house in the evening? What does he mean "they's ridin' t'night"?

6. Why are the children so afraid? What do they think is going to happen to them?

7. What does Big Ma retrieve from under the bed?

8. What all does Cassie see when she goes outside? What does it mean?

Chapter 4 Comprehension - (ACE any 2)

1. Why does Mr. Tatum get tarred and feathered?

2. Why does Stacey beat-up T.J.?

3. Which of the Logan children initially dislikes Mr. Morrison?

4. Who keeps bothering Big Ma about the Logan land?

5. What did Mama do when she learned that the Logan children had gone to the Wallace store?

6. Who poured the kerosene over the Berrys?

7. At the end of the chapter, what is Mama encouraging other families not to do?

Chapter 5 Comprehension - (ACE any 2)

1. Why doesn’t Big Ma park the wagon toward the front?

2. What is Mr. Jamison’s occupation?

3. Who is the owner of the mercantile in Strawberry?

4. Who does Cassie bump into in Strawberry.

5. What does Big Ma make Cassie do at the end of the chapter? (over)

Chapter 6 Comprehension - (ACE any 2)

1. Who arrives to the Logan home from Chicago?

2. Who stops him from seeking revenge against Mr. Simms?

3. What gift does Stacey receive as a Xmas present?

4. Who supposedly doesn’t like Stacey’s coat?

5. Who is forced off Soldier’s Bridge at the end of the chapter?

Chapter 7 Comprehension - (ACE any 2)

1. Who kept Mr. Morrison from getting killed by the Night Men?

2. What did Papa get the children as gifts for Christmas.

3. What Christmas present does T.J. try to get from Stacey?

4. Who offers to put up the line of credit at the store in Vicksburg?

5. Who threatens Papa?

Chapter 8 Comprehension - (ACE any 2)

1. Papa has given Cassie some advice. What are the three major points he made?

2. How can this advice be applied to many situations in life?

3. Why is Lillian Jean unaware that Cassie has been playing a game?

4. What does this tell the reader about Lillian Jean’s belief that Cassie’s servant-like behavior was appropriate as well as sincere?

5. Do you think Mama is justified in teaching historical facts that are different from those in the textbook? Explain.

Chapter 9 Comprehension - (ACE any 2)

1. Reread the first paragraph of the chapter. How does the author paint a picture of spring with the words she uses (imagery)?

2. How much does Jeremy care about his friendship with the Logans? How do you find this out? Why does Stacey keep his distance from Jeremy?

3. What information about Mr. Wallace does Mr. Jamison bring to Papa? What effect must the boycott be having on his business?

Chapter 10 Comprehension - (ACE any 2)

1. What is the financial picture for the Logans like at this time? Why doesn’t Papa ask for Uncle Hammer’s help? How do he and Mama plan to handle the problem?

2. Why does Mama believe Mr. Morrison should leave the farm? How is his presence one more pressure on the Logans?

3. What is Mr. Morrison’s reaction to the threats and name-calling of Kaleb Wallace? How does Mr. Morrison’s display of strength and silence infuriate Mr. Wallace? What final threat does Mr. Wallace make?

4. Jeremy’s unbiased treatment of the Logans contrasts sharply with the attitudes of the white adults. Why does the author include Jeremy in this story? How is he a symbol of hope?

Chapters 11 & 12 Comprehension - (ACE any 2)

1. An event of nature weaves a thread from the first line of this chapter through the last paragraph. What is it? What does it symbolize in relation to what occurs in thei chapter and in the book?

2. How is TJ injured, and who is responsible?

3. Why does Stacey help TJ?

4. What proof do the “night men” find in TJ’s house to establish his presence at the Mercantile?

5. As the white crowd’s hatred intensifies and they become bolder, they decide to locate and hang another black person. Who is this? Why do they hate him?

6. What does Stacey send Cassie and the other children to do?

7. What is significant about the poem at the beginning of chapter 11. What does it mean and how does it relate to the theme of the story?

8. Who set the fire and why?

9. Mr. Jamison wants to keep people from thinking about Papa and the cotton fire. How does he think this can be accomplished?


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