Proposal Identification Number03175HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSIONH-9, Islamabad (Pakistan)Passport Size Photograph hereinternational research support initiative programme (IRSIP)Please read the following statements carefully and answer in Yes or No only. It is mandatory to answer all the questions otherwise application will not be entertained.Are you enrolled in a public sector or private sector Pakistani university for PhD?YesNoAre you a full time AJK/Pakistani national PhD student?YesNoHave you completed the course work?YesNoHave you passed the subject test required for admission/ conversion to PhD?YesNoIs your topic of PhD research approved by BASR/DASR or university equivalent body?YesNoAre you actively engaged in PhD thesis related research work?YesNoHave you been invited/ accepted by a research group or foreign university to conduct your PhD thesis related research?YesNoNote: If your answer to all the above questions is yes, then please proceed to the next page and fill up the application as per instructions given at the end of the application form.In case your answer to any of the above questions is No, we regret that you are not eligible for this research fellowship.Name: - ______________________________Signature: -____________________________CNIC Number: -_______________________ Date: - _______________________________Document Checklist:(please attach the documents in the order mentioned below)Application set 1:Application formAnnexure-1Foreign university acceptance letter(s), in order of preferenceAnnexure-2CV(s) of proposed foreign supervisor(s)Annexure-3BASR/DASR approval showing approved PhD research topic & synopsisAnnexure-4PhD thesis synopsis (complete)Annexure-5Local PhD supervisor recommendation letterAnnexure-6CV of local PhD supervisorAnnexure-7NOC from concerned HEC officer (if already availing any other HEC scholarship)Annexure-8NOC from department/organisation (if employed/ on study leave)Annexure-9CV of applicantAnnexure-10Copy of passportAnnexure-11Copies of academic documents including PhD coursework transcript showing credit hours and grades obtained in each course.Annexure-12Copy of GRE result certificate/cardAnnexure-13Application set 2:Application formAnnexure-1Foreign university acceptance letter(s), in order of preferenceAnnexure-2CV(s) of proposed foreign supervisor(s)Annexure-3PhD thesis synopsis (complete)Annexure-4BASR/DASR approval showing approved PhD research topic & synopsisAnnexure-5Copy of GRE result certificate/cardAnnexure-6Note: Both sets are to be properly bound (ring/spiral/other). All annexures to the application sets are to be properly labelled (tagged).PERSONAL INFORMATIONNameFather NameCNIC NoDate of birthDomicile (Dist & Province)Gender (M/F)Current Address(to be used for correspondence)Permanent AddressE-mail (s)Contact Nos:Mobile: Home: Fax No: Office: ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONSDegreeYearGrade/ DivisionField/ SubjectBoard/ UniversityMatricIntermediateBachelorMastersM. Phil DETAIL OF COURSES TAKEN AT M. Phil LEVELCourse nameDate & SemesterCourse TypeCore/ ElectiveInstructor nameTotal credits of courseGPADETAIL OF COURSES TAKEN AT PhD LEVEL (also attach transcript)Course nameDate & SemesterCourse TypeCore/ ElectiveInstructor nameTotal credits of courseGPAProvide international/Local GRE score:i.NTS GAT Subject SubjectScoreTest Date ii.University PhD TestSubjectScoreTest Date iii.ETS GRE TestSubjectScoreTest Date iv.OtherSubjectScoreTest Date List scholarships or fellowships held at present or in the past (Give source or sponsor, amount, where held and duration).Indicate any academic honours or prizes which you have received, with titles and dates.List any books, articles or theses published by you, especially in your area of study (Give title, place and date of publication).List professional societies, fraternities or other organizations in which you now hold membership or in which you have been active in the past (indicate if you have held an elective office).Teaching experience: (include any teaching positions you have held or currently hold)Occupational experience: (list positions held, beginning with the most recent employment, if any)Name and address of employerTitle/ Type of workDurationFromToDOCTORAL PROGRAM INFORMATIONUniversity where enrolled for PhDUniversity Dept/institute AddressPhD Registration NoPhD Starting DateExpected PhD Completion dateResearch topic & Synopsis approval date (by BASR/ DASR/ equivalent body)Major(e.g. chemistry)Field of study (e.g physical sciences)Approved Title of Approved PhD Synopsis/ProposalAre you already availing any HEC scholarship?Yes, If “Yes” provide following:Noi-Scholarship Nameii-Batch, PINLocal PhD Supervisor’s DetailsSupervisor’s nameSupervisor’s Phone NoSupervisor’s e-mail Institute/DeptUniversityAddressList of Phd faculty in the department/institute where enrolled for phdNoNameDesignationRESEARCH DETAILSProvide details on research conducted in Pakistan so far (minimum 200 words)Objective of proposed visit to foreign university/institute under IRSIP (minimum 200 words)(Describe the overall and specific objectives for the proposed visit under IRSIP, which should be clear, measurable, realistic and achievable within the duration of the award. Objectives should be consistent with the PhD research as outlined in the Proposal / Synopsis)Work plan for 6 months under IRSIP (minimum 200 words)Please provide the following: A brief description of the overall structure of the work plan; Detailed description of each task; Deliverables at the end of each taskTiming (Weekly / Monthly) of the tasks and their components (Gantt chart or similar)Which experiment or specific work you want to carry out abroad under IRSIP?(Please give only the experiments/studies/technical help for interpreting data and modeling etc. (point wise 1,2,3 etc.) to be carried out in the foreign university without any introduction etc.)(To be filled in by Local Supervisor)Recommendation by local PhD supervisor justifying the foreign visit of scholar. It should also contain following information:Justification for the selection of the foreign supervisor.How many of your students have been sent to this foreign supervisor in the past 5 years.Research facilities availability in Pakistan for scholar’s research topic. Please mention the research facilities available in your department, university/institute, in same city and in Pakistan.Note: If the facilities are available locally, the scholar may conduct experiments in Pakistan and then REPEAT the same in foreign university for comparison.What are the socio-economic benefits of this research?What is the time span by which country will start benefitting of this research?How would the scholar conduct his PhD thesis related research if he doesn’t get selected for 6 months research abroad?Supervisor Name: Signature & stamp:Is your Foreign Supervisor an ex-supervisor of your Local Supervisor? YesNoFOREIGN VISIT INFORMATIONLIST OF FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES THAT OFFERED YOU PLACEMENT (In order of priority)NoUniversityDepartmentSupervisor nameCountryUniversity Ranking (Over all world ranking) as per Times rankingUniversity Ranking 9 subject wise)Bench Fee Amount (As per offer letter)RECENT 10 RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS BY PROPOSED FOREIGN SUPERVISOR (provide CV also)Supervisor namePublication listFOR EMPLOYED APPLICANTS ONLYATTESTATION BY THE HEAD OF DEPARTMENTThis is to Certify that Mr./Ms. ______________________ Son/Daughter of Mr.___________________is regular employee of this Organization as _____________________________Since __________.His/Her educational, employment particulars and other statements as stated in the foregoing columns have been checked and verified with the original documents. It is hereby affirmed that in the event of his/her selection for the award of 'International Research Support Initiative Program', he/she will be released on study leave for the total duration of the research program which on average is 6 months. Date:_____________Signature: _________________________Name & Designation: _________________________(Head of Department/Institution)Full Address: _________________________Office Stamp: _________________________Signature_________________________(Please Tick One)Advance copyForwarded CopyUNDERTAKING BY THE APPLICANT (compulsory for all candidates)I Mr./Ms. ______________________ Son/Daughter of Mr .___________________certify that the statements made by me in this form are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. It is solemnly affirmed that I have read and understood the conditions of the award of this program advertised in the press and from the web page of HEC and that the decision of the Selection Committee would be final and binding. I understand that the award will be withdrawn as well as recovery of full amount spent on me along with any penalty in connection with the award if any misrepresentation or omission is discovered even after completion of fellowship award under the 'International Research Support Initiative Program'. Date: __________________Applicant’s Signature___________________________ ................

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