

Welcome to our recommended reading list, we hope that you will enjoy browsing it as much as we did putting it together! The books that we feel are vital to your understanding of this course are shown in the essential section for each topic area and it is strongly suggested that you make these your priority. We have also included a selection of optional/reference reading material under each area, as there are so many wonderful books out there, that we didn’t want to restrict your choice of inspiration.

As you work through the course you will be guided by your own study needs, instincts and areas of particular interest!


The facts of Anatomy and Physiology are essentially the same whichever book you decide to use – however, authors will structure the information differently and discuss it in varying levels of detail. Your Anatomy & Physiology Home Study Modules have been written with reference to the easy to understand Thibodeau & Patton textbook and should be your main point of reference.

It is important to be aware that you will all have different levels of knowledge and it is key to choose a book which is written in a format which suits your individual learning style and which is pitched at your current level of understanding. We have highlighted a few other books that will break you gently into this topic, if it is a new area of study.


|Title |Author |Publisher & ISBN | |

|Anatomy and Physiology |G.A. Thibodeau and |Mosby Year book | |

| |K.T. Patton |0323016286 | |

|An A&P bible which will answer most if not all of your questions. Comprehensive. |


|Title |Author |Publisher & ISBN | |

|An introductory guide to |L. Tucker |Holistic Therapy bks 1903348048 | |

|Anatomy & Physiology | | | |

|A clear, concise, basic intro to A&P for the complete beginner. Well structured. |

|Anatomy Colouring book |W. Kapit, |Addison Wesley | |

| | |0805350861 | |

|Basic Anatomy book which uses ‘colouring in’ to help you retain vital info. Basic &fun! |

|Human Body |Martyn Page |Dorling Kindersley | |

| | |0751335142 | |

|A concise guide to structure, function and disorders. Simple colourful illustrations. |

|Baillieres Nurses Dictionary |Barbara F. Weller |Bailliere Tindall | |

| | |0702027065 | |

|Useful reference. Dictionary of terms and definitions to aid those without a medical background |


Providing free, peer-reviewed, accurate and independent data on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over the counter medication and natural products.


Texts on ‘Nutrition’ cover a whole array of ideas and differing approaches and for a new student it can be enormously confusing, so hopefully the list we have compiled will reduce any panic and offer you a broad but thorough understanding of the area. Remember to have fun and allow yourself to explore any particular topic which grabs your attention!


|Title |Author |Publisher & ISBN | |

|Healing with Whole foods |Paul Pitchford |North Atlantic Books | |

| | |1556434308 | |

|Combines western and oriental research on health to achieve optimum eating |

|Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill |Udo Erasmus |Alive Books | |

| | |0920470386 | |

|The complete guide to fats, oils, cholesterol & human health |

|Flax oil as a true aid to arthritis, …..… |Dr Johanna Budwig |Apple Publishing | |

| | |0969527217 | |

|Informative introduction to oils, highlighting their significance in the healing process. Concise. |

|Magnesium Miracle |Carolyn Dean |Simon & Schuster | |

| | |034549458X | |

|Explores the lack of magnesium in our diets and highlights which foods can help |

|The Biology of belief |Bruce Lipton |Mountain of Love/Elite | |

| | |0-9759914-7-7 | |

|Focuses beautifully on the cell and it’s membrane |


|Title |Author |Publisher & ISBN | |

|Brain Building Nutrition |Michael A Schmidt |Frog ltd | |

| | |1583940480 | |

|Reshapes understanding of connections between mental functioning, nervous system and diet |

|Usborne Illustrated Dictionary of Science |Usborne |Usborne Publishing | |

| | |086020989X | |

|A guide to key terms and concepts in biology, physics and chemistry. Masses of illustrations. |

|Probiotics – Natures’ Internal Healers |Natasha Trenev |Avery Pub Group | |

| | |0895298473 | |

|Introduces pro-biotics, exploring their importance in achieving and maintaining good health |

|The New Vitamin Bible |Earl Mindell |Sovereign Press | |

| | |0285637398 | |

|Contains essential information on all vitamins – great reference text!. |

|Staying Healthy with Nutrition |Elson.M.Haas |Celestial Arts | |

| | |0890874816 | |

|Complete guide to diet and nutritional medicine |

|Acid and Alkaline |Herman Aihara |George Ohsawa | |

| | |091886044X | |

|Guide to the benefits of an alkaline based diet. Short and readable. |

|Good Gut Healing |Kathryn Marsden |Piatkus Books | |

| | |0749924489 | |

|The No-nonsense guide to bowel & digestive disorders |

|Dr Jensens Guide to | Bernard Jensen |Avery Pub Group 0895295849 | |

|Better Bowel Care | | | |

|Detailing the importance of a healthy bowel, complete with pictures! |


Everyone will have their own unique interpretation of what ‘Nutritional Healing’ means for them. This list simply reflects our beliefs about ‘key’ elements such as Seasonal and Lunar Influences, Vibrational healing and Western/Eastern philosophies. We hope that this collection excites and intrigues you and would encourage you to explore other titles so that you can begin to define your own personal ideas about health and healing.


|Title |Author |Publisher & ISBN | |

|Moon Time |J. Paungger & T.Poppe |Rider | |

| | |1844133001 | |

|Discusses influence of moon on body – complete with moon tables. Fascinating! |

|Your Body’s many cries for water |Dr F. Batmanghelidj |Tagman Press | |

| | |1903571499 | |

|This book explains the damaging effects of dehydration. Will totally change your perspective! |

|The Life Saver’s Guide to WATER – The Elixir |Lesley Una Pierce |Available through College | |

|of Life | | | |

|Everything you need to know about water and a little bit more |

|Natural Therapeutics Volume 1 |Dr Henry Lindlahr |Rider | |

| | |0091906598 | |

|Introduces the reader to naturopathic techniques and addresses the origins of disease |

|The Oil that Heals |William Mcgarey |ARE Press | |

| | |0876043082 | |

|The use of Castor Oil as channelled by Edgar Cayce |


|Title |Author |Publisher & ISBN | |

|You can heal your life |Louise Hay |Hay House | |

| | |0937611018 | |

|An excellent book for restructuring your life and finding self esteem & self love |

|Heal your Body (The little blue book) |Louise Hay |Hay House | |

| | |0937611352 | |

|Highlights the connection between physical ailments and the mental causes |

|Traditional Acupuncture The law of the 5 |Dianne Connelly |Trad Ac Institute | |

|Elements | |0912381035 | |

|Covers Chinese five elements in beautiful, well written detail. Case studies as an extra bonus. |

|Water and Salt: The Essence of Life - The |Dr. Med. Barbara Hendel | | |

|Healing Power of Nature |Peter Ferreira |0-9744515-1-7 | |

|Creation of Health |Caroline Myss |Bantam | |

| | |0553812556 | |

|Confirms the link between illness and emotion – a vision of holistic healing |

|The Hidden Messages in Water |Masaru Emoto |Pocketbooks | |

| | |1416522190 | |

|Awesome photographic evidence demonstrating the effects of thoughts, words and prayer on water |

|Molecules of Emotion |Candace Pert PhD |Pocket Books | |

| | |0671033972 | |

|The links between mind & body affected by our emotions and physiology |

|First Steps in Counselling |Pete Sanders |PCCS Books | |

| | |1898059519 | |

|An ideal introduction to counselling, lots of thought provoking exercises and interesting personal insights |

|What are you Really Eating |Amanda Ursell |Hay House | |

| | |1401906885 | |

|The truth that lies behind food labels. Essential if you care about what you put inside your body! |

|The complete enema recipe handbook |Patrick Hamouy |Alternative Therapies | |

| | |0955288703 | |

|Everything you need to know about Enema. Simply explained and easy to follow. |

|Creative Visualisation & |Shakti Gawain |New World Library 1577312295 | |

|Meditation | | | |

|Shows the art of using mental imagery to produce positive changes in your life |

|The Field |Lynne McTaggart |Harper Collins | |

| | |0007145101 | |

|A book which gives scientific proof of where the paranormal meets quantum physics |

|You can be happy no matter what |Wayne Dyer and Richard Carlson |Hodder Mobious | |

| | |0340728515 | |

|Its all in the title and its our natural state! Simple and highly recommended. |

|The Sprouters Handbook |Edward Cairney |Argyll Publishing | |

| | |1874640483 | |

|All you need to know about sprouting seeds and how to get started |

|Title |Author |Publisher & ISBN | |

|Staying Healthy with the Seasons |Elson M Haas MD |Celestial Arts 1587611422 | |

|Illustrates how you can achieve awareness using the many gifts which nature provides |

|Comparing Natural Immunity with Vaccination |The Informed Parent Publications |0955467802 | |

|Inexpensive, easy to use and beautifully written |

|The Clinical Medicine Guide: A Holistic |Stephen Gascoigne |Jigme Press | |

|Perspective | |0952218933 | |

|A reference text covering pathological processes, infections from holistic and conventional perspective |

|Health Defence |Paul Clayton |Accelerated Learning Systems Ltd | |

| | |0905553667 | |

|Analyses the worlds healthiest diets to identify the most protective nutrients for overall health |

|A time to heal |Beata Bishop |First Stone Pub | |

| | |1904439527 | |

|A moving account of one woman’s experiences of cancer and Gerson Therapy |

|Eat Smart Eat Raw |Kate Wood |Grub Street | |

| | |1904010121 | |

|Offers an insight in the history and advantages of raw food, as well as tips and benefits |

|Food & Mood Handbook |Amanda Geary |Harper Collins | |

| | |0007114230 | |

|Examines how what you eat can transform how you feel |

|The Salt Solution |Boynton, McCarthy and Moore |Avery Publishing |O/P |

| | |1583330852 | |

|Tame your salt addiction and reduce the risk of salt-induced illness with this comprehensive guide |

|Bartrams encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine |Thomas Bartram |Constable&Robinson | |

| | |1854875868 | |

|Indispensible guide to just about every illness, symptom and it's herbal remedy |

|Boost your child’s immune system |Lucy Burney |Piatkus | |

| | |074992442X | |

|Good recipes and clear info on allergies, vaccinations and antioxidants |


It can feel a bit daunting bridging the gap between learning a new therapy and running a successful practice. How you approach attracting clients will very much depend on you as an individual. The books we have highlighted range from providing practical, down to earth advice, whilst also considering the spiritual beliefs that can help create a thriving, exciting new business.


|Title |Author |Publisher & ISBN | |

|Marketing for Complementary Therapists |Steven A Harold |How to Books 1857038061 | |

|101 tried and tested ways to attract clients |

|The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success |Deepak Chopra |Bantam Press | |

| | |059304083X | |

|This is a simple yet profound guide to creating abundance and prosperity in our lives |

|How to be a successful therapist |Celia Johnson |The Book Guild Ltd 1857766245 | |

| | | | |

|Sacred Commerce: Business as a Path of |Matthew & Terces Engelhart |North Atlantic Books | |

|Awakening | |139781556437298 | |

| | | | |

|Lean in: Women, Work and the Will to Lead |Sheryl Sandberg |Ebury Publishing | |

| | |139780753541647 | |

|Covers all you need to know about the setting up and day to day running of your practice |

|Tears to Triumph |Marianne Williamson |Harper Collins (2017) 0062205455| |

|The hidden link between Anxiety, Depression and Spirituality |

|Dare to Lead |Brene Brown |Vermillion | |

| | |1785042149 | |

|Ideas for how we can step up and lead |


How you approach your studies can be the difference between you being excited and motivated by learning something new, rather than feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

The books detailed below may inspire you to consider a different way of studying.


|Title |Author |Publisher & ISBN |Price |

|The Mind Map Book |Tony & Barry Buzan |BBC Books |£9.99 |

| | |1406610208 | |

|Excellent introduction to this technique which improves your memory, learning and thinking skills |

|Learn to Remember |Dominic O’Brien |Duncan Baird Pub |£10.99 |

| | |1900131935 | |

|Memory skills based on imagery and visualisation. Easy to follow, good layout and nice pictures! |

|The Student Skills Guide (2nd |Sue Drew & Rosie Bingham |Gower Pub Ltd |£16.99 |

|Edition) | |0566084309 | |

|A really good workbook that you could use in everyday life to help planning skills and all types of studies. |

|Exam Busting Tips |(no author) |Summersdale Publishers |£2.99 |

| | |1840240768 | |

|Great little pocket book full of practical tips |

The illiterate of the twenty first century will

not be those who cannot read or write,

but those who cannot learn, unlearn

and relearn’.

Alvin Toffler


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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