The threat of pertussis may not be obvious to them ...

The threat of pertussis may not be obvious to them. Thankfully, it's obvious to you.

Adacel vaccine is indicated for active booster immunization for the prevention of tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis as a single dose in persons 11 through 64 years of age.

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Millions may be at risk for pertussis It is estimated that up to 3.3 million cases of pertussis occur each year in

adults and adolescents1

The California Department of Public Health officially declared a pertussis epidemic

in 2010.2 Nearly 90% of cases have been among infants less than 6 months of age, who are too young to be fully immunized.3

Although pertussis can be serious for adults, infants are the most vulnerable4

Studies show that when the source can be identified, family members are the source in

up to 83% of cases transmitted to infants5,a


of infant





Friends, Cousins, and Part-time Caretakers




Siblings Aunts and Uncles

Adult Tdapb claims rise--more progress is needed6,c

Tdap private reimbursement claims grew marginally in the United States from 2009 to 20106,c



in Tdap vaccination claims among adults 19 years of age and older, from 2009 to 2010

? In 2010, approximately 4.3 million adults were immunized with Tdap vaccine6,c

? In 2009, the estimated adult population in the United States was 232 million7-- indicating many more eligible adults remain to be immunized

aInternational multicenter study of 91 families. Source cases were identified for 44 infants and described by relationship to the infant, age, and household status.5

b Tdap = Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis. cV accines not submitted for reimbursement, such as with the Vaccines for Children Program and vaccines paid 100% out-of-pocket, are not included.

Based on a sample of insurance claims submitted for adults 18 years of age and older.

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Adacel vaccine--sharing your commitment to protecting families against pertussis

Supporting immunization efforts through extensive patient education

Adacel vaccine is dedicated to encouraging parents to come to your office for Tdap vaccination. We do this by informing the public about the threat of pertussis through a variety of channels, including:

? Direct-to-patient communications

? Televised public service announcements

? Educational Web sites for parents

With G.I.F.T., choosing Adacel vaccine helps extend pertussis protection

Adacel vaccine is committed to helping protect more families who can't afford vaccination against pertussis.

For every 100 doses of Adacel vaccine sold, Sanofi Pasteur donates 1 dose to AmeriCares? for the immunization of uninsured mothers and family members across the United States. AmeriCares identifies public and community health facilities to receive the doses.

? The G.I.F.T. program began in September 2010 and will continue through May 31, 2013, adding to the 150,000 doses already donated

Please click here for G.I.F.T. program Terms and Conditions.

For more information about Adacel vaccine and pertussis, please visit . Please click here for Important Safety Information.

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Adacel vaccine provides an unmatched level of real-world, clinical experience

Over 67 million doses supplied

for adult and adolescent pertussis vaccination in the United States since licensure in 2005.8

Adacel vaccine has demonstrated immunogenicity in clinical trials9 Adacel vaccine has a safety profile similar to Tdd vaccine9

? Serious adverse events were uncommon and comparable in frequency to Td vaccine9 ? Injection site pain was common and more frequent in adolescents receiving Tdap

compared with Td vaccine9

d Td = Tetanus and diphtheria.

For more information about Adacel vaccine and pertussis, please visit . Please click here for Important Safety Information.

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The Sanofi Pasteur portfolio of products: a heritage of leadership

? ?

Everyday savings and ordering convenience

Vaccines for Pediatric Use:


(Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Adsorbed, Inactivated Poliovirus and Haemophilus b Conjugate [Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate] Vaccine)


(Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed)


(Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine [Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate])


(Poliovirus Vaccine Inactivated)

? One-stop online ordering

? Competitive pricing (not based on volume)

? Up-front, online, and prompt-pay discounts

? Delayed invoicing

Practice management resources from

Reimbursement Support Service

? Risk-sharing return policy

? Fluzone Vaccine Partners Program

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