Loudoun County Public Schools

The Middle Ages Video Game Assignment

Life during the Middle Ages (Medieval Period) was not easy. From 500-1500, people struggled to survive not only invaders and war, but disease as well. Your assignment is to create a proposal for multiple apps or a single video game based on surviving this time period. You are competing against your classmates to put the best Middle Ages game/apps on the market. There will be specific terms, events, people and concepts that will need to be included to make these realistic games, but you need to also be as creative as possible.

There will be 6 Apps or levels that need to be completed the Middle Ages App Package/Game:

1. The Rise of Feudalism

2. Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire

3. Invasions

4. Nation States and the Hundred Years War

5. The Crusades

6. The Black Death

For each app/ game, you must:

1. Decide on a name.

2. Decide a genre for your game:

• Action game- the player typically controls the avatar of a protagonist. The avatar must navigate a game level, collecting objects, avoiding obstacles, and battling enemies with various attacks. At the end of a level or group of levels, the player must often defeat a large boss enemy that is larger and more challenging than other enemies.

• Adventure game- a video game in which the player assumes the role of protagonist in an interactive story driven by exploration and puzzle-solving instead of physical challenge. The genre's focus on story allows it to draw heavily from other narrative-based media such as literature and film, encompassing a wide variety of literary genres. Nearly all adventure games are designed for a single player, since this emphasis on story and character makes multi-player design difficult.

• Role-playing game- player controls a character, and lives as this character when immersed in a fictional world. Many role playing games have origins in pen-and-paper role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons

• Simulation game- describes a diverse super-category of video games, generally designed to closely simulate aspects of a real or fictional reality; such as The Sims.

• Strategy game- emphasizes skillful thinking and planning to achieve victory. They emphasize strategic, tactical, and sometimes logistical challenges. Many games also offer economic challenges and exploration.

3. Create a Storyline for the game: Develop an objective that incorporates a fictional story you create, using historically accurate events, concepts, and terms listed on the sheet. You have the creative license to develop a story with game objectives and checkpoints any way you wish as long as the content is historically accurate.

For each app/level, you must:

1. Include all information given on the fact sheet

2. Include a goal/mission that must be reached to get to the next app/level in the series

3. Describe and include a visual of what that level will look like

4. Include at least 6 checkpoints for that game

5. Include at least 1 setback

Day 1 – April 2

1. Get assignment and break into groups.

2. You should split up the reading assignment amongst the team.

Day 2 – April 4

1. Library time to use computers.

2. Goal: complete at least 2-3 levels.

Day 3 – April 8

1. Library time to use computers.

2. Goal: Have 4-5 levels complete

Day 4 – April 10

1. Library time to use computers

2. Goal: Complete the final levels of the project.

Day 5- April 21

3. Presentations – You are trying to sell your game! You must submit the project and then will present on your TWO favorite levels or apps that you have created

4. Presentation can include any of the following formats:

a. Poster

b. PowerPoint

c. Prezi

d. Animoto or any other video to use as a Promo for your game

Textbook Reference

You will not have any outline quizzes during this unit. But do not slack on the reading! You will use the following sections to help you in crating your game and you will still be tested on this information at the end of the unit.

Chapter 13: Sec 1- Charlemagne

Chapter 13: Sec 2- Feudalism

Chapter 13: Sec 4- Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 14: Sec. 1- Crusades

Chapter 14: Sec. 3- Nation-States

Chapter 14: Sec. 4- Bubonic Plague and 100 Yrs War

Fact sheet You should use the information below as a guide to help you with each level/app. All information should appear in your video game and must be historically accurate. Remember you must use these in a creative way!!


Fief Lord Vassal/Knight

Serf Medieval Manor

Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire

Charles Martel Clovis Charlemagne

Pope Leo III


Angles and Saxons Magyars Vikings

Mongols Ottoman Turks

Nations States and the Hundred Years War

England William the Conqueror Common Law

King John Magna Carta Hundred Years War

France Hugh Capet Joan of Arc

Paris Spain Ferdinand and Isabella

Phillip II Russia Ivan the Great

Tsar Moscow Orthodox Church


Pope Urban Jerusalem Knights

Crusader States Saladin Constantinople

The 4 Crusades

The Black Death

How Spread Decline in Population Decline of Feudalism

Decline of Church influence Disruption of Trade


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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