


|Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| |(Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play activities (aka |

| |lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting, Library) |learning centers)] |

|Monday |Unit: Babies |Time to create: |MATH- Review #9 this week |Music and Movement Activity: |

|Date: 5/4/2020 |Focus- Many different living things lay | |Watch this video about the #9: |Act out the way different animals move you’re |

| |eggs to have babies. |-Look at this picture with your little | |your little learner: |

| | |learner of some different types of animals |Draw a number 9 on a piece of paper. Work with | |

| |-Last week we were talking all about |that lay eggs. |your little to practice counting 9 things. Count | |

| |different bugs and how plants and bugs |[pic] |and glue 9 objects on the #9. |Dramatic Play: Pretend to be a bird that wants |

| |help each other. | | |to lay her eggs. Haver you little learner flap |

| | |-Ask your little learner to draw an animal |Our Shape this week is the oval: |like a bird to collect different materials |

| |-Did you know that most bugs lay eggs to |that lays eggs (whatever they draw is great) |-Can your little learner draw or find something |inside or outside of the home including things |

| |have babies. | |at home that is shaped like an oval? |like: sticks/twigs, boxes, empty containers, |

| | |-Then ask your little learner to draw the egg| |and egg crates, to help your little learner |

| |-Today we will learn that many living |they laid. |LITERACY- Review the letter F. |build a birds nest. |

| |things lay eggs including bugs. | |Watch this video with your little learner about | |

| | | |the sounds the letter F makes: |Sensory/Food Art: Use food to create an animal |

| |Let’s watch this video about living | | |that lays eggs with your little learner. You |

| |things that lay eggs: | | |build one with them and they try to build one |

| | |HANDWRITING/FINEMOTOR- |next to it. |

| |1k | |Writing: Draw a letter F for your little learner |[pic] [pic] [pic] |

| | | |to trace 5 times. |Some ides- keep it simple and fun: |

| | | |- Our shape this week is the oval. Draw an oval |-Kiwi and grapes to make turtles |

| | | |for your little learner to trace 5 times. |-Apples to make oranges to make owls |

| | | |-Write your little leaner’s name in a yellow |-cut a banana in 3 piece put it back together |

| | | |marker and work with them on practicing tracing |on a plate and add 6 legs using pretzels to |

| | | |their names. |make a walking stick bug. |

| | | | |-Cut bread into triangle shapes to build a |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- Read this book with your little |fish. |

| | | |learner about what it means to Hatch: | |

| | | | | |

| | | |It is assigned on the Epic classroom page. | |

|Tuesday |Unit: Babies |Time to create: |MATH- Review sizes Large, medium, and small: |Music and Movement Activity: |

|Date: 5/5/2020 |Focus- What comes out of an egg and how? | | | |

| | |-Look at this picture with your little |Remember our shape this week is the oval: |Dance with your little learner and have them |

| |-Baby animals come out of eggs |learner of some different animals hatching |-Draw 3 different size ovals (Large, medium, and |pretend to be hatching/jump from an egg. |

| | |from eggs. |small). | |

| |-They get out of the eggs by hatching |[pic] |-Ask your little learner what shape is this? – |Blocks/Building: Use blocks and other building |

| | | |oval. |materials including things like: boxes, empty |

| |Watch this video with your little learner|-Ask your little learner to draw an animal |-Direct your little learner to color the large |containers, egg crates, cans, plastic bottle |

| |to see some different babies that hatch |hatching from an egg? (whatever they draw is |oval. |etc. with your little learner to build a nest |

| |form eggs: |great) |-Then fold the paper and draw 3 different size |that is big and a nest that is small. – See art|

| | |ovals again (Large, medium, and small). |activity to know what to put in the nests. |

| |9c | |-Direct your little learner to color the small | |

| | | |oval. |Art Activity: |

| | | | |-Have your little learned draw a big egg and a |

| | | |LITERACY- Review the letter F. |small egg. |

| | | |Watch this video with your little learner about |-Then help them cut it out. |

| | | |the sounds the letter F makes: |-Then help your little learner match the big |

| | | | |egg to the big nest and the little egg to the |

| | | | |little nest that they can or have built for our|

| | | |HANDWRITING/FINEMOTOR- |blocks/building activity. |

| | | |Strengthening: Lets work with our little learner | |

| | | |to use play dough to work and strengthen our | |

| | | |hands. Roll the playdough into strips, roll it | |

| | | |into balls make it into an insect. Squeeze the | |

| | | |play dough together push the play dough ball flat| |

| | | |and create a new insect. Don’t forget to roll | |

| | | |insect legs and count to 6 because insects have 6| |

| | | |legs. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- Read this book with your little | |

| | | |learner about what it means to Hatch: | |

| | | | | |

| | | |It is assigned on the Epic classroom page. | |

|Wednesday |Unit: Babies |Time to get creative: |MATH- Review #9 this week. |Music and Movement Activity: Remind your little|

|Date: 5/6/2020 |Focus- Where do animals lay their eggs? | |Practice counting silverware (forks and spoons) |learner that bugs like Ants lay eggs. The queen|

| | |-Ask your little learner to pretend they are |in your home with your little learner. |ant lays her eggs under ground. March like an |

| |Animals will lay eggs in lots of |an animal that lays eggs. |MATH- Same and different: |ant on the search to find food for the baby |

| |different places: | |-Compare your silverware with your little |ants when they hatch: |

| |-on land |-Then ask your little learner to draw where |learner: | |

| |-In nests |they would lay their eggs? (whatever they |-place 3 pieces of silverware, 2 that are the | |

| |-water |draw is great) |same and 1 that is different. |Dramatic Play: lets learn about Emperor |

| |-on plants | |- Direct your little learner to show you a spoon.|Penguins by listening to this story: |

| |-underground |-Ask them will you lay your eggs: In the |-Then ask them to show you/point to the same | |

| | |water, on land, in a nest, in a tree, on a |(spoon) |-Now we know where Emperor penguins keep their |

| |Let’s watch this video to see the |leaf or in a hole? |-Then you can do it again and move the silverware|eggs? They keel them between their legs. |

| |different places that animals will lay | |around then ask your little learner to show you |-Using a small ball or a ball made from |

| |their eggs and hear some of the animals | |the one that is different. |crumpled paper pretend to be an emperor penguin|

| |that might lay them: | | |carrying his egg between his legs. |

| | |LITERACY- Review the letter B. |-Place the ball between you legs and encourage |

| |0c | |Watch this video with your little learner about |your little learner to try to do the same. |

| | | |the sounds the letter B makes: |-Then waddle around your house moving like a |

| | | | |penguin tying to keep the egg (ball) between |

| | | | |your legs. |

| | | |HANDWRITING/FINEMOTOR- |-If it falls use your hands as wing to put it |

| | | |Cutting: draw straight lines on a piece. Work |back and try again. |

| | | |with your little learner to hold their scissors | |

| | | |safely and cut on / as near the line as they can.|Sensory: Water Play activity |

| | | | |Get water in the bathtub or a bin. Have your |

| | | | |little learners roll aluminum foil into little |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- Read this book with your little |balls and pretend they are frog or fish eggs. |

| | | |learner about what comes out of eggs: |Tell your little learner to act like a fish if |

| | | | |they are in the bathtub or a frog if you are |

| | | |It is assigned on the Epic classroom page. |using a bin. Tell them to pretend to lay the |

| | | | |eggs by placing them in the water. |

|Thursday |Unit: Babies |Time to get creative: |MATH- Review same and different. Play this fun |Music and Movement Activity: |

|Date: 5/7/2020 |Focus- How do parents take care of their | |game where they practice matching a monsters | |

| |eggs? |Pretend you and your little learner are |reflection to make his face look the same: | |

| | |animals that want to lay eggs. Find different| |Dramatic Play: |

| |Today our video will focus on how bird |materials in your home such as boxes, and | |Have your little learner use paper or aluminum |

| |parents take care of their eggs and why |blankets to build a nest to lay some eggs. |LITERACY- Review the letter B. |foil to shape into an egg. Show them how by |

| |birds build nests. |-Ask your little learner if you should build |Watch this video with your little learner about |making one too. Now tell your little learner we|

| |Let’s watch this video: |it on the ground (floor), in a tree (on a |the sounds the letter B makes: |are going to pretend these are our very own |

| |), or in the water (bathtub)? | |eggs and we want them to hatch. But for that to|

| |Ks |-What materials should we use to help keep | |happen we need to protect them and be gentle. |

| | |the eggs warm? |HANDWRITING/FINEMOTOR- |Show your little learner how to be gentle with |

| |Recap: | |Cross Body and pincer grasp work: give your |their egg: |

| |-Birds build nests to lay their eggs. |*Parents please take a picture of your little|little learner water bottle. Place the water |-Pretend a pillow is your nest and place your |

| |-Yesterday we learned about the different|learner’s nest. |bottle to a far side of your little learner |eggs gently on the pillow. |

| |places animals might lay their eggs. Like| |either left or right. Then have them use the hand|-Pretend to keep the egg worm by sitting on it |

| |birds many animals will work to create a | |tat is furthest away from the bottle to reach |gently |

| |home or safe space to lay their eggs. | |across their bodies and place small objects such |-Have a person in the home pretend to want to |

| |-Once they lay their eggs birds protect | |as macaroni noodles, beans or cheerios into the |get the egg and have your little learner play |

| |them and will sit on them to keep them | |bottle. |chase and chase them away. |

| |worm | | | |

| |-Many other egg laying animals will | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- |Blocks/Building: Use blocks or cut up egg crate|

| |protect their eggs and use different | |Read about Chickens and their Chicks to your |or plastic cups that can be stacked. Keep some |

| |methods to keep them warm. | |little learner: |and give some to your little learner. Build/ |

| |- For example did you know alligators | | |connect 2-3 blocks and show it to your little |

| |also build nests. They build their nests | |It is assigned on the Epic classroom page. |learner then ask them to try to use their |

| |on the ground and use mud and plants to | | |building materials to look like yours: “make |

| |burry the egg to keep them warm. | | |the same.” |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |. |

| | | | | |

|Friday |Unit: Babies |Time to get creative: |MATH- Practice counting eggs with your little |Music and Movement Activity: |

|Date: 5/8/2020 |Focus- Once an egg hatches, how do | |learner while watching this video: | |

| |parents take care of their babies? |-Help your little learner find a stuffed | | |

|This weekend is Mother’s day | |animal or create a new hatchling out of | |Dramatic Play: |

| |Watch this video about the top 10 most |aluminum foil or other materials you can find|LITERACY- Fun Friday Play a Letter Identification|This weekend is Mother’s Day so today lets |

| |amazing animal parents: |at home. |Game with Elmo: |pretend with our little learners to be mommies |

| |[pic] | |and babies. But Parents I want you to be the |

| |9Q | |Help Elmo save the letters. |baby and your little learner to pretend to be |

| | |Help your little learner care for their | |your parent. Ask them to help you to do some of|

| |Recap: |hatchling. |HANDWRITING/FINEMOTOR- |the things you need to do. Tell them you are |

| |In this video we saw that animal parents |-Have them pretend to feed their hatchling at|Hand eye and pincer grasp work: |hungry and ask them to help you make a snack or|

| |-Protect the babies |mealtimes. |Use cardboard box to put small holes in it or use|food. Pretend you need a nap give them your |

| |-Feed the babies |-Have them teach their hatchling how to do an|a colander |blanket and ask them to tuck you in. Tell them |

| |-Teach their babies how to do things |activity like drawing a picture, taking a |[pic] |toys you want to play with and ask them to help|

| |-How to do things on their own |bath, counting. |Have your little learner use long spegaheti pasta|you by getting them for you. Mommies do a lot |

| |-Love them |-Have them give their hatchling love. |and stick it throug the holes. |for us so lets let our little learners see some|

| | | | |of the things mommies do for them. |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | |Read this counting book to your your little |Sensory: dirt/sand play |

| | | |learner about eggs: |We have been learning about the different |

| | | | |places animals lay their eggs. Turtles lay |

| | | |It is assigned on the Epic classroom page. |their eggs on land often in sandy areas. |

| | | | |-Get paper and have your little learner crumple|

| | | | |the paper into one or two rounded small balls |

| | | | |we will pretend are their turtle eggs. |

| | | | |-Use dirt, coffee grounds, newspaper shredded |

| | | | |paper, or crumbled cake/brownie. |

| | | | |-Have your little learner practice burying the |

| | | | |eggs like a turtle. |

Social/ Emotional- Review Week 3 page 3.

Please refer to for the complete social emotional parent newsletter.



NYS Common Core Standards

PK.AL.3: Approaches tasks, activities and problems with creativity, imagination and/ or willingness to try new experiences or activities.

a. Chooses materials/props and uses novel ways to represent ideas, characters, and objects

PK.AL.4: Exhibits curiosity, interest, and willingness in learning new things and having new experiences.

g. Willingly engages in new experiences and activities

PK.PDH.3: Demonstrates coordination and control of large muscles

b. Maintains balance during sitting, standing, and movement activities

PK.SE.3: Demonstrates and continues to develop positive relationships with significant adults.

a. Interacts with significant adults

PK.AC.5: Demonstrates a growing receptive vocabulary

b. Identifies pictures related to words

PK.MATH.2:Represents a number of objects 0-5 with a written numeral 0-5 (with 0 representing a count of no objects). -Student can select the corresponding number or write it.

PK.MATH.10:Identifies measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight, and describes them using appropriate vocabulary (e.g. small, big, short, tall, empty, full, heavy, light).

PK.SCI.4: Observers familiar plants and animals (including humans) and describes what they need to survive.

a. Explores what a variety of living organisms need to live and grow.

PK.SCI.6:Develops a model to describe that some young plants and animals are similar to, but not exactly like, their parents.

b. Compares baby and adult animals and recognizes similarities.


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