Western Civilization

Western Civilization

Ms Hildreth

Documented Essay, 2006


1. Topic. In a well-developed five paragraph documented essay analyze the rolls/functions of the Berlin Wall during the Cold War.


2. General Instructions

A. Introduction. Write one paragraph introducing your topic and ending with your thesis statement.

B. Write one body paragraph explaining the first part of your thesis.

C. Write a second body paragraph explaining the second part of your thesis.

D. Write a third body paragraph explaining the third part of your thesis.

E. Conclusion. Write one paragraph summarizing your arguments (facts, reasons, examples). Your final sentence should reflect on the lasting impact of your topic.

F. The end result of the above should be a well developed and organized five paragraph documented essay.


3. Format

A. For all format issues, use the MLA format learned in your research class. For a sample essay see Write In Style, pages 52-61.

B. The essay must be typed, five paragraphs, double spaced, pages numbered, 12 – point font, Times New Roman, and one inch margins all around. Use Write In Style, page 41, as a reference.

C. The essay must have a title page. For an example of a title page see page 40 of Write In Style. Information other than the title must not be repeated on the first page.

D. All essays must contain internal citations in every body paragraph. Each body paragraph should contain at least two citations from different sources. Direct quotes (short and/or long – over three lines) as well as paraphrasing should be used. Use Write In Style, pages 34-37, as a resource.

E. All essays must include a works cited page. This page should be properly formatted using the format learned in the research class. This includes sources alphabetically listed by author (title if no author is given) with hanging indents for information past the first line of the citation. Essays should contain a minimum of four sources from your approved list. Use Write In Style, pages 43 - 44, as a resource.

F. You are expected to use past tense in a history paper wherever appropriate.


4.  The Steps

A. Thursday, March 9. The project will be introduced and topic assigned.

B. Thursday, March 16. The working bibliography is due along with some research complete and preliminary decisions made.

C. Tuesday, March 21. A rough draft of your introductory paragraph concluding with your thesis statement is due on this day.

D. Tuesday, April 4. Research note cards are due. A minimum of twenty research cards is required. Five minimum for each part of thesis and five with general information on your topic. Use Writing In Style, pages 18-19, as a resource.

E. Monday, April 10. The planning outline is due. Students must include internal citations. Use Writing In Style, pages 22-25, as a resource.

F. Monday, April 24. A rough draft of your essay that meets all of your requirements is due.

G. Final copy due – Monday, May 1.


5. Additional Guidelines

A. All sections of this project must be typed and printed out on the computer. Make two copies of each section. One is to be turned in to the teacher; you will use the other copy to continue progress on your essay.

B. Students must maintain an electronic backup copy of all work. Technology failures are not acceptable. Plan ahead!

C. This is a research project, therefore, no essay will be accepted without internal citations and works cited page and these must match.

Name ______________________________

Teacher ______________________________


Grade _____/100

Historical Essay: Grade Sheet

Please note- some items will not apply to all essay topics

Attach this sheet to the front of your essay before turning it in

Format/Style _____/25

Typed, double spaced, 12 point font, one inch margins _____/4

Paragraphs at least five sentences long _____/2

Cover page, Pages numbered, Work Cited- with proper number of sources ______/3

Internal Citations with proper format at least two per body paragraph from two separate sources_____/5

Proper tense, grammar, and spelling _____/4

Does not use: good, bad, things, stuff, abbreviations, contractions, in conclusion, reference to own writing, I, you, me, we, us, our, etc. _____/2

Use of MLA Format _____/5

CONTENT ______75

Paragraph 1- Introduction

Broad ideas connecting to the topic _____/3

Reference a specific historical event_____/3

Thesis statement with three parts _____/8

Paragraph 2- Body I

Topic sentence (part one of thesis) _____/2

Proof one (specific example- with citation) _____/4

Proof two (specific example- with citation) _____/4

Proof three (specific example- with citation) _____/4

Analysis, explain how the evidence proves contention or why the evidence is relevant _____/2

Transition to next idea _____/1

Paragraph 3- Body II

Topic sentence (part two of thesis) _____/2

Proof one (specific example- with citation) _____/4

Proof two (specific example- with citation) _____/4

Proof three (specific example- with citation) _____/4

Analysis, explain how the evidence proves contention or why the evidence is relevant _____/2

Transition to next idea _____/1

Paragraph 4- Body III

Topic sentence (part three of thesis) _____/2

Proof one (specific example- with citation) _____/4

Proof two (specific example- with citation) _____/4

Proof three (specific example- with citation) _____/4

Analysis, explain how the evidence proves contention or why the evidence is relevant _____/2

Paragraph V- Conclusion

Rephrase thesis statement (do not just repeat it) _____/3

Statement on the historical significance of the topic (Why do we care) _____/4

Allude to the historical future or impact of this topic (What will /did this lead to) _____/4

Essays without proper internal citations and a matching Work Cited will not be graded! 

Western Civilization

Ms Hildreth

Historical Essay- Approved Source List

Please note- these are the only sources that may be used in the completion of this project.


CNN Cold War

“Wall of Shame” excerpts from a 1962 Time Magazine article

“Door Slammed on Spying Noses” 1962 excerpt from Russian publication Izvestia

A Concrete Curtain: The Life and Death of the Berlin Wall

The Avalon Project at Yale Law School- The Cold War

Documents Relating to the Cold War 1945-1986


Cold War International History Project

Library of Congress-Country Studies “Germany”

Berlin Wall Online

“German Propaganda Archive- Argument Nr. 55”

“German Propaganda Archive- Defense of Berlin Wall 1962”

Western Civilization

Ms Hildreth

E-Library- the following articles may be found at E-Library

Address inside the building

User Name 50-27165

Password: bigchalk

Address outside the building

User Name 50-27165

Password: bigchalk

• Germans mark 16th anniversary of fall of the Berlin Wall: Andrew Wallmeyer: AP Worldstream:11-09-2005

• Voices of the Century: Americans at War: Escaping under the Berlin Wall: Klaus Klein: Newsweek: 3-8-1999

• Voices of the Century: The World at War: Crossing the Line: Dieter Baumbach: Newsweek International: 3-15-1999

• Nov. 9, 1989 Taking Down the Wall: Daniel Eisenberg: Time: 3-31-2003

• Editorial Commentary: Victory Symbols: Dolan, Thomas G: Barron’s: 11-15-1999

• The Century on Friday: Peter Jennings, Kevin Newman: World News Tonight with Peter Jennings: 8-13-1999: Berlin Wall

• Chronicles: Thomas Dersee was 14 when a line of East German soldiers kept him: Nomi Morris, In Berlin: Time International: 11-15-1993

• World: After the Wall: Time: 11-13-1989

• World: Wall of Shame 1961-1989: Daniel Benjamin: Time: 11-20-1989

• Germany: When John F. Kennedy visited Berlin in 1963, he brought his famous: James O. Jackson/Brussels Reported by Nomi: Time International: 7-181994

• Nation: Back to the Wall Reagan rallies with a strong speech: George J. Church. Reported by Christopher Redman/Venice and Barrett Seaman/ West Berlin: Time: 6-22-1987

• World: Cover Stories Freedom! The Wall crumbles overnight, Berliners embrace in joy, and a stunned world ponders the consequences: George J. Church Reported by Michael Duffy with Bush, James O. Jackson/Bonn and Ken Olsen/ Berlin: Time 11-20-1989

Five Paragraph Historical Essay

• Paragraph I- Introduction

Move from broad ideas to the specific

1. Broad idea -Begin with an historical frame of reference for your topic.

2. Try to reference an historical event.

3. Lastly, include a thesis statement with three parts. A three-part thesis statement is a statement or idea that is defended in an argument. The thesis statement should be obvious not implied.

• Paragraph II- Body I

Develop ideas fully

1. The first part of the thesis statement is the main idea (topic) of this paragraph.

2. Include at least three supporting facts to prove this part of the thesis. These facts should be specific, detailed, and cited.

3. Show analysis; explain why your proof is relevant and how it supports the thesis


Use a transition statement to maintain flow and continuity.

• Paragraph III- Body II

Develop ideas fully

1. The second part of the thesis statement is the main idea (topic) of this paragraph.

2. Include at least three supporting facts to prove this part of the thesis. These facts should be specific, detailed, and cited.

3. Show analysis, explain why your proof is relevant and how it supports the thesis


Use a transition statement to maintain flow and continuity.

• Paragraph IV- Body III

Develop ideas fully

1. The third part of the thesis statement is the main idea (topic) of this paragraph.

2. Include at least three supporting facts to prove this part of the thesis. These facts should be specific, detailed, and cited.

3. Show analysis; explain why your proof is relevant and how it supports the thesis statement.

Use a transition statement to maintain flow and continuity.

Paragraph V- Conclusion

Move from specific ideas to broad ideas

1. Rephrase thesis statement, do not just repeat it.

2. Include a statement on the historical significance of the topic and allude to its historical future. This addresses the issue “Why do we care?” and/or “What did this cause?” Final evaluation or judgment. Do not introduce a new thesis statement at the end.

Longer is not always better, learn to be concise.

Assume your audience has no knowledge of your topic; always fully explain everything.

Historical Essay: SAMPLE OUTLINE

Please note- some items will not apply to all essay topics

Paragraph 1- Introduction

Broad ideas connecting to the topic

Reference a specific historical event

Thesis statement with three parts

Paragraph 2- Body I

Topic sentence (part one of thesis)

Specific example

Specific example

Specific example

At least two citations from two different sources


Transition to next idea

Paragraph 3- Body II

Topic sentence (part two of thesis)

Specific example

Specific example

Specific example

At least two citations from two different sources


Transition to next idea

Paragraph 4- Body III

Topic sentence (part three of thesis)

Specific example

Specific example

Specific example

At least two citations from two different sources


Paragraph V- Conclusion

Rephrase thesis statement

Final evaluation or judgment

Statement on the historical significance of the topic and/or allude to the historical future or impact of this topic

Essay Writing:

A lot, lots








So nice




Kind of

Sort of



In conclusion




Rhetorical Questions

Absolutes- all, none, always, never

Parentheses- if it is worth saying, do not tuck it inside of these

Abbreviations- w/o, b/c, etc.

Contractions- don’t, didn’t, shouldn’t, it’s, and all others

Would of, could of, should of-God forbid!! Replace “of” with “have”

First person

“To be” verbs – am be is are was were been being

Passive voice

Reference to your own writing-“As shown above…” “This will prove that…” “As mentioned earlier…” “This essay will show that…”

“This, That, These, Those” without a subject


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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