Russia / Bolshevik Revolution / Soviet Union – Interwar ...

Interwar Europe and the Failure of Democracy

Russian Context

1. (F) Russo-Japanese War

2. (K) Tsar / Czar Nicholas II

3. (B) Rasputin

4. (F) Duma

5. (F) Russian Revolution (March 1917)

6. (F) Alexander Kerensky and the Provisional Government

7. (K) Constitutional Democrats (Cadets)

8. (F) November Revolution (1917)

9. (F) Vladimir Lenin

10. (F) NEP – New Economic Policy

11. (F) Cheka

12. (F) Leon Trotsky

13. (F) Bolsheviks

14. (F) Mensheviks

15. (B) Soviets

16. (F) “Land, Bread, Peace” or “Peace, Bread, Land”

17. (F) Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

18. (F) Russian Civil War

19. (F) War Communism

20. (K) Red Russians

21. (K) White Russians

22. (F) Soviet Union / U.S.S.R.

23. (K) Joseph Stalin

24. (F) Five Year Plans

25. (F) Gulag

26. (F) Kulaks

27. (F) Pravda (Truth)

28. (F) Comintern

European Context (29 thru 53 are all focus terms)

29. George Grosz (pages 962 – 963)

30. Surrealism

31. Fascism

32. Franco and Spain

33. George Orwell and Animal Farm

34. Mussolini and Italian Fascism

35. March on Rome, 1922

36. National Socialist German Worker’s Party / NAZI

37. 1923, Beer hall putsch

38. Mein Kampf

39. Dawes Plan

40. France and the Popular Front

41. Great Depression

42. Reichstag Fire

43. The Enabling Act

44. The Nuremberg Laws

45. Kristallnacht

46. Chamberlin and Appeasement

47. Lebensraum

48. Anschluss

49. blitzkrieg

50. Holocaust

51. Auschwitz

52. Big Three at Yalta

53. Big Three at Potsdam


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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