Lesson Plan - Interactive Scientific

Topic of Work: PhotosynthesisTeaching Objectives:To understand the process of photosynthesis Be able to explain what is happening to the molecules in photosynthesisLearning Outcomes:Write a word equation for photosynthesis (6)Describe what happens (and where) in photosynthesis (7)Explain how to balance a symbol equation for photosynthesis (8)Assessment Objectives:Learning assessed with plenary quiz and ‘explain’ activityResources:Class set of work sheetsGlueIndividual whiteboards and pensTablets/PhonesProjector & WhiteboardExercise booksDifferentiationStretch Tasks achieved using difficulty levels on Nano Simbox activitiesCross Curricular Links: Geography – understanding areas of the environmentGCSE – Biology & ChemistryPE & Food TechConnect:Settler activity – Unscramble the anagramStarter – Students use white boards to write down a fact about photosynthesisGo through the answers to gauge what students already knowTalk through the learning outcomes for today’s lessonStudents write down a short form of photosynthesis in back of booksTime3 mins2 mins3 mins2 minsActivate:Show students the word equationStudents write this in the space on their worksheetsPlay the ‘Photosynthesis Song’ VideoStudents label the plant cell on their worksheetGo through the answersTalk through the role of chlorophyll using the PowerPointStudents label their diagram on the process of photosynthesis2 mins1 min3 mins3 minsDemonstrate:Play the video of ‘Scale of the Universe’Instruct students on how to set up Nano Simbox (you will need to have set up a lesson in the Teacher Dashboard to generate a session code. Add this code to the powerpoint).Students use Nano Simbox to build Carbon Dioxide, Water, Glucose and Oxygen Students draw the molecule and write the chemical formula for each molecule on worksheetStudents then write down a basic chemical formula for the first stage of the equationStudents have a go at balancing the equation (hints on slide 20) – Space on worksheetGo through how to correct balance the equationStudents write the correct formula on their worksheet 1 min15 mins3 mins3 mins5 minsConsolidate:The Science Game (testing learning) – Pairs of students have to identify the molecules in the pictures (answers to be written on worksheet) Go through the answersPlenary – How would they teach balancing equations to someone else Go through responsesStudents write on worksheet what they liked & what could be better5 min3 mins3 mins 3 minsExtension: Photosynthesis True or FalseNano Simbox Photosynthesis: Lesson Plan ................

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