Worst Case Scenario: - Greenville Technical College

Sam’s Full Plate-Small Group activityPrep – for each group, a fictional student’s week, blank weekly schedule, and a “worst case scenario” incident.Divide students into groups of 3-4. Give each group a scenario of a fictional student’s week, and a couple of blank weekly schedules. Instruct students to work out a schedule for the student based on the information given in the scenario. After they have worked on the schedules for about 10 minutes, go around and give each group a “worst case scenario” incident, and have them readjust the schedules as needed.Use this activity to begin a discussion about scheduling, prioritizing, and how planning a weekly schedule should include some “buffer time” for unexpected occurrences, rather than planning every minute of time. Also discuss how these “worst case” things happen – sometimes they are not as severe as others, but still, it’s how real life goes.Have students reflect on this by discussing a time when they had a planned schedule and it did not go as planned. They should discuss what they discovered at that time, and how they may handle it differently in the future.TimeSUNMONTUESWEDTHURFRISAT6am7am8am9am10am11amNoon1pm2pm3pm4pm5pm6pm7pm8pm9pm10pm11pm12am1am2am3am4am5amTraffic on I-85 – accident – takes 1 ? hours to get to campus on Wednesday.Band gets a paying gig Sunday night from 10:30 – 2am. Too much partying afterwards – overslept on Monday and misses class.Flu bug going around – wake up sick on Wednesday morning – sick all day, so end up having to call doctor and make appointment for Thursday morning at 9am.Tiffany wants to “talk” about not spending enough time with her. He needs to meet her and have lunch on Friday. Will probably take several hours. Flat tire on way to work on Monday – no spare. Sam has to call a friend to pick him up, go get a tire, go back to car, change the tire, then go home (can’t go to work at this point because it’s too late).It’s mid-term time! Sam finds out he is failing English. He will need a tutor twice a week for an hour. He needs to set this up with the tutoring center on campus this week, and start the tutoring this week also.Family emergency Saturday at 2:00pm– Sam’s brother (who lives in town) has been involved in a car accident. Sam has no other family in town, so he needs to go to the emergency room and sit with her brother until they see him, wait and make sure he’s okay, and drive him home.Sam’s mother’s lawn mower blade breaks. She is having guest over the next day and the lawn has to be cut. There is a lawn mower repair 20 minutes away.Sam has a paper due in English at 9:30am on Tuesday. Sam arrives on campus at 9:20am and can’t find a parking space. His class is on the 3rd floor of Bldg 104Sam’s Full PlateSam is a full time student taking 4 classes. COL 103 on MW at 8:00am-9:15amMAT 102 on MW at 11:00am – 12:15pmENG 101 on TR at 9:30am – 10:45amBIO 101 on TR with lecture 11:00am – 12:15pm and lab 12:30pm – 1:45pm. He has math tutoring on Wednesday from 1:00pm -2:00pm20 minutes each waySam works 2 part-time jobsBilo on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 3:00-8:mute time to Bilo is 15 minutes each way.Applebee’s on Friday 2:00pm – 8:00pm Saturday Noon – 7:00pm Commute time to Applebee’s is 15 minutes each waySam’s extracurricularSam plays in a band– they practice twice a week – on Tuesday 7pm-10pm and Saturday 9:00pm – midnight.Sam either has a gig with the band on Friday, or there is practice – also 8-11pm.Sam lives about 15 minutes away from the band’s rehearsal space. Sam likes to work out at the gym at least 3 times a week for 1 hour. It takes him 15 minutes to get to the gym.Sam friends and familySam has a girlfriend, Tiffany, and she likes to spend time with him as well.Sam has to cut his Mom’s lawn every Friday at 10:00am. It takes 1 hour to cut the grass and 30 minutes to get to her house from his apartment.OtherSam lives in his own apartment.Sam has housekeeping and meal preparationSam is hypoglycemic, so he needs to eat something about every 3 hours.Sam’s morning get ready time is 30 minutes … evening is 30 minutes.Sam likes to take a 1 hour nap before work each day.Sam likes to sleep at least 7 hours per nightSam likes to shoot basketball with his friends at least once a weekSam likes to visit his grandmother at least once a week ................

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