Good Will Hunting – Technical Theatre One

Face Off – Technical Theatre One

Project Subject: Costume Design and Construction, Makeup Design and Application

Project Description: Student groups will be tasked with creating an original character based off a prompt for the popular television show “Face Off”. Each group will be responsible for creating the characters overall appearance, including their makeup and costume, and then realizing their designs through practical construction and application. The completed design must showcase the characters personality, fit easily within the prompt, as well as demonstrate a strong work ethic, overall use of time and attention to detail.

Costume: Students will make a costume using clothing items that are “found” or are from Good Will or other thrift stores. Students may also ask friends and relatives for some cast-off, outgrown, or even ruined clothing items. Students are not allowed to buy fabric at the fabric store, but instead must recycle or reuse premade clothing items which are either given to them or which they purchased at the thrift store. Students will also do a comparative analysis of the price of making the costume using cast-off clothing for fabric compared to the price of purchasing the fabric at a fabric store. (It will be cheaper to use cast-off clothing). The students will also submit photos of the design process and a costume rendering showing how they used the various items they were giver on bought at the thrift store to make the costume. (Students will spend no more than $20.00 total on this project, this is an estimated 5-7 dollars per student. This project can easily be done within this budget, and often at entirely no cost. Students will not be reimbursed by the teacher or department for their expenditures).

Makeup: Students will create a makeup sketch for their character that lists all required supplies. Makeup supplies that are needed but not owned by the department will be the sole responsibility of the group to acquire for their project. Students will submit photos of the design process, step-by-step color sketches and a final color makeup rendering showing how they will execute each step of the design. All necessary supplies must be listed on the rendering.

Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to teach you to be resourceful and cost efficient when designing and making costumes and makeups. It also teaches you to be resourceful in your thinking and design concepts.

Project Materials:

1. Cast off or found clothing items such as: shirts, slacks, dresses, ties, scarves, pjs, prom dresses, fur-like coats, etc. Think outside the box! Example: A woman’s half slip makes a great apron when cut up the side seam and a waistband is added.

2. Needle and thread, sewing machines, scissors, hot glue and hot glue guns.

3. Trim items: old buttons, ribbon scraps, etc. Even items like spray glitter, puffy paint, etc.

4. Makeup – both stage makeup and regular makeup may be used. You may wish to purchase cheap eye shadows and blush colors, as they come in a wide variety of shades and are easily blended to create specific looks.

5. Makeup sponges, makeup brushes, makeup remover wipes, eye makeup remover. (You will need to provide your own makeup remover for this project).

5. Paper and colored pencils for your renderings.

6. Camera to record project steps and details.

7. Receipts and all financial documentation as to how much the project cost.

8. Daily project journal

9. Folder with brads for putting your project together.

10. Google Slides presentation showing your project from idea conception to final product through photos and text.

Project Assessment:

This project is divided into three grades – Designs, Final Products and Presentation/Paperwork

Designs: Designs for the costume and makeup must reflect the prompt, be original designs that showcase the groups creativity, be drawn/rendered using the correct techniques taught in class, be neatly executed and obvious effort must have been applied.

1. Costume Rendering (50%)

a. Must be drawn using the techniques learned in class (8 heads) and must be in color, neat and creative. Rendering must show how the students used different clothing items and incorporated them into the final costume. The student will need to draw the complete and finished costume, then in the surrounding area, draw the individual clothing items with arrows pointing to the area of the finished costume where they are used.)

2. Makeup Rendering (50%)

a. Must include the step-by-step drawings as well as the overall completed design. On reverse of design you must detail exactly what makeup products are needed for each step of the process, including but not limited to specific color choices.

Execution: Final construction of costume and application of makeup must match the original designs, show thought and creativity, be neatly constructed/applied, use the correct techniques taught in class, be neatly executed, and obvious effort must have been applied.

1. Actual Costume (50%)

2. Executed Makeup Design (50%)

Presentation/Paperwork: Your group presentation must include the following: thought-out description of character and how the character fits into the project prompt, professional presentation of designs and design process, and model effectively and respectfully modeling the costume and makeup.

The following points will either all be given, or none will be given in each category. You must follow all directions to receive the points.

1. Character Statement – Who is the character, what do they do, how do they fit in the universe, how do they fulfill the prompt, how did you come about the idea, etc.

2. Character Analysis Worksheet (attached to this packet)

3. Financial Chart: Must be filled out completely and include all receipts.

4. Photo Documentation: At least three photos of EACH stage of the design and construction process with written, detailed descriptions.

5. Daily Goals Sheet: Your group will fill out a sheet daily where you will state your goals for the day, what you are going to do to accomplish your goals, and where you will set goals for the next day.

Due Date: A Day – Designs are due on March 29. Costume and Makeup Application is due on April 18th, with presentations taking place that day. B Day – Designs are due on March 30. Costume and Makeup Application is due on April 19th, with presentations taking place that day.


|WHS Technical Theatre Costume/Makeup Design Project |

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|ITEM |BORROWED |FREE |BOUGHT $ |Actual Price Paid |Retail Value of Item |

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|Team Members |Amount Spent: $ | |Total Spent $ | |Total Retail Cost |

|1. | | |$ | |$ |

|2. | | | | | |

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|WHS Technical Theatre Costume/Makeup Design Project |

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|ITEM |BORROWED |FREE |BOUGHT $ |Actual Price Paid |Retail Value of Item |

|Black Dress | |X | | |$85.00 |

|Sparkly Yarn | | |X |(Good Will) $3 |$12.00 |

|White Feather Boa | |X | | |$19.00 |

|Pkg Sequins | | |X |$3.99 |$3.99 |

|Feather Duster | |X | | |$4.00 |

|Silver Glitter | | |X |$3.99 |$3.99 |

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|Team Members |Amount Spent: $ | | |Total Spent |Total Retail Cost |

|1. Lexi Lehberg |$3.99 | | |$10.98 |$127.98 |

|2. Joel Reed |$3.99 | | | | |

|3. Nada Jawad |$3.00 | | | | |

|4. | | | | | |

|5. | | | | | |

Face Off Character Worksheet

Character Name: ____________________ Topic: _____________________________

Time Period: ________________________ Location: ___________________________

Describe the costume: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Describe all costume accessories: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What items/materials can you use to create this costume? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Create a timeline for your costume creation.

Day One: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Day Two: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Day Three: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Day Four: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Day Five: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Day Six: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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