Acting and Theatre Terminology Worksheet

Name: _______________________

Acting and Theatre Terminology Worksheet

|Word Bank |

|action |bring |farthest from |new |portion |set |

|actor |centermost |hero |odorous |principle |sing |

|art |closest to |hole |partition |proscenium |speak |

|audience |college |how |picture frame |puppet |speaking |

|beginning |cutting |invisible |picks up |right |surrounds |

|between |director |left |place |script |window |

|blocking |end |move |play |seen |words |

|body |experiemental |movement |playwright |sees |why |

Fill in the blanks below using the words found in the word bank above. Note that not all of the words will be used, and that some words may be used more than once. The same word bank can be found on the other side of the paper so that you don’t have to keep flipping back and forth.

1) Fourth Wall - The __________________ wall that separates the actors and the audience

2) Illusion of the First Time - An actor’s tool to make everything ____________ and fresh

3) Script - The text the _____________________ gives the actor to work from

4) Side - A _________________ of the script – usually used for auditions or when the script is large and the actor only has a bit part.

5) 16 Bars - In music, this is the usual amount that an actor will _______________ at the audition

6) Counter - A type of blocking move where an actor moves to open a _________________ for other actors

7) Windows - Creating pockets for actors onstage so that every actor can be ____________________

8) Open Up - Physically turn your body so the ___________________ can see you

9) Cross - A __________________ move across the stage to another position

10) Proscenium - Type of stage that is shaped like a ______________________

11) Thrust - Type of stage that juts out from the ____________________ arch

12) Black Box - Type of theatre (usually used for ______________________ theatre) where the stage and audience positions can be changed

13) In the Round - Type of stage where the audience _________________ the actors and the action taking place onstage

14) Prop - Anything the actor ________________ with his hands and moves around the stage

15) Set - The scenery, furniture, etc. that make up what the audience _____________ onstage; doesn’t move

|Word Bank (same as other side) |

|action |bring |farthest from |new |portion |set |

|actor |centermost |hero |odorous |principle |sing |

|art |closest to |hole |partition |proscenium |speak |

|audience |college |how |picture frame |puppet |speaking |

|beginning |cutting |invisible |picks up |right |surrounds |

|between |director |left |place |script |window |

|blocking |end |move |play |seen |words |

|body |experiemental |movement |playwright |sees |why |

16) Upstage - The part of the stage ___________________ the audience

17) Downstage - The part of the stage _________________ the audience

18) Center Stage - The __________________ part of the stage

19) Stage Right - Part of the stage to the actors’ ___________ and the audience’s ______________

20) Stage Left - Part of the stage to the actors’ ______________ and the audience’s ______________

21) Theatre - The _________ form that we study

22) Theater - The _____________ where we perform theatre

23) Improvisation - No set ______________; make it up as you go along

24) Subtext - The “writing _____________ the lines” what the characters are saying without saying it

25) Motivation - ____________ your character does what they do

26) Pantomime - Using the ____________ to tell a story without words

27) Exposition - What we know about each character at the ______________ of the action

28) Protagonist - The _______________ of the show

29) Antagonist - Whoever is against the _____________

30) Chorus - (Usually in Greek theatre) the characters without names that ___________ and

_________________ together

31) Ensemble - All the actors that are not ______________ players

32) Climax - The highest point of the ___________ – the turning point

33) Reacting - What the ____________ who is not speaking does while other actors are



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