(1) Each 2-person GROUP will lead a class discussion concerning two short stories from the list below; we will follow the order in which they appear. Choose one from each column:


a. Rip Van Winkle


a. Nature

b. The American Scholar

c. The Divinity School Address

d. Self-Reliance


a. Resistance to Civil Government

b. Walden, or Life in the Woods


a. The May-Pole of Merry Mount


a. The Cask of Amontillado

b. The Philosophy of Composition

6. ABRAHAM LINCOLN (1809–1865)

a. 3 speeches


a. Narrative of the Life of Frederick

8. WALT WHITMAN (1819–1892)

a. selected poems


a. selected work


▪ selected poems

(2) One aspect the group will focus on concerns the BIOGRAPHY of the author. They will note important names, dates, and events, as well as writing style(s).

(3) Another element involves HISTORY, the milieu in which the work was written. This may also include any historical allusions made within the work, not necessarily from the writer's lifetime.

(4) The group will also discuss the GENRE-MOVEMENT to which the work belongs. They will define the genre or movement and demonstrate how the piece exhibits the key elements of that genre-movement.

(5) The final aspect regards the LITERARY elements discussed in class, such as structure, setting, characterization, imagery, symbolism, theme, and point-of-view.

(6) FORMATS include audio-visual techniques and tools such as poster board, PowerPoint, songs, and videos. However, students may also read from their written reports. * Have class and small-group discussion prompt questions—perhaps even a quiz (that you’ll grade).

(7) Each student (not each group) will submit at the end of his/her group's presentation

• an annotated bibliography (minimum 3 sources, used as research for #2,3,4,5)

• a typed, stapled, 2-3-page report (with a Works Consulted page)

• a copy of whatever “formats” were created for the presentation.

(8) GRADING will be based on each group member’s level of preparedness, organization, and insight.

• Remember, this is NOT a speech class, so students will not be graded on their public speaking abilities.

• Also, students will receive a GROUP grade as opposed to an individual grade on this assignment.

• This represents a TEST grade.



|Blaski, John C. | |Poe (round 1) |

|Falzone, Richard L. | |Lincoln |

|Humphreys, Jacob F. | |Emerson (round 1) |

|Stucker, Joshua A. | |Dickinson |

|Shaffer, Karen | |Thoreau (round 1) |

|Shubilla, Jennifer | |Whitman |

|Zale, Connor L. | |Hawthorne (round 1) |

|Slater, Michael R. | |Douglass |

|Kratz, Ryan A. | |Irving (round 1) |

|Matriccino, Chiara D. | |Melville |

• Group presentations begin 7-23-12

o 2 rounds:

▪ 1st 5 authors

▪ 2nd 5 authors

o each group will present once during each round

• 3 authors per week

• Last week = 4 authors

• Essays due 7-30-12


|1st WEEK: |

|Background |

|Irving |

|Emerson |

|Thoreau |

|2nd WEEK: |

|Hawthorne |

|Poe |

|Lincoln |

|3rd WEEK: |

|Douglass |

|Whitman |

|Melville |

|Dickinson |


o Rip Van Winkle


o Nature

o The American Scholar

o The Divinity School Address

o Self-Reliance


o Resistance to Civil Government

o Walden, or Life in the Woods


o Young Goodman Brown

o *The May-Pole of Merry Mount

• EDGAR ALLAN POE (1809–1849)

o *The Cask of Amontillado

o *The Philosophy of Composition

o *From The Poetic Principle

• ABRAHAM LINCOLN (1809–1865)

o A House Divided: Speech Delivered at Springfield, Illinois, at the Close of the Republican State Convention, June 16, 1858

o Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Cemetery at Gettysburg, Nov. 19, 1863

o Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865


o Narrative of the Life of Frederick

• WALT WHITMAN (1819–1892)

o Preface to Leaves of Grass (1855)

o Inscriptions

▪ One’s-Self I Sing

▪ Shut Not Your Doors

o *Song of Myself (1881)

o Whispers of Heavenly Death

▪ *A Noiseless Patient Spider

• HERMAN MELVILLE (1819–1891)

o from Moby-Dick

o *from Bartleby, the Scrivener

o Billy Budd, Sailor

• EMILY DICKINSON (1830–1886)

o 39 [49] [I never lost as much but twice-]

o 112 [67] [Success is counted sweetest]

o 122 [130] [These are the days when Birds come back - ]

o 123 [131] [Besides the Autumn poets sing]

o 124 [216] [Safe in their Alabaster Chambers - ]

o 146 [148] [All overgrown by cunning moss]

o 194 [1072] [Title divine, is mine!]

o 202 [185] [“Faith” is a fine invention]

o 207 [214] [I taste a liquor never brewed - ]

o 225 [199] [I’m “wife” - I’ve finished that - ]

o 236 [324] [Some keep the Sabbath going to Church - ]

o 256 [285] [The Robin’s my Criterion for Tune - ]

o 259 [287] [A Clock stopped - ]

o *260 [288] [I’m Nobody! Who are you?]

o *269 [249] [Wild Nights - Wild Nights!]

o 279 [664] [Of all the Souls that stand create - ]

o 320 [258] [There’s a certain Slant of light]

o 339 [241] [I like a look of Agony]

o 340 [280] [I felt a Funeral, in my Brain]

o 347 [348] [I dreaded that first Robin, so]

o 348 [505] [I would not paint - a picture - ]

o * 353 [508] [I’m ceded - I’ve stopped being Their’s]

o 355 [510] [It was not Death, for I stood up]

o 359 [328] [A Bird came down the Walk - ]

o 365 [338] [I know that He exists]

o 372 [341] [After great pain, a formal feeling comes - ]

o 373 [501] [This World is not conclusion]

o 381 [326] [I cannot dance upon my Toes - ]

o 395 [336] [The face I carry with me - last - ]

o 407 [670] [One need not be a Chamber - to be Haunted - ]

o *409 [303] [The Soul selects her own Society - ]

o 411 [528] [Mine - by the Right of the White Election!]

o 446 [448] [This was a Poet - ]

o 448 [449] [I died for Beauty - but was scarce]

o 466 [657] [I dwell in Possibility - ]

o 475 [488] [Myself was formed – a Carpenter - ]

o 477 [315] [He fumbles at your Soul]

o *479 [712] [Because I could not stop for Death - ]

o 519 [441] [This is my letter to the World]

o 576 [305] [The difference between Despair]

o 588 [536] [The Heart asks Pleasure – first - ]

o 591 [465] [I heard a Fly buzz - when I died - ]

o 598 [632] [The Brain - is wider than the Sky - ]

o 600 [312] [Her - last Poems - ]

o *620 [435] [Much Madness is divinest Sense - ]

o 627 [593] [I think I was enchanted]

o 648 [547] [I’ve seen a Dying Eye]

o 656 [520] [I started Early - Took my Dog - ]

o 675 [401] [What Soft – Cherubic Creatures - ]

o * 706 [640] [I cannot live without You]

o 760 [650] [Pain - has an Element of Blank - ]

o 764 [754] [My Life had stood - a Loaded Gun - ]

o 788 [709] [Publication - is the Auction]

o 817 [822] [This Consciousness that is aware]

o 857 [732] [She rose to His Requirement - dropt]

o 935 [1540] [As imperceptibly as Grief]

o 1096 [986] [A narrow Fellow in the Grass]

o 1108 [1078] [The Bustle in a House]

o 1163 [1138] [A Spider sewed at Night]

o 1243 [1126] [Shall I take thee, the Poet said]

o 1263 [1129] [Tell all the Truth but tell it slant - ]

o 1353 [1247] [To pile like Thunder to it’s close]

o 1454 [1397] [It sounded as if the Streets were running]

o 1489 [1463] [A Route of Evanescence]

o 1577 [1545] [The Bible is an antique Volume - ]

o 1593 [1587] [He ate and drank the precious Words - ]

o 1665 [1581] [The farthest Thunder that I heard]

o 1668 [1624] [Apparently with no surprise]

o 1675 [1601] [Of God we ask one favor, that we may be forgiven - ]

o 1715 [1651] [A word made Flesh is seldom]

o 1773 [1732] [My life closed twice before it’s close]



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