Third Conference of States Parties to the Convention on ...


Third Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

1-3 September 2010, UNHQ, New York

1 Septembert 2010

Theme: Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities through Implementation of the CRPD

|Wednesday, 1 September |Thursday, 2 September |Friday, 3 September |

|(9:45 am - 12:45pm) |(10:00 am - 1:00pm) |(10:00 am - 1:00pm) |

| | | |

|Opening of Meeting |Round Table 2. Inclusion and the right to education |Update on the implementation of the Convention by the United Nations system |

| |(article 24 of the CRPD) | |

| | |Interactive Dialogue chaired by the President of the Conference |

|Chairperson: |Chairperson |Ms. Keiko Osaki Tomita, Chief of Demographic and Social Statistics, DESA presentation on |

|H.E. Amb. Claude Heller (Mexico) |H.R.H. Prince Raad bin Zeid Al-Hussein (Jordan) |disability data and statistics for monitoring and evaluation for implementation of the CRPD |

| |Co-chair: Minister Noluthando Mayende-Sibiya, Ministry of |and development goals |

|Mr. Sha Zhukang, Under Secretary General, DESA |Women, Children and Persons with Disabilities ( South |Ms. Maggie Nicholson, Deputy Director of OHCHR New York Office, presentation on a study on the|

|Ms. Navanethem Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human |Africa) |structure and role of the national mechanism for the implementation of the CRPD and recent |

|Rights (video message) | |initiatives; |

|Mr. Ron MacCallum, Chair of Committee on the Rights |Panelists: |Ms. Aleksandra Posarac, Lead Human Development Economist, World Bank presentation on Its |

|Persons with Disabilities | |recent Initiatives for Implementation of the CRPD In development activities |

|Ms. Diane Richler, IDA Chair and representative of CSOs |Ms. Maria Soledad Cisternas Reyes (Committee on the Rights |Mr. Udo Janz, Director, UNHCR Office in NY, on initiatives of implementing CRPD |

| |of Persons with Disabilities) |Ms. Leyla Sharafi, Technical Specialist on gender issues, within the Gender, Human Rights and |

| |Mr. Robert Prouty (World Bank) |Culture Branch, UNFPA presentation on on-going efforts in mainstreaming disability and gender |

|Adoption of Agenda and Other Matters |Mr. Markku Jokinen (World Federation of the Deaf) |in development |

| |Mr. Shybe Chalklen ( UN Special Rapporteur on Disability) |Mr. Richard Morgan, Director of Policy and Practice, UNICEF on mainstreaming disability into |

|Election of the CRPD Committee members |Ms. Ana Pelaez (Committee on the Rights of Persons with |the UN operational framework |

| |Disabilities) | |

|*Brief remarks | |Presentation of the Chair of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities |

| | | |

|** Chair would provide information on the election | | |

|process and votes will be cast. | |Presentation of the outcome of the informal sessions by IDA chairperson |

| | | |

|Announcement of results of the election. If needed, | | |

|second round of election is held. | |Other matters |

| | | |

| | |Statement by the President of the Conference of States Parties |

| | |Upcoming Fourth session of the Conference of State Parties |

| | |Closing of the Meeting |

| |Side-events |No Side-events |

|Side-events | | |

|Wednesday, 1 September |Thursday, 2 September | |

|(3:00 pm - 6:00 pm) |(3:00 pm - 6:00 pm) | |

|*** If needed, more time in the afternoon session may be | | |

|allocated for the election process. |Informal Session on Emerging Issue (3-5:00pm): Persons with | |

| |disabilities on situation of risk and humanitarian | |

|Round Table 1. Inclusion and living in the community |emergencies (article 11). | |

|(article 19 of the CRPD) | | |

| | | |

| |Co-chairpersons: | |

|Chairperson |H. E. Amb. Jim McLay (New Zealand) | |

|Mr. Adam Kosa, (Hungary) |Mr. Yannis Vardakastanis, (IDA) | |

| | | |

| |Panelists: | |

|Panelists: |OCHA/ United Nations | |

| |Ms. Valerie Scherer ( CBM/IDDC) | |

|Mr. Mohammed Al Tarawaneh (Committee on the Rights of |Ms. Maria Veronica ( GPDD) | |

|Persons with Disabilities) |Ms. Silvia Lavagnoli ( OHCHR) | |

|Mr. Steven M. Eidelman (University of Delaware |Mr. Mansur Chowdhury (Committee on the Rights of Persons | |

|Ms. Senada Halilcevic (Inclusion Europe) |with Disabilities) | |

| | | |

| | | |

|**** Roundtable 1 may continue at the beginning of 2 | | |

|September (a.m) , depending on the time allocated for the| | |

|election. | | |

| | | |


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