Appendix E: Lesson Learned Template

Appendix ELesson Learned TemplateInstructions for completing a lessons learned report:Title – The title should be short and specify the theme of the lesson learned so the reader can easily identify the subject. Primary Interest Groups – Primary interest groups are NERC registered entities that could possibly benefit from the information contained in the lessons learned report. NERC registered entities (e.g., Transmission Owner, Generator Owner, Load Serving Entity, etc.) are defined per the NERC Reliability Functional Model Function Definitions and Responsible Entities document, which can be found on the NERC website. Problem Statement – The problem statement is a short descriptive narrative of the problem that occurred. Usually this can be defined in one sentence, but the purpose of the problem statement is to explain the problem so the reader is able to easily determine if the problem is of interest without having to go further into the report. Details – The details section is a concise narrative of what happened in the event, the end result of the event, the findings of the analysis of the event, corrective actions taken, and any other pertinent information that will provide the reader information that could be used to apply the lessons learned. One-line diagrams or other diagrams and representations that will help the reader understand the event should be included. Lessons learned should include as much data and information as possible. Confidential information should be treated accordingly, and vendor-specific information should not be included unless it is discussed and coordinated with the vendor. If dissemination of vendor-specific information is beneficial, it may be pursued outside the EAP.Corrective Actions – Identify corrective actions by listing the changes the entity incorporated to ensure that the event would not happen again. Some examples of items identified are changes in procedures and processes, maintenance changes, changes in training programs, equipment replacement, equipment testing changes, etc.Lesson Learned – A lesson learned is knowledge or understanding gained by experience that has a significant impact for an organization. The experience may be either positive or negative. Successes are also sources of lessons learned.Lessons Learned TemplateLesson LearnedTitlePrimary Interest GroupsProblem StatementDetailsCorrective ActionsLesson LearnedNERC’s goal with publishing lessons learned is to provide industry with technical and understandable information that assists them with maintaining the reliability of the bulk power system. NERC is asking entities who have taken action on this lesson learned to respond to the short survey provided in the link below.Click here for: Lesson Learned Comment FormFor more Information please contact:NERC – Lessons Learned (via email)Region Contact InformationSource of Lesson Learned: Region NameLesson Learned #:XXXXXXXXDate Published:XX/XX/XXXXCategory: This document is designed to convey lessons learned from NERC’s various activities. It is not intended to establish new requirements under NERC’s Reliability Standards or to modify the requirements in any existing Reliability Standards. Compliance will continue to be determined based on language in the NERC Reliability Standards as they may be amended from time to time. Implementation of this lesson learned is not a substitute for compliance with requirements in NERC’s Reliability Standards. ................

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