Fundraiser Ideas for Adults - Nemours

Isaiah, age 2 Nemours Patient

Host a Fundraiser Fundraiser Ideas for Adults

Auction | Solicit donations; then host a live or silent auction for the donations received. All or a portion of

proceeds would benefit Nemours.

Community Walk/Run | Host a walk/run in your community. Proceeds from registration fees would

benefit Nemours.

Dress Down Day at Work | Organize casual days at your office. Co-workers would donate to dress

down for the day.

Cocktail Party | Give your family, friends, co-workers, etc. a reason to dress up and enjoy a the night of

fun, food and dancing! Tickets and donations to the event would benefit Nemours.

Guest Bartender Night | Host a guest bartender night at one of your favorite hangouts. Tips and a

portion of proceeds would benefit Nemours.

Kickball/Baseball/Basketball Tournament | Ready for a ball game?!? Charge an admission fee to

spectators and donate to a great cause!

Raffle | Solicit donated goods and raffle off the items to the lucky winners! Or host a 50/50 raffle to benefit

the hospital.

Theme Party | Charge an admission fee to get into the happening themed party of the year!

Be Creative | Come up with your own concept and go for it! Please remember to follow our guidelines

posted on giving.


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