Augustine Through the Ages. - Massachusetts Institute of ...

HT 610 Seminar on Augustine: Some of His WorksSpring 2020Dr. Ann T. Objective: To read and discuss some of the more influential of Augustine’s works not encountered in other classes at SJS.Introduction: It is assumed that the student has already read Augustine’s Confessions and significant portions of the City of God. Thus this seminar will focus on reading other important works from the bishop of Hippo. While most of the classes will be devoted to a careful study of Augustine, occasionally there will be a brief investigation into the subsequent reception of Augustine by later theologians such as Anselm and Thomas Aquinas.Prerequisites: Patristics and previous careful reading of Confessions and selections from City of God.Requirements: Class attendance; Participation in weekly discussions MANDITORY (50% of grade); Papers submitted biweekly (the other 50%). Group A: David C.; Linh C; Maxwell C Fr Francis; Matt L.Group B: Doan N.; Duc P.; Engelberto S.; Francis T.A 5-10 minute ‘Augustinian homily’ is due at the end of class. This homily should address a contemporary audience of congregants or catechumens. It should use some theme of interest found in our study of Augustine.Additionally, each member of the class should be prepared to lead the discussion once during the semester. Academic Honesty: The seminary and the Theological Institute take the matter of cheating, plagiarism, improper use of material, failure to give credit for work cited or used in a term paper (or other assignment), and other forms of academic dishonesty very seriously, viewing them as grave offenses which call for the most serious sanctions.The Merriam-Webster online dictionary () defines plagiarism as the act of plagiarizing, which is:“to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source, or to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source”.In case of suspected dishonesty, the faculty member will speak to the student first. If the faculty member is unconvinced by the student’s explanation, he or she will report the incident to the ?Dean of ??Faculty. A Disciplinary Board may be convened by the Rector to address the issue.Required TextsAugustine, On Christian Teaching. Translated Edmund Hill. New York: New City Press, 1996. ISBN 978-I-56548-049-0 (pt. I v. 11, paperback)Augustine. On the Trinity. Translated Edmund Hill. New York: New City Press, 1997. ISBN 0-911782-96-6 (pt 1, v. 5, paperback)Augustine. Essential Sermons. Translated Edmund Hill. New York: New City Press, 2007. ISBN-13:?978-1565482760 (paperback)Augustine. Augustine: Earlier Writings. Translated John Burleigh. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1953. ISBN 978-0664241629 Other selected sermons, letters and other works as noted in the syllabus below, and as found on BC class website. The BC website is listed as SJSHT610.01. You must have access to the BC online library course reserves system. Works of St. Augustine series available through BC at Augustine works in Fathers of the Church Series from Catholic University also available online at BC.Jan 17, Class 1Introduction and HappinessAssignment:Possidius, Life of AugustineAugustine, On the Happy Life, WSA I.3 New City Press---- Sermon 104 in Essential Sermons ---- “Letter to Macedonius” #155 (EXTRA)Write Paper Group AJan 31, Class 2 Discussion Group A Paper Due; Ann leadsLecture: Epistemology and the TruthAssignment:Against the Academics, in Augustine Earlier Writings (EXTRA)On the Usefulness of Belief, in Augustine Earlier WritingsOn Lying, in FC Vol. 16, pp 51-110.Revisions Sermon 117 in Essential SermonsWrite Paper Group BFeb 7, Class 3 Discussion Group B Paper Due; Ann leadsLecture: Theological Method and LanguageAssignment:The Teacher, in Augustine Earlier Writings (OPTIONAL)De Doctrina Christiana, Books I-II, WSA I.11Sermon 187 in Essential SermonsWrite Paper Group AFeb 14, Class 4 Discussion Group A Paper Due; Br. Francis leadsLecture: Reception of DDC in later theologiansAssignment:De Doctrina Christiana, Books III-IV, WSA I.11Sermon 179 in Essential SermonsWrite Paper Group BFeb 21, Class 5 Discussion Group B Paper Due; Br. Jay-Ar leadsLecture: Introduction to De TrinitateAugustine’s Lenten Sermons Assignment:Revision 2.15, WSA I.2De Trinitate Books I, IV, VI, VII, VIII, WSA I.5Sermon 52 (Handout)Sermon 212 in Essential SermonsWrite Paper Group AFeb 28, Class 6Discussion Group A Paper Due; Matthew leadsLecture: Imago Dei and Augustine’s anthropologyAssignment: De Trinitate, Books IX, XIII, XIV, XV in WSA I.5Sermon 207 in Essential SermonsWrite Paper Group BMarch 6, no classMar 13, Class 7 Discussion Group B Paper Due; Duc Pham leadsLecture: On Prayer, Exposition on PsalmsAssignment:Letter 130 “To Proba”Sermon 56, 105A in Essential SermonsWrite Paper Group AMar 20, Class 8Discussion Group A Paper Due; David leadsLecture: On true religion and the moral lifeAssignment:On True Religion, in Augustine Earlier WritingsRevisions, 1.13, in WSA I.2Sermons on 1 John WSA III.14 Sermon 53A in Essential Sermons Write Paper Group BMar 27, Class 9Discussion Group B Paper Due; Doan leadsLecture: Moral life and vocationsAssignment:The Excellence of Marriage, in WSA I.9 Holy Virginity, in WSA I.9 (optional)On Continence, in WSA I.9 (optional)On Marriage and Desire, Book II in WSA I.24Sermons 51, 355 in Essential SermonsWrite Paper Group AApr 3, Class 10Discussion Group A Paper Due; Linh leadsLecture: Moral Life, Grace and Free Will, PelagiansAssignment:To Simplician, Answer to Q1 and Q2 in Augustine: Earlier Christian WritingsOn Nature and Grace 1.1-60.70The Punishment and Forgiveness of Sins and the Baptism of Little Ones Book I, 1.1-25.38Sermon 294Canons of Council of OrangeSermons 115, 176, 293, 294, 323, 324 (HANDOUT)Write Paper Group BApr 10 No ClassApr 17, Class 11Discussion Group B Paper Due; Francis leadsChrist, Church and SacramentsAssignment:Against the Fundamental Epistle of Mani, WSA I/19, 234-237.(Optional)Letters 54 and 55 “To Januarius,” WSA II.1Sermons 164, 229, 229N, 267, 272 in Essential SermonsSermon 272B, 46, 47, 340Write Paper Group AApr 24, Class 12Discussion Group A Paper Due; Maxwell leadsLecture: Law and Order, Just War, Capital Punishment Assignments:Against Faustus XXII.73-79, in WSA I.20Letter 189, “Letter to Boniface,” in WSA II.3Letter 185, The Correction of the Donatists, in WSA II.3Letter 153, in WSA II.2 Letter 47, in WSA II.1Sermon 72, 302 in Essential SermonsWrite Paper Group BMay 1, Class 13Discussion Group B Paper Due; Ann leadsLecture: Psalms of AscentAssignments:Remember, while no paper is due next week, a sermonette isMay 8, Class 14Homiletic Presentations Group A and BBibliography Consulted for the CourseAnthologiesThe Cambridge Companion to Augustine. Edit David Meconi and Eleonore Stump. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.Augustine Through the Ages. Edited by Allan Fitzgerald. Michigan: Eerdmans, 1999.The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine. Edited by Karla Pollman. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.The Reception of the Church Fathers in the West. Edited by Irena Backus. Leiden: Brill, 1997.From Irenaeus to Grotius, A Source Book in Christian Political Thought 100-1625. Edited by Oliver and Joan O’Donovan. Michigan: Eerdmans, 1999.Secondary SourcesAnderson, Robert. “Teaching Augustine’s On the Teacher,” Religions 2015, 6(2), 404-408.Andrews, James. “Why Theological Hermeneutics Needs Rhetoric: Augustine’s De doctrina Christiana,” International Journal of Systematic Theology Vo. 12 No. 2 April 2010; pp 184-200.Arendt, Hannah. Love and Saint Augustine. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014.Avramenko, Richard. “The Wound and Salve of Time: Augustine's Politics of Human Happiness,” The Review of Metaphysics Vol. 60, No. 4 (Jun., 2007) 779-811.Ayers, Lewis. Augustine and the Trinity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. _____ “Where Does the Trinity Appear?” Augustine’s Apologetics and “Philosophical” Readings of the De Trinitate,” Augustinian Studies 43:1/2 (2012) 109-126._____ “Between Athens and Jerusalem, Prolegomena to Anthropology in De Trinitate,” Modern Theology 8:1 January 1992._____ “Remember that you are Catholic: Augustine on the Unity of the Triune God,” Journal of Early Christian Studies, Vol 8, Number 1, Spring 2001, pp 38-82..Bohn, E.D. “The Logic of the Trinity,” Sophia (2011) 50: 363-374.Boulding, Maria. “St. Augustine’s View of the Psalms as a Communion of Faith between Generations,” Downside Review. V. 126 Issue 443 (April 1, 2008). Pp125-134.Boyer, Steven and Huddell, Walter. “Mathematical knowledge and divine mystery: Augustine and his contemporary challengers.” Christian Scholar’s Review 2015, Vol. 44 (3) p 207-229.Bonner, Gerald. “Augustine and Pelagianism,” Augustinian Studies 24 (1993).Bright, Pamela. The Book of the Rules of Tyconius, Its Purpose and Inner Logic. Notre Dame, Indiana: Notre Dame University Press, 1988.Brown, Peter. Augustine of Hippo, A Biography. Berkley, CA: University of California Press, 2000. ____. Through the Eye of the Needle: Wealth and Poverty in Late Antiquity. Bruno, Michael. “Disputing the Seculum Robert Marcus, John Milbank, and Contemporary Augustinian Interpreters,” in Modern Interpretations of Augustine’s Political Ideas. Minnesota: Augsburg Fortress, 2014.Burnell, Peter. The Augustinian Person. Washington D.C.: Catholic University Press, 2005.Burns, J. Patout. “Marital Fidelity as a remedium consupiscentiae: An Augustinian Proposal,” Augustinian Studies 44:1 (2013) 1-35.Byers, Sarah Catherine. Perception, Sensibility and Moral Motivation in Augusitne: A Stoic-Platonic Synthesis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.____ “The Meaning of Voluntas in Augustine” Augustinian Studies 37:2 (2006) 171-189.Cameron, Michael. “Totus Christus and the Psychagogy of Augustine’s Sermons,” Augustinian Studies 36:1 (2005) 59-70.____ Christ Meets Me Everywhere: Augustine’s Early Figurative Exegesis.” Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.Cary, Phillip. Outward Signs: The Powerlessness of External Things in Augustine’s Thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.Clavier, Mark. Eloquent Wisdom: rhetoric, cosmology and delight in the theology of Augustine of Hippo. Turnhout: Brepolis, 2014.Crawford, Nathan. “The Sapiential Structure of Augustine’s De Trinitate,” Pro Ecclesia 19 (2010): 434–52.Cross, Richard. ?nti-Pelagianism and the Resistibility of Grace,” Faith and Philosophy Vol 22 No 2, April 2005; 199-210.Cyr, Taylor and Flummer, Matthew. “Free Will, grace, and anti-Pelagianism,” Intl. J. Philosophy of Religion 83:183-199, 12 April 2017.Dauphinais, Michael. Et al. Aquinas the Augustinian Washington, D.C., Catholic University Press, 2007.Dodaro, Robert. “Language Matters: Augustine’s Use of Literary Decorum in Theological Argument,” Augustinian Studies 45:1 (2014) 1-28.Drever, Michael. “Reimagining Human Personhood within the Body of Christ,” Augustinian Studies 48:1-2 (2017) 73-91.Dupont, Anthony. Gratia in Augustine’s Sermones Ad Populum During the Pelagian Controversy. Leiden: Brill, 2013.Foley, Michael P. “The Other Happy Life: The Political Dimension to St. Augustine’s Cassiciacum Dialogues,” The Review of Politics Vol. 65, No. 2 (Spring 2003). Pp. 165-183.______ On the Happy Life: St. Augustine’s Cassiciacum Dialogues, Volume 2. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2019.Fredriksen, Paula. Augustine and the Jews: A Christian Defense of Jews and Judaism. New York: Doubleday, 2008.Gallagher, Edmon. Hebrew Scripture in Patristic Biblical Theory: Canon, Language, Text. Leigen: Brill, 2012.Gerber, Chad Taylor. The Spirit of Augustine’s Early Theology: Contextualizing Augustine’s Pneumatology. Farnham: Taylor and Francis, 2016.Griffiths, Paul. Lying: An Augustinian Theology of Duplicity. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2004.Hadot, Pierre. What is Ancient Philosophy? Translated by Michael Chase. Cambridge: Belknap, 2002.Harmless, William. “Christ the Pediatrician,” Augustinian Studies 28-2 (1997)Hunter, David, G. Marriage, Celibacy, and Heresy in Ancient Christianity: The Jovinianist Controversy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.Hwang, Alexander et al. Grace for Grace. Washington DC: Catholic University Press, 2014.Jenkins, Eric. Free to Say No? Free Will and Augustine’s Evolving Doctrines of Grace and Election. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2012.Kelly, J.N.D. Jerome. Peabody: Hendricks, 1975.Kenyon, Erik. “The Order of Augustine’s Cassiciacum Dialogues,” Augustinian Studies 42:2 (2011) 173-188.Kidd, Erika, “Making Sense of Virgil in De Magistro,” Augustinian Studies 46:2 (2015) 211-224.Krulak, Todd. “Thysia and Theurgy: Sacrificial Theory in Fourth and Fifth Century Platonists.” Classical Quarterly Vol 64, Issue 1 (May 2014) pp 353-382. Available online at BCLamb, Michael. “Augustine and Republican Liberty: Contextualizing Coercion,” Augustinian Studies 48:1-2(2017) 119-159.Lafferty, Maura. “Translating Faith from Greek to Latin: Romanitas and Christianitas in Late Fourth-Century Rome and Milan,” Journal of Early Christian Studies Vol. 11 No. 1 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003), 21-62.Leffler, Nathan. “Saint Augustine’s Hermeneutics of Friendship: A Consideration of De Utilitate Credendi, 10-13, with Special Reference to Confessions, Book VIII” Augustinian Studies 41:2 (2010) 423-434.Lee, Gregory. “Israel between the Two Ciries: Augustine’s Theology of the Jews and Judaism.” Journal of Early Christin Studies Vol 4, No 24, Winter 2016, pp523-551.Lee, James Kang Hoon. The Mystery of the Church in the Theology of Saint Augustine. Desertion, Notre Dame University, 2012. Available at Lehman, Jeffrey. “As I read, I was set on fire.” Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture v. 16, no2. Spring 2013. Pp 159-184.Leinhard, Joseph. “Sacramentum and the Eucharist in Augustine.” The Thomist 77 (2013), 173:92.Levering, Matthew. Theology of Augustine. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2013. Lossel, Josef. “Augustine in Byzantium,” Journal of Ecclesiastical History Vol. 51, No. 2 (April 2000).Margerie, Bernard de. An Introduction to the History of Exegesis, Volume III: Saint Augustine.” Trans. Pierre de Fontnouvelle. Petersham, MA: St. Bede’s Publications, 1993.McCarthy, Michael. “An Ecclesiology of Groaning: Augustine, the Psalms, and the Making of the Church,” Theological Studies 66 (2005), 23-50.McGinn, Bernard. “The Language of Inner Experience in Christian Mysticism,” Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality Volume 1, Number 2, Fall 2001, 156-171.____, “How Augustine Shaped Medieval Mysticism,” Augustinian Studies 37:1 (2006).McLarney, Gerald. St. Augustine’s Interpretation of the Psalms of Ascent. Washington: Catholic University Press, 2014. Available online at BC.McCurry. “Towards a Poetics of Theological Creativity: Rowan Williams Reads Augustine’s De Doctrina After Derrida,” Modern Theology 23:3 (July 2007), 414-433.Meconi, David Vincent. “Becoming Gods by Becoming God’s: Augustine’s Mystagogy of Identification,” Augustinian Studies (2008) 61-74.Mohrmann, Christine, “Sacramentum in ancient Christian texts.” Harvard Theological Review 47 (1954) 141:52.Myers, Jason. “Law, Lies, and Letter Writing: An Analysis of Jerome and Augusitne on the Antioch Incident (Galatians 2:11-14)”. Scottish Journal of Theology Vol 66 Issue 02, May 2013, 127-139.Otten, Willemien. “Augustine on Marriage, Monasticism, and the Community of the Church,” Theological Studies 59 (1998), 385-407.Pabel, Hilmar. “Peter Canisius and the ‘Truly Catholic’ Augustine.” Theological Studies 71 (2010). 903-925.Pellegrino, Michele. The True Priest: Priesthood as Preached and Practiced by Saint Augustine. Translated by Arthur Gibson. Villanova: Augustinian, 1988. Peper, Bradley Mark. “On the Mark: Augustine’s Baptismal Analogy of the Nota Militaris” Augustinian Studies 38:2 (2007) 353-363.Ployd, Adam. “The Power of Baptism: Augustine’s Pro-Nicene Response to the Donatists,” Journal of Early Christian Studies, Vol 22, No 4 Winter 2014. Pp 519-540.Quillen, Carol. “A Tradition Invented: Petrarch, Augustine and the Language of Humanism,” Journal of the History of Ideas Vol. 53 No. 2 (Apr-Jun 1992), pp. 179-207.Ratzinger, Joseph. “The Holy Spirt as Communio: Concerning the Relationship of Pneumatology and Spirituality in Augustine,” Communio 25 (Summer 1998), 324-337._____ The Unity of the Nations, A Vision of the Church Fathers. Trans. Boniface Ramsey. Washington D.C.: Catholic University Press, 2015.Rose, Matthew. “Nietzsche on Augustine on Happiness,” Studies in Christian Ethics. 2017 Vol 30(2) 170-178.Rudolph, Katherine. “Augustine’s Picture of Language,” Augustinian Studies 36:2 (2005) 327-358.Salon, Peter. Augustine’s Theology of Preaching. Lanham: Fortress, 2014.Sehorn, John. “Monica as Synecdoche for the Pilgrim Church in the Confessions,” Augustinian Studies46:2 (2015) pp 225-248.Schildgen, Brenda Dean. “Augustine’s Answer to Jacques Derrida in the De Doctrina Christiana,” New Literary History, Vol. 25, No. 2., Writers on Writers (Spring 1994), pp. 383-397.Simmons, Daniel. “’We shall be like him, for we shall see him’: Augustine’s De Trinitate and the Purification of the Mind.” International Journal of Systematic Theology Vol 15 No 3, July 2013, pp240-264.Smith, Brett. “Augustine’s Natural Law Theory in De liberto arbitrio,” Irish Theological Quarterly 2015, Vol. 80(2) 111-135.____ “Complex Authorial Intention in Augustine’s Hermeneutics,” Augustinian Studies 45:2 (2014) 203-225.Smith, J. Warren. “Loving the Many in the One: Augustine and the Love of Finite Goods,” Religions 2016 7(11) Steinhauser, Kenneth. “Augustine Laughed: De beata vita,” in Tradition and the Rule of Faith in the Early Church. Edited Ronnie Rombs and Alexander Hwang. Washington: Catholic University Press, 2010. Chapter 11.Ticciati, Susannah. “The human being as sign in Augustine’s De Doctrina Christiana,” Neue Zeitschrift fu?r systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Vol. 55, No. 1 2013, p 20-32.Toom, Tarmo. “Augustine’s Case for the Multiplicity of Meanings,” Augustinian Studies 45:2 (2014) 183-ping, Ryan. Happiness and Wisdom: Augustine’s Early Theology of Education. Washington: Catholic University Press, 2012.Thom, Paul. The Logic of the Trinity: Augustine to Ockham. New York: Fordham University Press, 2012.Williams, Rowan. “Language, Reality and Desire in Augustine’s “De Doctrina” Literature and Theology Vol. 3, No. 2 July 1989.____ On Augustine. 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