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Dipartimento Territorio e Sistemi Agro-forestali

Department of Land, Environment Agriculture and Forestry

Corso di laurea magistrale/Second Cycle Degree (MSc)

in Forest Science

(insert thesis title)


Prof. ...

Co-supervisor (if needed)

Prof or Dr. ...

Laureanda/o /Submitted by

(insert Nome and Surname)

Matricola n./Student no.



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Department of Land, Environment Agriculture and Forestry

Second Cycle Degree (MSc)

in Forest Science

(insert thesis title)


Prof. …

Co-supervisor (if needed)

Prof or Dr. …

Submitted by

(insert Nome Surname)

Student no.




Do not delete this automatic index and the following lists of figures, tables, and boxes.

Abbreviations and acronyms 5

Summary 6

1. Introduction 7

1.1 Background 7

1.2 Problem statement 7

1.3 Objectives and research questions 7

1.4 Structure of the thesis 7

2. Theoretical background 8

2.1 Definition(s) 8

2.2 Theoretical approaces 8

3. Research methodology 9

3.1 Research approach 9

3.2 Sector and/or study area 9

3.3 Data collection 9

3.3.1 Questionnaire 9

3.3.2 Instrument for measuring 9

3.3.3 Reliability 9

3.3.4 Sample 9

3.4 Data analysis 9

4. Results 11

4.1 Title 11

4.2 Title 11

4.3 Title 11

5. Discussion 12

5.1 Theoretical implications 12

5.2 Managerial implications 12

5.3 Limitations and suggestions for future research 12

6. Conclusions 13

Quoted literature 14

Web sites 14

Annexes 15

Annex 1 - Title 15

Annex 2 - Title 15

Annex 3 - Title 15

List of figures

Figure 1: Title 8

Figure 2: Title 8

Figure 3: Title 10

Figure 4: Title 10

Figure 5: Title 11

Figure 6: Title 11

Figure 7: Title 12

Figure 8: Title 12

List of tables

Table 1: Title 8

Table 2: Title 8

Table 3: Title 10

Table 4: Title 10

Table 5: Title 11

Table 6: Title 11

Table 7: Title 12

Table 8: Title 12

List of boxes

Box 1: Title. 8

Box 2: Title. 10

Box 3: Title. 11

Box 4: Title. 12

Abbreviations and acronyms

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I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me support to complete this thesis …


English text. Summaries in other languages can be included.


(2-5 pages)

1.1 Background


1.2 Problem statement


1.3 Objectives and research questions

The study mainly intends to explore whether …

Regarding the objectives, the specific research questions are:



1.4 Structure of the thesis

Chapter 1 sets out the research problems based on the background information in …. The research objectives and questions are then stated in the following section.

Chapter 2 introduces the relevant theories in the study which includes …

In the following section, the definition and background of …. is generally summarized. Special attention is paid to …

Chapter 3 describes the research methodology. After a brief description of the research approach in the first section, the next section … Furthermore, the reliability of the instrument to measure …. is explained. Hence, the samples used in this study are described and then the techniques used in the statistical analysis are explained.

Details of the results are presented in Chapter 4.

The discussions of the empirical findings, as well as the limitations of this study and the suggestions for future research are presented in Chapter 5.

Finally, the conclusions that have been drawn from the results of the statistical analysis are found in Chapter 6.

2. Theoretical background


2.1 Definition(s)


2.2 Theoretical approach(es)


In the chapter Figures, Tables and Box can be included. In order to take advantage of the automatic list, make copy of the following titles.

Figure 1: Title

Figure 2: Title

Table 1: Title

Table 2: Title

Box 1: Title.


3. Research methodology


3.1 Research approach

In order to examine the following aspects… should be investigated. Therefore, secondary sources of information and primary data have to be collected. The study employs … (prices trend analysis, literature review, case studies analysis, survey questionnaire approach,…).

Quantitative data collected by the questionnaires will be subjected to statistical analysis to test …

3.2 Sector and/or study area


3.3 Data collection


3.3.1 Questionnaire


3.3.2 Instrument for measuring


3.3.3 Reliability

A reliability analysis is employed to check whether the instruments used to measure … is reliable.

A measurement is considered to be reliable if it reflects mostly true score, relative to the error.

3.3.4 Sample


3.4 Data analysis

The data was analyzed using the computer programme of (DAS, Microsoft Office Excel, SPSS, R, EViews, …). Several statistical procedures were involved in the data analysis.

In the chapter Figures, Tables and Box can be included. In order to take advantage of the automatic list, make copy of the following titles.

Figure 3: Title

Figure 4: Title

Table 3: Title

Table 4: Title

Box 2: Title.



In this chapter the results of the data analysis are presented. In section 4.1, …

1 Title


2 Title


3 Title



In the chapter Figures, Tables and Box can be included. In order to take advantage of the automatic list, make copy of the following titles.

Figure 5: Title

Figure 6: Title

Table 5: Title

Table 6: Title

Box 3: Title.



In this chapter, the theoretical implications of the findings of this study will be

discussed first, accompanied by providing the plausible explanations to the findings produced in this study. Consequently, the discussions about implications for the management are followed up. The last section identifies the limitations existed in this study and the recommendations for further research are presented in the following text.

5.1 Theoretical implications

5.2 Managerial implications

The findings of the study raise several managerial implications two of which are

worth to be addressed here. One

5.3 Limitations and suggestions for future research

There are several limitations in this study …

In the chapter Figures, Tables and Box can be included. In order to take advantage of the automatic list, make copy of the following titles.

Figure 7: Title

Figure 8: Title

Table 7: Title

Table 8: Title

Box 4: Title.



No sub-chapters are normally used.

2-5 pages.

Quoted literature

Follow same editorial rules (e.g. those adopted by Springer journals)

Web sites

Quote the name of the institution and the address of the home page.


Put here the questionnaire(s), laws and regulations, details of the research methodology and data and other relevant information and data.

Annex 1 - Title


Annex 2 - Title


Annex 3 - Title




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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