Course ID Number

PSY 1513



Instructor: Office Location:

Office Hours:


Class Time(s)/Sections: Email:

Course Description:

An introduction to the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. This includes history and theories of psychology, research methods, biological bases of behavior, the principles of learning, personality and abnormal behavior. Three hours; 3 credits.

Textbook(s) and Material(s):

The Science of Psychology

AUTHOR(S): Laura A. King

ISBN: 978-0-07-78035401

EDITION(YEAR): 3rd Edition


1. 3 ring binder with pockets; approximately 1” thick(optional)

2. Notebook paper (small amount)

3. Black pen

4. Highlighter (optional)

5. Dividers (optional)

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to do the following:

1. Explain the development of the definition of psychology; describe its historical development and analyze the research methods contributing to its foundation.

2. Identify psychological processes involving the nervous system, endocrine system and the brain.

3. Explain the physical, cognitive and socioemotional development of the human from conception to death and identify events associated with life-long development according to Eric Erickson’s psychoanalytic theory of development, while working small groups and presenting their information to others.

4. Demonstrate an understanding of the perceptual processes and the factors influencing the states of consciousness and demonstrate an understanding of the auditory and visual systems by drawing and labeling the eye and ear.

5. Identify the factors associated with methods of learning, information processing, memory improvement, and intelligence.

6. Describe motivational sources and characteristics and the factors associated with the physiology, expression and experience of emotion.

Make-up Policy:

Instructor is required to complete this section prior to presenting the syllabus to the students at the beginning of each semester.

Academic Dishonesty:

Cheating and plagiarism (the representation of someone else’s work as your own, usually by directly copying or paraphrasing without a reference to the original source) will not be tolerated. The penalty will be receiving a (0) for that assignment, without any possibility of make-up work or alternative assignments. Additionally, according to the Student Handbook, Such acts will be considered a severe infraction and carry a possible sanction of suspension in semester (s) length or expulsion. For a more in-depth explanation of academic dishonesty, see the Student Handbook.

Non-Discrimination/Disability Policy:

Notice of Non-discrimination. Coahoma Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The institution has designated a Section 504/ADA/Title IX Coordinator. To address inquiries regarding the non‐discrimination policies, please contact Wanda Holmes 621-4853.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities. Coahoma Community College is committed to ensuring equal access to an education for enrolled or admitted students who have verified disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). College policy calls for reasonable accommodations to be made for eligible students with verified disabilities on an individual and flexible basis.

Any student enrolling in Coahoma Community College with a documented disability, who requests accommodations, must first provide a current evaluation of the disability from a medical professional. This documentation, which is required by federal guidelines, will remain on file with the Section 504/ADA/Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Academic Affairs, 662-621-4853.

Instructional Techniques:

Instructor is required to complete this section prior to presenting the syllabus to the students at the beginning of each semester.

Method(s) of Evaluation:

Instructor is required to complete this section prior to presenting the syllabus to the students at the beginning of each semester.

Grade Scale:

Coahoma Community College changed from the 3.0 system to the 4.0 system effective, September, 1974. College students' academic progress is evaluated according to the following grading system.

|Grade |Scale |Quality Points |

|A – Excellent |90-100 |4.0 |

|B – Good |80-89 |3.0 |

|C – Average |70-79 |2.0 |

|D – Poor |60-69 |1.0 |

|F – Failure |Below 60 |0.0 |

PSY 1513 - General Psychology

Course Outline

I. Introduction and Foundations

A. Definition and Goals of Psychology

B. Historical Development of Psychology

C. Specialty Areas of Modern Psychology

II. Research Methods

A. Basic Concepts

B. Research Methods

C. Ethical Principles of Research

III. Behavioral Foundations of Behavior

A. Nervous System

B. Endocrine System

C. Genetic Influences

IV. Sensation and Perception

A. Vision and Hearing

B. Body Senses and Chemical Senses

C. Interpreting Sensory Messages

V. States of Consciousness

A. Normal Waking Consciousness

B. Sleep and Dreams

C. Altered States of Consciousness

VI. Learning and Cognition

A. Classical Conditioning

B. Operant Conditioning

C. Cognitive Learning

VII. Memory

A. Stages of Memory – Information Processing

B. Forgetting

C. Biological Basis

VIII. Cognition, Language and Intelligence

A. Thinking and Problem Solving

B. Language and Communication

C. Intelligence

IX. Developmental Psychology

A. Basic Processes

B. Theories

C. Development Across the Lifespan

X. Motivation and Emotion

A. Primary Motives

B. Psychological Motives

C. Emotions

XI. Personality Theories and Assessment

A. Theories of Personality

B. Personality Assessment

XII. Abnormal Psychology

This outline is intended as a guideline for the course. The institution and the instructor reserve the right to make modifications in content, schedule, and requirements as necessary to enhance each student’s educational experience and student learning outcomes.

Online Assignments are as follows:

Assignment will be posted every Monday and you will have until Friday of that week to turn in the assignment. NO WORK is due over the weekend so if you log on and see an assignment the best thing to do is to do it then and not wait because assignment will come down in Friday nights at Midnight. NO EXCEPTIONS!!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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