Santa Ana College Nursing Department

Santa Ana College Nursing Department

Curriculum Committee Minutes

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Santa Ana College – Mission Statement

The mission of Santa Ana College is to be a leader and partner in meeting the intellectual, cultural, technological, and workforce development needs of our diverse community. Santa Ana College provides access and equity in a dynamic learning environment that prepares students for transfer, career and lifelong intellectual pursuit in a global community.


Present: , Stacey Bass, Becky Ettinger, Gina Giroux, Terry Grijalva, Becky Haglund, Rosemarie Hirsch, Louise Jones, Becky Miller, Dale Mixer, Elva Negrete, JoAnn Nick, Eleanor Papa, Mila Paunovic, Brian Schroeder, Teresa Simbro, Mary Steckler, Robert Stucken, Rowena Valtairo, Michelle Vasquez

Chair: Rowena Valtairo

Scribe: JoAnn Nick


|Approval of minutes |Faculty reviewed the Curriculum Committee Minutes from 11/18/2016 |Minutes approved with |

| | |amendments |

|Team Reports: All |Discussion ensued regarding the format for the initial team report sheet. |

| |DSPS information, # of students registered, course location and time will be removed. Kaplan summary will be |

| |general information. All other information will remain the same. |

| | |

| |RN 112: |

| |Lecture Course: Nursing Concepts |

| |FALL 2016: |

| |COURSE RETENTION 26/29 (89%) |

| |Lecture SLO report (end of semester) |

| |Thinking and Reasoning: 75% of students will select correct responses to 4 critical thinking objective questions. |

| |Communication: 75% of students will select correct responses to 4 communication objective questions. |

| |Careers: 75% of students will select correct responses to nursing role objective questions |

| | |

| |Outcomes #1: Out of 29 students, 96% answered correctly a question on assessment phase |

| |Outcomes #2: : Out of 29 students, 96% answered correctly one question relating to communication barrier |

| |Outcomes #3: Out of 29 students , 82% answered correctly a nursing role question |

| | |

| |Plan #1: With Collaboration of Faculty from NRN 161 CBC curriculum/ NRN 112 course concepts will be woven into CBC |

| |course RN 161 for Spring 2017, through a variety of flipped classroom techniques. Examples; class quizzes, group |

| |activities/ student interaction in prioritizing steps to nursing process in case study scenarios. |

| |RN101/101L: |

| |Lecture Course: RN 101 |

| |FALL 2016: |

| |COURSE RETENTION: Trad. 39/40 (98%) ECP 16/20 (80%) |

| |Lecture SLO report (end of semester) |

| |Thinking and Reasoning: 80% of students will select correct responses to the questions related to the nursing |

| |process. |

| |Communication: 100% of the students will meet expectations on GI oral presentations. |

| |Careers: 80% of the students will answer the selected career questions correctly. |

| |Outcomes #1: Overall the students achieved 85% correct responses to the nursing process questions. |

| |Outcomes #2: Overall 100% of the students scored in the good or excellent level range. |

| |Outcomes #3: Overall the students scored 86% on questions related to careers on the final exam. |

| | |

| |Plan #1: Ongoing outcome. The faculty will continue to address the course content pertaining to non-critical |

| |biological and psychosocial system needs using elements of the nursing process: |

| |Plan #2: Ongoing outcome. The faculty will utilize the GI presentations to evaluate the student’s ability to |

| |communicate. |

| |Plan #3: Ongoing outcome. The faculty will use questions to evaluate student success in the career of nursing. |

| |Kaplan summary (end of semester): Trad. 37/39 (95%) ECP 4/20 (20%) Benchmark 75% |

| |Surveys summary (end of semester) Mostly favorable responses from students |

| |Any issues regarding course and/or student concerns None |

| |Comments None |

| |Clinical Course: RN 101L |

| |FALL 2016: |

| |COURSE RETENTION: Trad. 39/40 (98%) ECP 16/20 (80%) |

| |Team Report Input: Discussed preparation for CBC curriculum change and preparation of documents for class (updating|

| |handouts with correct course number & ADA compliant) and for extended orientation. Discussed schedule for 161L and |

| |need to include IV fluids as a skill. |

| |Clinical SLO report (end of semester) |

| |Thinking and Reasoning: 80% of students will not require any revisions on their NANDA, goal, and interventions on |

| |their 2nd concept map |

| |Communication: 80% of students will meet expectations on the language section of the Well Elder Assignment Rubric |

| |Careers: 90% of students will deliver SBAR report with 90% of the required information by the end of the semester |

| | |

| |Outcomes #1: 93% of students did not require any revisions, More time was spent reviewing their first map, group |

| |concept map work as well as more detailed feedback from instructors on map submissions |

| |Outcomes #2: 95% of the students were graded at satisfactory or higher. More information was given to students |

| |regarding proper APA format |

| |Outcomes #3: 86% of were able to utilize the SBAR system to give report requiring minimal or no guidance |

| | |

| |Plan #1: Ongoing outcome. Continue with increase in time reviewing concept maps, group concept map work & detailed |

| |feedback, |

| |Plan #2: Ongoing outcome. The Well Elder assignment will continue to be used to emphasize application of |

| |communication skills. |

| |Plan #3: A lecture on SBAR will be given. As well as giving students more opportunities to practice SBAR during |

| |their clinical rotations, |

| | |

| |Any issues regarding course and/or student concerns: None |

| |Comments: NONE |

| | |

| |RN 103: |

| |Lecture Course Name: RN103 Pharmacological Concepts of Nursing |

| |Fall 2016 |

| |COURSE RETENTION: 45/67 (67%) |

| |Lecture SLO report (end of semester) |

| |Thinking and Reasoning: 80% of the students will correctly respond to questions on the final exam reflecting the |

| |stages of the nursing process. |

| |Communication: 80% of the students will score 3 points or better on medication presentation using the following |

| |format: Use, Action, Side Effects, and Nursing Implications. |

| |Careers: 80% of the students will select appropriate answer on the final exam. |

| |Outcomes #1: 81.3% of the students responded correctly to questions related to the nursing process. There was a |

| |considerable improvement in scores for the planning and diagnoses stage since more time was dedicated to in class |

| |discussion of all stages. However, students scored lower on questions related to the evaluation stage. |

| |Outcomes #2: Although overall score of 3 points or better was at 88%, compared to spring 2016, the percentage of |

| |students scoring 3 points was higher, while the percentage of students scoring 4 points was considerably lower. |

| |Students stated that the assignment was very helpful in developing team work. |

| |Outcomes #3: 82.9% of the students responded correctly to exam questions. More examples of the nursing |

| |responsibilities as patient advocate and their legal/ethical role was discussed in class with examples incorporated |

| |in power point presentation. |

| | |

| |Plan #1: To be reevaluated in Spring 2017 due to concept based curriculum implementation. |

| |Plan #2: To be reevaluated in Spring 2017 due to concept based curriculum implementation. |

| |Plan #3: To be reevaluated in Spring 2017 due to concept based curriculum implementation. |

| |Any issues regarding course and /or student concerns: Positive comments regarding course content, but recommending |

| |audiovisual material available on blackboard to review before class and more frequent testing of covered material. |

| | |

| |RN 102/102L: |

| |Lecture Course Name: RN102 |

| |FALL 2016: |

| |COURSE RETENTION 39/40 (97.5%) passed RN102 and RN102L. One students failed both theory and clinical. She was |

| |advanced placed. |

| |Lecture SLO report (end of semester) |

| |Thinking and Reasoning: The RN102 team will plan to conduct more in class patient scenarios that emphasize |

| |prioritization of multiple nurse actions. |

| |Communication: The RN102 team wants to revisit student performance on exam questions dealing with communication that|

| |emphasize appropriate age related language and therapeutic communication techniques. |

| |3. Careers: 80% of students will complete RN102 with a grade of 75% or higher. |

| |Outcome #1 Students had very positive feedback regarding these activities. 100% of students were engaged in learning|

| |as they thought and reasoned together as a team. Students looked forward to these in-class activities and often |

| |stated how much they enjoyed these prioritization activities. |

| |Outcome #2 Three obstetric content communication style questions were evaluated from RN 102 exams and 70% of |

| |students were successful in selecting the correct communication language or therapeutic technique. |

| |Outcome #3 97.5% of students completed RN 102 with a grade of 75% or higher. One student failed both RN 102 theory |

| |course and RN 102L clinical course. This student also happened to be advanced placed in the nursing program. |

| |Plan #1 For Spring 2017 the RN102 team will continue to utilize prioritization activities in the spring semester to |

| |further develop the students’ thinking and reasoning behind nursing actions. |

| |Plan #2 For Spring 2017 semester, students will be evaluated based on campus-wide student feedback regarding their |

| |professional communication style and techniques used during STD campus oral presentations. |

| |Plan #3 For Spring 2017 semester, the benchmark will increase to 85% of students completing RN102 with a 75% or |

| |higher. |

| |Kaplan summary (end of semester) For OB content_31/40 passed benchmark on first attempt; with remediation all |

| |students passed the benchmark 40/40. For Pediatrics, 39/40 reached the benchmark on first attempt; with remediation |

| |all students passed the benchmark 40/40. |

| |Surveys summary (end of semester) Students had positive feedback regarding both theory and clinical courses. |

| |Any issues regarding course/student concerns: _NONE |

| |SPRING 2017: |

| |Any changes to the course: NO |

| | |

| |****************************************************************************** |

| |Clinical Course Name: RN102L |

| |Clinical SLO Report |

| |Thinking and Reasoning In the fall 2016 semester, all (100%) students will be encouraged to speak with their |

| |clinical instructor (before submitting the concept map) about selection of the appropriate NANDA statement |

| |reflective of assessment data. Continue the same method of assessment. |

| |Communication The RN102L team has decided to continue the same method of assessment and use the live bedside |

| |teaching to evaluate the SLO communication. This will also give the ESL students more opportunities to practice |

| |English. |

| |Careers RN 102L team will invite appropriate and available hospital team members to speak to students during a post |

| |conference about professionalism and the qualities that are weighed heavily when seeking employment as an RN. The |

| |students will then be asked to write a simple one page reflection paper about how they best exhibit these qualities.|

| |This reflection can be a part of their Clinical Evaluation Tool for professional role development. |

| |Outcomes #1 |

| |100% of students met with their clinical instructors regarding their selected NANDA prior to submitting their |

| |concept map. A considerable improvement was noted in the NANDA selection for appropriateness and accuracy. 92% |

| |(37/40) students successfully submitted NANDAs on the last concept map without requiring revisions. |

| |Outcomes #2 |

| |97% of student were successful in using age-appropriate communication regarding all aspects of patient care. |

| |Examples of topics for obstetrics included general postpartum care, nutrition, pain management, rest and exercise |

| |needs, newborn care, and breastfeeding. Topics for pediatrics included placing and NG-tube, explaining |

| |pathophysiology of a diseases, medications, pain management, importance of ambulation, nutrition needs, and using |

| |the incentive spirometer. |

| |Outcomes #3 |

| |Due to time constraints in post conference, and due to RN 102L clinical assignments, the team was not able to |

| |accommodate a speaker during the post conference time. Instead the RN 102L team developed a grading rubric for the |

| |community clinical journals. The rubric requires the student to explain what the role of the RN is in the community|

| |setting. Students are asked to reflect on their perception of the community RN role and professional behaviors and |

| |discuss any impact the experience had for their own professional development and future career as an RN. |

| |Plan #1 |

| |In Spring 2017 semester, we will continue with the same method of assessment. RN 102L students are continuing to |

| |familiarize themselves with the critical thinking process as a whole. However, the selecting and righting the |

| |correct NANDA is vital to developing appropriate planning, implementation, and evaluating the nursing process. |

| |Plan #2 |

| |In Spring 2017 semester, the RN 102L team will require students to participate in interprofessional communication |

| |with another health care professional. For example, the pharmacist, physician, respiratory therapist, dietician, |

| |child life therapist, physical therapist, etc. Based on recommended standards of practice for nursing, students are|

| |expected to grow their interprofessional skills. |

| |Plan #3 |

| |For Spring 2017 semester, the RN 102L team will require the students by week 14 to complete a minimum 1 page |

| |reflection paper on examples of how the student has grown professionally since 1st semester. |

| |Any issues/concerns with the course NONE |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |RN 200 |

| |Lecture Course : RN200 Role Transition |

| |FALL 2016 |


| |Lecture SLO report (end of semester) |

| |Thinking and Reasoning: |

| |Communication: |

| |Careers: |

| |Outcomes #1: 100% of the students submitted a satisfactory concept map (a score of at least 30 points) using the |

| |concept map instructions and grading criteria. All students were required to do a revision on the map. |

| |Outcomes #2: 100% of the students participated in a variety of exercises that emphasized the importance of |

| |therapeutic and professional communication. |

| |One exercise in particular requires the students to consider their top five professional behaviors that they felt |

| |were most important in their development of the professional nursing role. Students wrote those behaviors on the |

| |board and then explained what that professional behavior meant to them. |

| |Students also worked together in groups to share ideas about concept mapping and dimensional analysis problems. |

| | |

| |Outcomes #3: Five (5) of 17 students (29%) did not pass the skills testing on the first attempt. Four of the five |

| |students are awaiting entry into the 4th semester. |

| |All five students remediated successfully. One of the five students, however, spent very little time in the lab |

| |practicing any skills. |

| | |

| |Plan #1: Role transition is a course that is assisting incoming student to acclimate to the procedures required at |

| |SAC. Since the concept map is a substantial part of the clinical course, student in RN200 must have an opportunity |

| |to complete an individualized map. This experience will be continued in Fall 2017; however, a new patient scenario |

| |will be designed. |

| | |

| |Plan #2: Group activities emphasizing communication will be continued |

| | |

| |Plan #3: Skills testing will continue as planned, adding one more skill of administering intramuscular injections. |

| |Plan to assign points to each skill based on the level of difficulty. (To be discussed with Becky Miller). Points |

| |for skill demonstration will be awarded on the first demonstration attempt; instead of after remediation for anyone |

| |who was not successful the first time. If the student fails any skills demonstration, “0” points will be awarded for|

| |that particular skill. Any student scoring a “0” on any skill will be given an opportunity for remediation, and |

| |re-demonstration, however, the student is not able to earn any further points toward the course grade. All skills |

| |must be demonstrated successfully to pass the course. |

| |Kaplan summary (end of semester): Students must pass the Fundamentals Kaplan at the 60th percentile. Five students |

| |failed the Kaplan assessment |

| |Surveys summary (end of semester) Skills testing will add injections |

| | |

| |Any issues regarding course and/or student concerns:_ Five students to enter 4th semester; 4 of 5 failed initial |

| |skills testing. |

| | |

| |RN 201/201L: |

| |Lecture Course: |

| |FALL 2016: |

| |COURSE RETENTION: Traditional 34/38 and ECP 20/20 |

| |Lecture SLO report (end of semester) |

| |Thinking and Reasoning: 80% of students will be able to correctly answer questions from the final exam that are |

| |representative of the assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation phases of the Nursing Process. |

| |Communication: 80% of students will be able to correctly answer selected questions dealing with therapeutic |

| |communication from Exam #1. |

| |Careers: 80% of students will correctly answer selected test questions that reflect the professional role of the |

| |nurse. |

| |Outcomes #1: |

| |(Fall 2016) Assessment = 85% Planning = 81% Implementation = 79% Evaluation = 56% |

| |Outcomes #2: |

| |(Fall 2016) Question #1 = 87% Question #2 = 81% Question #3 = 79% Overall average 82% |

| |Outcomes #3: |

| |(Fall 2016) Exam #1 = 83% Exam #2 = 82% Exam #3 = 66% Exam #4 = 82% Exam #5 = 84% Average 79% |

| |Plan #1: We will continue to utilize the same questions until all categories have consistently met the benchmark. We|

| |will continue to use this type of assessment since it accurately reflects student achievement. |

| |Plan #2: Two additional questions will be added regarding specific nomenclature to therapeutic communication. |

| |Plan #3: The questions will continue to be utilized until the benchmark has been met consistently. The average is |

| |improving with the exception of the question on exam #3 this semester. |

| |Kaplan summary (end of semester): 18/58 did not meet the benchmark for Kaplan Pharmacology. Everyone completed |

| |remediation without difficulty. |

| |Surveys summary (end of semester) Students appreciated the lecture content |

| |Any issues regarding course and/or student concerns: NONE |

| |Comments: NONE |

| |Clinical Course: NRN 201L |

| |FALL 2016: |

| |COURSE RETENTION: Traditional 34/38 and ECP 20/20 |

| |Team Report Input: 2 main topics discussed: Grading rubrics and SLOs |

| |Through discussion of grading rubrics with positive and negative experiences highlighted, adjustments were made. All|

| |grading rubrics for the mental health rotation were revised as well as the clinical mystery assignment. |

| |Revision included: |

| |0 - 12 point grading rubric to match the Clinical Evaluation Tool numerical scale of 0 – 3. |

| |The 12 point breakdown is as follows: (0 – 3) = 0, (4 – 6) = 1, (7 – 9) = 2, and  (10 – 12) = 3 |

| |There are four assignment-specific criteria with an exception of one having only 3 criteria. |

| |The 3 numerical scale headings are: Exceeds Expectations = 3, Meets Expectations = 2, Does Not Meet Expectations = |

| |1, and Assignment Not Accepted = 0 |

| |Through discussion of SLOs, communication was consistently being met so evaluation tool changed to clinical mystery;|

| |see Plan #2 Clinical SLOs. |

| |Clinical SLO report (end of semester) |

| |Thinking and Reasoning: 95% of students will identify 90% of appropriate interventions related to the NANDA on their|

| |2nd Concept Map |

| |Communication: 90 % of students will correctly analyze their second Communication Analysis with 85% accuracy |

| |indicated by 17 out of 20 exchanges labeled correctly. |

| |Careers: 90% of students will demonstrate appropriate discharge teaching as evidenced by direct observation by |

| |instructor or facility RN utilizing a discharge checklist |

| |Outcomes #1: |

| |(Fall 2016) Outcome is a 9% decrease. The larger class size with more part-time faculty resulted in more variability|

| |in the grading of the concept maps. |

| | |

| |Outcomes #2: |

| |(Fall 2016) The benchmark is being consistently met for the last two recording periods so a new evaluation method |

| |will be implemented. |

| |Outcomes #3: |

| |(Fall 2016) This was the first semester that the discharge teaching tool was utilized. The outcome at 88% was |

| |acceptable, however, didn’t achieve the benchmark of 90% |

| |Plan #1: A new grading standard will be implemented in Spring 2017. The grade will be awarded on the student’s first|

| |submission of the concept map. Each clinical instructor will thoroughly explain the grading criteria for this |

| |assignment. |

| |Plan #2: Clinical Mystery presentation will be utilized as the assessment tool. New benchmark: 90 % of students will|

| |achieve at least 8 points on the Clinical Mystery assignment. |

| |Plan #3: This tool will again be utilized until the benchmark is achieved. |

| | |

| |Any issues regarding course and/or student concerns: NONE |

| |Comments: NONE |

| | |

| |202/202L: |

| |Lecture Course: RN 202 |

| |Course Retention: 100% |

| |Lecture SLO report (end of semester): |

| | |

| |Thinking and Reasoning: |

| |The RN 202 team randomly selected 5 questions from each of the four |

| |unit exams (50 questions) & the final exam (100 questions). |

| |The questions were at the analysis, implementation & synthesis level. |

| |One question was selected for each of the 5 phases of the nursing |

| |process: Assessing, Diagnosing, Planning, Implementing, Evaluating |

| | |

| |Once the questions were selected we looked at the statistical outcomes of each question to look at the percent of |

| |students who chose the correct response in each of the 5 areas |

| | |

| |Results: |

| |Assessing: 95% chose the correct response. |

| |Diagnosing: 80% chose the correct response. |

| |Planning: 88% chose the correct response. |

| |Implementing: 85% chose the correct response. |

| |Evaluating: 88% chose the correct response. |

| | |

| |Overall the students achieved: 87% correct selection of the questions related to the Nursing Process. There is a |

| |balance across all 5 phases of the nursing process. |

| | |

| |The faculty increased attention to diagnosing in lecture and exams. More attention was given in lecture to |

| |discussion of the correct implementations to select for patient problems. |

| | |

| |Action: Discussed that the implementation phase is most reflective of thinking and reasoning. To gather more |

| |significant data, will change to “setting priorities” and “making nursing judgments” instead of the whole nursing |

| |process. These 2 terms are used in the Kaplan exams. Will select two questions per exam of each – this will yield |

| |10 responses per category at the end of the semester. Faculty will give more time to student participation in |

| |selecting correct implementations earlier in the semester. |

| | |

| |Communication: |

| |The RN 202 team selected 3 random communication questions on each of the 4 exams plus the final exam. These |

| |questions were at the analysis, implementation & synthesis level. |

| | |

| |Results: |

| |Exam 1: Questions #8 (80% correct), 34 (93%), 44 (58%) = 77% average. |

| |Exam 2: Questions #25 (93%), 35 (100%), 26 (88%) = 94% average. |

| |Exam 3: Questions #28 (80%), 34 (75%), 35 (100%) = 85% average |

| |Exam 4: Questions #11 (75%), 32 (55%), 10 (90%) = 73% average |

| |Final Exam: Questions # 85 (67%), 92 (95%), 78 (75%) = 79% average |

| | |

| |Overall average = 82% of communication questions answered correctly. |

| | |

| |Follow-up: Faculty increased their communication discussion and testing throughout the course and inserted more |

| |communication questions into quizzes and small group discussions. No further action needed at this time. |

| | |

| |Plan: Will continue to include communication discussion & analyze effect on exams. |

| | |

| |Careers: |

| |The students who complete RN 202 will move into the final section of RN 202L Preceptorship. |

| | |

| |Completion of the Preceptorship will give the student a passing grade in RN 202L, thus making the graduate eligible |

| |for the NCLEX-RN examination. This will lead to a career as a registered nurse. |

| | |

| |Results: Fall 2016 RN 202 and RN 202L started with a class of 40 students enrolled in both classes. Following the |

| |final exam in RN 202 at the end of week 12, 40 students moved forward into the RN 202L preceptorship. An additional|

| |student (the one who took a health-related incomplete in spring 2016) joined the class for the preceptorship. |

| |At the end of the four week preceptorship, 40 students, 100% of those starting the course, successfully completed |

| |the preceptorship. Depending on completion of general education requirements and clearing the Department of Justice|

| |(DOJ) check, these students are now eligible to sit for the NCLEX-RN examination |

| |. |

| |Follow-up: No action required as 100% of those who started these classes completed them. This exceeds the Nursing |

| |Department standard. |

| | |

| |Plan: Continue with this method of evaluating the SLO of Careers. |

| | |

| | |

| |Kaplan summary (end of semester): 40 students took the Comprehensive Medical-Surgical exam. 68.6% was the cohort’s |

| |average score (norm=72%). There were 21 questions that scored 99% of the students were graded at satisfactory level or |

| |better. |

| | |

| |Follow-up: We have added a rubric to this measure – giving the instructor a measurable method of evaluation has |

| |yielded a more accurate measure. |

| | |

| |Plan: This measure of communication skills is working well. Will continue to use this procedure next semester. |

| | |

| |Careers: |

| | |

| |The students who complete RN 202 will move into the final section of RN 202L Preceptorship. |

| | |

| |Completion of the Preceptorship will give the student a passing grade in RN 202L, thus making the graduate eligible |

| |for the NCLEX-RN examination. This will lead to a career as a registered nurse. |

| | |

| |Results: Fall 2016 RN 202 and RN 202L started with a class of 40 students enrolled in both classes. Following the |

| |final exam in RN 202 at the end of week 12, 40 students moved forward into the RN 202L preceptorship. An additional|

| |student (the one who took a health-related incomplete in spring 2016) joined the class for the preceptorship. |

| | |

| |At the end of the four week preceptorship, 40 students, 100% of those starting the course, successfully completed |

| |the preceptorship. Depending on completion of general education requirements and clearing the Department of Justice|

| |(DOJ) check, these students are now eligible to sit for the NCLEX-RN examination. |

| | |

| |Follow-up: No action required as 100% of those who started these classes completed them. This exceeds the Nursing |

| |Department standard. |

| |Plan: Continue with this method of evaluating the SLO of Careers. |

| | |

| |Any issues regarding course and/or student concerns: none |

| |Comments: none |

|Student Services – Elva Negrete|All but 2 students have registered. | |

| |Elva participated in the extended orientation held last week. Elva has been fielding | |

| |phone calls from students since the orientation. Lippincott representatives gave an | |

| |extended orientation for their products. | |

| |Tutors this semester are all graduates of the SAC nursing program. | |

|Nursing Office Updates – Terry |Terry has a 990 key that will open the door to the nursing office. A new key, | |

|Grijalva |specific to the new lock on the door, is being made. The 1074 key will no longer | |

| |work. Contact Becky M. if you need one of the new keys to the Nursing Office. | |

| |Edith has moved to a new position over at SCC. A replacement position has been | |

| |posted. | |

| |A legend for the workroom calendar is in a Tupperware container on the shelf. Each | |

| |semester has their own color. Please use the correct color. | |

| |Contact phone numbers for faculty were handed out. | |

|Teaching and Learning Committee|There has not been a meeting since the last report. | |

|(TLC) |The next meeting will be February 21st. (Tuesday) | |

|– Becky Ettinger |Becky E. will be in clinical and so Mila will attend in her place. | |

|Faculty Scholarship |Maria, Teresa, and Mary presented information regarding simulation as well as the | |

|Maria Duralde, Teresa Simbro, |updated recommendations for best practice. Faculty then participated in a simulation | |

|Mary Steckler |exercise. | |

|CBC – Becky Haglund |Louise has created two trial quizzes in the Lippincott platform (Prep-U) for the | |

| |students to practice. Also 10 students have taken an actual quiz that was posted for| |

| |part of their course grade. The students do not seem to be having any difficulty with| |

| |the new learning platform. | |

| |Mila has also opened material in Blackboard for her students. Pre-lecture quizzes are| |

| |all posted. A PowerPoint has also been posted. Mila will evaluate how the students | |

| |are able to navigate through the courses. | |

|Faculty Committee Report – |The Faculty meeting dates for Spring 2017 semester are: | |

|Rosemarie Hirsch |February 9 | |

| |April 21 | |

| |June 2 | |

| | | |

| |CTEA (Career & Technical Education Act or the Perkins Act) grant application paperwork| |

| |was sent to you on February 2, 2017. The grant application needs to be submitted no | |

| |later than Friday, March 17th. The timeline is very short. Please think about the | |

| |grant and submit any ideas, budget considerations, etc. to Rosemarie by the end of | |

| |February, so that we can move forward with this application | |

|Old Business |

|SLO’s Mary S. |Student Learning Outcomes – Mary would like to be moved up to the regular part of the | |

| |agenda. | |

| |The full report that is entered into the TRACDAT program was handed out to faculty. | |

| |Faculty are encouraged to review the document and look at what the other semesters are| |

| |doing. Under “actions”, faculty need to list what they will need (staff, resources, | |

| |faculty development). This allows Mary to enter the information into TRACDAT, which | |

| |is then flagged. Mary reiterated to faculty that students need to know what | |

| |activities they are engaged in that are being assessed. She also clarified the | |

| |difference between an objective and an outcome. | |

| |Objective: what the teacher is going to teach | |

| |Outcome: what the student will be able to do when they leave the course. | |

|Content Experts |No report at this time | |

|– Rosemarie Hirsch | | |

| |New Business | |

|February Flex Activity |Dr Tammy Vant Hul from Riverside Community College gave a very informative | |

|The Flipped classroom |presentation regarding the “flipped” classroom. | |

| | | |

Next Meeting: March 10, 2017


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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