Passive Voice Practice 3 - Estrella Mountain

Passive Voice Questions Mixed Tenses

Tense & Question Review

Directions: Write questions in the passive voice to complete the conversations on the lines below. Use the question word/passive subject/verb/agent below the lines to help you make your sentences. If there is no question word, simply start with the auxiliary verb to make a yes/no type of question. If there is no agent, it’s not necessary to include one in your question. Make all your questions in the passive voice and use the verb tense indicated (in parentheses). Be careful – other lines in the conversations might be in the active voice, but be sure to change to the passive voice when you write. Also, the verb that you see below the blank line is in the simple form. You will need to change it into its past participle form and add the correct form of be for the auxiliary verb.


Letina: They’re demolishing that house over there.

Ninel: Really? Why is that house being demolished?

why / house /demolish/ --- (present progressive)

Letina: I don’t know. It’s not that old, but it was in bad shape.

Nancy: I saw a pest control truck by that house last week.

Guadalupe: Has it been destroyed by termites?

--- / it / destroy / termites (present perfect)

Nancy: It’s possible. There are termites around here.

Now, you continue:

Betty: I don’t think it was termites. I heard it was lightning.

1. Cristina: Really? ____________________________________________________

when / it / strike / lightning (simple past)

Eva: Well, there was a big storm a few weeks ago.

Elisa: I saw some people taking carpet out of the house.

2. Eric: Strange. ___________________________________________________

why / carpet / take out / --- (past progressive)

Elisa: I’m not sure.

3. Maria R : _____________________________________________________

* what / do with / the carpet / --- (simple past)

Lucy: I saw them throw it in a dumpster.

4. Mitzi ______________________________________________________

why / it / throw away / --- (simple past)

Yadira: Well, the carpet was moldy and wet. You know, we got a lot of rain in addition to the lightning in that storm.

5. Maria L: _______________________________________________________

--- / the house / damage / water (present perfect)

Yadira: Maybe.


Miroslava: Did you hear that a new restaurant is being built near the college?

6. Jacqueline: No, I didn’t. So, _______________________________


what street / it / build on / ---- (present progressive)

Miroslava: Indian School Road. It’s going to be a pizza place.

7. Nhe: Another pizza place? We have lots of those already.


why /another pizza place / construct / ---- (present progressive)

8. Diane: Yeah, ______________________________________________


when /Korean restaurant / open / ---- (future)

Kasha: Hmm, I could really go for some kim chee.

9. Diane: I’m surprised you know about kim chee, Kasha.

_________________________________________________ a lot in Poland?

--- / kim chee / serve / ---- (simple present)

10. Judith: I’m confused. What food are you talking about?


what /kim chee / make from / ---- (simple present)


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