
SAVE IN YOUR WEEK 2 FOLDERDay 3- Thesaurus Activity 1: In the sentences below, replace the word walked with a more suitable word. You can choose from the following list found in a thesaurus. limped, strode, sneaked, toddled, paced, rambled, tramped, shuffled, plodded, strutted, strolled, stomped, hobbled, marched, sauntered, prowledThe nature lover walked through the woods.The lame man walked across the floor.The happy couple walked down the lane.The daring knight walked into the hall.The tourist walked through the art gallery.The soldiers walked to the station.Captain Smith walked up and down the deck.The burglar walked through the house.The sick woman walked over the table.The small child walked through the room.Activity 2In the sentences below, replace the over-used word good with another word which is more precise and vivid. Use the thesaurus (Review? Proofing? Thesaurus) to find the words you need.Little Denise had been good all day.It is a good day today.They sell good clothes in that shop.He is a good runner.They all had a good time.His results in the test were good.She was a good mother.It is a good walk from Wal-Mart to Walgreen’s.Activity 3Use the Thesaurus to find synonyms for the words in bold and underlined. Fix any punctuation errors you find in the story (There are at least 8 punctuation errors).Aunt Skeeter and the bad Itch.It was a very hot day, out on the Bluebell farm. Aunt Skeeter had been working in the garden since daybreak. She looked up at the hot sun. and wished she were swimming in the cool creek down the road. All at once a good idea came to her mind? She decided a swim was just what she needed. She ran down to the creek and jumped right in! A smile spread across Aunt Skeeter's face; as she floated on the water. However, her nice swim didn't last for long. All of a sudden! Aunt Skeeter let out a cry that could be heard in the next county. She jumped up out of the water like she'd been shot from a cannon. She wiggled and squirmed as she tried to find the source. of her discomfort. After one big shake, a fat catfish came flopping out of Aunt Skeeter's overalls. Seeing the catfish made Aunt Skeeter laugh so hard that that she had the hiccups for two days? ................

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