Master thesis structure - Universitetet i oslo

Master thesis proposal with discussion of methods (10-12 pages)

Title telling as precise as possible what the thesis is about. Remember that people search for key words, so the key words that you think describe your research should appear in the title.

Abstract (5-8 sentences)


• The domain area of your research (e.g. implementation of information systems)

• The most relevant previous findings in this area; reference to key literature

• Your research problem and research approach towards the problem

• The objective of the thesis: how far you hope to advance knowledge in the field

Research Problem (problem formulation)

• Your research problem and why this is worthwhile studying

• What do you want to know?

• State your research questions.

Motivations: intellectual motivation and personal motivation

• What concerns and interests motivate your masters (or doctoral) research?

• What contributions to knowledge are you aiming for?

• Why did you choose this topic?

Research design and research methods

• How will you find out what you want to know?

• What is your overall research approach?

• Discuss the research method by which you will investigate the world.

• Provide a short summary of the available methods for your research topic.

• What methods have you decided to use and why?

• Articulate units of analysis, if you can do so at this point.

• If you will combine methods (qualitative and quantitative), how and why will you combine them?

• For case study research, explain your rationale criteria for choices of cases and for sampling.

• In arguing for the research methods you have chosen, also indicate any limits you see.

• Describe your research plans (phases of research, use of methods for understanding aspects of your research).

• You may want to provide a timeline or table to help communicate your research plans and overall research design.

[For INF-QUAL, make use of selected readings from the course.]

Presentation of the part of the world to be studied

• Establish your research settings, contexts, cases.

• Establish what, where, when, who, why and how (as much as you can at this point)

Related literature, concepts and theoretical focus

• Provide at least preliminary literature review regarding your research problem and domain (more if you are farther in your masters or doctoral thesis research).

• If you plan to use key concepts in your thesis research and analysis, introduce the concepts briefly with core references (e.g., actor-networks, activity theory, globalization).

• Establish your ‘working concepts’ or intermediate concepts (between conceptual/theoretical framing and your field research/data).

• Theoretical focus is more important for doctoral research whereas conceptual framing is more usual for masters thesis research.

• [For your thesis, you will need to survey the literature (journals, conferences, book chapters) on the areas that are relevant to your research questions. One section per area.]

Aims and objectives of the research

• What do you aim to contribute to knowledge?

• Describe constructive systems design results you are aiming for, e.g. to create a prototype, simulation, application.


A complete list of written documents you have referred to in the report.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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