Peer Review: Introductory Paragraph (narrative essay)

Peer Review: Introductory Paragraph (narrative essay)

Who wrote the paragraph? __________________________ Date _________

Who reviewed the paragraph? _______________________ Period ________

Directions: Read another student’s introductory paragraph. Use the check list below to check off what worked well in the introduction you read. Complete the bottom portion of this sheet as well. When you’re finished, please staple this sheet to the front of the introductory paragraph that you read, and return it to the author.

Please check each circle that is TRUE for introductory paragraph you read.

The introductory paragraph I read:

o Is clear and focused.

o Contains a hook that encourages the reader to continue reading.

o Connects with the reader.

o Contains enough relevant details so that the reader is clear and wants to keep reading.

o Contains a statement that shows the reader what the rest of the essay will be about.

o Contains only relevant information—there are no random thoughts just stuck in it.

o Contains correctly spelled words.

o Contains correct grammar and agreement.

o Contains correct use of commas.


(1) What did you find in this introduction that you, as the reader, connected with?


(2) Comment on improvements that may need to be made to the introduction.



(3) Please circle what you feel is the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph that you just read.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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