12 Amazing New Marketing Trends & Breakthroughs to Grow or ...

For Business Owners, Marketing Directors and Non-Profit Organizations...

"12 Amazing New Marketing Trends & Breakthroughs to Grow or Launch a Product

or Service Despite the Government"

Craig Huey, 79-time award-winning financial, consumer, fundraising/membership and B2B marketing genius. Author of 16 Secrets to Raising Capital from Accredited Investors Under the JOBS Act, The Coming Economic Tsunami and other books.

Now you can learn little-known trends and profitable growth strategies from Craig Huey, 79 time award-winning marketer.

Discover this marketing legend's secret tactics at FreedomFest Las Vegas during the Afternoon Session on Friday, July 10, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. in the Sunset 5/6 Room.

If you want to...

? Dramatically boost your sales, clients or donors ? See your client base soar because of advanced

marketing strategies

? Discover inventive ways to raise capital with the JOBS Act

Then, stop by the Afternoon Session at FreedomFest at Planet Hollywood on Friday, July 10 to hear legendary marketer Craig Huey's presentation "12 Amazing New Marketing Trends & Breakthroughs to Grow or Launch a Product or Service Despite the Government."

During this fast-paced, information-packed presentation, you'll discover specific recommendations and strategies you can use to grow your business or organization.

You'll discover...

? How to target the perfect prospect ? Shocking test results so you don't lose time or

waste money

? The amazing secret to improving profits using special

direct response copy and art strategies

? What media you should NEVER use ? 4 little-known ways to increase results ? Introducing the videolog: the direct mail

innovation that immediately plays a video

? You won't believe Facebook will allow this! ? Email vs. direct mail: Costly and unnecessary

mistakes most marketers make that decrease response

? The #1 marketing blunder - The answer may surprise


? 7 online lead-generation tactics that drive quality leads

? 9 ways to use direct mail/online synergy to lower your cost per lead

Craig Huey's business expertise puts him on the news regularly, including interviews with Neil Cavuto, Charles Payne and other media programs.

? Eye-opening new marketing trends you most likely haven't heard yet

? 3 counterintuitive reasons data modeling can boost B2B, consumer and fundraising profits

? Why retargeting changes everything ? Bookalog and magalog breakthroughs ? Banner ads, videos, QR codes and social

media success tactics

? And much more...

Bonus: 3 Profit megatrends that will put your marketing in steroids.

Caleb Huey, Marketing Strategist

Caleb will show you actionable steps to take to profit from three game changing trends. JOBS Act Modeling Facebook

You'll come away with dozens of time-tested strategies to dramatically increase your clients and profits--or raise capital.

(Over please)

Craig Huey and his team have helped small businesses become multimillion-dollar corporations. And he's helped huge corporations grow even bigger.

Plus, his detailed understanding

of both the Austrian and Chicago schools of economics - and

Talk with Craig or Caleb

experience with

after the

investment marketing - presentation!

have given him the

insight to understand business trends.

NEW - how to target and market to the Accredited Investor and generate new capital using the JOBS Act.

FREE for every attendee.

Special complimentary consultation

And after the presentation, feel free to share your current materials or objectives with Craig.

Or call Creative Direct Marketing Group

To find out more about CDMG's direct marketing services that could help your business grow, call Craig personally at 310212-5727.

NO COST or OBLIGATION After helping generate millions of leads, clients and donors, nobody knows marketing better than Creative Direct Marketing Group.

Nobody knows investment/JOBS Act, consumer/ fundraising and B2B marketing better! 21171 S. Western Ave., Suite 260 Torrance, CA 90501 Tel: 310-212-5727 Fax: 310-212-5773 Email: craig@

What they say about Craig Huey...

Helped me build a market-dominating multimillion-dollar corporation: "I've been working with Craig Huey for 30 years. He helped me build a multimillion-dollar corporation from nothing...to dominating my market. Listen closely to what Craig has to say. You can attain the same success I have with his accountable marketing trends and strategies."

- Dr. Bruce West, Publisher Health Alert

92% increase in response rate: "Impressive results. My average dollar order increased by 18%, and the response rate for the test range increased by 92%."

- Carlton Lutts, Cabot Investment Management

720% increase in sales: "Craig was very helpful during a difficult period of our business. The improvement was 322% in sales. The best month had an increase of 720%. The results exceeded our expectations and we are very happy."

- E. G. Peterson, President, P.I.T., Inc.

Best around: "Craig Huey is the best direct marketer in the business. He launched and built my service--the largest online system in the world."

- Dr. Bart DiLiddo, VectorVest, Inc.

SEE how they did it! Investment clients have included: The Motley Fool, , Zacks Investment Management, Standard & Poor's, Prudent Bear Fund, Blanchard and Company, Monex International, Permanent Portfolio, James Dines, Doug Casey, , Lear Capital, VectorVest, Harry Schultz, Goldline, First Hour T rading, Agora Publishing and dozens of other companies in the investment and hard money fields.

Consumer and business-to-business clients have included: Reason Magazine, Chevron Oil, WeightWatchers, Health Alert, Variel Health Spas, Hooked on Phonics, True Religion Jeans, SurfControl, The Weather Channel, 1-800 Contacts, Sun Chlorella, and The Hollywood Reporter and over 300 others.

Fundraising and political clients have included: Ron Paul for President, Athletes in Action, Citizens for National Defense, Jews for Jesus, Bruce Eberle, Creation Science Research, Biola University, Committee to Stop the Bail-Out of Multinational Banks, Human Life Foundation, Pacific Justice Institute, California Club for Growth, Foundation for Economic Education, Family Life Seminars and many more.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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