Sowing & Reaping - Sermon Outlines. Org


Galatians 6:7-9

Robert Watt, the inventor of the radar was arrested himself for speeding. By radar! Shortly after this irony he wrote:

Pity Sir Robert Watson Watt, Strange target of a radar plot,

And this, with others he could mention, A victim of his own invention

There are laws God has given that govern the universe::

Our lives are constantly being effected by civil laws, natural laws, and spiritual laws.

- The law of gravity:- What goes up …must come down -If I let go of this book what will happen?

- The law of mathematics:- 2 parallel lines… do not meet

- Newton’s 1st law of Motion- an object remains at rest unless a greater force moves itt.

Parents of teenagers saw this law in action this morning

- Newton’s 3rd law of Motion Cause Effect –for every action …there is an equal and opposite reaction

- The law of home life: If mama isn’t happy- nobody’s happy!

- The law of harvest:- whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap.

∅This Scripture is both dreadful and wonderful. 

Like all laws-it depends entirely on which side you are on!!

I. A sCIENTIFIC principle " whatsoever a man soweth."

-You can’t Get Away FROM it!

Gen 8:22 “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”

Paul applies agricultural assesment to all aspects of life.

(The rules that apply to the SOIL apply to the SOUL as well!

Many eastern religions teach what they call Karma. The Chinese religions call this Ying Yang.

They get the CONCEPT of CONSEQUENCE correct …even as they get the CAUSE wrong!

A. THE PRINCIPLE Of production

* I read of a little boy who used play in a tree. One day, his father told him that he was going to chop down the fruit tree, because it hadn't borne any fruit for a number of years. That evening, the boy bought a bushel of apples, and during the night, tied those apples on the barren branches.

The next morning, the man could not believe his eyes. He said to his wife, "Honey, I just can't believe it! That old tree hasn't yielded any fruit for years, and now it's covered with apples. And, the most amazing thing is that it's a pear tree!"

Whatsoever “THAT”- not something else but “THAT’!

You can’t sow wild oats all week and pray for crop failure on Sunday!

What is reaped will be of the same SORT as what was sowed.

An acorn will not grow an apple tree!

∅What you SOW is what’s gonna GROW !

If you plant WHEAT you won’t get WATERMELONS! If you plant CORN you won’t get CUCUMBERS!

If I ever plant a garden…I will NOT be planting Rutabagas! Why? Because I don’t want any!!

➢ This applies to ParTNERS--- You get OUT what you put IN!

If you keep doing after you’re married, what you did in order to get married, you won’t be unmarried.

➢ This applies to Parents---if your child is spoiled—it is NOT their fault!

If you teach them to lie FOR you—they will lie TO you! (“Tell them I’m not home!” “Tell them you are under 12!” )

➢ This applies to PRODIGY---

- if you DON’T do, what you SHOULD do, you don’t GET to do what you WANT to do!

* 5th commandment

>>> We see this often in our own CHILDREN! ................

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