Biology 231 - Anatomy and Physiology I

Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology 1 (BI 121)

Muscle List

Muscles of the Head and Neck

|Muscle |Origin(s) |Insertion(s) |Action(s) |

|frontalis |cranial aponeurosis |skin of eyebrows |raises eyebrows |

|orbicularis oculi |frontal bone and maxilla |skin around eyes/eyelids |blinks and closes eye |

|orbicularis oris |maxilla and mandible |skin and muscle at corner of mouth |puckers lips |

|buccinator |maxilla and mandible |orbicularis oris |compresses cheek |

|zygomaticus |zygomatic bone |skin and muscles at corner of mouth|elevates corner of mouth (smiling) |

|masseter |temporal bone |mandible |closes jaw and elevates mandible |

|temporalis |temporal bone |mandible |closes jaw and elevates mandible |

|platysma |fascia of chest and deltoid |mandible and muscle at corner of |depresses mandible, pulls lower lip|

| | |mouth |back and down |

|sternocleidomastoid |sternum and clavicle |mastoid process of temporal bone |flexes neck, rotates head |

Trunk Muscles

|Muscle |Origin(s) |Insertion(s) |Action(s) |

|pectoralis major |clavicle, sternum , & ribs (1-6) |greater tubercle of humerus |flexes, adducts, & medially rotates|

| | | |humerus |

|external intercostals |inferior border of each rib |superior border of the next rib |elevates ribs during inspiration |

|internal intercostals |superior border of each rib |inferior border of the previous rib|draws ribs together during |

| | | |expiration |

|rectus abdominus |pubis |sternum and costal cartilages of |flexes vertebral column |

| | |ribs 5-7 | |

|external oblique |lower 8 ribs |Iliac crest of ilium |flexes vertebral column, rotate and|

| | | |laterally flexes the trunk |

|internal oblique |Iliac crest of ilium |costal cartilages of last 3 ribs |flexes vertebral column, rotate and|

| | | |laterally flexes the trunk |

|transversus abdominus |iliac crest and last 5-6 ribs |pubis |compresses abdomen |

|trapezius |occipital bone & all cervical & |clavicle & scapula |extends neck, adducts and |

| |thoracic vertebrae | |stabilizes scapula, |

|latissimus dorsi |lower 3-4 ribs, spine of lower |intertubercular groove of humerus |extends, adducts, & medially |

| |vertebrae, and iliac crest | |rotates humerus |

|erector spinae |sacrum, iliac crest, ribs 3-12, |ribs, thoracic and cervical |extends vertebral column |

| |various vertebrae |vertebrae | |

Muscles of the Arm

|Muscle |Origin(s) |Insertion(s) |Action(s) |

|deltoid |clavicle & scapula |deltoid tuberosity |abducts humerus |

|biceps brachii |coracoids process of scapula |radial tuberosity |flexes at elbow & supinates forearm|

|triceps brachii |scapula & humerus |olecranon process |extends at elbow |

|flexors |humerus |carpals and metacarpals |flexes & abducts or adducts wrist |

|extensors |humerus |metacarpals |extends & abducts or adducts wrist |

Muscles of the Hip

|Muscle |Origin(s) |Insertion(s) |Action(s) |

|iliopsoas |vertebrae (T12-L5) and iliac fossa |lesser trochanter |flexes at hip & flexes lumbar spine|

|adductors |ischium and pubis |proximal femur |adduct thigh |

|gluteus maximus |ilium, sacrum, & coccyx |proximal femur |extends and laterally rotates thigh|

|gluteus medius |ilium |proximal femur |abducts and medially rotates thigh |

Muscles of the Thigh

|Muscle |Origin(s) |Insertion(s) |Action(s) |

|sartorius |anterior superior iliac spine |tibia |flexes at knee, flexes and |

| | | |laterally rotates thigh |

|rectus femoris |ilium (anterior inferior spine) & |tibial tuberosity via patellar |extends knee & flexes thigh at hip |

| |rim of acetabulum |tendon | |

|vastus medialis |femur |tibial tuberosity |extends knee |

|vastus lateralis |greater trochanter of femur |tibial tuberosity |extends knee |

|vastus intermedius |femur |tibial tuberosity |extends knee |

|biceps femoris |ischial tuberosity and distal femur|lateral condyle of tibia and head |extends thigh and laterally flexes |

| | |of fibula |at knee |

|semimembranosus |ischial tuberosity |proximal tibia |extends thigh, flexes at knee, and |

| | | |medially rotates leg |

|semitendinosus |ischial tuberosity |proximal tibia |extends thigh, flexes at knee, and |

| | | |medially rotates leg |

Muscles of the Leg

|Muscle |Origin(s) |Insertion(s) |Action(s) |

|tibialis anterior |lateral condyle of tibia |base of 1st metatarsal & median |dorsiflexes & inverts foot |

| | |cuneiform bone | |

|peroneus muscles |proximal fibula |metatarsals of foot |plantar flex and evert foot |

|gastrocnemius |medial and lateral condyles of |calcaneous via calcaneal tendon |plantar flexes, inverts, & adducts |

| |femur | |foot, flexes knee |


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