China - Humble Independent School District

South America

Directions: Answer the questions using complete sentences.


Name: Period: GRADE:

1. What 2 bodies of water make up the coastlines of most Central American countries?

2. What is a major transportation corridor used to move people and products?

3. How much of the continent does the rainforest in Brazil take up?

4. Where are some of the world’s longest and largest rivers found?

5. What river separates Argentina and Paraguay?


Central America is an _____________, a narrow piece of land that links two larger areas of land, that ___________ North and South America. Most of the countries have ____ coastlines on the _________ Ocean and the _____________ Sea.

The Central Highlands are a narrow chain of ____________ mountains. The volcanic material provides good _______ for farming.

The Panama Canal is a ____________________ corridor used to _______ people and products from one place to another.


Many ______________ islands are part of an ______________ chain of mountains formed by volcanoes. The volcanic soil is rich.

Other islands are ________________ mountains which have a sandy soil ____ good for farming.


South America has many different land forms. The ________ Mountains are located on the west coast in _______ which has rich soil for farming.

In the south through ________________ and Paraguay is the Pampas _________ which are similar to the Great Plains in the U.S.

The ___________ Basin located in Brazil is home to the world’s ________ rainforest which takes up _____ of the continent.

Some of the __________ and _________ rivers in the world are found in South America. The rivers provide fish, ________________ when roads aren’t available, and __________________ power.

The Rio de la Plata _____________ Argentina and Paraguay.

The Amazon River is 7,000 miles long and has ____ tributaries. It’s the world’s ____ largest river carrying 20% of the _______ river water and drains an area of more than 2 million sq miles.

6. Why is tourism a major economic activity in Latin America?

7. TRUE or FALSE: Caribbean countries have rich soil and good climate for farming sugarcane, bananas, coffee, cacao, and citrus fruits.

8. What South America country has oil as a natural resource?

9. Some Latin America countries don’t have what to help develop their resources?

10. What can lower the amount of crops raised in a country?


Tropical Wet - Hot ________, rainy weather all year round (parts of Brazil – ____________ area)

Tropical Wet and Dry - Hot, rainy, but not all year (parts of Brazil and most of the_______________)

Humid Subtropical - Similar to Southern ______ - crops grow well here.

These climates and many beautiful beaches make _____________ a major economic industry in Latin America.


Central America

• Good ___________ and soil for farming

• ___________, cotton, sugarcane, bananas, and cacao trees

• Fish and _____________

• Hydroelectric power


• Rich ______ and good climate for _________

• Sugarcane, bananas, __________, cacao, and citrus fruits

South America

• Oil found, especially ___________________

• Plants and fish

• Forests cover about ½ of the continent (Brazil) good for ____________ Industry.

• Rich soil – _________ and other crops flourish


• _____ all countries have a natural resource

• Some countries don’t have the __________ to develop their resources

• Weather can cause problems as it can affect the supply but climate is good for __________.

• Prices of resources can go _________

• Plant __________ can lower the amount of crop raised

• Oil _____________ – can be risky as prices change, ________ disasters can affect supply


In the 1900s, foreign countries started ________ in Latin America to improve their economic situation. However, the Latin Americans did not _________, the foreign companies made money which gave them a lot of economic ________.

11. How did Latin American countries improve their economic situation?

12. TRUE or FALSE: Numerous forests make logging a primary industry in Brazil?

13. Who would likely cut down trees in rainforests for profit?




14. In the 1400s, why did the Spanish and Portuguese come to the Americas?

15. Why is Brazil Portugal’s only colony in South America?

16. What are Conquistadors?

17. TRUE or FALSE: Spanish settlers were given the right to demand taxes & labor from the Native Americans.

To improve their economic situation, they began building their _____ factories. Things started to improve in the 1970s, but during the 1980s the price of _____ which was needed to run factories rose while product prices _________. Countries then borrowed money and were now in _______.

Today, Latin American countries ________ how much foreign countries can invest in their countries to avoid losing __________ of their economy. They also trade with one another to get items they need ____________.

The logging industry is a ___________ business in Brail. The businesses are ____________ from the cutting down of trees in the rainforests, but it’s not good for the _________________.


During the 1400s, _________ and _____________ began searching for new trade routes to Asia. In 1492, Christopher ______________ thought he found India, but instead he found the____________.

Spain and Portugal soon became ___________ over the land in the Americas. In 1494, the Treaty of Tordesillas was signed; it gave _________ land in the ___________, and _____________ land in the east. This is why __________ is Portugal’s only South America colony.


Spain gave the ___________________ (Spanish explores) the right to hunt for _______________ in the new lands. They could use _______ means necessary to get their treasure. Spain was given _______ of any treasure the Conquistadors found.

It only took Spain ______ years to conquer the land and people of Latin America. They had _________, cannons, and horses where the Natives did not. European ____________ also killed the people wiping out entire villages.


In the 1540s, Spain had land from _____________ in the United States down through __________ in South America. Then there became ____ classes of people, the Spanish, Mestizos, and Native Americas.

18. Loss of human rights is likely to be present in which form of government.

Limited or Unlimited

19. What 2 countries are similar in that they both have unlimited governments?

20. What does an economic sanction mean?

21. What 2 factors have had a great influence on the early development of South America?

22. TRUE or FALSE: Spain and Portugal’s early cultural influences on South America are language, religion, and architecture.

23. Describe how immigration has influenced the Latin American people?

24. What trait best explains why Latin America is considered a culture region?

Spain gave its settlers the right to demand _________ or __________ from the lowest class, the Native Americas. Many Natives died from overwork, malnutrition, and diseases. In _____ years, their population went from ______ million in 1519 down to _____ million.


______ Latin American countries have a _____________ government. However, both Cuba and Venezuela have ___________________ governments in which there is a loss of human rights.

Cuba has had _______________________________ (trade restrictions) placed on the country due to a ________ of human ____________ of the Cuban people.


________________ and conquest by European countries has greatly __________________ the early development of South America.

Migration has also influenced the ___________ groups of Latin America. Latin Americans are a mixture the ______________, ___________ (who were brought through the slave trade), and _____________ Americans.

Spain and Portugal have influenced the languages, religions, and _____________________ (buildings) of South America.

Latin America is considered a culture ___________ because of its language; most countries speak _______________ with the exception of Brazil where ____________________ is spoken due to Portugal’s colonization.


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