Civil Rights

Civil Rights Review II

Major Civil Rights Laws

(Please use the answers for questions # 35-52)

During the 1950s and 1960s African-Americans took two major actions to reshape American public opinion and gain passage of federal _______ ________ legislation. First, African-Americans worked through the ________ court system. In other words, black Americans filed racial _____________ cases in federal court. Second, civil rights organizations used ________ protest and ____-__________ resistance. The modern civil rights movement began in 1954, when the Supreme Court handed down its decision in __________ v. __________ of __________ of Topeka.

Eighteen months later Dr. ________ ________ ______, Jr. became a nationally known civil rights leader. In 1955-56 Dr. King led the ____________ _____ ____________. The Montgomery Bus Boycott was the boycott by black citizens of the Montgomery Alabama bus system to protest ____________ seating. The term boycott means African-Americans _________ to ______ the city buses until the bus company ended segregated seating. The Montgomery Bus Boycott started after the arrest of _______ ________, an African-American woman. City officials arrested Mrs. Parks because she violated Montgomery’s _____ _____________ law by refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. In late 1956 the Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation on Montgomery’s city buses was _______________, because it violated the 14th Amendment by denying African-American citizens “________ ____________ of the laws.” The Supreme Court used the _________ decision as precedent for its decision in the Montgomery bus segregation case.

In 1963 several civil rights organizations joined together in sponsoring a _________ on _____________. The purpose of the March on Washington was to lobby (pressure) Congress for passage of major ________ ________ laws. Approximately ________ Americans participated in the March on Washington. The climax of this event was Dr. Martin Luther King’s “___ have a ________” speech. The 1963 March on Washington was important for two reasons. First, it helped influence ________ _________ to support major civil rights legislation. Second, it showed the power of

___-________mass protest.

In November 1963 President John F. Kennedy was _____________, and ___________ __. ___________ became president. President ___________ played an important role in gaining Congressional passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1965 Voting Rights Act, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968. The 1964 Civil Rights Act did three things. First, it outlawed racial, religious, and _____ discrimination by ____________. Second, it outlawed ________, religious, and sex discrimination in _________ places. This provision (part) of the law made it illegal to segregate public buildings or _______. It also made it illegal for _________, _________, and _____________ to deny service to customers because of their race. Third, the 1964 Civil Rights Act gave the federal government ________ power to __________ all the laws governing civil rights.

The 1965 Voting Rights Act had two main parts. First, the Voting Rights Act outlawed __________ _________ as a requirement for voting. A literacy test was a test to determine if a person could _______ and ________ before allowing them to register to vote. ____________ states had used literacy tests as a means to deny African-Americans the right to vote. Second, the Voting Rights Act sent _________ registrars to the ________ to register African-American voters. This law resulted in a _________ ____________ in the number of African-Americans voters throughout the South.

In 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was ______________. In his memory President Johnson asked Congress to pass the ________ ________ Act of 1968. The 1968 Civil Rights Act outlawed racial discrimination in the _______ or ________ of __________.


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