Doom Legacy: A Reference Guide

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Overview 4

Installation 5

Multiplayer 7

New Linedefs 10


Welcome to Doom Legacy: A Reference Guide. Doom Legacy is a Doom source port that was started when id Software released the source code for their world-famous game Doom. It started as a simple port for DOS, adding better mouse support, jumping, skins and a few new editing features.

Since its creation Legacy has gained many editing features, including the addition of 3d floors and a scripting language called Fraggle Script. Since there have been so many additions the original Legacy documentation is lacking many important pieces of information. And although I have tried to keep up the documentation on Fraggle Script, it has been a difficult task as some functions that were originally implemented, were implemented incorrectly, or not implemented at all.

The aim of this publication is to document all of the Legacy editing features in a printable and electronically searchable document so that people wishing to make modifications to the game will be able to find the answers to all their questions. I also hope to put some tutorials in this guide, to eliminate the need for endless questions on the Legacy Forum. Another purpose of this document is to explain some of the program’s structure so future developers, or novice programmers might make changes to the source.

So what are you waiting for? Stop reading this introduction and get started.


Legacy Coder

Legacy Overview

o Extended video modes

o OpenGL render

o Partial transparency on sprites and textures

o Status bar overlay and transparency

o 3 selectable crosshairs

o Coronae and global fog in OpenGL

o Engine limitations extended or removed

o Jumping

o Walk above/below things

o Freelook

o Chase-cam

o 3d floors

o Swim-able water

o DeHackEd support

o Boom support

o Scripting language

o Deathmatch rankings

o Game options can be toggled in game

o Console

o Key bindings

o Control setup menu

o Multiplayer menu

o 32 multiplayer gaming

o 11 player colors

o Skins

o Teamplay modes

o Split-screen mode

o TCP/IP protocol

o MP3/Ogg support in Win32 binary

o Launcher for Win32 binary


Now that you have the zip file sitting on your hard drive and you’re reading this section, you are probably wondering how to install Doom Legacy. Don’t worry; it is a fairly simple process, just follow the following instructions step by step.


Unzip the Legacy file into either your Doom directory or a blank directory. If your IWADs (e.g. doom.wad) are not in the folder you unzipped Legacy into, copy them to that directory. You must have the original wads or the Doom shareware wad to use Legacy. In the future, Legacy will support free IWADs like FreeDoom. Now you can use the command line to start Legacy, or you can use the launcher.

If you decide to use the launcher it will require some additional setup. Start the launcher by running launcher.exe and it should tell you that it is your first time running the launcher and to setup the file locations. After you close the dialog, setup the file locations following these instructions:

1. Click the Game Mode button to open the Game setup window.

2. Fill in the boxes by clicking the … button beside them. Place the path to the Legacy executable (legacy.exe) in the top box and your IWADs in the rest. Use the radio buttons to select the IWAD you want Legacy to use, and then press OK.

3. Now click the Setup button and select which render you wish to use. There are other options, please see the launcher appendix for information about those.

4. Now you can click Launch to start Legacy with no PWADs or add-on files or you can select Single Map to specify many options.

5. If you receive an error about a file called doomargs.tmp not being found, create a blank text file in your Legacy directory and rename it to doomargs.tmp. To do this you might have to change the options in Windows to display file extensions or you can rename it from the command line.


Linux / Unix

[fill these sections]


This section will describe the different multiplayer modes and different ways of starting a multiplayer game. It will also give you a list of ports that Legacy uses so you can setup your router to allow for multiplayer games.

Multiplayer in General

Legacy offers 3 Deathmatch modes of play and the original cooperative mode. Legacy at present does not have a dedicated mode, thus one player must be the server. It’s a good idea to choose the fastest machine to be the server since the server will have to keep up with the local player and all of the clients as well. Multiplayer games can be started by the command line, the in-game menus and in Windows, the launcher. If clients do not have the PWADs that the server is using, the server will attempt to send those files. However, this decreases bandwidth, so it may be a good idea to make sure everyone has the same files. Below are the ports Legacy uses for the TCP/IP protocol. Since IPX is not directly routable over the internet you can only use it for LAN games and therefore you probably won’t have to setup anything special.

Command Line

For starting a server use the –server command line parameter. If you specify a number behind the parameter Legacy will wait for that many number of clients to connect for before beginning a game. If you use the parameter without a number it will start the game immediately and players can join in at any time. If you wish to play a Deathmatch game use the +deathmatch parameter, and then the number of the type. If you do not use +deathmatch it will default to cooperative. Other command line parameters can be used, such as –warp, which you’ll most likely want to use. Please see the command line parameter appendix for more options.

If you want to connect to a server, you can use the –connect parameter. You can specify an IP address after connect if you wish to play across the internet or with a specific machine. If you use the parameter without an IP address Legacy will search for servers and connect to the first one it finds.

In-Game Setup

If you are already running Legacy you can end your current game and start a multiplayer game without quitting the program. If you wish to start a server while running Legacy, make sure the current game has ended (select End Game in the Single Player or Multiplayer Menu). Now select Start Server from the Multiplayer menu. There are a few options you can specify.

There are also additional options that the server can specify. See the appendix on game menus for more information.

If you wish to join a server select Connect Server from the Multiplayer Menu. You are given the option to search for LAN games or internet games. If you select internet and the Master Server is online, you will receive a list of Legacy servers on the internet. LAN, will of course search the local network for any Legacy games. There is a refresh selection if you want Legacy to search again.

Windows Launcher

The launcher allows you to setup a multiplayer game as a client or server. Click on Multiplayer and you will notice two tabs, one for Client the other for Server. The Client tab has a few options. First you can select the protocol, either TCP/IP or IPX. Then you can decide if you want to record a demo or have two players on your machine in split-screen mode. Then there is an option to search for LAN games or to specify an IP address. The last option is a text box where you can type additional command line parameters.

The Server tab has a few more options. As well as the protocol selection, you are given your IP address for your network, and an option to choose how many computers will be playing (equivalent to –server #). The rest of the options resemble the Single Map portion of the launcher. An important note, however: the Additional Files text box will not work due to an error in the launcher. Instead, use the Additional Options text box and the –file parameter to specify PWADs.

New Lindefs

There are several new linedef types in the Legacy engine. This section assumes that you have a basic understanding of Doom editing. While Legacy supports many Boom linedefs, this section will only cover the linedefs unique to Legacy. Please consult Boom specific editing documents regarding Boom linedefs.

Older Linedefs

These linedefs encompass the original transparency linedefs that were implemented when Legacy had few new editing features.

Type # Description

284 Brightens everything behind the linedef, but applies a green tint.

285 Similar to the above type, but does not brighten as much.

286 Darkens everything behind the linedef without a tint.

287 Brightens everything behind the linedef without a tint.

288 Certain colors in the Doom palette become transparent on the linedef. [find these colors]

Special Linedefs

These are the newer linedefs added to Legacy which control various elements in the map.

Type # Description

240 This is an extension of the Boom’s water type (242). [document difference]

281 Creates a 3d floor in all sectors with the same tag. Uses control sector’s light level for shadow.

282 This linedef will set the colormap of the sectors sharing the same tag. [add extended documentation (upper, middle, lower) in text box]

283 Creates a “sheet” over a linedef’s middle texture. [wtf is this exactly?]

289 Creates a 3d floor in all sectors with the same tag without a shadow.

300 Creates a transparent 3d floor in all sectors with the same tag. The upper texture of the linedef can hold an alpha (opacity/transparency) value for the hardware renderer. Valid levels are #000 to #255, while the default is #127.

301 Creates transparent water in all sectors with the same tag. The upper texture of the lindef can hold an alpha value for the hardware renderer. Valid levels are #000 to #255, while the default is #127.

302 Creates 3d fog in all sectors with the same tag using the control sector’s colormap. The fog will only appear using the software renderer.

303 [get better explanation]

304 [like-wise]


Doom Legacy

A Reference Guide

Compiled by DarkWolf

Revision Date:

March 6, 2004


Legacy UDP 5029

Master Server TCP 5039

Start Server Menu:

Map Selects the starting map #

Skill Selects the skill level

Monsters On or off

Deathmatch Type 1, 2, 3 or Coop

Internet Server If yes, Legacy will try to add your server to the Master Server list if it is online

Name Displayed when client search for servers


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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